In This Episode we talk about a question we often get asked about. What to do when my dog isn't retrieving well? He isn't bringing the bird back? Or only retrieves part of the time?
In this episode we Discuss how to make your whoa training rock solid. How you can get your pup to hold point with or without the check cord. What to do if your struggling with getting your bird dog to to hold Point. The difference between yard work and field work.
In this episode we talk about what to do with a young puppy. What to do before formal training and what age to start formal training. When to start the field training with birds and guns.
Today I have a special Guest Mr. Jake Terry
Jake is a Marketing and Brand consultant for several Brands including Eukanuba Dog Food.
Jake is the Host of the Endless Migration Podcast and an Important piece of the Team that creates and distributes Endless Migration. A Platform designed to help you understand all things waterfowl.
Jake is an avid hunter spending many days a field each year. He is also a fierce competitor!
Listen in as we talk hunting, marketing, nutrition and all things Bird Dog!
In this episode we discuss with Mr. Chet Hervey about the Golden Opportunity we have to lead in the pandemic of Covid 19. The role that we can play as hunters. The objective of Project Upland! The Good Life! Also some other Exciting news about Birddogology.
There has never been a better time to live the Good life! The life of a provider! The Golden Rule has never been more important than at this time right now!
In this Episode Cliff I talk about Uplander and the passion that Cliff has for the upland Community. The importance of unplugging for a bit. How family and passion can bring us together in an uplander lifestyle.
Have you trained your dog to recall with out using a verbal command?
Learn why it's so important to lay a foundation of non verbal communication first then add the verbal as a layer on top of your non verbal foundation.
What does it take to carve out a Living as a bird dog trainer. A bird dog breeder. An Outdoors man. What does it take to reproduce world class gun dogs. How do you find a bird dog training method that anyone can apply?
In this episode we share with you an Experience of Mr. Ralph Calderon when he flew out to the kennel and spent the day with us! Ralph picked up his pup while he as here and we had the opportunity to demonstrate our Method of training. Ralph shares his experience from his point of view.
Be proactive in your training. Mold the dog you have always dreamed of. They are always learning so have a plan. Don't wing it!!
One important concept that most DIY dog trainers miss understand. They don't have a solid plan to build there bird dog. Just like you would have a blue print to build your house. You need to have a blueprint to build your dog!
One of my First Mentors in the Bird Dog World Mr Kent Forbush Stops by and we get to chat today. We share some of the hunts we have had together over the years. How Kent saw me as a young man and Starting to work dogs. We also discuss some training techniques and some of the biggest mistakes people make in training.
Listen in as I share what happened to me today with one of my very own dogs! Dogs have bad days as well! Here’s what to do about it!
Work on refreshing your dogs training so he's ready to go hunting this fall! Get his mind right before game day!
Had a change to sit down with my Good Friend Matt Davis! He's an avid upland hunter! Matt is well know for his Archery accomplishments with Hoyt! Today we talk about Bird dogs, Hunting in general, and the importance of keeping your health so you can conquer the Chukar Hills.
so many dogs come to us for training that are not ready mentally simply because they haven’t had the proper exposure training and socializing.
Had an Outstanding experience at Gamefair 2019. Wanted to share with you what we saw at the Game Fair. What we shared with others at the Fair about training and how to improve your training. Also share with you and update on Eukanuaba and the great experience we have had with there food!
Bob and I discuss everything from our experience at Eukanuaba to the importance of making your training Suitable for the age and or maturity level of your dog. We also take some time to discuss what the Unspoken bound is and how to find that with your dog! Another great episode full of great tips and sound knowledge to make you a better trainer.
The importance of research and science based nutrition
Today I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. James Hamm
James is a retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major who served 30 years on Active Duty. He worked around the world in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Colombia, Panama, Italy and German holding leadership positions for 25 years where he focused his efforts on communicating, planning and training to achieve success with Soldiers, Civilians and Dogs. He directed K9 and kennel operations in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2007 to 2011 training and supporting Military Working Dogs for the United States, Germany, Sweden, Croatia and Norway in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. His civilian canine training comes from the International School for Dog Trainers where he served and studied under Martin Deeley, an internationally renowned gundog and pet dog trainer from England who is the Co- Founder and Executive Director of the International Association of Canine Professionals (www.canineprofessionals.com) along with Pat Trichter. He earned certifications in E-Touch, basic and advanced Pet Dog Training and basic and advanced Gun Dog Training while working countless working dogs and pet dogs under Martin and Pat's instruction.James was gracious enough to share some of his method in housebreaking and socializing a young dog properly! He helps us set up our homes for success this is a must listen for every dog owner! The amount of knowledge James shares is outstanding.
Learn why structure is so important. What are the signals I need to watch for with my puppy while potty training How to develop a calm dog How I can use feeding time as a learning time Much Much More - もっと表示する