
  • Learn how to Transform Your Sales Process into a High-Efficiency Pipeline

    The importance of building and maintaining a robust sales pipeline cannot be overstated. In this episode, we explore how a well-structured sales pipeline is crucial for tracking leads, minimising human error, and aligning marketing and sales efforts to drive efficiency across the business. The necessity of an action-based pipeline, detailed note-taking, and proactive follow-up strategies that add value and keep prospects engaged.

    Joining me today is Joe Beecroft, Chief of Staff, and Zach Burkes, Chief Revenue Officer at Predictable Profits. Joe discusses the importance of a structured sales pipeline and the pitfalls businesses often encounter. Zach shares his expertise on how an organised pipeline can improve various aspects of business operations, from marketing to client onboarding. Together, they offer valuable advice on building and maintaining a robust sales pipeline to ensure sustained business success.

    In this episode you will:

    Learn how to transform your sales process into a high-efficiency pipeline by breaking down your sales cycle into distinct stages. Developing an appreciation for the significance of implementing a CRM system to track various stages and minimise human error is crucial in modern business operations. Learn to create an action-based pipeline with clear, actionable steps for each stage. Take a deeper look at how leveraging automation tools can handle routine tasks and enhance efficiency. Understand the value of setting up an effective sales process from initial contact to closing. Hear us talk about the benefits of a meticulously organised sales pipeline. Learn how the foundations of of a healthy pipeline can lead to a more predictable and successful sales outcome. Think differently about managing your sales team and their tasks within the pipeline. Gain profound insight into the essential components of an optimised sales process and uncover actionable strategies for effective implementation.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: beyond7figures.com https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/beyond-7-figures-build-scale-profit/id1476094077 https://open.spotify.com/show/311dTeS0doORrhHZUgwxfN https://predictableprofits.com/beyond-7-figures/
  • Learn how to leverage AI to propel your business Beyond Seven Figures.

    In this episode, we discuss the transformative power of artificial intelligence in business, exploring how AI can revolutionize the way companies operate and compete. We'll talk about the fears and opportunities AI brings, the importance of asking the right questions, and practical ways to leverage AI to stay ahead of the curve.

    Joining me today is Mike Koenigs, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist who's been at the forefront of digital marketing and business innovation. Mike's an absolute powerhouse with a track record that includes building and selling multiple companies, authoring 13 bestselling books, and helping thousands of entrepreneurs elevate their brands and become industry leaders. He's worked with some of the biggest names out there, including Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis, and his insights on AI and business strategy are second to none.

    Key Takeaways

    Learn how to harness the power of AI to elevate your business and achieve exponential growth. Understand the importance of integrating AI into your core operations to stay competitive. Take a deeper look at how AI can streamline your business processes and open new revenue streams. We answer a question about the potential of AI to disrupt traditional business models and how to stay ahead. Rethink your approach to innovation by exploring AI's capabilities in transforming business strategies. We talk in-depth about the collaboration between AI and human intelligence to generate groundbreaking ideas and solutions. Links: Mike Koenigs' Book: Get a free copy at MikeKoenigs.com/CGBook Digital Sales Machine Demo: DigitalCafe.ai/CG https://www.mikekoenigs.com/
  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Learn how to tap into the thriving Hispanic market to skyrocket your business.

    In this episode, we dive deep into the immense potential of the Hispanic market and how it can be a game-changer for your business. We explore the nuances of marketing to Spanish-speaking audiences, the importance of niche specialization, and how content strategy plays a pivotal role in driving conversions and growth.

    Joining me today is, Hugo E. Gomez, is a trailblazer in Hispanic marketing. As the founder of an eight-figure consultancy, Hugo has helped numerous clients achieve significant revenue growth by targeting the often-overlooked Spanish-speaking market. With his extensive background in legal marketing and a strong focus on digital-forward strategies, Hugo brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the table.

    In this episode, you will:

    Discover how to effectively market to the Hispanic community. Gain an understanding of the importance of niche marketing for business growth. Learn to leverage content strategies to enhance customer engagement and conversion rates. Take a deeper look at the digital-forward tendencies of the Hispanic market. Understand the significance of patience and long-term planning in marketing. Hear us talk about the challenges and opportunities within the Hispanic market. Think differently about content creation and its impact on business success.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned for the next episode. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: Hispanic Marketing - hispanicmarketing.com Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bilingualmarketing/
  • Learn to leverage AI, the 80/20 principle, and strategic adaptability to thrive in competitive markets.

    Today, we're taking on the topic on how to leverage AI, the 80/20 principle, and strategic adaptability to not only survive but thrive in competitive markets. We'll explore actionable insights on how you can harness these powerful tools to drive your business forward, boost productivity, and create a sustainable competitive edge. This episode is packed with real-world examples and strategies that you can start implementing right away to see tangible results in your business growth.

    Joining me is Perry Marshall, one of the most expensive and respected business strategists in the world. Endorsed by Forbes and Inc Magazine, Perry has revolutionised the marketing landscape with his books and principles, including the renowned 80/20 Sales and Marketing. He’s the mastermind behind the $10 million Evolution 2.0 Prize and has laid the foundations for the $400 billion digital advertising industry. In this episode, Perry shares his profound insights on AI, the Pareto principle, and how you can apply these concepts to achieve extraordinary business success.

    In this episode you will:

    Learn how to use artificial intelligence to streamline operations, improve customer service, and gain a competitive edge. Understand Perry Marshall’s reinvention of the Pareto Principle to maximize productivity and revenue. Learn techniques to adapt your business strategy in uncertain economic climates and thrive amidst competition. Take a deeper look at real-world applications and success stories from Perry’s extensive experience in over 300 industries. The evolving landscape of marketing, digital advertising, and business strategy. Immediate steps you can implement to leverage AI and the 80/20 rule in your business for exponential growth. Using AI to improve customer service and reduce workload.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned for the next episode. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: Evolution 2.0 - https://evo2.org/ Website: https://www.perrymarshall.com/ 80/20 Sales and Marketing: https://www.amazon.com/80-20-Sales-Marketing-Principle/dp/1599185059
  • Learn how to leverage strategic LinkedIn tactics for business growth through engagement and content.

    Strategic LinkedIn Tactics unlock the hidden potential of LinkedIn, transforming it into a business growth powerhouse. We explore the ins and outs of how to leverage LinkedIn effectively to create and nurture high-value connections, engage with meaningful content, and strategically position yourself in the market using strategic LinkedIn tactics.. We discuss why LinkedIn is more than just a professional network – it’s a critical platform for creating demand, capturing leads, and nurturing prospects. This isn’t about quick fixes or automation; it’s about rolling up your sleeves and doing the hard work that sets you apart from the competition.

    Joining me today are Joe Beecroft and Tom Trush. Joe, my chief of staff, is instrumental in overcoming growth and scaling challenges for ambitious CEOs and founders. As part of the dynamic team at Predictable Profits, he’s helped numerous companies achieve phenomenal growth, with many making the Inc. 5000 list. Tom Trush, a master copywriter and business advisor, has nearly two decades of experience generating millions in sales through direct-response marketing. Founder of Write Way Solutions and author of three insightful books, Tom brings unparalleled expertise in crafting compelling messages that resonate with today’s sceptical consumers. Together, they offer invaluable insights into leveraging LinkedIn to its fullest potential.

    In this episode you will:

    Understand how to effectively leverage LinkedIn for business growth. Learn the importance of meaningful engagement over automated responses. Discover how to create impactful content that resonates with your target audience. Find out how to build and nurture high-value connections on LinkedIn. Get tips on using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn voice drops, and other advanced tools. Hear real-world examples and success stories from two industry experts. Gain actionable advice from Joe Beecroft and Tom Trush on overcoming growth challenges and improving marketing strategies. Learn why a consistent, long-term approach to LinkedIn yields the best results.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned for the next episode. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-beecroft-3807b870/ https://tomtrush.com/ https://predictableprofits.com/
  • Learn how to scale effectively with outsourcing and virtual teams.

    Understanding how to effectively utilize outsourcing and virtual teams is more important than ever. Curious about what's crucial for any entrepreneur aiming to scale effectively? Harnessing the power of outsourcing and virtual teams is key. We'll explore how leveraging these resources can not only enhance operational efficiency but also provide substantial growth opportunities for businesses looking to expand their reach and capabilities on a global scale.

    Joining me is Brad Stevens, a seasoned entrepreneur who has mastered the art of scaling businesses internationally. As the Founder and CEO of Outsource Access, Brad has grown his company to an impressive workforce of over 500 in just 4.5 years, aiming to double that number by the end of 2024. His extensive experience and commitment to impactful outsourcing make him the perfect guest to shed light on the strategic advantages and challenges of building high-performance virtual teams. So, let’s get right into it and learn from Brad’s journey and expertise in transforming outsourcing into a powerhouse tool for business growth.

    In this episode you will:

    Discover how to harness the global talent pool to drive your business growth. Learn the strategies Brad Stevens used to scale Outsource Access and manage a workforce spread across continents. Understand the tactics that earned Brad's company recognition from Inc Magazine and other prestigious platforms. Hear firsthand stories of how outsourcing has transformed operations and led to significant business achievements. Explore what the future holds for outsourcing and virtual team management in the evolving business landscape. Know common obstacles and solutions in leading distributed teams effectively. Gain valuable tips from Brad on scaling businesses and building resilient entrepreneurial ventures.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned for a new episode next week. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://outsourceaccess.com/
  • Learn how to reject good offers to unlock exceptional opportunities.

    Every ambitious entrepreneur grapples with: transitioning from day-to-day operational success to achieving a liquidity event. I had the pleasure of chatting with Jeffrey Feldberg, a remarkable entrepreneur who once turned down a seven-figure offer. It's all about understanding the critical differences between building a business and preparing it for a high-value exit. This understanding is vital because, despite common beliefs, the skills required to grow a business aren't necessarily those needed to sell it effectively.

    Joining me today is, Jeffrey Feldberg, someone who learned this distinction the hard way and came out on top. Jeffrey rejected a 7-figure offer because he believed his business was worth much more. His intuition and determination led him to unlock the secret to a 9-figure exit. Today, he's dedicated to helping other business owners through his 90-day Deep Wealth Mastery program. With his proven 9-step roadmap, Jeffrey doesn't just prepare you to increase your company's profits and enterprise value; he prepares you to thrive beyond your business, ensuring that when opportunity knocks, you're not just present—you're ready.

    Coming up in this episode:

    Jeffrey Feldberg turned down a seven-figure offer to pursue a strategy that ultimately led to a nine-figure exit. Rejecting a good offer can lead to a great one; understand the true value of your business before you sell. Building a business and selling one require different skill sets; prepare specifically for your exit strategy. A strong leadership team and company culture are crucial for both operational success and attractive liquidity events. Empower your team for growth; ensure your business can thrive without you at the helm. Bootstrapping teaches invaluable lessons; it forces innovation and strategic problem-solving within limited resources. The right preparation changes how you run your business and can enhance its value exponentially at sale. Engage experts early; understanding the liquidity process and market expectations can prevent costly mistakes.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned for the next episode. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreyfeldberg/ https://www.deepwealth.com/the-deep-wealth-experience
  • Learn how to to harness the spectrum mindset for transforming personal challenges into business success.

    The spectrum mindset, a powerful approach to business and personal development that embraces infinite possibilities and drives remarkable achievements. This mindset isn’t just about achieving business success; it’s about transcending traditional boundaries to tackle personal and professional challenges with a fresh, expansive perspective. From this transformative approach, I've discovered that it's led to remarkable growth in every facet of my life, reshaping my understanding of success and resilience.

    Tony Frezza, a seasoned entrepreneur and the spirited force behind FitTown Jupiter, a thriving fitness community in Jupiter, Florida. Alongside his brother Andrew, Tony has not only built a successful gym but has also cultivated a 'gym family' that extends far beyond the physical walls of FitTown. With a decade of experience in coaching and leading, Tony's holistic approach to health spans the physical, mental, spiritual, and social realms. Dedicated to helping others live their fittest and fullest lives, Tony draws significant inspiration from an extensive array of self-help literature, though he considers The Bible to be the most profound source of personal growth. Join us as Tony shares insights from his journey, highlighting how challenges within his personal life have catalyzed a unique perspective on business and leadership.

    Key takeaways:

    The spectrum mindset unlocks boundless possibilities, transcending conventional limits in both business and personal spheres. A clear, mission-focused strategy can propel a fitness business beyond the seven-figure mark repeatedly. Holistic health approaches stress the importance of addressing physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being. Personal challenges, such as a family member's health issues, can profoundly shape business philosophies and drive success. Building a community culture fosters loyalty and satisfaction among members and staff. Leading with empathy and delivering genuine value justifies premium pricing and builds a loyal customer base. Continuous learning and growth from all life's experiences fuel ongoing personal and professional development for true success.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I sit with Jeffrey Feldberg. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: spectrummindset.com https://www.amazon.com/Spectrum-Mindset-Infinite-Possibilities-Transforming-ebook/dp/B0CW1L6YT9/
  • Learn how to thrive the wellness industry through innovation

    The health and wellness industry is known to be difficult to penetrate due to its saturated market and the critical importance of maintaining product relevance and customer loyalty. Entrepreneurs in this field must navigate the complexities of changing consumer preferences and the challenging task of scaling a business while maintaining the quality and integrity of the service offered. The industry is not just growing; it's being transformed by groundbreaking approaches to wellness that cater to a modern understanding of health.

    Steve Welch is co-founder and CEO of Restore Hyper Wellness, a company pioneering the shift from traditional health care to proactive wellness. He brings expertise and experience from different sectors, including biotech and venture capital, to the health and wellness franchise industry. Restore Hyper Wellness is making significant strides by introducing accessible and advanced wellness solutions aimed at enhancing everyday health and longevity. Together, we discuss the pivotal role of passion in driving business success and the strategic approach needed to achieve substantial growth and market penetration.

    Key Takeaways: Engage deeply in sectors you're passionate about for a more fulfilling career. Understand what consumers need to effectively innovate in saturated markets. Consumer loyalty and sustained engagement are driven by the essential nature of your product or service. Using A/B testing and analytics to refine strategies and improve customer experiences. Quickly adapt to feedback and make adjustments to effectively address and overcome market challenges. Adopt a methodical approach to franchising, starting on a small scale and expanding based on success. Leverage the trend towards preventative health to boost growth and improve retention.

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week for more exciting episodes. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: Restore: The Life-Changing Power of Right-Away Wellness: https://www.amazon.com/Restore-Life-Changing-Power-Right-Away-Wellness/dp/1637745095 Restore Site: https://www.restore.com/ Restore Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy Near Me - Whole Body & Local Cryo - 225+ Studios (restore.com)
  • Learn how to make your brand unforgettable and elevate your business.

    Today, we're dipping into something that is the heartbeat of any successful business: the power of branding. Not just any branding, though, but the kind that makes your business unforgettable. It's about creating a brand that resonates so deeply with your audience that it sets you apart from everyone else in the best possible way.

    Bill Kenney, the mastermind behind FocusLab. Since launching in 2009, Bill and his team have redefined what it means to work with a branding agency, elevating brands like Marketo, Netflix, and Adobe to new heights. Beyond their impressive client roster, FocusLab has played a vital role in turning 18 clients into unicorns. That's right, unicorns. Bill's recently taken his expertise to the next level with his book, "Conquer Your Rebrand," sharing the sauce behind creating impactful brands.

    Key Takeaways:

    Branding goes beyond visuals; it's about your business's story and the emotions it sparks. Rebranding can attract better clients and elevate your business. The brand must be consistent across all platforms, reflecting your authentic self. The perception of your brand by others significantly impacts your business's success and appeal. Branding is an ongoing process that evolves to stay relevant to your audience. Standing out means showcasing what makes your brand unique. Insights on strengthening your brand and offering strategies to move your business forward.

    All this and more on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when we talk to Steve Welch. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon as it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: Bill Kenney’s website: https://focuslab.agency/ Bill Kenney’s Book: https://conqueryourrebrand.com/ Bill Kenney’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/billskenney/
  • Learn how to maximize your business reach with YouTube marketing

    For businesses aiming to scale beyond 7 figures, it is crucial to understand and leverage the power of video. This emphasis on video marketing, particularly through platforms like YouTube, serves as a critical component in engaging audiences and driving conversions.

    Aleric Heck, founder of AdOutreach, has carved a niche for himself as the foremost authority on YouTube marketing. With a track record spanning over seven years, Heck has aided thousands of clients, ranging from expanding startups to established eight- and nine-figure companies, in harnessing the untapped potential of YouTube ads. His expertise lies not just in growing YouTube channels organically but also in maximizing their reach through strategic ad placements. It is important to understand the indispensable role of video in contemporary marketing strategies.

    Key Takeaways: Video marketing is indispensable for connecting with audiences and scaling business growth effectively. Maximize YouTube's potential for businesses through strategic ad placements and organic growth. Tailored YouTube ads based on behavior and search history improve viewer engagement and conversions. Incorporating video marketing into business strategies builds credibility and fosters trust. Tailoring your YouTube marketing approach to your business goals is crucial for achieving the desired outcomes. Adapt YouTube marketing strategies to align with the evolving algorithm to stay visible and relevant. Agile and innovative video marketing is vital for competitive businesses in the digital landscape.

    All this and more on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week for more exciting episodes. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon as it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: Aleric Heck's Free 19 Page YouTube Ad Strategy PDF: adoutreach.com/gift KeywordSearch, Aleric's AI Ad Targeting Software: keywordsearch.com Aleric Heck's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AlericHeckYT
  • Learn how to overcome challenges in life and entrepreneurship

    Finding your way through the tough parts of building and growing a company is full of hard spots, money troubles, too much competition, and personal challenges that test how tough and creative we are. Our journey as business owners is filled with these tough spots, but they also bring chances to grow and get better if we're brave enough to look for them. When you face those challenges head-on, it can actually help you innovate and succeed. Your business can bounce back from low points and reach the top, showing that success often comes from learning through tough times.

    Joining me in this inspiring conversation is John Rampton, a famous businessperson and expert in online marketing who started Calendar.com. John is known for never giving up and using challenges as steps to success. He's achieved a lot, including being named a top influencer by Forbes, and he's come a long way from an accident that almost stopped him from walking again to being a key player in digital marketing. John will share how to keep going when things get tough, the importance of sticking to it, and the methods that have made his businesses thrive. Together, we provide tips full of lessons on how to turn obstacles into victories.

    In this episode you will:

    Embrace adversity as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, transforming challenges into opportunities for innovation Explore emerging technologies and trends, such as AI and digital marketing tools, to stay ahead in your industry and leverage competitive advantages Prioritize customer-centric strategies in business, focusing on delivering value and excellence to foster loyalty and drive growth Invest in outstanding people, understanding that the team's quality can have a big influence on how well the projects turn out Identify the best routes to success and scalability by continuously testing and refining strategies, products, and services Seek expert advice and mentorship to accelerate learning and apply best practices in your business Balance innovation with practicality ensuring that they are grounded in real-world applicability and customer needs

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week for new episodes. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://www.johnrampton.com/ https://www.calendar.com/ https://due.com/ https://twitter.com/johnrampton https://www.facebook.com/johnrampton https://www.instagram.com/johnrampton/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnrampton
  • Learn how to plan for business growth

    We’re tackling how to boost your business's growth by making everything more efficient. We're talking about building a machine where every part works perfectly—from the systems you use, to the people you learn from, to how you make every customer count more. It's about getting straight to the point with strategies that actually work, tested in the real world.

    Joining with us is Paul Lemberg, a seasoned expert in business growth strategies, sharing invaluable insights. With extensive experience, he emphasizes customer-centric approaches, highlighting the importance of delivering value, fostering loyalty, and implementing growth plans for long-term success. Learn how to unleash the power of customer-centric strategies and supercharge your growth.

    In this episode you will:

    Focus on delivering value to customers and strategically positioning offerings across channels for revenue growth Prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty for long-term success Implement growth plans and systemize operations for streamlined processes and sustained growth through strategic planning Utilize the critical role that strategic planning plays in the expansion of businesses, emphasizing the necessity of an organized strategy and a structured approach to goals Create infinitely scalable systems for replicable business expansion Innovate financing models to support business growth and expansion Embrace continuous improvement for optimized processes and growth Focus on small details for significant business impact, valuing careful planning and execution Embrace change and experimentation, knowing small adjustments drive significant business improvement Prioritize meaningful work over traditional work-life balance for personal fulfillment and lasting professional success

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to John Rampton. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://www.lemberg.com/ https://www.lemberg.com/blog/b/the-no-strategy-strategy
  • Learn how to examine ways of utilizing income growth by making effective use of assets

    Through real-life anecdotes and actionable advice, we will discover the importance of aligning personal aspirations with financial goals and navigating the complexities of wealth creation through strategic investments. Exploring topics such as social responsibility, influence, leadership, personal branding, meaningful giving, and community building is bound to be a source of motivation and your primary source for learning the keys to wealth and financial freedom.

    Joining with us in this captivating episode is Justin Donald, a renowned entrepreneur, bestselling author, and founder of Lifestyle Investor. Justin has dedicated himself to helping others follow in his footsteps and has become financially independent because of his proficiency in low-risk cash flow investing. He is an expert at optimizing financial plans so that people can use assets wisely to boost income growth. Tune in now to the Beyond 7 Figures podcast and embark on your journey to financial liberation with Lifestyle Investor.

    In this episode you will:

    Learn the importance of prioritizing low-risk investments and simplifying financial processes for wealth growth Spread your investments in real estate, stocks, and businesses to lower risk and increase earnings Shift from trading time for money to leveraging investments and passive income for enhanced financial freedom Acquire undervalued assets and start using investments and passive income for more financial freedom Understand investments and market trends is vital for informed wealth creation decisions Learn strategies like exploring investments, seeking mentorship, and optimizing finances is crucial for financial independence Explore Lifestyle Investor's website for resources, classes, and personalized guidance on wealth creation and investment strategies

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Paul Lemberg. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://www.lifestyleinvestor.com/ https://www.lifestyleinvestor.com/consultation
  • Learn how to create social impact with your business model

    Entrepreneurship embodies the unyielding spirit of those who defy odds with tenacity. Despite societal barriers and misunderstandings, certain individuals face unique challenges in garnering early backing for their ventures. These obstacles may seem daunting, yet they refuse to be swayed. Rather, they harness their creativity to forge innovative pathways, driven not solely by personal ambition, but also by a deep-seated desire to enrich their communities.

    I am honored to have John and Mark X. Cronin as my guests today, the father-son team behind "John's Crazy Socks." John, a young man with Down syndrome, co-founded the company with his father, Mark, with a mission to spread happiness through socks. Their story is not just about a successful e-commerce business; it's a story of passion, advocacy, and the power of inclusivity, highlighting their commitment to providing employment opportunities for people with differing abilities and their contributions to charitable causes.

    Key Takeaways:

    Building a business that makes a positive impact on society is both rewarding and sustainable Provide opportunities for employment and skills development, empowering individuals to improve their lives and contribute to society The importance of having a compelling vision and purpose in business Develop clear metrics to measure the social impact of your business, allowing for continuous improvement and accountability Engaging authentically with customers builds loyalty and strengthens your brand The value of giving back to the community is an integral part of business operations Being open to learning and adapting a business model to better address evolving societal needs and challenges

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Justin Donald. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: johnscrazysocks.com facebook.com/johnscrazysocks instagram.com/johnscrazysocks twitter.com/JohnsCrazySocks linkedin.com/company/john-s-crazy-socks youtube.com/channel/UChQzvQju2SQiW9rIf5JNsVQ
  • Learn how to incorporate emerging technologies to scale business

    Building digital products and scaling businesses in the modern landscape presents many challenges and hardships, where rapid advancements can quickly render products obsolete. Staying ahead requires continuous innovation and adaptability. Scalability introduces complexities, as the infrastructure must handle increased user loads and data volumes without sacrificing performance or security. Building and sustaining a talented team, from skilled developers to effective marketers, is crucial but often challenging in a highly competitive job market.

    David Barlev is the CEO of Goji Labs. He is recognized as one of the top experts in creating digital products that people want to use. David shares his insights on living in a digital world and maximizing digital usage to take businesses to the next level. Together, we discuss the evolving landscape of digital product development and the importance of user experience in capturing and retaining customers.

    Key Takeaways:

    The focus of digital product development has shifted from engineering to user experience Creating excellent user experiences is crucial for capturing and retaining users Goji Labs provides guidance and technical expertise required to go from the idea stage to a launched product Digital products can benefit both small businesses and large companies Building a strong brand and measuring its effectiveness are important for attracting the right audience Custom-tailored solutions are often necessary for novel journeys and concepts Collaboration, training, and iteration are key elements in the digital product development process

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week. I am talking to John and Mark Cronin. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: linkedin.com/in/davidbarlev goji.com
  • Learn how to balance passion, purpose, and financial stability

    The pursuit of a meaningful and balanced life can sometimes clash with the pressure to succeed in business. It’s a delicate and intricate challenge to strike a balance between personal well-being and professional achievements. Navigating through demanding schedules, facing financial uncertainties, and managing the expectations of oneself and others requires resilience and a sense of purpose. Love fuels our passion, while meaningful connections create a supportive network that enriches both our personal and professional lives.

    My special guest today is Garrett Gunderson, an expert in wealth creation and an accomplished entrepreneur. As the founder of Wealth Factory, Garrett has helped countless individuals and entrepreneurs not only make money but also keep and grow their wealth. Together, we delve into the true meaning of wealth and how it extends beyond monetary success. We also explore society’s obsession with net worth and the constant pursuit of more money. There are more fulfilling and important things in life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Society often equates net worth with self-worth, leading us to measure our success based on external validators Practice economic efficiency - IRS, interest, investments, and insurance are where you can start Delegate roles, not tasks, to avoid micromanagement and keep the momentum Invest in yourself first because your vision, values, abilities, and passions are the highest context for your life Make your vision bigger than your problems for unlimited success When it comes to insurance, prioritize coverage for catastrophic events, not inconsequential ones. If you want to be successful and keep growing, make sure you have a big vision and focus on the right things

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to David Barlev, Founder and CEO of Goji Labs, a boutique software consultancy. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: garrettgunderson.com https://garrettgunderson.com/wealth-factory garrettgunderson.com/books youtube.com/channel/UCs--ejlVMYcMZF4tUC8yNRQ https://garrettgunderson.com/quiz
  • Learn how to drive viewers’ attention through content

    Staying on top and effectively reaching your audience requires a strategic blend of creativity, consistency, and adaptability, especially in the swipe world. You must understand the viewer’s perspective and cater to their interests. It’s crucial to focus on watch time as a primary metric for success, as it helps content rise to the top of algorithms.

    My guest is a genius, a multi-talented entertainer, and a data analyst. It’s the one and only Justin Flom. He has over 30 billion views on various platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok. Justin has successfully captured and retained attention, allowing him to turn his passion into a profitable business. Together, we share insights on how to grab and maintain attention in a swipe-feed world, where every post and piece of content competes for viewers’ time and engagement.

    Key Takeaways:

    Novelty and differentiation are crucial in a swipe-feed world Paying attention to watch time is essential for success on social media platforms Content should be tailored to meet customers’ needs The data provided by viewers is more valuable than personal preferences Consistency and the frequency of brand impressions help create demand Data-driven decision-making is essential for effective content optimization The barrier to exit on social media is low, so the content must be highly engaging throughout The choice of social media platforms depends on the audience and revenue potential Opening shots and novelty are key to capturing viewers’ attention and retaining it throughout the content

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Garrett Gunderson. Remember to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon as it’s released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: justinflom.com youtube.com/user/justinflom facebook.com/justinflomofficial
  • Learn how to scale your business with the power of AI

    As a founder and CEO, leveraging AI’s power can greatly help scale your business. AI enables automation and efficiency, freeing up time and resources for strategic initiatives. With its scalability and growth potential, AI empowers businesses to handle increasing volumes and adapt to changing needs. Fireflies is an AI meeting assistant that automatically transcribes and takes bullet notes from user calls and meetings, identifying key takeaways from the meeting. It is designed to streamline productivity and efficiency in the industry.

    Krish Ramineni will be joining me today. He is the co-founder and CEO of Fireflies. He has been recognized as one of Gartner’s top 25 enterprise software startups and Forbes 30 Under 30. Krish brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Together, we explore the impact of AI in the business world, the journey of scaling the company, the importance of taking bold risks in entrepreneurship, and provide valuable insights that entrepreneurs and business leaders can apply to their ventures.

    Key Takeaways:

    Fireflies.ai is an AI meeting assistant that transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes meetings Decision-making framework involves considering both the pros and cons and finding ways to mitigate risks Teams can achieve remarkable results by focusing on problem-solving and scaling initiatives The importance of building something that you would want to use. Finding the right product-market fit through trial and error Overcoming skepticism and headwinds in the early stages of a startup The benefits of diverse perspectives and collaboration in the decision-making process Embrace a long-term vision while being flexible in the short-term journey

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Next week, I will talk to Justin Flom, one of the most visible humans on earth. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: fireflies.ai linkedin.com/in/krishramineni twitter.com/krishramineni
  • Learn how to tailor health strategies for optimal outcomes

    It doesn’t really matter how much money you make as a business owner or as a CEO. If you don’t care for your health, you can’t enjoy any of it. Ever since my father passed away, I made it a point to prioritize health. When you’re healthy, you can do well in your job, reach your personal goals, and enjoy life. A sound health foundation contributes to increased longevity, allowing individuals to enjoy the fruits of their labor and pursue their passions well into the future.

    Ben Greenfield is an influential health and fitness industry figure, a performance consultant, and a New York Times best-selling author. Ben’s expertise lies in a wide range of health-related topics, including performance, fat loss, digestion, brain health, sleep, hormones, anti-aging, and parenting. As one of the top influencers in the field, he shares his extensive knowledge and experience to help individuals optimize their physical and mental well-being. Together, we address key concerns, debunk common misconceptions, and provide practical advice on various aspects of health and performance. Especially as business owners, we need to be at the top of our health.

    Key Takeaways:

    Adequate sleep is crucial for optimal brain function and performance Tailoring health strategies to individual genetics and needs yields optimal outcomes Defining a healthy diet depends on context, and individual needs vary A healthy gut is vital for overall health, affecting neurotransmitter production and cognitive function Regular exercise, including cardio and strength training, boosts brain function Prioritizing mental health and human connection is crucial, as loneliness adversely affects well-being Regular health screenings can provide valuable insights into one’s health status

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of Beyond 7 Figures.

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Krish Ramineni, Co-Founder and CEO of Fireflies.ai. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, be profitable.

    Links: https://bengreenfieldlife.com/ https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ben-Greenfield/author/B002LVJACA