So, let's talk about the rollercoaster ride of moving to Denmark – from the headaches of Danish bureaucracy to battling the dark winter blues. Believe me, I've been there myself and I am still learning about new coping strategies after 5 1/2 years.
Throughout my journey, the International Community Odense has been a great support for me especially with their local events. I have joined multiple events like their International Welcome Day, the Night Watchman Tour and many more before.
In this episode, I had the pleasure of getting some expert insights from Jane and Julie from the International Community Odense, as part of the Odense Kommune. We dived into their everyday experiences helping internationals settle their life in Denmark.
It is a casual conversation where I am also sharing anecdotes from my own experiences, like how it took me 3 years to find out that working overtime was perceived as something negative by my Danish manager.
What did we cover?
The challenges internationals face in Denmark and coping strategies to overcome them.Why adapting to Danish culture is key, and why it's totally okay to ask Danes for a helping hand.Navigating cultural differences at Danish workplaces and why working overtime is leaving a negative impression on your managerA sneak peek into the awesome services offered by the International Community Odense, like their Newcomer Service, services for accompanying partners and social events.Oh, and we spilled the beans on some upcoming events and networking opportunities in Odense. You won't want to miss out!Want to learn more about their events? Then sign up for their monthly newsletter or follow them on IG, Facebook or LinkedIn @International Community Odense
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Heute sprechen wir offen und ehrlich mit Julia über ihre Erfahrungen als Digitale Nomadin auf Bali. Von den anfänglichen Zweifeln bis zur Selbstständigkeit und dem umstrittenen Reverse Cultural Shock – das wird spannend!
Themen, in die wir tiefer eintauchen:
Julias Trial Round: Social Isolation und die Suche nach VerbindungJulias 4-monatiger Testlauf allein auf Bali im Angestelltenverhältnis war alles andere als ein Spaziergang. Die größte Sorge? Keine Freunde zu finden. Die erste Woche war von Isolation und Selbstzweifeln geprägt. Doch dann passierte etwas Magisches – ein Moment, der Julia zeigte, dass sie nicht allein ist. Und sie erkannte: "It's not the place, it's the people."
Mindset und Selbstständigkeit: Vom Zweifeln zur StärkeTrotz anfänglicher Unsicherheiten veränderte sich Julias Mindset. Aus Unsicherheiten wurden Stärken. Der Übergang von der Learning Zone in die Komfortzone war kein Spaziergang, aber nach vier Monaten auf Bali war sie nicht mehr dieselbe Person. Die Möglichkeit, als Freelancer auf Bali zu arbeiten, führte zu einer Lebensänderung.
Rückkehr nach Wien und der Reverse Cultural ShockDie Rückkehr nach Wien nach 4 Monaten war schwierig – der Reverse Cultural Shock traf hart. Julia erkannte, dass sie das Leben als Digitale Nomadin Vollzeit leben möchte. Die Konsequenz: Kündigung und ein One-Way-Ticket zurück nach Bali im April. Suprise, surprise! Ihr Umfeld kämpft mit ihrer Entscheidung.
What's next? Die Selbstständigkeit auf BaliJulia entschied sich für die Selbstständigkeit auf Bali, weil es sie glücklich macht. Obwohl der Abschied von Familie und Freunden schwerfällt, steht ihre Entscheidung fest. Sie fliegt zurück im April.
THIS IS A MUST LISTEN für alle, die eine ehrliche Einschätzung zum digitalen Nomadenleben auf Bali hören wollen.
Vergiss nicht, dich zum Webinar zum Thema Freundschaften im Ausland am 9.3.24, um 9 Uhr anzumelden:
Ich freue mich, wenn du dabei bist!Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Fehlende Folgen?
Meine Einladung an dich unten
Mein Leben im Ausland hat meinen 30. Geburtstag versaut! Zumindest wenn du mein 20-jähriges Ich gefragt hättest.
Damit willkommen zu meinem neuen Podcast-Format! In dieser Episode erkunden wir die wahren Struggles im Ausland, insbesondere im Kontext von Freundschaften im Ausland und persönlicher Entwicklung.Ich teile sehr persönliche Erfahrungen und reflektiere mit euch über meine Erwartungshaltung an Freundschaften und warum diese gerade als Auswanderin so wichtig sind. Dabei werfe ich einen Blick auf die Veränderungen in meinem Freundeskreis über das letzte Jahr auch in Hinblick auf meinen 30. Geburtstag!
Dies ist eine super ehrliche und vulnerable Folge, in der ich erzähle, warum das Jahr 2023 für mich besonders disruptiv war und wie mein Alter Einfluss auf meine Freundschaften nimmt. Gemeinsam verabschieden wir uns von alten Glaubenssätzen und ich teile zwei Learnings mit euch, die ihr direkt anwenden könnt.
Da das Thema so viel Interesse zeigt, biete ich am 27. Februar um 19 Uhr ein Webinar zu folgenden Themen an:
1. Mit Freunden zu Hause in Kontakt bleiben, trotz Distanz: Tipps und Tricks, wie du enge Beziehungen aufrechterhalten kannst, selbst wenn die Entfernung groß ist.
2. Neue Freunde im Ausland finden: Praktische Networking Ratschläge, um in der neuen Umgebung Kontakte zu knüpfen und echte Freundschaften zu entwickeln.3. Freundschaften vs. Bekanntschaften: Das typische Thema "How to find your tribe" und eine Übung, die dir helfen wird, Leute zu finden, mit denen zu vibst.
🫵🏻 Hast du Lust, dich mit Gleichgesinnten in einem Safe Space auszutauschen und meine besten Tipps mitzunehmen?
👉🏻 Melde dich zu meinem Webinar zum Thema Freundschaften im Ausland hier an:
Ich freue mich, wenn du dabei bist!❤️
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Find a job as an international in Denmark is hard. But fear not – Kate has uncovered the secret sauce for success. Tune in to discover:
Kate's captivating journey to Denmark for love. The inspiration behind Kate's entrepreneurial leap sparked by a conversation at language school. Proven short and long-term strategies, along with active tips, for securing your dream job in Denmark.In these tips, you'll find answers to:
Why you need to remember the Janteloven way of applying in the Danish cultural context Why to add a summary and personal profile on your CV and why they differ from each other Why it's important to contact companies for the job ad and how to ask the right questions Why your network is your social capital during the job search and how to gain and maintain your network Why you can't survive the Danish job market without LinkedIn and why you need to start posting Why you need to start inviting people to coffee meetings and the importance of paying for the coffeePsssst. Watch out, there is another special guest on this show as well.
Connect with Kate on:
IG: @careerdenmarkDo you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Today, we're diving into Mariola's wild ride from accidentally landing in Denmark to rocking it as an international entrepreneur. It's a rollercoaster of life, culture, and business in the heart of Denmark.
1. Background of Mariola as a Polish Resident in Denmark: Mariola kicks off the conversation by delving into her background as a Polish woman navigating life in Denmark. From the initial challenges of adapting to a new culture to finding her place in Danish society, Mariola shares her unique perspective on why she decided to stay in the Scandinavian Latinamerica.
2. Unlocking Danish Culture: Mariola draws from her personal experiences emphasizing the need to understand the nuances of Danish culture. She delves into the specific nuances and discusses the cultural challenges she personally struggled with.
For example:
Why Danes have no more space for new friends and how to work around this The challenge of decision making in a collectivistic country Why the lack of hierarchy is simultaneously most challenging and most rewarding3. Business Life in Denmark: The spotlight then shifts to Mariola's entrepreneurial journey in Denmark, a compelling exploration of her path as an international entrepreneur where she combined her knowledge about the challenges foreigners face in Denmark with a business opportunity.
This is relevant for you to learn:
What you should ask yourself before becoming an entrepreneur The importance of knowing your strengths and outsourcing Lessons learned about Entrepreneurship in Denmark as a Foreigner Final Recommendations and free resources for other prospective entrepreneurs in DenmarkDo you have questions for Mariola? Reach out via:
Her busines:
Any questions or feedback? I am looking forward to your message on
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Kann man Familienmensch sein und im Ausland leben? Ein Balanceakt zwischen schlechtem Gewissen und seinen Träumen im Ausland folgen, um sich selbst treu zu bleiben.
Das ist die wohl persönlichste Podcastepisode, die es je auf meinem Podcast “Beyond an Ordinary Life” gab. Mein Schwester Anna-lena Geiken, bekannt über den IG Account @selbstbautdiefrau, und ich sprechen ehrlich über unsere Familienerfahrungen.
Wir klären auf:
Warum mein Wunsch ins Ausland zu ziehen ein No-Go für meine ostfriesische Familie war und warum niemand diesen Traum ernst genommen hat.Warum mein größter Struggle mein schlechtes Gewissen gegenüber meine Familie ist und wie wir uns diesbezüglich ausgesprochen habenWas wir heute als Familie anders gemacht hätten und wie wir mittlerweile nach 7 Jahren im Ausland damit umgehen.Hilfreiche Tipps für Deutsche im Ausland als auch deren Familienmitglieder in Deutschland (z.B. Warum es so wichtig ist, dass die Familie einen im Ausland besucht, wenn finanziell möglich)Eine emotionale Reise voller Erkenntnisse und inspirierender Ratschläge für andere Weltenbummler und deren Familien, die den Weg ihrer Kinder ins Ungewisse unterstützen wollen.
Für Feedback dieser Episode schreibe mir gerne auf:
Folge Anna-Lena @selbstbautdiefrau
IG: you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
From the movie theater to my podcast - meet Carlo Loiudice. Join this inspiring journey with Carlo as he shares the incredible story of his leap from Southern Italy to the vibrant city of Berlin 12 years ago. Imagine moving to a new country with no job, limited language skills, but a dream to live in this multicultural city, Berlin. Carlo's story is a testament to the fact that you don't need everything figured out; all you need is an internal desire and the willingness to be flexible and adapt.
At 37, Carlo challenged conventional wisdom, proving it's never too late to move abroad, no matter the age. However, it wasn’t all fun and games. Join us as he reflects on his first weeks in Berlin, the highs of excitement, the lows of frustration, and the moments of feeling like he'd ruined his life. From unconventional jobs to establishing a career as a German actor without mastering the language initially, Carlo's journey is a lesson in resilience and determination. Nowadays, he can proudly say that he’s built himself an unconventional career in Berlin, working remotely as an actor, life coach, and public speaking coach.
Listen closely as he unravels the cultural shocks he encountered in Germany, shedding light on the nuances of German directness and navigating the labyrinth of German bureaucracy.
Besides all the initial challenges, Carlo has never looked back, never regretted his choices, and never considered returning to Italy. His perspective on the importance of living in different European countries adds a compelling layer to this episode, inviting you to contemplate the enriching experiences that await those who dare to step outside their comfort zones. Join us for an episode that proves the beauty of embracing the unknown and finding success in the most unexpected places.
Follow Carlo:
Join his public speaking course in Berlin: you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Sophie, eine 23-jährige Azubi aus Deutschland, nimmt uns in dieser fesselnden Podcast-Episode mit auf eine aufregende Reise in die Welt von "Erasmus Plus für Azubis". Erfahrt, wie sie die Möglichkeit ergriff, voll finanzierte und organisierte Auslandserfahrungen zu sammeln, die ihr Leben nachhaltig veränderten.
Die Episode beginnt mit einer lehrreichen Lektion darüber, warum man niemals aufgeben sollte. Sophie träumte zunächst davon, nach Irland zu gehen, doch als sich diese Tür schloss, war sie flexibel und öffnete eine andere – eine, die sie nach Dänemark führte. Diese anfängliche Enttäuschung war der Schlüssel zu einem neuen und aufregenden Kapitel in ihrem Leben.
Sophies inspirierende Geschichte setzt sich mit ihren Erfahrungen in Dänemark fort. Von den ersten Schritten im unbekannten Land bis hin zu ihren ersten Eindrücken und Erfahrungen in einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld, erfahrt ihr, wie Erasmus Plus ihr Leben bereicherte.
Doch die Reise war nicht ohne Herausforderungen. Sophie teilt ihre Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse darüber, wie sie Sprachbarrieren überwunden hat und wie ihre Familie auf ihr Abenteuer reagiert hat. Sie gewährt uns auch Einblicke in ihre Unterkunft und das Leben in einer Wohngemeinschaft in der Fremde.
Sophies Abenteuer führte sie in die dänische Kultur, und sie erzählt von den kulturellen Unterschieden, die sie fasziniert haben.
Für alle Azubis wie dich, die von ähnlichen Abenteuern träumen, bietet Sophie wertvolle Tipps und Ratschläge, wie auch sie bezahlt und organisiert ins Ausland gehen können, unabhängig von ihrem Ausbildungsberuf. Sie zeigt auf, wie Flexibilität und Beharrlichkeit der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind.
In dieser Episode erfahrt ihr außerdem, wie sich der anfängliche Schock in Begeisterung und Alltag im dänischen Startup verwandelt hat. Sophie teilt ihre persönlichen und beruflichen Erfahrungen in Dänemark und gibt Einblicke in die Zukunft und die Möglichkeiten, die sie noch erwarten.
Sophie betont, dass Erasmus Plus für Azubis eine unschätzbare Gelegenheit ist, um nicht nur die Welt, sondern auch sich selbst zu entdecken. Ihr Abenteuer zeigt, dass es nie zu früh ist, Träume zu verwirklichen, und dass Erasmus Plus eine Tür zu endlosen Möglichkeiten öffnen kann.
Hört rein, um die inspirierende Geschichte von Sophie zu erleben und lasst euch davon motivieren, eure eigenen Abenteuer zu beginnen. Diese Episode ist ein Schatz an Informationen für alle, die davon träumen, die Welt zu erkunden und wertvolle Arbeitserfahrung im Ausland zu sammeln.
Sophies Reise ist der Beweis dafür, dass das Drängen, die Welt zu entdecken, die Flexibilität und die Hartnäckigkeit eine außergewöhnliche Zukunft gestalten können.
Für den Link zur Organisation, schreibe mir gerne auf Instagram: @chrigerdes
#Auszubildene #AzubiimAusland #Auslandserfahrung #ErasmusPlusDo you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Join us on this captivating episode as we explore Marina's extraordinary journey of self-discovery. From overcoming shyness to embracing the unknown, Marina's experiences living and working abroad will inspire you. Discover her thrilling adventures on a cruise ship, where every day meant waking up in a different country. Witness Marina's transformation from a shy individual to a confident explorer, and learn valuable lessons about authenticity and acceptance. Follow Marina as she navigates the challenges of returning home and makes the bold decision to follow her dreams. Hear how her mindset evolved through her encounters with different cultures, and be inspired by her resilience and unwavering pursuit of a fulfilling life. Don't miss this episode of Beyond an Ordinary Life where Marina's story reminds us of the power of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the uncertainties of life. Tune in now to embark on a remarkable journey filled with personal growth, cultural insights, and the triumph of the human spirit.
The transformative power of stepping out of your comfort zone: Discover how Marina's experiences working on a cruise ship pushed her to overcome shyness and embrace new opportunities for personal growth.The value of authenticity and self-acceptance: Hear Marina's advice on staying true to yourself, not changing for others, and finding acceptance as a catalyst for personal and professional development. The challenges and rewards of living and working abroad: Gain insights into Marina's adventures abroad, including the exhilarating experiences of waking up in different countries and the lessons she learned from diverse cultures.The impact of mindset and perspective on life: Explore how Marina's mindset evolved through her travels, teaching her to seize the moment, find joy in the simplest things, and navigate challenging times with resilience.The importance of following your dreams and creating your own path: Be inspired by Marina's journey as she faces societal expectations and makes the courageous decision to pursue her dreams, even when it means venturing into the unknown.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
14:28: "You don’t recognize it sometimes, but you’re changing a lot, and you don’t recognize these steps that you’re improving, and suddenly you’re saying “oh let's do a second contract".”
16:38: "I guess the best advice is just be yourself. Don’t change yourself for anybody."
28:09: ”Damn, Marina, what are you doing now? What are you doing with your life?”
29:50: “Marina, are you doing jobs that are paying your bills or follow your dream?"
37:07 So in Spain, a lot of people are so poor. But poor of money. But in their heart, they are super rich.”For questions of inspiration, connect with Marina on IG: @ontheotherseaside
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Embark on a captivating discussion as Jessica Morari, an expat and career coach, joins us to explore the remarkable experiences and insights on the transformative power of living abroad. In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Jessica shares her personal story of moving from Italy to Spain as a hospitality professional and her subsequent journey as a career coach in the vibrant city of Dubai. Together, we dive into the nuances of living abroad and the profound impact it can have on our lives.
Right from the start, Jessica unveils her initial misconceptions about Dubai, recounting how they were shattered when she discovered its innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. We dive deep into the allure of Dubai for aspiring entrepreneurs, exploring topics such as favorable tax conditions, extensive networks, and a supportive community that thrives on collaboration.
Moving forward, our discussion takes us on an exploration of the impact of relocating to a different country on career development. Jessica sheds light on the potential ups and downs of such a transition, highlighting how it can either provide a significant boost for promotion or present unexpected challenges that require adapting and redefining one's core values.
As our conversation unfolds, we dive into the complexities of shifting job descriptions to a new location and the importance of local experiences and language skills in navigating these challenges. Jessica emphasizes the significance of managing emotions throughout the expat experience, revealing how they are deeply intertwined with both personal and professional growth.
We talk about cultural clashes and the transient nature of living in a foreign culture, sharing personal stories that shed light on the professional advantages of learning the local language and the profound impact it can have on career development, cultural understanding, and fostering meaningful connections.
Our discussion further delves into the exploration of visa restrictions and their impact on job flexibility, providing valuable insights for individuals contemplating a move abroad. We engage in a thought-provoking exchange on whether moving abroad is a prerequisite for career success, or if one can still distinguish themselves on the global job market by highlighting experience abroad.
Together, we unveil the transformative effects of living abroad as Jessica reflects on how the experience can reshape one's personality, foster cultural awareness, independence, and ignite a newfound appreciation for home. Throughout the episode, she shares inspiring quotes from her own journey and those of others who have thrived in challenging situations, reminding us that the most fulfilling opportunities often arise from unexpected paths.
Our discussion culminates with practical strategies for managing expectations while living abroad, from salary expectations to job hunting and finding a sense of fulfillment. Jessica's personal story serves as a testament to the resilience and growth that can be achieved through embracing the expat journey.
Don't miss this enlightening episode that will inspire you to seize the opportunity to live abroad, discover new cultures, and unlock your full potential. Whether you're contemplating a move or already living abroad, Jessica Morari's profound insights will resonate deeply and encourage you to embrace the transformative power of the expat experience.
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
In this special anniversary episode, join me as we revisit the most insightful moments and memorable highlights from all 17 episodes of the past year. Get ready to listen to the most insightful learnings about life abroad, and thought-provoking quotes that highlight the essence of our journey together. From inspiring stories of those who embarked on life-changing adventures to practical tips for navigating the challenges of moving abroad, this episode is a curated collection of the wisdom gained along the way.
Whether you're a seasoned expat, a curious traveler, or simply seeking inspiration for your own path, this episode will ignite your wanderlust and leave you with valuable takeaways that will resonate long after the episode ends.
Join me as we celebrate this milestone and rediscover the transformative power of embracing the life beyond the ordinary.
#anniversary #expatlife #lifeabroad #livingabroad #travelstories #wanderlustDo you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
In this episode, join Jasan, a Danish student, as he takes us through his exchange semester in Kuala Lumpur. From feeling lost in the process of preparation to the transformative power of solo travel, Jasan shares captivating insights that shaped his time abroad.
Jasan expresses gratitude for the guidance he received during the overwhelming preparation process, emphasizing the value of having someone to navigate through the abundance of information.
Choosing Kuala Lumpur as his study abroad destination, Jasan sought personal growth by challenging himself to break free from the tendency of people from the same nationality to stick together. He embraced the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds.
Solo travel played a pivotal role in Jasan's journey, allowing him to become more open to meeting new people and letting go of the fear of judgment. Inspired by the "American role model," he encourages others not to worry about what people think, as their opinions hold less significance than imagined.
Upon arriving in Kuala Lumpur, Jasan embraced the city's cultural differences and started university, immersing himself in an international educational environment. He found inspiration in the expat culture and co-working spaces, fueling his desire for an international career.
Jasan acknowledges that studying abroad doesn't always go as planned. He highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in facing challenges, which ultimately shaped him into a more flexible and open-minded individual.
Reflecting on his travels in Southeast Asia, Jasan draws fascinating parallels between Danish and South Korean cultures, expanding his cultural understanding.
In closing, Jasan expresses deep gratitude for the life-changing opportunity to live in a different country. He cherishes the friendships formed abroad and encourages others to embrace solo travel for its unique ability to foster personal growth and cultural immersion.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:
The Power of asking for helpWhy it's important to embrace cultural diversity and not only stick to people with the same nationality Why there is a power in solo traveling and how it leads to personal growth Why studying abroad doesn't go always as planned and why adaptability and resilience are keyWhy the Danish and Malaysian educational systems are different and how to embrace these differences Why making international experiences are life-changing opportunitiesThese are my favorite quotes of the episode:
2:28: “I was totally lost in the process. Especially because there is so much information coming, and it was a lot. I was so helpful with you helping me out with the process.” 06:32: “I wanted to challenge myself In the way to go out meeting people and not be restricted to a small group.” 10:45 “I think that is the best tip I can give is “Don’t worry so much what people think of you because in the end of the day you are probably never going to see them again.” 01:01:19: “You don’t really have this opportunity a lot in your life where you can just like put everything to the side and just live in a completely different country. And I am super grateful to have had that possibility."Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
In this episode, I share my personal experience of leaving my small hometown to pursue a life abroad. I faced resistance from my family, and left behind my friends and a long-term relationship to follow my dreams of exploring the world.
Through my journey, I learned valuable lessons about resilience, cultural openness, and the importance of pursuing one's own goals. I discuss the challenges of leaving loved ones behind and dealing with feelings of guilt, but also the rewards of gaining new experiences, perspectives, and lifelong friendships.
If you're considering moving abroad and feeling unsure about taking the leap, tune in to this episode to hear my inspiring story and why I believe that pursuing a life beyond the ordinary is worth the risks.
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Welcome to part 2 of our interview with Mariana on this episode of the podcast. In this episode, we discuss some practical tips on how to determine where to move and budget your move. Mariana shares her experience of financing life in Switzerland and some money-saving tips when moving abroad.
We also dig into the topic of finding a job in Switzerland and the Swiss application process. Mariana shares her insights into the Swiss work culture and why it's worth trying out new things. She explains why expat advice is always subjective and every expat experience can be different.
We also talk about the challenge zone and how to become a new person through it. Mariana stresses the importance of resilience as a transferrable skill for life and we conclude why keeping a diary when moving abroad can be helpful. She also shares why expat coaching might be for you.
In the wrap-up, Mariana answers some signature questions. Don't miss out on this insightful episode packed with valuable information for anyone planning to move abroad or looking to make a change in their life.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:
Learn how to effectively finance your move abroad as an expat, including tips and strategies for budgeting and saving. Get practical guidance on finding a job in Switzerland, including what you need to know to increase your chances of success. Discover how to use your expat experience to personally grow and develop, both professionally and personally. How to build resilience through the ups and downs of expat life and why moving abroad is a confidence booster and helps you develop transferable skills.These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
20:56: ”Moving abroad - no matter how it is, it will always shape us and it will always make us grow because everyone says that you grow outside of your comfort zone, and it is true. 23:36: “That its’ not only about the highs, but it’s also about the lows and how to actually navigate through those.” 24:04: ”I remember someone telling me like pain is a learning opportunity as well. Even when you are in a very dark place or whatever it might be, you’re always going to overcome it and you’re always going to learn from it.” 26:16: ”I think that’s why it’s so nice to move abroad, because even if one day you decide to go back, you’re going to be a completely new version of yourself and you’re going to trust yourself so much more because you know that you can overcome anything.”Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
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Join me as I delve into the inspiring story of Mariana, a brave expat who left Portugal in 2018 for a new life in Edinburgh. Discover the challenges she faced and how she persevered through the struggles of settling down abroad. In this first part of our interview, Mariana shares the lessons she learned along the way and the journey that led her to Geneva, Switzerland.
Whether you're considering a move abroad or are currently navigating the complexities of expat life, this episode is a must-listen. Get an inside look at the difficulties of adjusting to a new country and culture, the impact of language barriers, and what to expect from the Swiss tax system.
Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical tips on how to overcome the hardships of moving abroad and take ownership of your own situation. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from Mariana's experience and insights.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:
Discover the struggles of moving abroad and why the first weeks and months can be so difficult.Learn why Mariana made the decision to leave Portugal and move to Edinburgh, Scotland and later to Geneva, Switzerland.Gain practical tips on how to overcome the hardships of expat life and the importance of taking ownership of your own situation.Understand the real impact of language barriers and how not to take difficult situations personally.Get a glimpse into the unique challenges of adjusting to life in Geneva, including things that are hard to get used to in the Swiss culture.These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
04:22 “The thing that I was always telling myself, was, I can always come back, and I don’t know what it's going to be, but I can try, I can go and if I hate it then I’ll come back.” 04:37: “And I remember the night before I went to Edinburgh, I was like crying and my parents were like ‘you don’t have to go’ and I was like ‘no I should. I really want to go and see how it goes and so on’. I ended up going.” 12:39: “I think it’s one of the reasons why I also became an expat coach because at the time I didn’t know anything of what I know right now … sometimes it's so easy to get in that space of overwhelm, that space of ‘OMG, nothing goes right or why is it so hard or why is it me and everyone else seems to have it all figured out and so on.” 13:00: “It can be so easy to fall in that trap, but sometimes it's really about: How can I be more in touch about how I feel, how can I be more in touch with things I like? What can I try? So really to try to take steps… to really step out of that hole that sometimes we can dick for ourselves”Make sure to listen to Part 2 in two weeks to learn:
Learn how to effectively finance your move abroad as an expat, including tips and strategies for budgeting and saving.Get practical guidance on finding a job in Geneva, including what you need to know to increase your chances of success.Discover how to use your expat experience to personally grow and develop, both professionally and personally.Explore why everyone's expat experience is unique and what you can do to create the life that you truly want, regardless of your circumstances.Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Today, my guest Chrysa is sharing her journey moving from Greece to Denmark. She uncovers the truth about finding a job as a foreigner and why she thinks it's important to leave your home base to move abroad.
How to increase your chances of finding a job in DenmarkHow to receive unemployment money in DenmarkHow the Danish work culture differs from other culturesHow to overcome cultural barriers with the DanesWhy it's so important to move abroad
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
“I decided to leave everything behind. I settled a good life, you know, with everything actually and come here. And again, my family was like, ‘Are you crazy? You’re in a well-paid job, you have your friends, you have your boyfriend, what are you doing?’ But I was like my happiness is above all. So; I just left and came here.” “It was a struggle for me to meet new people because all the people in my class were only online. And Danes are not that open and extroverted as Greeks. Moving in a different culture with people I never met, because I never met someone from Denmark before, was very difficult for me to start meeting people. I remember we have a group from my Masters. I posted there, ‘Who would like to grab a coffee?’. There are 150 people in the group. No one replied.” “I believe that the most important thing is not only applications, it's about getting yourself out of the door and try to meet the people, the companies, and to get to know what you want. The better way to do it is to get to know the others, too. So, I went to different events to try to understand the business world here, and that’s how I came across robotics.” “I’ve seen something that in Greece is not a thing that much. After 4 o’clock or 3.30 you just go home, and you’re with your family and your kids and your employer doesn’t bother you at all. This is something that I saw in my previous employer as well. This is not something that is only in this company. It's in all the Danish companies. There is work-life balance. People respect you, and they don’t feel like they own you. … No matter what is your age. If you have an opinion, and you have arguments about this opinion, they actually let you express it, and they listen to you.” ”Being an international, I can tell you: it's not everything easy. It’s very difficult. I’ve been rejected from jobs because I don’t fit culturally into the team as the other person that they interviewed. Because I don’t speak Danish fluently. Because someone has more experience than I do.” “Yes, because you meet new people and new mindsets and you’re learning. And I think this is the thing: Learning. Because when you’re in one country forever, you’re in your comfort zone. What is the point, if it’s not a challenge, then what is the point? We are not meant to be in our comfort zone as humans, I think.” “I think I learned to be more resilient and being proactive and persistent on what I want. Not listening to what other people are saying. I try to teach this to myself, because I am coming from a culture where it’s a lot about what the others are going to say. Mainly because of the religion. But I taught myself it doesn’t matter what the others are saying because they are not living your life. And also, everything is possible.”Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Today, my guest Chrysa is sharing her journey abroad with us, leaving Greece to study in Romania. She also shares her experience being paid to doing a European Voluntary Service in Turkey for a few months and how you can do it, too.
How to survive the first days when moving abroad and wanting to go back homeHow to finance your stay abroad How to deal with pushback of your family of your dream of moving abroad Why it's so important to move abroad and travel to break down stereotypesHow to move abroad for free in Europe for a few months program
This is part 1 of the interview with Chrysa. Make sure to check out part 2 to learn how to land a job in Denmark.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
02:37: “I always had a feeling that...You know, Greece was really nice. I grew up in Greece. But there was something missing. I had always the curiosity of how the people outside of my country look like. Because, you know, when you travel for a week or five days, you don’t really see and experience the same thing.” 04:48: “And someone translated that to me, but it was the first time that I realized ‘OMG what am I doing? Where am I going?’” 04:53: “The first days were a struggle. Exactly because I was like maybe I did a mistake or I miss home. Then I was like ‘no - let’s go and make the most out of it’. Because the worst-case scenario is that it's just 5 months and you can just go back. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. But I did struggle a lot in the beginning.” 05:35: “You get to know yourself better. You get to know what your boundaries are and who you really are because you’re kind of forced to be with yourself a lot.” 07:12: ”I started meeting people. I started going around walking in the city and I started to see how beautiful the city was and then I started classes in uni. I was like ‘Try to find good things’ because not everything is bad. Our mind is programmed to see the negative stuff first. But if you start to think about it and start listing and writing down the good things... I think in the end of the day I saw that the good things and what I am learning is more than the bad.” 09:54: ”We have a lot of stereotypes in our minds about everybody all over the world. So, we have a lot of negative stereotypes about what other people are and this was also my main motive behind going abroad. I wanted to see whether these stereotypes were actually true and I found that they are not.”Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
Today, my guest Isabel is sharing her journey going from a police social worker to becoming a Reiki and Sound healing teacher in India. Learn how she was able to find her real passion and purpose in life through traveling in countries like Bali, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Africa, Sri Lanka and Australia.
How to overcome the fear of being alone when traveling solo How to finance traveling through South East Asia at the age of 17How to overcome the criticism of family and friends and how they become more supportive over timeWhy it is hard to come back home after traveling Why quitting a job is scary but turned out to be the best decision for Isabel How to find your career passion through travelling
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
6:52: “Am I going to be lots alone, and how is it going to be in a hostel, and is it going to feel naturally to me to talk with lots of people that I actually don’t know? I was so scared for this."7.35: “Lots of people are traveling alone, and you’ll meet them anywhere.” 13:09: “I came back after my first travel, and it was kinda hard. To be honest, I actually really didn’t like to go back home.” 15:39: “Of course I was kinda scared, because it's so nice to have the safety, but I am even more scared to feel stuck.” 26:23 “This was the best experience ever, really. I was so amazed by how much you can give and how much they were willing to give and there was just so much love to share."42:28: “In India, as soon as you go outside, everything is a struggle. I kinda like it because it’s an adventure, but I am missing the comfort sometimes.” 48:07: “I think you will go through so many low moments where you will learn so much about yourself, but then the high moments are higher than you could imagine. You’re living, live the fullest.”If you have more questions about sound healing and Reiki, then reach out to Isabel on IG: @isabel.branderhors
Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
In Part 1 in episode 9, my guest Aadya shares her story of living abroad in the United States of America during her childhood and moving ten times to different cities due to her Dad's jobs. Find out why she loved it and why she decided to do her Masters in the UK (pre-Brexit) instead of the US. Learn how cultural differences between India and the UK challenged her perceptions of punctuality, and why it was difficult for her to move from a collectivistic to an individualistic country.
Why it's so important to do your research on where to study abroad How to find an apartment and a job abroadThe pro's and con's for doing a 1-year Masters program in the UKWhy it's so important to socialize with other students within the first weeksWhy studying abroad changes the trajectory of your life and opens new opportunities, possibilities and ways of thinking to you
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
07:12:“I was like, 'oh yeah, I will have a Masters by the time I am 21' - and I don’t know why I was very excited about that. It was just cool to me. Now I look back and who cares.. I mean, yes, I got a good job. If I had gone back, I would have probably chosen something that was a little bit longer. Because by the time I have the energy and time to have settled in the country and the environment, my course was almost over.18:00: "I feel like when you go outside, you meet people who are doing completely different things which you never ever thought was even possible, and then you’re like “this is so cool”. You going to Kuala Lumpur, for example, that’s really like cool to me. 22.24: "I think I would say do your research on where you want to go. Id say really do your research on where you want to go and not just think this country is nice, or this university is nice. But you need to look at everything. You need to look at the people, the country, the language, the education, the degree you’ll get, the friends you think you can make. You need to look at it holistically."23:21: "Even just something like socializing. I didn’t realize the need for socializing. I am a bit introverted. So to me, I did not realize the need that in the first few weeks of college I need to like socialize as much as possible. That actually makes an impact on the rest of your stay there, because those friends will be with you pretty much throughout - and I didn’t really realize that."Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! -
In this episode, my guest Aadya shares her story of living abroad in the United States of America during her childhood and moving ten times to different cities due to her Dad's jobs. Find out why she loved it and why she decided to do her Masters in the UK (pre-Brexit) instead of the US. Learn how cultural differences between India and the UK challenged her perceptions of punctuality, and why it was difficult for her to move from a collectivistic to an individualistic country.
Difference between collectivistic and individualistic countries Why you should not only try to make friends from your country of originWhat a GMAT is and where you need it to study abroadWhy Aadya thinks that British people are super politeWhat a cultural melting pot isWhy it is important to make friends with internationals and locals and not only people from your hometown
This is part 1 out of 2.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn:These are my favorite quotes of the episode:
14:34:"When he left I was actually kinda overwhelmed and sad because I hadn’t been away from home before."17:41:"We were actually making jokes even when the pandemic started because for physical meetings every time someone was late they’ll be like “oh traffic” and then I was like what are you gonna say now “internet traffic” for virtual meetings?"18:46:“I think just they way they talk is super polite and I loved it, I absolutely loved it” 25:12:"I love being exposed to different cultures. I don’t want to be someone who just only hangs out with other Indian people or other people from the US when I go somewhere new. Because I think that defeats the purpose."Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot! - Mehr anzeigen