
  • Producing a Fashion Photoshoot

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    We have a pretty large fashion campaign we’re doing in the studio tomorrow. This got me thinking about discussing all of the essential steps required in the pre-production of having a successful fashion campaign. Let’s get into it.

    “Once we set the theme, that will help us dictate all the other decisions we have to make.”


    What pre-production looks like in order to ensure the campaign goes successfully

    The importance of developing the theme or overall art direction of the campaign.

    Is the location important?

    How James selects his models.

    The different teams that need to be hired.

    What storyboarding looks like and why James does it.

    One of the earliest mistakes James made in his career.

    The balance of creating commonality along with variety.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Creating Community Over Competition with Corey Speigel

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Today, we’re talking about the power of human connection. It is so easy to get lost in this endless sea of competition and comparison. It’s so simple to put yourself on an island and to contrast yourself against the rest of your industry and community. In this episode, we’re talking about working through that and forming connections.

    My guest today is Corey Speigel, she’s the founder of The Lighthouse.

    “ people are very accepting when you peel back that layer and get real.”


    Corey’s inspiration behind her business and what she does.

    What human connection is and why it’s important.

    Why there may be resistance to human connection in today’s world.

    How to get people to engage and connect and why being silent isn’t an option.

    The cons of social media.

    Connect with Corey

    Website: www.findyourlighthouse.com

    Instagram: @findyour_lighthouse

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

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  • Photographers Who Suck

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Some photographers just suck, so in this episode, let’s give them a name.

    “The common denominator is them.”


    A list of photographers who really suck and why.

    What these photographers are doing in their free time.

    Advice for the photographers who made this list.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Self-Care for the Modern Entrepreneur with Daniel James

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    I still need to be reminded about the importance of prioritizing ourselves so that we can show up better in other places. We’re going to chatting about self-care today and where self-care could potentially be going.

    My guest today is the founder and CEO of Vortex, Daniel James.

    “When you feel good, you do better.”


    Daniel’s company and why he felt it was needed in the marketplace.

    Spa culture.

    Are men more resistant to self-care?

    The side effects of not taking care of yourself.

    What makes Vortex different.

    Helping people reframe what self-care means to them.

    The most common objections people have to self-care.

    Where Daniel sees this industry going.

    Connect with Daniel

    Website: www.vortexwellness.ca

    Instagram: @vortexwellness.ca

    Personal Instagram: @danielcjames

    After free trial: 15% off for life with the code VORTEX: www.nucalm.com

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Should Photographers Give RAW Files to Clients?

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Today, we’re addressing the question, “Should you as a photographer be giving away your RAW files?” Lets dive into it!

    “Asking for the RAW file ensures you’re getting the highest quality and highest file size.”


    Multiple reasons why clients may ask for the RAW files.

    Why certain clients may need unedited photos.

    Understanding photo rights and usage.

    The divisive stances between photographers on this topic.

    The importance of knowing the clients wants and needs.

    Is there a right or wrong answer to this question?

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • When to Hire a VA with Kaelyn Marie Fuglaar

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Today, we’re talking all about outsourcing: when to outsource, what tasks you should outsource, and how to get the most ROI when you choose to outsource. I’ve been outsourcing work for 18 years of the 20 years I’ve been in business and I can you that I wish I would’ve outsourced 2 years sooner.

    My guest today is Kaelyn, the owner of Kaelyn Marie Virtual Assistant, who has also been the podcast editor of our show for years.

    “Having someone who believes in what you’re doing is going to also show in their work and their work ethic in what they do for you.”


    Kaelyn’s journey to become a virtual assistant.

    How to determine what areas of your business you should outsource.

    Gaining trust with the people you outsource to.

    The importance of feedback and communication in your work relationships.

    Ways to find the right person for your business and the questions you should be asking.

    Calculating your hourly rate.

    Why you don’t need your team members to be in-person anymore.

    Connect with Kaelyn

    Instagram: @kaelynmarievirtualassistant

    Website: www.kaelynmarieva.com

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • 7 Ways to Get MORE Clients as a Photographer

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    There is a very finite number of things a photographer can do to get work. In this episode, we’re diving into the 7 things a photographer can do to get more clients.

    “Nothing will work better than manual outbound.”


    7 different strategies to get new clients.

    How paid ads have changed over the years and how you should be using it in your business.

    What’s less costly and can be more effective than paid advertising.

    Why word of mouth marketing leads to the highest conversion rate.

    How to achieve the highest ROI.

    What to do right now if you have a smaller budget.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Why Your Ads Aren’t Working with Jason Wojo

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    In this episode, we’re talking about how we can best leverage advertising to enhance the awareness of our brand and generate leads for our business. We’re also going to dissect what works in advertising and what may be a useless investment.

    My guest today is Jason Wojo. He’s a 9 figure advertiser and the owner of Wojo Media.

    “We’re in a space where everybody’s mind is cookie cutter and we’re trying to get business owners out of that.”


    How Jason runs his agency differently than most.

    Why controversies sells

    The biggest mistakes entrepreneurs are making when running their ads.

    How to get better results when hiring an agency.

    Speed is not always better.

    How much you should spend on ads and when you can expect a return on ads.

    What a ramp up looks like.

    The power of video ads.

    Why having accountability plays a huge role.

    The reason entertainment content has worked better than any other content.

    Do people watch replays?

    What we can anticipate moving forward to capture people’s attention.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Connect with Jason

    Instagram: @thejasonwojo

    Website: www.thewojomedia.com

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Why We Closed Get Published LIVE

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    In this episode, we’re sharing about why we’re closing the doors on something that we worked on over the last 10 years.

    “We decided we no longer wanted to be on the sidelines.”


    The original event and where the idea came from.

    The history of previous events.

    The reason behind our rebrand in 2022.

    Why we’re retiring the Get Published LIVE brand and what’s coming next.

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Getting Your Brand Published with Chelsea Clarke

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    In this episode, I have Chelsea Clarke with me, the editor of Icon Refined Magazine. We’re talking about leveraging the power of earned media to amplify brand awareness and generate leads for your business.

    “You have to figure out what you’re bringing to the table, where it could best be placed and who’s listening to that.”


    Takeaways and observations Chelsea had after meeting face-to-face with the attendees of this year’s Get Published Live event.

    What obstacles attendees were able to work through at the event.

    Getting clear on what media you want and why.

    Figuring out where to place your message.

    How to resist putting media pitches on the back burner.

    A glimpse behind what happens on the receiving side of your pitch.

    How to get noticed by editors.

    Connect with Chelsea

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @iconrefinedmag

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Growth of Independent Magazines with Kaneo Biggs & Chelsea Clarke

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    In this episode, I have two amazing guests with me; Chelsea Clarke, the editor of Icon Refined Magazine and the one and only, Kaneo Biggs, Publisher and Editor in Chief of Ellements Magazine.

    Today, we’re diving into how magazines have changed and evolved over time.

    “Magazines still rank number one.”


    The role and value that magazines have with audiences today.

    The timelessness of being published in a magazine.

    Do people care about being on the magazine’s website or being on the magazine’s Instagram?

    How much sponsored content has changed over the years.

    Why people want publicists and how it affects pitches.

    The advantage of working with independent publications over a traditional publishing house.

    Connect with Chelsea

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @iconrefinedmag

    Connect with Kaneo

    Website: ellementsmagazine.com

    Instagram: @ellementsmagazine

    Email: [email protected]

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Shooting the Cover of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle with Nadine Bubeck

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    In this episode, we are going to be diving into my recent cover shoot for Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine.

    My guest today is Nadine Bubeck. She’s the publisher of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine.

    “I believe in timing, I believe in fate. I believe things happen and unfold all at the right reason and the right timing.”


    Nadine’s background and story.

    How Nadine has been able to stay in the television industry without losing time with her kids.

    Is print media at risk?

    Why Nadine chose to go back into print magazine.

    The power of multimedia.

    A complete behind the curtain of the cover shoot.

    Why Nadine chose the specific women she did.

    The importance of storytelling.

    Using social media to help your business.

    How to get your media pitch to stand out.

    What details should go into your pitch and what shouldn’t.

    Structuring content effectively.

    We are ONE WEEK out from our 10th annual Get Published Live event! Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with Nadine

    Website: citylifestyle.com/paradisevalley

    Instagram: @paradisevalleycitylifestyle

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Are Business Coaches Lying to You?

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Are business coaches lying to you? If you’ve seen this show or listened to any previous episodes, you know the answer is probably going to be yes. So, let’s unpack what that looks like.

    “You can’t actually coach someone in 15 minutes.”


    A sneak peek behind the scenes of a business coach’s program.

    Identifying the lie business coaches sell.

    Should you trade time for money?

    Coaching one thing yet doing spending else.

    We are ONE WEEK out from our 10th annual Get Published Live event! Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Let’s have a conversation about how you can be pricing your photo services.

    “Pricing as a creative is hard.”


    Determining what you should be charging.

    3 pillars that will guide you as you price your services.

    The questions you need to answer before pricing your services.

    Establishing the creative and economic value.

    Determining the opportunity value.

    Why there is no standard rate.

    We are 2 weeks out from our 10th annual Get Published Live event! Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Why the Algorithm Hates You

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    Do you ever get a feeling that the Instagram algorithm hates you? I think I might have an idea why.

    Let’s dive into in this episode.

    “It was already daunting to begin with and it seems to have only gotten more daunting. ”


    What content is working right now.

    What content isn’t working right now.

    How our attention span affects the type of content we will consume.

    How the instagram app guides us through content now.

    3 types of content you can produce.

    What type of content you must lead with now in order to grab your audience’s attention.

    Getting your content to be shared and land on the explore page.

    Things to focus on to improve your content.

    We are 1 month out from our 10th annual Get Published Live event! Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Red Flag Requests for Clients

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    I’ve fallen for some pretty dumb requests as a photographer.

    In this episode, let’s look at some of the red flag requests that potential clients could be throwing your way.

    “You are not required to work for less to help someone else make more.”


    Things James has fallen for in the past.

    Red flag statements and the translations of what they actually mean.

    Why you shouldn’t move forward rental clients say any of these things to you.

    The one thing to take from this episode.

    Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Dealing with Excuses

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    People making excuses about why they don’t want to buy our products and services sucks. But, maybe we’re not actually hearing and understanding why these excuses are happening.

    Let’s talk about dealing with excuses in today’s episode.

    “What does that say about your confidence in your product or service?”


    Diving into the excuses and what they actually mean.

    The narrative we tell ourselves when people tell us no.

    The truth behind the excuses.

    Why tricky language and clever sales scripts is not the answer.

    How to actually make sales.

    Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • What to Charge and How to Set Your Rates

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    My most profitable years in business were not the years that I made the most money.

    In this podcast, let’s talk about how to successfully budget in your business and determine what you need to be charging so you can increase your profitability.

    “Not every hour you’re working in the week, you’re actually making money.”


    What information you need to know before setting your rates.

    Real examples of business costs.

    How to calculate the time you will be available to work in one year.

    How to calculate the hourly rate you need to make in order to hit your goal.

    Overhead hours and billable hours.

    How to hit your goals and set a budget you can actually achieve.

    Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Really Bad Pitch

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    I for a really, really bad pitch recently. So, let’s dive into why this pitch was so offensively bad and how to avoid pitches this bad when you’re trying to warn media features.

    “When we’re getting pitches, we have to really quickly decide if this person is right for our audiences.”


    The key to finding a good guest.

    Why the length of a pitch matters.

    What you must have in your pitch in order to be seriously considered.

    How to craft a good follow up.

    What not to say in a follow up email.

    The importance of considering the mutual benefit.

    Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com

  • Photo Scam to Watch Out For

    Hosted by: James Patrick

    There’s now a new scam out there to watch out for and photographers are the ones being targeted. Let’s talk about it in this episode.

    “Scammers are often provided scripts and manuals to help them increase the attraction you have to them and decrease any resistance or barriers you might have,”


    How the scam starts.

    An example of a recent scam someone tried on James.

    What the scammers try to do to you and how.

    The different sites scammers are utilizing to scam people.

    Get Published: https://getpublishedlive.com/

    Apply to IconRefined Magazine: https://iconrefined.com/

    Connect with James

    Website: jamespatrick.com

    Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

    Share this podcast with a friend and remember to leave a 5-star review!

    For more, visit jamespatrick.com