
  • Ann has developed the ability to sense inside her body and release physical tension stored in her connective tissue, solely using her mind's focus.

    She has x-rays to show the material changes resulting from this inner work - including changing the alignment of her eye sockets, the straightening of her neck, the centring of her lower jaw, and the growth of her tooth roots. She has also grown 1/2 an inch at the age of 55.

    Ann wants us all to know that we have this incredible power, and according to her, it takes going further with practices that you may already be doing. As many of you may know, changing what is on our inside changes what we see on the outside, so it is Ann's belief that we can change our personal and collective worlds.

    Ann has a YouTube channel where she shares her journey, explains the connection between the physical and the spiritual, and posts videos of how to change the pressing issues of our time. In addition, her book, A Pathway to Insight, details her journey and breaks down the steps she took to attain what she calls Insight, or the ability to see within the body.

    https://annhince.com/ Book: A Pathway to Insight https://amzn.to/3u3ZAL1 https://www.facebook.com/AnnHinceWisdom
    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters

    This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.

  • Sensitivity Trainer. Maria specializes in helping entrepreneurs grow their revenue, create systems, have more balance, experience more freedom, and fearlessly step into the best version of themselves.

    Maria's healing work utilizes high vibrational consciousness, celestial light language, sacred geometry, light tones, Christ Consciousness, Angelic and Galactic frequencies for your transformation, and accelerated ascension.

    Her credentials include Ayurvedic Practitioner, Clinical Support Medical Hypnotherapy and Natal, Interlife and Past Life Regression Clinical Hypnotherapy, Quantum Energy Alchemist, Human Potential Activator, Wealth Consciousness Activator, Intuitive Revenue Accelerator Consultant, Podcast and Radio Host, Author and Speaker.

    Maria is an ancient soul who was created to usher humanity into their awakening so that they can access their full human-divine potential and live easily as their supernatural self. Maria works with several Galactic beings. Her purpose is to weave the galaxies into unity consciousness, help keep the balance, protect humanity and empower them to evolve, ascend and access the upper dimensions.

    In this life, Maria is here to welcome Light Travelers, Starseeds, Healers, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children to awaken their genius to fulfill their soul's missions. Her passion is to help beautiful beings know themselves, reconnect to their divine truth, reconnect to their full potential and power and joyfully express their soul's mission, manifesting success, true wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

    She finds great joy in manifesting and bridging the 5D into the 3D. She runs her successful business under her 360 Prosperity Brand for Business Coaching, Corporate Consulting, Business lending, Marketing and Brand strategy. Learn more: www.360prosperity.com

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters

    This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.

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  • Peter’s journey began with a background as a mechanic and engineer technician. He went through a major awakening process that opened his connection to his higher self and the Angelic Realm. He discovered his angelic origins as part of Archangel Michael’s army of light. Guided by Archangel Michael, and ascended masters,

    Peter was introduced to the Tensor technology and its healing properties. He conducted a series of research that led him to build his first Tensor rings, crystal infused pendants, Merkabah, healing coil, and more. Peter is a global public speaker and the CEO of Energies of Service.

    The powerful copper healing and grounding tools he has crafted are inspired by and channeled from the quantum field of Creation. His handcrafted products are carefully attuned to help people heal, balance, and live in harmony with their resonance field. They truly are energy tools for ascension and conscious living.

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown.

    Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.

  • Kevin is the guitarist and composer of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars. Hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar melodies inspired by violin melodies of Baroque classical composers Bach & Vivaldi.

    Kevin has been a guest on over 70 UFO Radio talk shows describing his UFO and ongoing Extraterrestrial Experiences. Kevin's latest album Cosmic Angels is inspired by his visitations by Extraterrestrials.

    Elements in all his albums incorporate many things that have been taught to him by these otherworldly visitors including, but not limited to telepathic storytelling, and tonal language (of the cetaceans and whales). Kevin has always had a passion for UFOs and Extraterrestrials.

    He spent over 20 years researching to understand why they are here. Kevin wanted to combine his passion for music with raising consciousness and awareness of the UFO and Extraterrestrial presence. He felt it was always his purpose in life.

    This calling was affirmed for him on August 21, 2014, when he had contact with an inter-dimensional craft of unearthly origin. Since then, Kevin began experiencing many related incidents like incredible synchronicities, music downloads, symbol downloads, through dreams (Neck Illusions DNA Double Helix design on his guitar), and increased Telepathy.

    His musical downloads are discussed in UFO Researcher Grant Cameron's book "Tuned In: The Paranormal World of Music." Many of Kevin's personal (CE5) ET encounters are discussed in "Inviting ET" by Su Walker. Kevin works with the P'ntl (Zetas) who reside in the Sandia Mountains, Albuquerque NM helping prepare humanity for Official First Contact. https://www.officialfirstcontact.com/

    Kevin is the host of Pyramids on Mars UFO radio (since 2016 https://artistfirst.com/pyramidsonmars.htm ) on the Artistfirst. Kevin has a large network of friends, colleagues, and researchers in the UFO community who are Experiencers, Starseeds & Star Nation/Human Hybrids. He brings their stories to Artistfirst network.


    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • For over twenty years, Richard Dolan has been one of the best-known UFO researchers in the world. He is the author of several ground-breaking books in the field, opening fresh ways of understanding this perplexing subject. His massive two-volume history, UFOs, and the National Security State, has permanently altered our understanding of the history of UFOs and the government coverup. He is co-author of the classic book, “A.D. After Disclosure,” which opened an entire conversation on how UFO Disclosure could take place and what that might mean for the world. His book “UFOs for the 21st Century Mind” remains the best single volume to discuss the full range of the UFO subject in all its complexity. His most recent book, “The Alien Agendas,” is another unique contribution to the subject, being one of the few attempts to analyze the beings behind the UFO phenomenon by examining the long history of our encounters with them. Aside from being one of ufology’s most engaging writers, Richard has been in front of the camera and microphone for many years and has spoken to audiences around the world. These days, Richard is working on his third volume of UFOs and the National Security State while managing an active website, RichardDolanMembers.com, which features fresh writing, video, and audio content by Richard every week.

    Social media Websites http://richarddolanmembers.com and http://richarddolanpress.com. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@RichardMDolan

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • David Weiss is a businessman who walked away from his own very successful company to pursue spreading the truth about our world. He is the host of The Flat Earth Podcast and creator of the Flat Earth Sun, Moon, and Zodiac Clock App. He has a knack for communicating the idea of Flat Earth with sincerity and humor, he knows this can be a lot to take in. With his lightheartedness and deep understanding and intellectual respect, he can offer eye-popping information that leads to mind-blowing understanding. No, we don’t live on a spinning, wobbling, rocketing water ball in an infinite vacuum! Despite what we’ve been taught our whole lives in “Round Earth Theory”. Dave Weiss may be the most agreeable guy you’ll ever disagree with. Open your mind and allow him to share with you why the Earth is flat and how what you think you know about the “Planet Earth” you call home is just plain wrong. Make no mistake, he can have fun, but he will also show you why this topic is the MOST important topic of our unusual times, and why we must continue in this relentless quest for the truth. It goes without saying that this will be the most fun, exhilarating, and mind-altering presentation you’ve ever seen, from the most likable of guys presenting it. He has been a repeated guest on many channels such as Alchemy Radio, Talk is Jericho, Alex Jones Info Wars, SGT Report, and many others.

    David Weiss Links: Direct Link to The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app - https://qrco.de/bbizVA

    Social Media Profiles: Website - https://www.FlatEarthDave.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/DITRH/featured Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theflatearthpodcast/ Facebook - https://facebook.com/theflatearthpodcast/

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.

  • Viviane Chauvet is an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix HealingÂź - Multidimensional Way of Healing for conscious evolution, advocate for planetary ascension, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars LLC. She serves as an emissary and multidimensional conduit for the cooperation of Star Delegations including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar groups. Viviane is also an Emissary and Ambassador for GalacticAlliance.org. Viviane is the producer and co-host of the popular Infinite Star Connections podcast. She was the hybrid consultant on j3FILMS’ documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding” and featured in a multi-award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book series “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” and “Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies” are on Amazon. Viviane is a well-known speaker at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, New Living Expo, Sedona Ascension Conference, Retreats, Hidden Secrets Revealed Cruise, Mount Shasta Summer Conference, and more. She offers workshops and mediation series on YouTube and the Conscious Awakening Network (CAN). Look for CAN on Roku and Amazon Fire. CAN Website: https://consciousawakeningnetwork.org/

    Social Links: Viviane’s Website: https://infinitehealingfromthestars.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vivianechauvetgalactichealer/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viviane_chauvet/ YouTube handle: https://youtube.com/@VivianeChauvetGalacticHealer

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Capt. Randy Cramer, U.S.M.C.s.s. He has served more than 30 years for the USMCss, the covert military space program branch of the U.S. marine corps. He was the first covert space program soldier to come forward more than a decade ago. He has spent most of the last decade educating the public on covert space program affairs and current policy affecting the Disclosure of the existence of alien life. He is currently working with his partner, Kendra, to build the University of Conscious Evolution from the huge success of the beta run of their meditation and psionics course last year.The goal of UCE is to teach the easiest and most straightforward scientific techniques for meditation and psionic self-mastery to the entire world. While providing as much support as possible to give every student the maximum opportunity to learn and apply the skills of self-mastery.

    Social Links: https://www.universityofconsciousevolution.com/
    You can find the Captains previous interview with Ryan Stacey on our channel at https://youtu.be/a_9tVSCRYCs

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Gary Voorhis is a Co-Founder of UAPx with a background in mechanical engineering and working as an electronic and R.F. technician. He was a fire control man and Aegis Computer/C.E.C. technician in the United States Navy. His responsibilities included operating, maintaining, and repairing the Aegis weapon and non-Aegis sensor systems to test and evaluate experimental upgrades to the Aegis baseline 6.1 and Cooperative Engagement Systems, or C.E.C. for short. During his time on the U.S.S. Princeton, he had the task of security and inventory of top-secret and classified information and materials, including being trained on the W.A.S.P. military recon U.A.V. for the Pacific Fleet during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. On the week of the 14th of November 2004, he was an eyewitness to the U.S.S. Nimitz tic-tac events.

    Social Links: https://linktr.ee/gary_voorhis_jr

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Sev Tok is a Speaker, Author, Spiritual Counselor, Experiencer Advocate, and a lifelong Experiencer. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, she emigrated to the US as a little girl, not knowing English as she started first grade, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Loyola University. Sev’s ET contact started at age 10, which she kept secret until 2017 when Greys burned red X-marks into her back. This ET contact prompted her to “come out” in 2018 as a Speaker at AlienCon and through her book, You Have The Right To Talk To Aliens, endorsed by renowned UFOlogist, Kathleen Marden. Sev is featured in the Canadian TV docuseries, Encounter: UFO - Physical Contact, has been interviewed around the world, speaks at conferences, and is honored to be the Master of Ceremonies at MUFON’s International Symposium in Denver in July 2022. As a MUFON Field Investigator, the Assistant State Director for North Carolina, and a member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT), Sev helps Experiencers around the world. She also offers personal and private guidance to Experiencers through Tell Me Your ET Story on her website, planetsev.com, her monthly newsletter, and her YouTube channel Alien Spirit TV. For the past 12 years, Sev has been conducting Soul Sessions, with clients around the world. The Sessions offer inter-dimensional guidance to manifest one’s purpose and activate multidimensional DNA in order to design a fulfilling, successful, and dynamic life. A planet and star system is named after her in the STAR WARS Galactic System! You can find the Sev Tok Star System and Planet in Wookieepedia. Sev lives on the Inner Banks of North Carolina.
    Social Links: https://planetsev.com/

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world.


  • Pricilla is a student of the paranormal and other fringe topics, with a focus on UAP disclosure. Her first UFO experience was at the age of 5, sparking a series of events and a drastic change in her worldview. She also has a background in molecular biology, where she learned how to properly conduct and vet research. Her channel Quantum Wytch Cafe creates a safe space for experiencers and authors of all types to share their life-altering events, and chat about all things paranormal, fringe, strange, and UAP. She is also the host of “UAP Book Club” a book club that meets monthly to discuss the latest UFO/UAP books.

    Social Links: YouTube: Pricilla Stone | Quantum Wytch Café https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV4lL0PNaBCKZv6k-g2FTQw Twitter: @quantum_wytch Instagram: quantum_wytch TikTok: quantumwytch

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.

    visit www.experiencersupport.org

  • Morgan Knudsen has been involved in the world of paranormal phenomena for 20 years. Her story began with a great-great-grandfather, Dr. Albert Durrant Watson, who was the president of the Association for Psychical Research of Canada in 1918, which was one of the first paranormal associations developed in Canadian history. Co-founding and leading Entityseeker Paranormal Research & Teachings in 2003, her experiences and knowledge have led to researching and co-creating a unique investigative program called 'Teaching the Living' Subsequently, she has been featured on and hosted numerous specials and TV shows ‱ The Discovery Channel, "A Haunting", ‱ T+E, Destination America, ‱ The Travel Channel, ‱ CBC, ‱ CTV, ‱ Planete+, ‱ TLC, ‱ Crime + Investigation, ‱ Celestial Tiger networks in China, and ‱ COAST TO COAST AM Her work has also been presented at the Rhine Research Center by The Windbridge Institute's in 2020 and she is a member, host, and a featured presenter at the Parapsychological Association. Morgan uses her outgoing, tell-it-like-it-is approach in determining haunted locations and creating solutions for the people involved. Her programs are now practiced in 3 different countries and are a part of numerous social work and psychology secondary education courses in Edmonton. Morgan subsequently received the award from the City of Edmonton for Outstanding Service in 2008 and graduated from The AZIRE: The Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education two years in a row, receiving two graduating Certificates of Distinction in parapsychology. Morgan is also a regular contributor to the number one magazine in the UK, HAUNTED MAGAZINE. Morgan can also be heard on her podcast, SUPERNATURAL CIRCUMSTANCES, with co-host/co-creator Mike Browne (Dark Poutine), which delves into the mysterious, the spiritual, and the fascinating things in our universe.
    Social Links: https://www.entityseeker.ca/

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Are we inside a Truman show-enclosed world, thousands of miles wide? This is part of a series of videos that shows not only is it possible, but likely. Mark K Sargent growing up on South Whidbey Island, Washington, started his career playing computer games professionally in Boulder Colorado. From there he spent the next 20 years training people in proprietary software. In 2014, he looked into what is no doubt the strangest conspiracy ever, called "Flat Earth Theory", and through extensive research, discovered that it wasn't so laughable after all. In 2015, he released a series of YouTube videos titled "Flat Earth Clues", which delves into the possibility of our human civilization actually being inside a "Truman show" like an enclosed system, and how it's been hidden from the public since 1956. You can find Mark's content on YouTube, in books on Amazon, and in the Netflix documentary Behind The Curve.


    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Alex Matsuo is a paranormal researcher, social media influencer, and author. She is the founder of the Association of Paranormal Study and runs “The Spooky Stuff.” If it’s weird, spooky, unusual, scary, macabre, or haunted, she wants to write and talk about it! Alex was recently seen on the third season of Haunted Hospitals in Episode 12 titled, “It Followed Me Home.” The episode can be seen on Discovery Plus!. She has also been seen on Travel Channel’s “Most Terrifying Places in America.” In addition, she is the host of the podcast, The Spooky Stuff. Alex has written several books about the paranormal including, One Bed Over A Hospital Haunting, The Brave Mortal’s Guide to Ghost Hunting, The Haunting of the Tenth Avenue Theatre, More than Ghosts: A Guide to Working Residential Cases in the Paranormal Field, and The Haunted Actor. Her upcoming book, The Hamptonville Hauntings, will be released in September 2022. Alex holds an MA in theatre from San Diego State University and currently resides in Arlington, Virginia. She has been featured on KPBS – San Diego, Fox News, and The Washington Post for her various endeavors. Finally, Alex is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution through her ancestor, Joseph Toler.

    SOCIAL LINKS: Instagram: @thespookystuff TikTok: @thespookystuff Facebook: @thespookystuff Twitter: @thespookystuff Website: alexmatsuo.com

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony. www.experiencersupport.org

  • Michael E. Boyd is a Physicist, Engineer, and Archaeologist. In 1985 Mr. Boyd received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics at UCSB. Mr. Boyd began his career as an engineer/scientist starting in 1982 at Hughes Aircraft Company, Santa Barbara Research Center. His career has spanned component manufacturing development engineering in the medical device, microelectronics, telecommunication, semiconductor, and hard drive industry. Michael has published his research in technical publications including the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Journal of Vacuum Science Technology, and the Society for California Archaeology. Mr. Boyd received an A.A. in Anthropology in 2019 and A.S. in Construction Management in 2021 from Cabrillo College in Aptos California. He began working as an Archaeologist in 2017. Mr. Boyd has three United States patents on the world's first spacetime metrics engineering device called the mass-spin-valve or gravitational rectifier; it is a type of gravitational diode. Mr. Boyd is a member of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), the Society for California Archaeology, and the Santa Cruz Archaeology Society.

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Chris Styles is an active UFO researcher who investigates select classic and current UFO incidents that have occurred in Atlantic Canada. He holds to a “blended” view of the UFO phenomena, that allows room for both the ETH & a significant psychological component. He is best known for his work on the 1967 Shag Harbour Incident and has presented at several MUFON symposia in both Canada and the US. Chris served as a paid technical advisor with several Canadian UFO feature documentaries such as Ocean Entertainment’s “The Shag Harbour Incident” and “Northern Lights”. He has appeared in several US, UFO specials, such as “Canada’s Roswell” and “UFOs II, Have We Been Visited?” In 2019 Styles appeared in an episode of “Ocean Mysteries” with Celine & Fabien Cousteau. Chris is the co-author of two UFO books on the Shag Harbour Incident, “Dark Object” (Dell Bantam) with Don Ledger & “Impact to Contact” (Arcadia House) with Graham Simms.

    Social Links: shagharbourufoexpo.com.

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Amy is the host of the YouTube channel aliengirl111, a channel dedicated to surveying current events and people in the ufo community. Amy goes live every morning, Monday thru Friday, at 5 AM MST with her daily show "Good Morning UFO". She has a Master's Degree in Library & Information Science specializing in college-level research and lives in New Mexico, the heart of an "alien country". AlienGirl111 has interviewed many people in the ufo disclosure movement including Alex Dietrich, Erica Lukes, Anjali, Rich Giordano, Michael Schratt, Cristina Gomez, and more.

    SOCIAL LINKS: https://linktr.ee/aliengirl111

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Derrel Sims, the Alien Hunter, is the world's leading expert on alien abductions. His 38 + years of field research has focused on physical evidence and led to his ground-breaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims has a unique insight to the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency. Sims is also a compassionate and skilled therapist who has helped hundreds of alien experiencers all over the world come to terms with what they've witnessed.

    Derrel is responsible for the discovery of the alien implant phenomenon and pioneered research protocols; he orchestrated first public surgeries and testing of alleged implants from the human body (1995) and has performed over 24 surgical procedures so far to help abductees.

    Derrel Sims has made several appearances on cable television in many Countries as part of his body of work in the abduction phenomena.

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters

    This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Grant Cameron became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of an UFO type object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. The sightings occurred in Carman, Manitoba about 25 miles north of the Canada-US border. He has written several books topics of UFO coverup, music, experiencers, consciousness and reality.

    Socials Links:


    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters

    This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.


  • Rich Giordano hosts The GUFON Channel. GUFON means, "GIORDANO'S UFO NETWORK". You can find his channel only on YouTube. Rich is a "BOOTS on the GROUND", UFO/PARANORMAL researcher since 2004 & a radio personality since 2006, Rich has pioneered the most original pod show this genre has ever enjoyed. The show is based off Rich's own experiences in this field. Rich exposes the charlatans, as well as teaching debunking techniques on videos as well as body language techniques, for those story tellers. GUFON is a show that is constantly mutating. A Serious show with a slice of comedy from a host who leaves it all on the table. On the GUFON channel Rich shares his real thoughts, spoken in real time and offers what he’s learned from experience to tell you how to figure out what's the truth for yourself.

    Socials Links:

    Beyond The Tinfoil Hat is a weekly podcast brought to you by The Experiencer Support Association. Every week we dive into topics that are deep into the realm of the unknown. Ranging from topics between #ufos, #ghosts, and #monsters

    This podcast is hosted by Ryan Stacey and is designed to educate and assist the public in understanding the blend of every phenomenon happening in the world. Our guests often include eyewitness testimony.
