Division 1
God’s Kings
Micah 7:18-19
Principle 1: God’s mercy triumphs.
1. What sin, shame, or guilt do you need to turn over to Jesus?
Division 2
God’s Prophets
Jeremiah 4:22
Principle 2: God’s plan wins.
1. Why do you find it hard to fully submit to Christ?Division 3
God’s People
Romans 15:4
Principle 3: God’s has the last word.
How will you commit to consuming God’s word this summer?
Division 1
Habakkuk Questions God
Habakkuk 1-2
Principle 1: God’s sovereign ways will not always make sense to us.
1. What questions do you need to ask God to strengthen your faith?
Division 2
Habakkuk Resolves to Trust God
Habakkuk 3
Principle 2: God’s sovereign control of this world and your life can be trusted.
1. Ehen life's mysteries seem overwhelming, what truth about God calms your heart?
Missing episodes?
Division 1
Fall of Jerusalem
Lamentations 1-2
Principle 1: Sin’s destruction causes God’s people to suffer and grieve.
Applications: How would you describe your most painful struggle to God?
Division 2
God’s Faithfulness
Lamentations 3
Principle 2: Enduring hope originates from focusing on God’s faithfulness and love.
What truth about God brings hope to a situation that feels hopeless?
Division 3
Jeremiah’s Prayer
Lamentations 4-5
Principle 2: Prayer is evidence of trusting God as we wait on Him.
Few of us will write a poem to God as we suffer, but will you strive to callout to God in prayer, willing to ask the hard questions?
Division 1
Jeremiah 2-29 – Damage Borne From Sin
Principle 1
Sin damages all that is good.
Application 1
In what area of your life are you tempted to rationalize your sin?
Division 2
Jeremiah 30-33, 46-52 – Hope of Restoration to Come
Principle 2
God can and will restore what sin has damaged.
Application 2
How have you personally experienced God’s restoration of sin’s damage in your life?
What other promises of God about the future give you hope for today?
Division 1
Jeremiah 1 – Called to Costly Obedience
Principle 1
God equips His children for whatever His call demands.
Application 1
What challenging place or situation in your life might God be calling on you to speak for or represent Him?
Where in your life do you need to relinquish your personal control and instead rely on God’s perfect provision?
Division 2
Jeremiah – Experience of Costly Obedience
Principle 2
God works in us, through us, and for us, when obedience becomes costly.
Application 2
How do these truths bring peace and stability to your current life situation?
Division 1
Fall of Nineveh
Nahum 1-3
Principle 1: God’s wrath is an expression of His hatred for sin.
1. When do you seek Jesus as your source of refuge and as your all-sufficient protector?
Division 2
Day of the Lord
Zephaniah 1-3
Principle 2: God wages war against sin but extends salvation.
How does God’s purifying wrath help you to recognize what is important and not important? -
Division 1
Triumph of Judgement from the Lord
Micah 1-2
Principle 1: God’s judgement is coming to the nations.
1. How does the promise of future judgement impact the way you treat others?
Division 2
Triumph of Justice from the Lord
Micah 3-5
Principle 2: Christ will rule the world with perfect justice.
How are you daily seeking justice in your relationships with others?Division 3
Triumph of Mercy from the Lord
Micah 6-7
Principle 3: God’s mercy calls us to live rightly in this world.
When is it hard for you to give mercy to others? -
Division 1
Suffering for Holiness
Romans 5:3-5 & Proverbs 3:11
Principle 1: God uses suffering to sanctify His people.
1. What lessons about God have you learned in a hard season of life?
Division 2
Suffering for Others
Isaiah 53:11-13 & 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Principle 2: God uses suffering to draw others closer to Him.
How is God using your hardships to help those around you?Division 3
Suffering for God’s Glory
Romans 8:18-28 & Romans 11:36
Principle 3: God can be trusted with our suffering.
When are you tempted to view suffering as a penalty as opposed to an opportunity? -
Division 1
Suffering Servant of Peace
Isaiah 49-57
Principle 1: Jesus our suffering substitute died for us so we may live for eternity.
1. How willing are you to bear shame & rejection like Jesus did for you?
Division 2
Reigning King of Peace
Isaiah 58-66
Principle 2: Jesus our glorious King will reign and rule for eternity.
Who in your life needs to hear there is peace & rest in Jesus? -
Division 1
Exile to Babylon
Isaiah 40
Principle 1: God prepares His people for difficult journeys.
1. What is the source of your hope and strength?
Division 2
Living in Babylon
Isaiah 41-47
Principle 2: God sustains His people in difficult times.
How are you preparing today for eternity with God tomorrow?Division 3
Exodus from Babylon
Isaiah 48
Principle 2: God provides for His people on difficult journeys.
When have you been encouraged by God’s provisions in your life? -
Division 1
The Holy One offers certain hope to Judah.
Isaiah 1 - 12
Principle 1: The Holy One offers certain hope to those who trust in Him.
1. Where have you set your gaze and your hope?
2. What are you telling yourself is more real than God and His promises?
3. What are you telling yourself is bigger or harder than God Himself?
4. It's the Holy One, Jesus Christ, who offers certain hope; and that's not just to a select few, but that's to the whole world. Where is God inviting you to trust in Him?
Division 2
The Holy One offers certain hope to the World.
Isaiah 13 - 39
Principle 2: Each warning from the Holy One presents an opportunity to embrace judgement or hope.
Will we trust in the promises of God? Will we turn to the Holy One who extends hope and lean into Him and embrace the hope that He offers? Or will we turn our faces away? Will we reject the signs that God has given us? -
Division 1
God’s Mission for Isaiah
Isaiah 6
Principle 1: God’s messengers surrender to God’s call.
1. What prevents you from faithfully serving when God calls you?
Division 2
God’s Message for Isaiah
Isaiah 1 - 66
Principle 2: God’s servants understand the value of His message.
How faithful are you to delivering God’s message of hope? -
Division 1
2 Chronicles 33 (2 Kings 21) – Existence of God’s Righteousness
Principle 1
God’s righteousness requires a response.
Application 1
Where in your life may you be ignoring God’s righteous standard?
In what ways may God have used humbling or heartbreaking circumstances to deepen your faith in Him?
Division 2
2 Chronicles 34-35 (2 Kings 22-23:30) – Response to God’s Righteousness
Principle 2
God’s righteousness makes Him solely worthy of our worship.
Application 2
How does the worship of the Lord in your life compare to Josiah’s?
Howe can you ask the Lord to help give you the proper perspective of our righteous God so that His worship is the only appropriate response?
Division 3
2 Chronicles 36 (2 Kings 23:31-25) – Judgement Due to God’s Righteousness
Principle 2
God’s righteousness prevails in and through all circumstances.
Application 2
What in your life can you let go of and trust to the righteous, sovereign God, even if it seems hopeless?
Division 1
The Fall of Israel
2 Kings 15:8-31; 17
Principle 1: God desires all people to know Him.
1. Where is God sending you to bring others closer to God?
Division 2
The Decline of Judah
2 Kings 15:1-7, 32-38; 2 Chronicles 26-28
Principle 2: God is jealous for our worship.
How does your worship of God match your walk with God?Division 3
The Revival of Judah
2 Kings 18:1-8; 2 Chronicles 29-32
Principle 2: God desires us to seek Him in a crisis.
What crisis do you face today that you need to lay before God in prayer? -
Division 1
Gomer’s Unfaithfulness
Hosea 1-3
Principle 1: God pursues and redeems the wayward.
1. What wayward person is God calling you to seek out and demonstrate His love to?
Division 2
Israel’ Unfaithfulness
Hosea 4-14
Principle 2: God remains faithful even when people are unfaithful.
How is God pursuing you, to have a closer relationship with Him? -
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at AZ Men's BSF! I hope you all have a blessed Christmas.
Division 1
God’s Judgment on Judah
Book of Joel
Principle 1: God triumphs over human evil.
1. What are you holding onto that God wants to destroy, so you will trust Him deeper?
Division 2
God’s Judgment on Edom
Book of Obadiah
Principle 2: God triumphs over human pride.
When are you tempted to over-value yourself? -
Division 1
God’s Indictments & Judgements
Amos 1-4
Principle 1: God’s judgements bring clarity.
1. Where is personal comfort hindering your walk with God?
Division 2
God’s Call to Repentance
Amos 5-9:10
Principle 2: God’s judgements bring justice.
In a world that honors going your own way, how do you model repentance and seek God?Division 3
God’s restoration of Israel
Amos 9:11-15
Principle 3: God’s judgements bring restoration.
1. When have you encouraged others through God’s promise of restoration?
Division 1
Jonah Ran & God Rescued
Jonah 1-2
Principle 1: God’s mercy is not limited by human boundaries.
1. How do you respond when God calls you to a mission of mercy?
Division 2
Jonah Preached & God Relented
Jonah 3
Principle 2: God extends mercy to all who turn to Him for salvation.
When has your judgement of others hindered you in sharing the gospel with them?Division 3
Jonah Protested & God Rebuked
Jonah 4
Principle 3: God calls His people to reflect His mercy.
1. What prevents you from extending mercy to others?
God Speaks: Old Testament Prophets and Prophecy
2 Chronicles 36:15; Amos 3:7; Romans 15:4
Main Truth: God calls people to worship and obey Him alone.
Gospel Connection: God still calls sinful people to repent and turn to Him.
God actively reveals Himself throughout all time and to all people.
God calls people to worship and obey Him alone.
The Bible’s prophets help us understand God and His rescue plan.
God calls people to worship and obey Him alone.
Division 1
God’s Powerful Mercy
2 Kings 6:8-8:6
Principle 1: God’s unfailing mercy preserves His people.
1. Where is discouragement preventing you from embracing God’s mercy?
Division 2
God’s Powerful Prophecy
2 Kings 8:7-10:36; 2 Chronicles 21-22:9
Principle 2: God’s prophetic word steadies His people.
Which prophecy of God’s do you fall back on when the world around you is unstable?Division 3
God’s Powerful Protection.
2 Kings 11-14; 2 Chronicles 22:10-25:28
Principle 3: God preserves His people through His absolute power.
1. How does trusting in God’s preserving power change your daily outlook?
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