Egy műsor bátor és sikeres magyarokról, Kadarkai Endre vezetésével.
Szabó Péter motivációs előadó, tréner és a több mint 45 ezer példányban elkelt többszörös bestseller, az Állj félre a saját utadból! című könyv szerzője, több másik nagysikerű könyv szerzője és társszerzője.
Dolgozott árokásóként, pincérként, marketingesként, majd kemény, kitartó munkával eljutott oda, hogy több mint 1500 ember vezetőjévé vált.
Ma már csak azzal foglalkozik, ami a legnagyobb boldogságot jelenti számára: előadásokat, tréningeket tart. Teljes elszántsággal azon dolgozik, hogy saját tapasztalatait, és megszerzett tudását másoknak átadva megkönnyítse az emberek életét. Mára több kontinensen keresett előadó (többek között Kanadában, az Egyesült Államokban, Ausztráliában, Németországban, az Egyesült Királyságban és Svájcban is tartott tréningeket).
Brian Tracy szerint Péter a világ egyik legjobb motivációs előadója. -
"Kasia trifft..." heißt der Podcast des Frauenmagazins EMOTION mit Verlagsgründerin Kasia Mol-Wolf. Kasia stellt in ihrem ganz persönlichem Podcast Frauen (und manchmal Männer) vor, die Herausforderungen und Krisen gemeistert haben und sie persönlich inspirieren und berühren. In diesem Podcast lernt ihr zusammen mit Kasia tolle, authentische Menschen kennen, die zeigen, dass alles möglich ist, wenn man an sich selbst glaubt.
A discussion about social work, oppression, and liberation.
Helping you live the live you life you choose on your terms. Living Free in Tennessee chronicles how we build our homestead, develop independence, plan and manage time and grow and preserve food sustainably - from a woman's point of view.
Cascading events that shaped the global economy
Are you an Outlier? Join Ever Gonzalez as he sits down with founders, disruptors and mavens who are breaking the status quo and changing the world! Listen in as these entreprenerial leaders share a behind-the-scenes view of their personal journey to success. Be part of a one-on-one mentoring session where we discuss specific business strategies.
A tech-entwined world necessarily puts focus on technology companies and the opportunities that arise with them. TMT Talk, the Global TMT industry podcast, will help you navigate and prioritize via insights from top legal advisers in strategic technology markets. We'll go into the issues, how they affect businesses, society, and the way players deal with them.
Casual conversations with movers and shakers throughout Indian Country. Business leaders, artists, athletes, and other awesome people.
Moving ordinary lives to extraordinary through the wisdom of legendary guests who help you unleash your full potential.
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This show takes time to pause life to focus on social good, social entrepreneurship, and social impact. There are enough people tearing each other down and apart in relationships, business, and all over the world. It is time to STOP. Shift the focus to the people who are making a difference in this world by creating and serving others in ways they have embraced. This show is aimed to connect people to listen, learn, and spark interest and empowerment in how they themselves see what they can bring forth to make this world a better place.
Part of the Loudspeaker family of podcasts. Hear Connecting A Better World first on Thursday nights at 9pm ET/7pm MT on the live stream at or get our free mobile app. -
A weekly podcast about all things advertising. Two ladies in the industry discuss, criticize, praise, laugh at, and go "WTF?!" to brand campaigns, agency news and shakeups, weird commercials that make no sense, and everything in between.
Das vernetzt! MAGAZIN nimmt Trends im Kundenservice unter die Lupe
Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz bestimmen die Zukunft im Kundenservice genauso, wie New Work, der Wertewandel oder Diversity. vernetzt! beleuchtet diese Themen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Das Ziel des Magazins: „People Worker“ zu inspirieren und zu motivieren. Mit Portraits, Interviews, Berichten, Kolumnen und Kommentaren. Von und mit klugen Köpfen aus Customer Service,
Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.
Herausfordernd. Mutig. Berührend.
Wenn Dir die Podcast Folge gefällt, freuen wir uns auf eine Bewertung und abonnieren Sie uns! -
Claim your power, regain your freedom, and become invincible in your work and life! I share professional advice, challenges, and tips to help you create your Invincible Career®. -
Gaming explained. Ever wonder how video games are made? Or how the most popular livestreamers and YouTubers go viral? Former ESPN, award-winning journalist Jacob Wolf and Overcome comes Visionaries, a new twice-weekly podcast that takes you deep inside the inner workings of the fastest-growing sector of entertainment with interviews of the powers driving it all. Hear from your favorite content creators, game developers, pro gamers and others who shape the media we consume today. No question is off the table.
Tanya Carlson from Amplify Wealth Management chats to guests about their health, wellbeing and wealth.
Money Mind is a lifestyle podcast with some money mindfulness thrown in for good measure.
Please subscribe for free now, so you won't miss an episode. -
Pénzügyi Podcast Magyarul nem csak pénzügyi témákról !
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join me, Steve Turk, on the Hospitality Mentor podcast as we dive into the personal stories of some of the world's best Hospitality Professionals. We follow the journey of their ups, downs and wild turns and find out what it truly takes to make it in the amazing world of hospitality.
Conversations have the power to break down barriers and build bridges across differences. Vernā Myers, former VP of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix and global leader in the DEI space, interviews the brightest minds in science, art, and politics, for weekly wisdom about healing our divided society. Each episode contains inspiring information about how people can grow, become more compassionate, and better understand how we are all connected.
Regelmäßig reden wir mit Wirtschaftsvertretern, Unternehmerinnen/Unternehmern und Entscheidungsträgern über aktuelle und wichtige Themen aus dem südlichsten Bundesland Österreichs: Kärnten. Der Fokus liegt dabei darauf, komplizierte Dinge einfach zu erklären, Einblicke hinter abstrakte Abläufe der Wirtschaft zu bringen und innovative und einfallsreiche Unternehmen aus Kärnten vorzustellen.