Birth: Journey through the seasons #12
Birth story healing through the lens of Somatic Awareness.
Your personal experience in the early postpartum period matters. In a short period of time. Your body's goes through a huge change!
From being pregnant, to giving birth to not being pregnant... How supported and understood you feel during this transformation.
Will impact your confidence and your ability to take care of yourself and your newborn.
You can support your healing, by giving yourself time to tell your birth story to someone that can offer you a safe non-judgmental space.
But sometimes it's not enough. When trauma has been experienced during birth. The nervous system can get stuck in an incomplete response. This can show up as feeling numb or maybe constantly experiencing a sense of unease.
With Somatic experiencing, you can learn to understand how your nervous system naturally functions.
With the support of a Somatic Experiencing practitioners. Your nervous system can find it's way back to regulation. Uncovering over all more vitality and aliveness.
Give yourself this gift, explore your way to narrate and integrate your experience of giving birth and becoming a parent.
#mikarock #somaticexperiencing #SEP #birthyourway #postpartum #parenting #healing #bodypositive
Birth: Journey through the seasons #11
"Labor shakes" from a viewpoint of somatic awareness.
On my walk today I find confidence in Montreal extreme winter weather and explore somatic awareness in labour and birth.
There is lots to talk about, when it comes to birth and somatic awareness.
I choose a topic that I find is often dismissed or not addressed...
Have you ever experienced or heard about "Labor shakes", uncontrollably shivering, trembling during or after giving birth.
Join me and discover why our nervous system reacts this way.
And learn two DOULA TIPS that can help make a shift!!! That you can try as support while "Labor shakes" happened.
#laborshakes #birthdoula #montrealdoula #somaticawareness #montreal #baby2021 #birth #newborn
Episodi mancanti?
Birth: Journey through the seasons #10
Pregnancy is a Somatic Awareness wonderland!
What is Felt Sense? Who coined this term? Why is pregnancy a somatic wonderland?
Join me on my walk on this sunny day in Montreal to discover answers to these questions and so much more!!!
#somaticawarenessinpregnancy #pregnancy2021 #mikarock #birthdoula #montreal #february2021 #somaticawareness #somaticexperiencing #SE
Birth: Journey through the seasons #9.
Supporting your fertility journey with Somatic Awareness.
Somatic Awareness for most of us is an invention to re-learn how to be in touch with our bodies on a regular basis.
To become aware of our body sensations.
Join me for this reply of my walk today to learn more about this fascinating topic.
And how it can support your fertility journey!
#fertilityjourney #mikarock #somaticawareness
Birth: Journey through the seasons #8 With the gentle practice of Core Breath you can start to support your healing right after giving birth!
It was -8 and snowing when I went out for my weekly walk in wintry Montreal today.
As a doula and Yoga teacher I'm often asked.
When can I start practicing Yoga after giving birth?
With Core Breathing you can start gently to practice in the first hours and days after giving birth.
To join a postnatal Yoga group the recommendation is to wait at least 6wk post birth after a vaginal birth. And 8 wk after a cesarean. To first have had your follow up with your midwife or Dr. And most importantly that you feel that your interested and ready to join. I also highly recommend, before joining any group class. To schedule an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist.To understand your individual needs. Supporting your healing with gentle Core Breathing right after birth. Will set the foundation for sustainable pelvic floor health for years to come.
#pregnancy2021 #mikarock #doulamontreal #mikarockdoula #birthdoula #givingbirth #postpartumbody #postpartumhealing #pelvichealth #corebreath #postnatalyoga #healing #inbodyment #coreexercises #corestability #yoganashit
Birth: Journey through the seasons #7
The benefits of core breathing during labour and birth.
During labour and birth your body knows how to breath!
The breath techniques that you can practice are great as an anchor. That can be helpful in the moments where you need a way to cope or find your way back to being present with your body. Join me on my walk to learn more about core breathing during labour and birth and the many benefits of practicing a breath that focuses on the sync of the pelvic floor and breathing diaphragm.
#mikarock #mikarockdoula #birthyourway #birthdoula #corebreath #pregnancy #essentialwork #birthkeeper #pregnancy2021 #baby2021
Birth: Journey through the seasons #6. Core Breath during pregnancy. Finding inner stability during constant change.
Since March 2020 every birthing family I’ve supported. Has welcomed a new human into the world during a world pandemic.
This ongoing pandemic has created more complexity with the new and changing rules and regulations. There is more uncertainty to navigate in birthing and nurturing a new life.
I have witnessed and been engaged in many different ways to cope with the extra uncertainty.
One of my favorite tools that assist me in finding inner stability is Core Breathing. On my walk today I invite you to practice Core Breath.
To start to embody the synchronization of the pelvic floor and breathing diaphragm.
Find comfortable place and position where you can tune in to your body and breath. Knowing that Core Breathing can take time to integrate. Find what is relvent to you as you practice.
PREGNANCY is a chapter in life that brings on an experience of constant change. Your body, your hormones the life that is growing inside you are rapidly evolving.
When Core Breath becomes a daily practice it can help you connect with the center of your body. With your core muscles with your inner stability. This is a centring practice that helps create more ease and calm.
#mikarock #mikarockdoula #birthyourway #birthdoula #corebreath #pregnancy #essentialwork #birthkeeper #pregnancy2021 #baby2021
I find that welcoming the new year, this year more than ever has opened a collective conversion about hope.
Join me in the creation of a vision of our future. To envision our global growth spurt in 2021. How will we humans emerge from this contracted time? What will the time after COVID-19 pandemic be like?
One of my big lessons from parenting has been. During challenges that last and drag out for longer times. Is to hold the vision of what the vibrant future will be like. Even when there is no hint of how and when it will happen. This has given me courage over the years to move through some arduous times.
It's icy today in Montreal. On my walk I got to encounter that a few times. This cycle of Birth: Journey through the seasons. I'm exploring the theme CORE BREATH.
A breathing practice that has been life changing for me.
As it is a practice of centering, creating an inner anchor of connection and resilience with one self.
In this talk your invited to explore some of your breathing patterns. As we start understanding what core breathing is and how it can benefit us when we are interested in inventing new life into the world and conceive.
#mikarock #birthdoula #birthyourway #birthjourneythroughtheseasons #2021 #happynewyear
On my walk today, Dec 10th 2020 I explore the first hours with your baby right after giving birth.
The golden hours. ✨
This is a heightened and magical time for this new human being, the birth giver and the partner.
It's bonding time!
Everything else can wait.
No procedures or checkups are needed that can’t be done with baby skin to skin.
Unless there are special circumstances. In this event skin to skin can happen once baby is reunited with their parents.
Join me to learn about skin to skin and why it is so important.
Become aware and understand a significant moment, of pause that happens, for birth givers.
Between giving birth and the will to reach out for the first embrace with their baby.
I believe that there is nothing more fascinating than witnessing instinctive breast crawl and self-attachment.
Did you know that this is part of the foundation of breastfeeding?
During the golden hour babies have all the reflexes and instincts to self-attach and latch for the first time.
The first hours of bonding can show up as pure joy and love. But can also feel awkward and overwhelming. This and any emotion that you’re feeling is normal! It can take time to feel connected with your baby.
There are many benefits to skin to skin for everyone involved. One of the main ones being the secretion of hormones that support bonding! In the first hours and days with your newborn spend as much time as you can with them skin to skin.
#birthjoureny #mikarock #birthdoula #mikarockmontrealdoula #birthyourway #montreal #seasonsjoureny #fertility #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #womb #baby #baby2021
What do you think labour and Montreal weather have in common?
Find my answer in this journey!
Often during labour distractions can get you out of your birth zone.
Some distractions are a given others can surprise us.
Like moving from home to the place where you will be giving birth, your fears that come up,
bright lights, medical exams and interventions...
Having different tools and ways to come back to your body and birth bubble. Can be really helpful in support the progress of your labour. Have you ever considered connecting with your baby as a way to support the secretion of Oxytocin?
When we are bonding and connecting Oxytocin is secreted.
Join me for this walk where I chat about bonding with your baby, during the time of labour and birth. I have some birth story's where the birth giver connected with baby in ways that where a game changer them both.
Let me know here in the comments what helped you or your partner or the birth giver you where supporting stay centered and come back to labour land!
#birthjoureny #mikarock #birthdoula #mikarockmontrealdoula #birthyourway #montreal #seasonsjoureny #fertility #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #womb #baby #baby2021
Birth: Journey through the sessions #2.
Bonding with your baby during pregnancy.
Join me on this walk in the snow, here in Montreal.
Winter is coming!
Moving with the childbearing sessions, today I explore pregnancy. How can we connect with this new human during pregnancy? Let's explore three different ways we can bond with our unborn baby: Through sound, touch and asking open questions. I'm here to get your creative juices flowing! This is a personal exploration, find what feels good and real for you with your baby. Remember, when we take time to connect with our baby before they are born, we are letting them know that they have a place in our family. We are giving them the message that they are already loved and welcomed into the world!
It was colder than I thought outside today when you add on the windchill.
Join me for my first Birth: Journey through the seasons. As I explore Fertility Awareness Method.
FAM can be beneficial if you’re interested in becoming pregnant. or if you’re planning to avoid pregnancy.
You will learn the answers to these questions: when do I ovulate? How long or short are my monthly cycle's? How dose my body, mood and cravings change every month? What is my pattern? What effects and changes my cycle?
Become actively involved in understanding your unique monthly cycles. However they show up. Knowing that there is a big verity of ways cycles are manifested.
From my experience, FAM holds the power to create a closer relationship of more awareness with our body’s, it give us insights and empowers us to better understand and take charge of our own health and wellness.