Spegilmyndin er mannlífsþáttur um kvenheilsu, heilbrigðan lífsstíl, mataræði, hreyfingu, tískustrauma, líkamsvirðingu og fegrunar- og lýtaaðgerðir. Höfundur og þáttastjórnandi er Marín Manda Magnúsdóttir, menningarmiðlari og nútímafræðingur en framleiðandi sjónvarpsþáttanna er Orca Films.
Hlaðvarp Spegilmyndarinnar lítur dagsins ljós samhliða sjónvarpsseríu 2 af Spegilmyndinni sem sýnd verður á Stöð 2 og Stöð 2+ í mars og apríl 2023. Í hlaðvarpinu ræðir Marín Manda við viðmælendur sína um það helsta í heilsu og fegrunariðnaðnum á Íslandi líkt og hún gerir í sjónvarpsþáttunum. Hún skyggnist inn í ýmis áhugaverð málefni sem eru áberandi í umræðunni en viðmælendur eru af ýmsum toga. Ber þar að nefna húðlækna, næringarfræðinga, sálfræðinga, heilsuráðgjafa, snyrtifræðinga, þjálfara, kvensjúkdómalækna, lýtalækna og aðra sérfræðingar sem tengjast viðfangsefninu hverju sinni. -
Are you sick of dieting and want to learn to find food freedom? Do you dream about the day you can stop obsessing over food? Are you done playing the comparison game and wish you could just love your body already?
Well, you’re in the right place.
The SociEATy podcast is hosted by Registered Dietitian and food freedom expert, Colleen Christensen. Colleen ditched dieting for good and became an intuitive eater after years of being controlled by food rules and restrictions. Now, she is dedicated to teaching others the exact steps she took to find food freedom.
Each week, Colleen serves up raw, real and honest conversations about things like binge eating, restricting food, over-exercising, calorie counting, body image and more, so you can learn to eat the foods that you want, when you want, without guilt, stress or anxiety.
Get ready to think about food less and start living your life more. The SociEATy is the last health and wellness community you'll ever need!
To find out more visit www.thesocieatymembership.com -
The Ayurvedic Medicine Answers podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, details how you can harness the power and wisdom of ancient Ayurveda in order to rebalance your body based on your unique Dosha (Ayurvedic body type). After seeing over 250,000 client appointments in his private practice and traveling to India and Sri Lanka to intern in Ayurvedic Medicine, Dr. Cabral has come online to share what he has seen to work in the real world - It’s time to discover your own Ayurvedic Medicine answers today!
Hi, I'm Fatimah Fakhoury Registered Dietitian who's married to a quadriplegic and specializes in nutrition for spinal cord injury and paralysis. I'm on a mission to help people living with paralysis lose weight and regulate their bowels so they can live happier, healthier lives. On this podcast, I'll be talking to people just like you who are wheelchair users and successfully improving their health using the power of food. My guests and I will share personal stories, give useful nutrition information that's especially for paralysis, and answer your questions about healthy eating. Get ready to be inspired and motivated to improve your diet so you can feel your best!
Have you already tried everything to lose weight?
Maybe you have. But maybe you haven't tried Hypnosis for weight loss.
Even though you now might say “I’ve tried everything”, I’m confident that you haven’t tried the scientifically proven weight loss advice that I share with you in this podcast.
My name is Sebastian and I’m passionate about guiding you through your weight loss journey to a new life and a new YOU.
Each episode of the Lose Weight Podcast contains proven tips, strategies, and techniques that allow you to lose weight fast and to enjoy your dream body...without wasting your precious time.
Your time is valuable and you deserve to to learn how to lose weight fast, the best ways to lose weight, the best meal plans, and you even discover how to get rid of belly fat, arm fat, and face fat.
And did I mention that all the weight loss tips I share with you allow you to burn fat NATURALLY?
If you enjoy podcasts such as Half Size Me, This Podcast Burns Fat, Weight Loss Made Real, and The Last 10 Pounds Podcast...well...then you will love the Lose Weight With Hypnosis Podcast.
You can find out more about me and my credentials on this page:
https://www.loseweightpodcast.com -
Do you wish you could finally have a regular period? Are you scared to tell your doctor about your mood swings, hormonal acne, and heavy periods for fear that you’ll be told to try another kind of birth control? What about the constant headaches and mood swings that you deal with every day?
Well, girl, I am so excited you’re here!
In this podcast, you will learn how to regulate your period naturally, decrease mood swings (yes, even postpartum!), eliminate headaches, and enjoy sex again!
I’m Dominique, a mom, military wife, daughter of Jesus, and women’s hormone specialist! I remember a time when I suffered with the worst period cramps and migraines. Then, after my first daughter, I suffered from postpartum depression. However, I did not want the new form of birth control that everyone told me to try. I wanted to get to the root cause of my problems and not just slap a “band-aid” on them. So I went back to school (yes with a new baby and a toddler) for my Master of Science in Nutrition Sciences with my focus in women’s hormones.
I learned how to heal my hormones and created a plan that was easy, natural, and doable because that’s what I needed as a busy mom of littles. And now I’m ready to share everything I’ve learned with you.
If you are ready to finally get to the root cause of your period problems, mood swings, and lack of sex drive, then grab your notebook and pen (or crayon if that’s all you can find), your beverage of choice, and get ready to listen in!
Website: Hormonehealing.org
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Innate Ability & Health Podcast, where we explore how our natural abilities and mindset impact health, success, and quality of life. This podcast dives into the growing connection between mental and physical wellness, emphasizing how beliefs, emotions, and thought patterns shape our reality and well-being.
I'm thrilled to share that I am now collaborating with Natural Heart Doctor and Dr. Jack Wolfson to develop a holistic mental health therapy program specifically designed for cardiovascular patients. This unique approach focuses on achieving better health results through mind-body alignment, addressing underlying stress, trauma, and the emotional factors that influence heart health.
Throughout the series, expect in-depth discussions on the profound impact of our mental state on our health, featuring expert insights, paradigm-shifting research, and real-life success stories. As an author, coach, and speaker, I’ve connected with thousands and am excited to bring this community together to delve deeper, inspire transformation, and support one another.
If these ideas resonate, please subscribe, share, and join our community. Let's embark on this journey to unlock the limitless potential within each of us.
Additionally, those interested in diving deeper can connect with me on various platforms where I regularly share insights, tools, and techniques to help you harness your innate abilities. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.
Youtube, Instagram + Facebook @ryanmarkkimball
email: [email protected] -
Welcome to Feeding the Family with Dr. Kristin where we help you navigate the challenges of feeding your family and learn about the role food plays in our health and relationships.
Feeding and food relationships can be stressful, confusing, and even destructive. I am a pediatrician and mother of four who has been researching and sharing what I have learned about feeding for over 10 years. In this podcast, I’ll share my experience and expertise to help our kids (and ourselves!) with everyday survival tips for real parents. This podcast is about progress, not perfection. -
The International School For Food Addiction Counseling And Treatment (The INFACT School) brings you the podcast, Food Addiction: The Problem And The Solution which explores the ubiquitous problems of food addiction and presents the solution. The school, founded by director Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir MSc, is the world’s first and only sugar/food addiction counseling training with U.S. and European food addiction counselor certifications. infactschool.com
Host, Susan Branscome, a recovered food addict, interviews guests who are professionals and counselors focused on the disease of food addiction, as well as individuals who have successfully recovered from food addiction.
The podcast will resonate with food addicts, those dieting unsuccessfully, those desperate to learn more about food addiction and recover, as well as professionals treating and counseling clients with food addiction and medical practitioners treating patients suffering from obesity and obesity-related illnesses and issues.
Subscribe to Food Addiction: The Problem and The Solution wherever you get your podcasts! -
-Næringarpælingar snýst um að taka þig elsku hlustandi í skemmtilegt ferðalag í gegnum alla grunnþætti næringarfræðinnar 👣
-Við reiknum með 95% öryggisbili sem varðar öll þau hljóð sem komu að endanum út úr munninum okkar í season 1 👩🔬👨🔬
-Okkur þætti vænt um að fá að heyra frá þér ef það er eitthvað- og við lofum að gera okkar allra besta til að bregðast við 👂
-Email: [email protected] ✉
- Ig: naeringarpaelingar 📸
-Billjón þakkir Reynir Haraldsson fyrir a high key next level upphafsstef 🎶 -
C60 Health Connections, hosted by Jessica MacNaughton, CEO of shopc60.com, brings you informative interviews with leading health & wellness experts who can help you elevate performance in all aspects of your life. In less than an hour, you will receive easy-to-implement steps to support common health issues affecting adults worldwide.
This podcast can be found on your favorite podcast apps and on YouTube, on the C60 Purple Power channel. For more information, email us at [email protected] -
This podcast features K-9 experts and specialist as we discuss topics about overall care for our dogs. We will cover sport work, to pet dogs. Dog nutrition, health tips, and of course behavior knowledge. Lead by Kris Taylor, a professional dog trainer with more than thirty years in the dog training and sport world, this podcast will bring more knowledge to avid trainers, dog sport lovers, and your average dog owner alike.
Mit meinem Ayurvedaqueen in Balance Podcast möchte ich dir helfen, dich wieder mit dir, deinem Körper und deiner Intuition zu verbinden. Mehr Energie, Selbstliebe und Wohlbefinden in deinem Leben zu erschaffen und deinen intuitiven Ess- und Lifestyle zu finden, dein Wunschgewicht und Traumleben proaktiv zu erschaffen. Ayurveda ist immer mit dabei. Du bekommst alltagstaugliche, leicht nachvollziehbare Tipps und Impulse. Ich teile mit dir meine eigenen Erfahrungen und die Erfahrungen aus der Coachingpraxis damit du die nächste Ayurvedaqueen in Balance werden kannst.
Foodies - podcasten for deg som elsker mat og vil lære mer om den!Jeg er Emilie Nereng, jeg har en bachelorgrad i ernæring, er kokebokforfatter av boka Sunt og digg, og jeg ELSKER mat. I sesong 1 snakket jeg med matglade kjendiser, mens jeg i sesong 2 utforsker hva maten vi spiser og hvordan vi lever påvirker kroppen vår. Ny episode hver tirsdag. Trykk abonner/follow for å få med deg alt!
Instagram: @emilienutrition
For annonsering: [email protected] -