
  • The Accursed Share (vol. 1 published in 1941) lays out Bataille's concept of general economy. What do Aztec human sacrifice, potlach, Islamic conquest, Calvinism and the rise of capitalism, the Marshall Plan and avoiding World War III all have in common? Bataille has the answers.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • I (Jack) talk to Dan Baltic about his book, Nutcrankr. To quote the blurb of Nutcrankr, "NUTCRANKR is a comic examination of fringe ideology, social atomisation, and sexual dysfunction in modern America. Dan Baltic's debut novel is a sardonic look at a certain type of Extremely Online character we're all too familiar with and what happens when their delusions and flights of fancy come into contact with the real world."

    Yes, I changed the blurb's spelling from American ('atomized': hideous, uncouth) to British ('atomised': elevated, spiritually fulfilling). No, I won't change it back.

    Where to buy Nutcrankr: https://www.amazon.com/NUTCRANKR-Dan-Baltic/dp/195189779X

    Dan Baltic's Substack: https://danbaltic.substack.com/

    Dan and Matt's New Write podcast is available on basically every podcast platform!

    Authors recommended by Dan:
    Matt Pegas

    Caleb Caudell


    Adem Luz Rienspects

    Brad Kelly
    Kevin Kautzman

    Delicious Tacos

    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet
    The first nine chapters of Tower are available for free here: jackbc.substack.com

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

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  • Ernst Jünger, a man who fought in two World Wars, was an entomologist, award-winning author, philosopher, traveller, psychonaut and much more, wrote The Forest Passage (1951), a book which explores how one can retain freedom in a time of mass ideology and titanic technological change. It's a really, really good book.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Justin Murphy joins us to talk about 'Simulacra and Simulation' (1981), a book by French philosopher and cultural critic Jean Baudrillard. What happens when a society schematises too much, copies copies of copies and loses touch with 'reality'? Hyperreality.

    Other Life (probably the best place to see what Justin Murphy is working on): www.otherlife.co

    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • The A above middle C is often tuned to 440Hz. Why? Because of a multi-decade conspiracy to degrade the spiritual connection of the human race, involving Joseph Goebbels, John Deagan, the Frankfurt School, sacred numerology, and a very wealthy American dynasty.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Jack talks to ARX-Han, author of Incel (2023), about the process of writing Incel, as well as the thought behind it.

    Rather than sum up Incel myself, I'll quote ARX-Han:
    "Savage, hilarious, and everything in between , INCEL is a pitch-dark comedy about one man's harrowing quest to ascend.

    Suicidally depressed, twenty-two year old anon has settled on a if he can't find a way to lose his virginity by the date of his next birthday, he’s going to pick a fight with the biggest, baddest man he can find, and get himself killed.

    For anon, social alienation is a simple matter of unvarnished America in the year 2012 is a brutal Darwinian hellscape where every man is engaged in a ruthless competition for access to attractive females-and losers like him are left to rot.

    As he begins his first year of graduate studies in evolutionary psychology, the looming threat of his personal deadline mutates into a totalizing obsession to validate his theories and achieve sex for the first time. Convinced that he's discovered a special method for "hacking" the mating patterns in human behavior, he starts upon a path that only threatens to further destabilize his already fragile psyche, hurtling him toward a crucible of his own design."


    ARX-Han's website: https://www.decentralizedfiction.com/
    Amazon page for Incel: https://www.amazon.com/INCEL-Novel-ARX-Han/dp/B0C9SNQK9C

    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

    Books and Podcasts Recommended by ARX-Han
    Mixtape Hyperborea by Adem Luz Rienspects

    Nutcrankr by Dan Baltic

    The Black Album by Matt Pegas


    Tooky's Mag

    (Tooky's Mag literary sidebar podcast)

    New Write


    The Mars Review of Books


    Asian American Psycho in Current Affairs by Christopher Jesu Lee


    Salieri's Redemption by Christopher Jesu Lee (literary crit)

    Political Currents by Ross Barkan (includes literary crit + politics as he's a journo and novelist)

    random book

    Why? by Philip Goff

    Atta by Jarrett Kobek (reviewed on Post Era)

  • We reflect on 100 episodes of the Book Club from Hell (or on the 99 prior to this one, if you want to be pedantic).
    Big shout out to moog for the intro music, and to Alex from Masticate (https://masticate.bandcamp.com) for the outro music.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • We were joined by Kevin Kautzman and Brad Kelly from the Art of Darkness podcast for this episode! We talked about Point Omega, by Don DeLillo, a short, mysterious novel published in 2010.
    If you haven't listened to Art of Darkness, we highly, highly recommend you do.


    If you ever cared about us, you'll send Art of Darkness your money: https://www.patreon.com/artofdarkpod

    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Paul R Ehrlich is the Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies at Stanford University. In 1968 he published The Population Bomb, co-authored with his wife Anne Ehrlich. In it were predicted, among other catastrophes, famines in the 1970s which would kill hundreds of millions. The cause? Human overpopulation. The optimal solution? A trans-national governing body which would regulate the fertility rates of humans the world over.
    In 2009, when asked about The Population Bomb's success in predicting the future, Ehrlich replied that its only problem was in being too optimistic. I should note that the predicted global famines never took place.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Paladin Press (rest in peace) liked to court controversy. So when a mother of two approached them with a manuscript for a crime novel, they asked her to write something spicier. The result? Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors, a step-by-step guide on how to work as a contract killer. The power of marketing was so strong that this book was implicated in a triple murder, leading to Paladin Press being sued. Flying too close to the sun, et cetera.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • James Burnham, a Trotskyite-turned-conservative, wrote The Managerial Revolution in 1941. In it, he describes the processes by which capitalist societies become managerial, and by which capitalists are displaced by managers as those who control the means of production.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • 'There's a Man Crying in the Street and Other Stories' is a short story collection by James De Llis, of the Hermitix podcast and author of 'Exiting Modernity', 'Only Ever Freedom' and 'Be Not Afraid'. In this episode, I (Jack) had a chat to James about the process of writing, the thematic and aesthetic inspirations for this collection, and more.

    Where to buy There's a Man Crying in the Street

    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Costin Alamariu, who may or may not be Bronze Age Pervert, completed his doctoral thesis in political philosophy at Yale in 2015. This thesis was re-published in 2023 under the title 'Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy'. There's a lot to this book, but it's mostly about the relationship between philosophy, heritability, aristocracy and nature. If you've ever wondered about the eugenic origins of philosophy, then listen on.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    X: @bookclubhell666

    Jack on X: @supersquat1

    Levi on X: @optimismlevi

  • Meltdown (1994) sees Nick Land dissolve the posthuman future in a solvent of technocapital, continental philosophy, cyberpunk, bacterial warfare and retrotemporal attraction, all dressed up in implanted mirrorshades with a highly-cinematic 9mm.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • Miyamoto Musashi is Japan's most famous swordsman, a ronin in the 17th century who was victorious in over 60 duels, founded a famed swordfighting school, and achieved such a level of combat mastery that he learned the essential nature of mastery itself. The Book of Five Rings (1645) was written by Musashi in a cave, towards the end of his life. It contains his thoughts on the Way of Strategy, concrete combat advice, as well as a philosophical account of what mastery truly is.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • Story of the Eye (1928) is a classic of French coom-lit. In it, teenagers engage in a series of sex acts involving ovular and liquid symbols, demonstrating why everyone thinks the French are perverts. It's also a really good book.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • The Turner Diaries (1978) is a notorious work of white nationalist and white supremacist fiction. It is reputed to have influenced a number of terrorist acts, including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings. Surprisingly for such a work, the spelling and formatting are mostly fine.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • Esoteric Trumpism (2024) promises to provide a Spenglerian reading of Donald Trump's life and leadership. Instead, it reads as a collection of strange Trump fanfics.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • Prominent Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong wrote On Guerrilla Warfare in 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. This series of pamphlets was intended to persuade Chinese leaders to also pursue a guerrilla campaign against the invading Japanese military. Full of practical advice on how to conduct guerrilla operations, this book has a little something for everyone.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666

  • Frantz Fanon was an anticolonial theorist and psychiatrist from Martinique, who wrote The Wretched of the Earth (1961) as an account of colonialism in Algeria. In it, he describes the therapeutic potential of violence and the psychology of the colonisers and colonised.


    Jack has published a novel!

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet

    Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6466733671

    Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell

    Jack's website: www.jackbc.me

    Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com


    Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr

    Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured

    Twitter: @bookclubhell666