DATE: September 18, 2022
THEME: New Season, New Opportunities
SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:50-52 & Acts 1:1-14
Jesus hangs out for about 40 days after His resurrection, giving many proofs that He has indeed physically risen from the dead, as well as being seen by over 500 people before He gathers all of His disciples at the Mount of Olives to witness His ascension into heaven. This is a major transition in the life of humanity, specifically in the lives of the disciples. What do we do with times of transition? How did the disciples deal with the shift from walking with Jesus every day for 3 years, to watching His death, witnessing His resurrection, spending about 40 days with Him, then to watch as Jesus physically leaves and no longer physically walks with them into the new kingdom age? How, then, can we view major transitions in our own lives and the state of the ever changing world around us? -
DATE: September 11, 2022
THEME: Too Good to Be True?
SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:36-49
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was evidence that the gospel is NOT "too good to be true," but is rather "It's good because it's true!" Jesus invited the disciples, as He invites you, into resurrection new life in this life and the next because of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave; into order to resurrect life, resurrect hope, and resurrect purpose in everyone's life. -
Puuttuva jakso?
DATE: August 28, 2022
THEME: Embrace Disappointments
SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:13-35
Two of the disciples, Cleopas and his wife Mary, walk away from hope toward Emmaus, Jesus comes up and walks beside them to give them His presence, His Word, and to reveal His identity and glory to them. This is what gives hope in the midst of disappointment and disillusionment. We ought to embrace disappointment as an opportunity for faith. -
DATE: August 7, 2022
THEME: So That...
SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:50-56
Jesus is buried. It really happened. Jesus died. He is TOTALLY dead, not just "mostly" dead. The death and burial of Jesus is an illustration to one of the most powerful truths about the freedom we have because of the grace of God through identifying with Jesus in His death and His burial. Jesus died and was buried, SO THAT… -
DATE: July 31, 2022
THEME: Here in the Death of Christ I Live
SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:44-49
The death of Christ is best viewed through the lens of the resurrection as a fulfillment of all truth and scripture. Christ died during Passover to become our passover lamb. There is incredible beauty and power behind the imagery of the original Exodus and the NEW Exodus through Jesus our passover lamb. The curtain/veil was torn to give us access to Yahweh and is how He poured our His Spirit upon all flesh. -
DATE: July 24, 2022
THEME: I Died With Him
SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:32-43
The last hours of Jesus' life were filled with power and glory, even though it looked like sorrow, pain, and despair. The place where Jesus was crucified, the guards gambling for His clothes, the words of the crowd, among other things, were fulfilling prophecy. The most powerful image we have on the day of Jesus' crucifixion was His conversation with the criminal on the cross who died with Him. Through our scripture passage this morning, we get to experience the core of the entire narrative of scripture, the restoration of ALL things, bringing all things back into order and shalom because of the death Jesus died, and the death we died with Him on the cross. -
DATE: July 17, 2022
THEME: Jesus Heals All Our Wounds
SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:26-31
As Jesus was bring led away to be crucified, He became too weak to carry the cross/stauros/crossbeam to Golgatha ("Place of the Skill"). Why? Also, what was it that keep Jesus going? What was it that drove Jesus to the cross? In this sermon, we are introduced to Simon of Cyrene (and his sons would all become disciples of Jesus) and the Daughters of Jerusalem (not the women disciples). Jesus came to suffer and die to heal all of our wounds and cultivate a culture of healing in the Kingdom of God, the Church. -
DATE: July 13, 2022THEME: Joy & RestSCRIPTURE: Luke 23:1-25In the midst of Jesus' trials before Pilate and Herod, we see Jesus calm, peace-filled, and joy-filled, and at rest..."like, a sheep before its shearers is silent. It wasn't a fearful or rebellious silence, it was a restful and joyful disposition. When Jesus was handed over to the Chief Priests' will (desire, want, wish, what they asked for) He knew things would be as they should. Things had to go exactly this way in order for Jesus to fulfill all prophesy and promise; to accomplish salvation for all who would call upon His name, to be come children of God. Jesus was joyful to do so.
DATE: July 3, 2022
THEME: God has Grace for the Teachable but Silence for the Incredulous.
SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:53-65
Peter and Jesus faced trials on the same night. Peter failed and received grace, Jesus succeeded and those who were judging Him received the silent treatment. God's grace is beyond what we can comprehend, that even in the midst of our failures and cowardice, God can restore and strengthen us through our trials. -
DATE: June 26, 2022
THEME: Follow the Father
SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:35-53
Jesus took His disciples from the Passover discussion in the Upper Room to the Garden where He was crushed with anguish and would be arrested. Through it all, the suffering and grief, Jesus followed the Father by faith and peace. How do we remind ourselves that in the midst of great sorrow and distress that the LORD is good and His steadfast love endures forever? -
DATE: June 19, 2022
THEME: Love First!
SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:23-34
The question about the worse of the disciples (the one who would betray Jesus) turned into a debate on who was the best of the disciples (the one who would lead them when Jesus went away). But Jesus made the point that leadership structures in the Church should not be like those of the pagan nations around them; those whom seek power and authority to wield/"lord" over others. God's kingdom is an upside down kingdom of service rather than authority. -
DATE: June 15, 2022
THEME: The Purpose of the Passover is Praise to our Protector, the Prince of Peace
SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:14-23
The Passover, what is often called the "LORD's Supper" or "Last Supper", is the setting for our passage in Luke. Jesus is sharing this special, spiritual, and powerful meal with all 120 of His disciples in the upper room, not just the 12. He is eating and drinking the traditional meal for Passover; lamb (even though we're not told he ate this), unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and wine. The setting and proclamation of ALL of the Bible, including the biblical setting of the Passover is ALL about the LORD showing Himself to be LORD Yahweh, the most high, above all spiritual entities, nations, and nature itself. In this sermon, Alan describes the power of this night, and the power of Christ's Passover, becoming our unblemished Passover lamb, and entering into our "house" to be our protector through everything. -
DATE: June 5, 2022
THEME: Prepare Your Life
SCRIPTURE: Luke 22:1-13
Judas and the disciples prepare for the Passover in different ways. Judah prepares to betray Jesus, and the disciples prepare to feast with Jesus in celebration. You need to prepare your life for glory. To receive, perceive, and experience the glory of God. -
DATE: May 29, 2022
THEME: Pursue Peace in the Wait, Bless the LORD in the Pain.
SCRIPTURE: Luke 21:5-38
Jesus' "Olivet Discourse" is a LARGE piece of literature that has been discussed and debated for millennium and often attributed to the end of the world, the apocalypse. However, this passage is not eschatological in nature, per the context given in the passage. This passage is a powerful prophecy concerning the end of the nation of Israel, the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the entire culture, economy, and politics of the national identity of Israel in AD 70. However Jesus' meaning in the passage is to warn the disciples of the things to look out for and GET OUT OF TOWN/FLEE/RUUUUN!!!...don't stick around out of a nationalistic duty to Israel, but to flee and be saved from the coming judgement upon Israel for their hard-heartedness and unrepentance; and His encouragement for His disciples is that in the mean time before that all happens, they ought to pursue peace in the wait, and bless the LORD in the midst of the pain. -
DATE: May 22, 2022
THEME: Trust God Find Joy
SCRIPTURE: Luke 20:20-21:4
Jesus' few interactions in the temple with the chief priests, scribes, and Sadducees show the very disheartening state of Israel during these days that they refused, they would not see, the Messiah right in front of them. So, instead of trusting Him and finding joy, they chose unbelief, doubt, and violence against Jesus. But Jesus' invitation still sought after all who would choose to trust Him and find flourishing, find life, find joy. -
DATE: May 15, 2022
THEME: Receive the Son, Receive Life
SCRIPTURE: Luke 20:1-19
In the midst of asking Jesus accusatory questions, Jesus gives them the answer through a question of His own as well as a parable. He tells the parable of the Vineyard owner and the unfaithful tenants who reject His servants and kill his son. His point is; if you will receive the Son you will receive life, but if you reject the Son, you will reject life. How do we “receive the Son” and live the life He desires for us? -
DATE: May 8, 2022
THEME: Jesus Wept
SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:41-48
Why did Jesus weep & rage? His demeanor shifted from joy-filled and celebrating the exhalation of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem to weeping compassionately and raging passionately because He got a vision of the future of Jerusalem's destruction that would occur in AD 70. Jesus' expresses great passion and compassion for God's people. So even in the midst of great destruction and sorrow, Jesus brings life, purpose, peace, joy, and hope. -
DATE: May 1, 2022
THEME: Our King is Jesus
SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:28-40
We have ARRIVED in Jerusalem! The Triumphal Entry of Jesus marks the end of the journey to Jerusalem, which began in Luke 9:51. And as we come into Jerusalem, we observe striking themes of the proclamation of Jesus as King and Messiah, because of the great works Jesus had done. -
DATE: April 24, 2022
THEME: Leverage Your Faith to Build God's Kingdom
SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:11-27
While in Jericho at the house of the Zacchaeus, Jesus tells a parable of the nobleman giving 10 of his servants a mina in order to do business while he was away being made a King. Jesus' point is that He desires for us to leverage the faith He's given in order to build His Kingdom. -
DATE: April 17, 2022
THEME: The Presence of God
SCRIPTURE: Luke 19:1-10
The narrative of Zacchaeus shows us that the presence of Jesus brings gratitude, generosity, and restoration. There are many things Luke's account of Zacchaeus's transformation show us. Join us during this special Resurrection Day worship celebration to hear the reason for the death, burial, and resurrection..."to seek and to save the lost." - Näytä enemmän