Jared Janes & Jason Snyder reunite after 17 months of Both/And hiatus. In this wide-ranging conversation, they talk about what they've been up to and how their perspectives of the sensemaking/meta/liminal web have changed.
Jared Janes & Jason Snyder come back one more time to give awards to stand-out Both/And episodes. First, they talk about what they've been up to for the past couple of months and then get to the awards: Most Convivial, Most Intellectually Stimulating, Most Challenging to My Worldview, Most Star-Struck, & MVP. Along the way, they also make a bunch of honorable mentions.
In this Episode of Both/And
Award Winners #22 Meta-Rationality & Sexuality with Jessica #37 Dancing with COVID with Sarah McManus #42 The Ever-Present with Jeremy Johnson #25 Horrorism & Culture with Zero HP Lovecraft #29 Reducing Suffering with Evan Sandhoefner #14 Paradigm Shifting with Erik Davis #19 Contextualizing the Spiritual with Jordan Hall #32 Regenerating Earth with Joe Brewer #41 Simpol Global Action with John Bunzl Mentions Donella Meadows' paper, Leverage Points Tyson Yunkaporta's book, Sand Talk Both/And Meets Growing Down #30 Aesthetic Embodiment with Rachel Haywire #4 Climate Change Adaptation & Meditation with Udita Sanga #24 Religion, Creativity & Deleuze with Justin Murphy #9 Analyzing Both And with Nathan Snyder #2 Memetic Mediation with Peter LimbergJared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Missing episodes?
Jared Janes & Jason Snyder talk about Both/And's hiatus, the sensemaking web, podcasting as a medium, memetic mediation, local community, going 'meta', spirituality, their friendship, COVID, contemporary Vajrayana Buddism, their political triggers, the meta/integral left, GameB, thank you's, the Both/And awards, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Jason's article, The Psychodynamics of Memetic Mediation
Jared's new Podcast
Jared & Charlie's Stoa Session
Twitter Questions Joe Brewer The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta The Jim Rutt Show and The Wright Show JRS: EP63 Michel Bauwens on P2P & Commons Tyson Yunkaporta on the Jim Rutt Show: Part 1 and Part 2 Aro gTér Buddhism Charlie Awbery Unified Mindfulness Culadasa Growing Down Podcast with Jeremy Johnson and Ryan Nakade B/A #42 The Ever-Present with Jeremy JohnsonJared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Leslie Rogers about what led him to start the Light Dark Institute, being in a sex cult, kink & BDSM, his dark awakening, personality & identity transformation, dark desires, the difference between light & dark personal work, orgasmic meditation & other influences on Leslie's practices, tantra, archetypes & deities, pleasure, healing & processing, triggering & mythopoetic power, tribal psycho technologies, nonduality, Jared's inner cynic, civilization collapse & catastrophe, death, pain as pleasure, humiliation, stoicism, and more.
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Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Jeremy Johnson about what led to his interest in Jean Gebser, the nebulosity of time, non-linear consciousness evolution & developmental theory, Gebser's poetic disposition & extraordinary writing style, the un-perspectival world, integral consciousness, the limits of intellect & complex abstraction, the ever-present, mythical consciousness, pattern & nebulosity, wholeness & the spiritual elements of Gebser's work, process orientation vs systemization, maps as living systems, comparing Gebser's view to Integral levels, the danger of meta-theories, the value of pop art, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Mutations Podcast Jeremy's Patreon Jeremy's book, Seeing Through the World Liminal Magazine The Ever-Present Origin by Jean Gebser The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Progress of This Storm by Andreas Malm Jeremy's Side View article, Meta, Modern Small Arcs of Larger Circles by Nora Bateson Twitter Questions Figuring by Maria Popova Seeing That Frees by Rob BurbeaSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with John Bunzl about why he started Simpol & how it enables global cooperation, his multi-issue approach to global issues, UN target failures, first-mover criteria, the democratic accountability strategy, partisanship, global pandemic preparation, efficiency vs resilience, power in metrics, cooperative competition, biomimicry in Simpol, Simpol's history & progress, the role of the nation-state, regional cooperation, diversity & locality, tyranny, getting involved, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And (recorded 4/21/20)
Simpol The Stoa Twitter Questions Simpol Policy Information Pack The SIMPOL SOLUTION BookSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes & Jason Snyder talk about humility, memetic mediation, Patreon goals & perks, acting from uncertainty, embodiment & trauma/baggage, map vs territory, individual vs group development, mindfulness, compassion, nonduality & enlightenment, tantric practice, guru abuse, emerging modern spirituality & the limitations of intellect, the void, subtle sensations & the brilliance of the mundane, constructed cognition, what we're both concentrated on at the moment, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Both/And Patreon The Stoa Jared's The Good, the True, the Beautiful Series Twitter Questions B/A: #39 Enabling Collaboration with Richard Bartlett Bodhidave Tweet Guided Christian Centering Prayer Rob BurbeaSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Richard Bartlett about what led to his interest in group dynamics, quarantine in Italy, local vs digital collaboration, social enterprise, metamodernism & an action-oriented critique, rivalrous dynamics, the commons, experimentation vs abstraction, GameB, hierarchies, efficiency vs resilience, counter-cultural group dysfunctions, the economic purity delusion, mythopoetic cultural influence, the meta-tribe, memetic mediators & ambassadors, connecting elements of COVID-19, digital/complexity natives, creating digital communitas, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Enspiral | Loomio | The Hum | Microsolidarity.cc Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons On Leaving the Church of Social Justice Jim Rutt Queer Eye B/A: #37 Dancing with COVID with Sarah McManus Twitter Question Jack Murphy Memetic Mediators Slack B/A: #22 Meta-Rationality & Sexuality with Jessica Rebel Wisdom: Predicting the Pandemic, Nora Bateson, Joe Brewer & Jim Rutt The StoaSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Anna Gat about her background & the Interintellect (I.I.), the structure of I.I. salons & how they're adjusting to COVID-19, uncovering our true social needs in quarantine, local vs virtual community, unifying dynamics of global crisis, COVID paradoxes & artifacts, redefining extraordinary & genius, enabling constraints, adversity, governance, memetic mediation, our tribal histories, leadership, what Anna is working on now, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
The Interintellect Anna's article, Good Life Article on COVID Responsibility, You’re Part of History Now Anna's article, As We May Adult B/A #6 Thriving in Modernity with Euvie Ivanova Richard Bartlett Peter LimbergSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Sarah McManus about her background, her emotional & psychological experience of contracting COVID-19, her ayahuasca shamanic apprenticeship in Peru, helplessness, emotional processing, the Bio-Emotive Framework, Buddhist practices & traditions, suffering, building & integrating new cultural platforms, reframing human development, pandemic fragility, learnings from Burning Man, dynamics of self-isolation, moving forward, chaos, order, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Sarah's Roam Page Twitter Questions Human Age on Twitter Neural Annealing: Toward a Neural Theory of Everything Clean Up, Wake Up, Grow Up with Ken Wilber Doug Tataryn Already Free by Bruce Tift INVISIBILIA Podcast: The Reluctant Immortalist Star Trek The Next Generation S1E2 B/A: #35 Erotic Potential with Debby Friday Nora Bateson on the Emerge Podcast Game B The Context Institute - videos on cultural operating systems Spiral Dynamics Collaborative "nucleation sites" Cultures and cultural platforms The Circles Maps The Egg by Andy Weir The Stoa Anis Mojgani performs Shake the DustSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes & Jason Snyder answer Twitter Questions and cover bio-regenerational orientations, COVID-19 induced mindfulness, tragedy & transformation, emotional escape & capture vs wholistic engagement, pluralistic food systems, the potential of minority rule, the role of the curator, the fragility of capitalist systems, future forcing functions, collecting & utilizing mental models, kinetic & meta tribes, skin in the game, learning through failure, tribal exposure & apprenticeship, Jason & Jared's contemplative practices, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Twitter Questions #13 Problematizing Food Systems with Stephanie White #35 Erotic Potential with Debby Friday Nassim Taleb on Minority Rule Donella Meadows' Leverage Points Paper Donella Meadows' Dancing With Systems The Patterning Instinct by Jeremy Lent Jim Rutt Jason's article, Integrating Mindfulness & Self-Inquiry Jared's Guided Meditation on The Stoa Jared's Death Session on The Stoa Email Both/AndSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with musician, artist & writer Debby Friday about reflecting in quarantine, how she sees the erotic as a lifeforce, embodiment & performance, COVID-19 impact on touring artists & what Debby has been doing while social distancing, cultural habit, virus as a ghost, death denial & death drive, tantric practice, creativity, pop music, the power of ritual, the church of social justice, evoking spirit & much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Debby's Blog, CRACKING CLOSER Debby's Article, TOGETHER, ALWAYS TOGETHER Sabina Spielrein Dave Chappelle Acceptance Speech Debby Friday Tracks in Episode INDULGE ME, VOID & AMOR FATI from BITCHPUNK FATAL from DEATH DRIVESupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Nathan Spears about his journey from religion to atheism and back again, Orthodox Christianity, modernizing religion, Vervaeke's four ways of knowing, the value of Christian language & story, bridging phenomenology & epistemology, the dynamics of belief, attention & intention, perennial philosophy, the body of Christ, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Nathan on Twitter Cognitive Science & the Sacred with Vervaeke & Pageau God & Relevance Realization with Vervaeke & Pageau Dominion by Tom Holland #15 Being a Baha'i Creative with Samah Tokmachi The Cloud of Unknowing The Mind Illuminated by John Yates Enneagram of Personality Hammering Hot Iron by Charles UptonPeople Mentioned: David Chapman, John Vervaeke, Daniel Thorson, Collin Morris, Jordan Hall, Guy Sengstock, Jonathan Pageau, Shinzen Young, David Bentley Hart
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Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder have a wide-ranging chat about their podcast supporters, how Both/And could evolve, informal vs formal spiritual practice, stream entry & the path of awakening, exploring perspectives of the 'self', embodied cognition, enactivism, memetic mediation, bioregional living, collapse, xenophobia vs diversity, the future of localism, psychological/cultural development, fluid politics, silence, vulnerability, how Jason & Jared disagree, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Both/And on Patron Twitter Questions Jason's article, Integrating Mindfulness & Self-Inquiry Mind In Life by Evan Thompson The Side View Peter Linberg Memetic Mediation Slack Group #32 Regenerating Earth with Joe Brewer OODA Loop Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons Jeremy Johnson #23 Integral Psych & Culture with Mark Forman The Imperfect Buddha | Daniel Ingram on Integral Theory The Musing Mind Podcast #31 Conscious Evolution with Rob Cobbold The Jim Rutt ShowSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Joe Brewer about the impact of conceptuality on perception & embodiment, the impossibility of understanding planetary collapse & what that means, getting lost in abstraction & duality, personal & ecological trauma, making & breaking conceptual frames, cancerous human thinking, the invisible regenerative revolution, the dynamics of coercion, top-down vs bottom-up regeneration, ecological succession, sustainable life-systems, acting bioregionally, and more!
In this Episode of Both/And
Cargo Cults Dr. Zachary Stein The Century of the Self Joanna Macy Twitter Questions Donella Meadows' Leverage Points Paper Joe's Earth Regenerator GroupSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Rob Cobbold about what led him to orient his life towards Conscious Evolution & what its core components are, the shortsightedness of antinatalism, spirituality & dualism, consciousness & ethics, limits of materialism & rationality, global governance, money, debt & interest, alternative currencies, societal flourishing, collapse & much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Meta Twitter Thread John Stewart Sex, Ecology, Spirituality by Ken Wilber Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M Pirsig Simpol.org Rob's Curious Bodhi Interview Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons Joe Brewer OpenCredit.Network Earfh.comSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Rachel Haywire about her presidential candidacy, what led her to art & philosophy, the art right, her view of the memetic tribal landscape, the power of memes, her critique on Jared & Jason's meta tribe, the role & power of aesthetics, psychic fascism, the challenges & benefits of embodiment, pain & suffering, spiritual materialism, embodied VR, politics as aesthetic, tribal immune systems, memetic fashion, the 'NPC' meme, transgressive arts, and much more!
In this Episode of Both/And
Haywire2020.com Trigger Warning Jason on Embodiment Practice Unified Mindfulness The Eternal Retreat Twitter Questions Avant Design Thus Spoke ZarathustraSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Evan Sandhoefner about what led him to utilitarianism & effective altruism, the flexibility of utilitarianism & some critiques, pluralistic virtue ethics, whether suffering is necessary & how it may affect animals & humans differently, whether we should remove wild predators to prevent animal suffering, creating unintentional animal suffering, consciousness, ethical meat production & factory farming, localism, universal explainers vs computers, intelligence, and more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Givewell David Pearce David Deutsch Twitter Questions The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch Mind in Life by Evan Thompson The Ego Tunnel by Thomas Metzinger Metzinger & Harris Podcast: The Nature of Consciousness Evan's BlogSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with the Commercial Director of Holo/Holochain, David Atkinson. They cover what led David to the Holo team, systems thinking, biomimicry & evolution, the core elements of Holochain, how it compares to the blockchain, scalability, centralization vs decentralization, some potential impacts of this tech, its current phase of development, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Holochain.org Holo.hostSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Paul Millerd about his career path, Jared's recent leap to self-employment, the incentives of benefits & healthcare, history of firm-based vs contract work, expectations of work & its connection to meaning & dignity, local community, the boundary between work & life, basic income, consumerism, GDP determined lifestyles, shared local commons, self-determination theory, the 40-hour workweek, the pathless path, work as service, complexity of teams & the role of chaos, and much more.
In this Episode of Both/And
Andrew Taggart If work dominated your every moment would life be worth living? On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt Zachary Stein on The Musing Mind Podcast Three Sacred Beliefs Undermining Universal Basic Income Drive by Dan Pink Twitter QuestionsSupport Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes
Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, a small percentage of its price is sent to us.
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