Web browsing can be a fundamental part of an OSINT investigation. Isolating your browser in such a way that doesn't "cross-pollinate" with the host operating system can be a critical part of keeping yourself safe and maintaining the integrity of your investigation.
In this episode we get to hear from Kasm! Kasm is a container streaming solution that allows users to spin up individual apps (web browsers, Telegram, Discord, and so on) or entire Linux desktops in their cloud. You interact with those sessions in browser, thus allowing complete isolation between your host system and what is happening in that session.They offer personal SaaS solutions, Enterprise SaaS solutions as well as a self-hosted option.
Check them out at: https://kasmweb.com
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Pivoting is one of the most fundamental investigative techniques you should have in your toolset but it's an easy thing to gloss over. In this episode, I get to sit down with Griffin and walk through some amazing pivots.
Griffin on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/griffin-g
Griffin on X: https://x.com/hatless1der
Griffin's blogs: https://hatless1der.com
Griffin's OSINT Training: https://myosint.training
National Child Protection Task Force: https://ncptf.org
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On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/27143440/admin/feed/posts/
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In this episode we get to sit down with Ritu Gill (OSINT Techniques) and talk about their tool, Forensic OSINT. Along the way we discuss my own screenshot misadventures and touch on a few other OSINT topics.
Ritu on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritugill-osinttechniques/
Forensic OSINT: https://www.forensicosint.com/
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In this episode we get to sit down with Patrick Laverty, host of the Layer 8 Podcast and organizer of the Layer 8 Conference in Rhode Island. Patrick's podcast and conference have been a gateway for many us in to the world of Social Engineering and Open Source Intelligence. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!
Layer 8 Podcast will be debuting a new season on Monday February 5th!
Patrick on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/plaverty9/
Patrick on X: https://twitter.com/plaverty9/
Layer 8 Podcast: https://layer8conference.com/the-layer-8-podcast/
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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In this episode we sit down with Dale Ayers. I met Dale at B-Sides Bloomington at our OSINT Workshop. At the time, Dale was trying to pivot in to his first tech job. He was recently successful! We sit down to discuss his journey from a non-technical field, what worked and what didn't.
Dale on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daleaayers/
Jason Blanchard, creator of "Job Hunt Like a Hacker": https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonsblanchard/
Jason Blanchard, previous streams: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonsblanchard/recent-activity/events/
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Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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The best way to learn is by doing and doing is easier when it's engaging. We sit down with Rae Baker to talk about KASE Scenarios. KASE offers realistic OSINT training scenarios with a narrative catalyst.
KASE Scenarios: https://kasescenarios.com
KASE on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kasescenarios
Rae on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wondersmith_raeRae's book: https://www.raebaker.net/
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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Just in time for DEF CON 31....A special Training Treat
In this episode I'm joined by Joe Gray. Joe is a Trace Labs Black Badge winner, author, speaker and trainer amongst other things. We dive deep in to the world of OSINT training, discussing Joe's take on training in general as well as guidance for those new to the field.
You can find Joe online at:
Joe's Socials:
Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/C_3PJoeTraining with Joe through The OSINTion
Discord: https://osint.mobi/discord
YouTube: https://osint.mobi/youtube
Blog: https://tidbit.theosintion.com/
On-Demand Academy: https://academy.theosintion.com/Joe's Book:
https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Social-Engineering-Joe-Gray/dp/171850098XWant to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Check out the site: https://tracelabs.org -
The best Social Engineers do a tremendous amount of research before engaging a target. As luck would have it, we get to speak with one of them today! Chris and I talk about the pivotal role of OSINT in preparing for an SE engagement and also get a "peek behind the curtain" in relation to OSINT sources during a Social Engineering "capture the flag" style competition.
Chris Kirsch is the CEO of runZero (www.runzero.com), a cyber asset management company he co-founded with Metasploit creator HD Moore. Chris started his career at an InfoSec startup in Germany and has since worked for PGP, nCipher, Rapid7, and Veracode. He has a passion for OSINT and Social Engineering. In 2017, he earned the Black Badge for winning the Social Engineering capture the flag competition at DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker conference.
If you'd like to learn more about Chris and the organizations he advocates for:
Defcon 2022 OSINT & vishing research: https://medium.com/@chris.kirsch/top-osint-sources-and-vishing-pretexts-from-def-cons-social-engineering-competition-8e08de4c8ea8Winning call from DEF CON SECTF 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhE372sqURUExternal perimeter recon using runZero: https://www.runzero.com/blog/external-scanning/Competitive Intelligence talk at Layer 8 Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB-wLadJ3hkFacebook Talent Intelligence Collective: https://www.facebook.com/groups/talentintelligencecollectiveNational Child Protection Task Force (NCPTF): https://www.ncptf.org/Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/chris_kirschMastodon profile: https://infosec.exchange/@chris_kirschLinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ckirsch/Chris' company: https://www.runzero.com/
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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In this bonus episode, Tom Hocker and Rae Baker sit down to talk about their respective journeys in to infosec. Getting in to Infosec can seem challenging but if these two can do it so can you. With a little bit of forward momentum and a clear goal in mind you can pretty much achieve anything.
Rae on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wondersmith_rae
Pre-Order Rae's Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1119933242/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0Tom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/human_decoded
Tom and Rae would both like it if you considered supporting Operation Safe Escape and the great work they do:
Operation Safe Escape - https://safeescape.org
Operation Safe Escape Donations - https://funraise.org/give/Operation-Safe-Escape/ca21cf2f-52c3-45c0-af23-fe9441b7b0b6Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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#Hack4Good can come in many different forms. The team from Operation Safe Escape works in the same "space" as Trace Labs but with a different mission. They're focused on assisting the survivors of domestic violence escape their situation and stay safe in a digital world that makes tracking and control easier than it's ever been. In this episode, I talk with some of the OSE team about the organization, how they operate and what it takes to make a Safe Escape from an abusive situation.
Operation Safe Escape - https://safeescape.org
Operation Safe Escape Donations - https://funraise.org/give/Operation-Safe-Escape/ca21cf2f-52c3-45c0-af23-fe9441b7b0b6Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Check out the site: https://tracelabs.org -
Paying an organization to provide you with intelligence you either don't have access to or don't have the time to collect can expedite an investigation. But how does it work? Where does the intelligence come from? How do these businesses work?
In this episode, Roelof gives us some insight in to the business of breach data and people information services.
Vortimo: https://www.vortimo.com/
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In this episode we have the good fortune of sitting down with xFreed0m - AKA Roei Sherman. Roei has been a Trace Labs contributor for several years and we take some time to talk about his journey in to infosec, OSINT and the Trace Labs community. Want to know how to get started in the industry? Want to hear about OSINT's use in red team operations? We've got you covered on this episode.
Roei on Twitter: x_Freed0mRoei on Github: xFreed0m
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
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Today we're joined by Roelof Temmingh. Roelof is the creator of OSINT tools you've certainly heard of such as Maltego and Vortimo. Roelof recently got to test Vortimo in the context of a Trace Labs CTF and his team placed very well. In this episode we discuss the history/inception of these tools as well as CTFs vs Real World investigations.
Vortimo: https://www.vortimo.com/
Blog post about competing in the CTF: https://www.vortimo.com/competing-in-the-tracelabs-ctf-26-march-2022/
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Check out the site: https://tracelabs.org -
Spend enough time in almost any OSINT community and you'll notice that some people just keep dropping resource after resource for the community. Ever wonder where those resources come from or who these people are? Today we get to talk to ohshint_ about their professional background as a private investigator, OSINT resources and how NOT to use OSINT
OhShINT_ on Twitter: @OhShINT_
OhShINT_ on Github: https://github.com/OhShINT
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
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Have you ever been on an investigation and thought to yourself "I can't wait to explain this to someone else!"?....
The information you collect during an investigation is only as useful as your ability to communicate its meaning and value. In this episode we sit down with professional pentester and *spoiler alert* professional report writer Brian King. We'll be going over the value of communicating your findings and some basic guidance that should lead you to writing better reports.
Brian on Twitter: @BBhacKing
Hack for Show Report for Dough: Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ4gJVXPAS0&t=2933s
Brian's webapp pentesting course - https://www.antisyphontraining.com/modern-webapp-pentesting-w-bb-king/
How To Really Use Microsoft Word (Scott Hanselman) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8CC0sng1FM
Public Pentesting Reports, from Julio Cesarfort - https://github.com/juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Check out the site: https://tracelabs.org -
OSINT investigations aren't always glamorous. In this episode we talk to Rae Baker about some overlooked (although incredibly practical) applications of OSINT as well has her journey in to the field.
Rae on Twitter: @wondersmith_rae
Rae's Blog: https://wondersmithrae.medium.com
Organizations Rae donates time to:
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Learn how to get started with Trace Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrI4MYv9i4Learn about our Search Party CTFs: https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/search-party
OPSEC. By the time you realize you need it....it's probably too late. Where should a new person get started with OPSEC? How much do they need? In this episode we talk to Sinwindie about the OPSEC spectrum, good advice for beginners and share our favorite OPSEC fails.
Sinwindie on Twitter: @sinwindie
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Discord server: https://tracelabs.org/discord
Learn how to get started with Trace Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrI4MYv9i4Learn about our Search Party CTFs: https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/search-party
Chase Matheson is a student, artist, hacker and creator behind the iconic Trace Labs badge artwork. Today we talk through his 15 month journey from complete outsider to landing his first infosec gig. Chase shares his journey, lessons learned and the strategy that got him where he is today.
Chase on Twitter: @ChaseMathesonChase on Linked In: Chase Matheson
Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Slack Channel: https://tracelabs.org/slack
Learn how to get started with Trace Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrI4MYv9i4Learn about our Search Party CTFs: https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/search-party
OSINT is a valuable skill. There are a number of organizations you can volunteer your time with to make the world a better place while leveraging something you're good at. Contributing to such a noble mission does come at a price though. In this episode I'm joined by volunteers from Trace Labs and the National Child Protection Task Force (NCPTF). We talk through the highs but also the lows that come with giving up your time to walk through the darkness.
National Child Protection Task Force: https://www.ncptf.org/Jessica on Twitter: @scarlettsleuth
Alex on Twitter: @UlicBelouveWant to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Slack Channel: https://tracelabs.org/slack
Learn how to get started with Trace Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrI4MYv9i4Learn about our Search Party CTFs: https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/search-party
Whether it's a Defcon talk, a training or Twitter, the researcher known as Levi is best known for their expertise navigating and investigating on the Darknet. In this episode, we'll be talking other things! Hear us chat with Levi about some of the (often unconsidered) mental health aspects that accompany their investigations and how they stay safe and healthy online.
Levi on Twitter: @levitannin
Levi would like you to check out the Innocent Lives Foundation: https://www.innocentlivesfoundation.org/
If you'd like to support the Innocent Lives Foundation AND enjoy Levi's book recommendation check out their affiliate link to Amazon:
"Lurking: How a Person Became a User"Want to learn more about Open Source Intelligence?
Follow us on Twitter: @TraceLabs
Join our Slack Channel: https://tracelabs.org/slack
Learn how to get started with Trace Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrI4MYv9i4Learn about our Search Party CTFs: https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/search-party
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