In this episode I talk to Shamanic healer Eddy Elsey about mental health, shamanism, toxic masculinity and the environment online @eddyelsey on instagram. Check him out
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In this episode of the Brett Cobley podcast I interview James Bushe. An inspirational pilot that overturned an antiquated ruling and paved the way for himself and others to become a pilot while living with HIV. We also talk about world Aids day and our privilege as white males living in a society that has a long way to go in terms of diversity. We also touched on controlling the narrative around HIV and walking the line between working to break the stigma and also highlighting the fact that 1m people are still dying from AIDS each year that don't have access to the level of medication and health care we have in the UK.
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In this episode of the Brett Cobley Podcast I get to interview the amazing @NaturallyStefanie who is a fitness and food entrepreneur. She has a self titled book "naurally stefanie" and works to help her fitness community achieve their goals through the vegan aesthetics community. Check her out! Thank you for listening please leave a review.
In this episode I talk to Harlem Eubank a professional boxer with 9 professional wins and 0 losses. Harlem is a very technical and explosive fighter and talks about his mindset leading up to a fight and how he manages both physical and mental aspects of the art form.
@Harlemeubank on instagram
I loved this discussion with Christopher Sebastian! Such a powerful inspiring talker and so amazing to learn about such important topics. Check out https://www.christophersebastian.info/
And please leave a review on this podcast I would really appreciate your support.
In this episode with @dragonsandrivers we talk about: racism, creativity, Hip Hop, political changes and the next projects for Chris.
Chris is an incredibly talented music artist with an array of unique perspectives that I find incredibly thought provoking and inspiring.
In this interview I got the pleasure of interviewing one of my favourite people. Benj is a co owner of ethcs an ethical sustainable clothing company, an incredible dj and one of the kindest more compassionate people I know with a unique perspective. We talked about racism, police brutality and the fact that life right now is like an apocalypse movie. Give him a follow at @Benj.Uk and @ethcs
In this episode I talk about racism and the recent police brutality of George Floyd. I speak from the heart about white privilege and the issues surrounding racism and police brutality in our society.
Amazing to finally get a chance to interview the awesome Ashlee Evans Smith who is a legit UFC fighter and all round badass. She gave to really interesting thoughts on staying driven and what she is yet to achieve. Please take a moment to review the podcast.
Always a pleasure interviewing the legend that is Loui Blake. Great to chat about turning crisis into opportunity and how to stay driven. Please take a moment to review the podcast.
Great to interview my good friend and founder of plant based news Robbie Lockie. Please take time to review the podcast and let me know your thoughts.
This episode is about mental health and the effects of social media. The constant need to protect yourself against criticism and the fear of the future. Have a listen and send in your topics and issues to [email protected]
Todays podcast is with @temp_tation and we discuss a lot! It is lighthearted and fun at times but I also talk about something deep. If you listen you'll know.
In this podcast I start addressing some questions sent in to me but end by ranting about the news and just how bias it is. I also talk about corruption in sports and performance enhancing drugs. Stick with it I am on a real rant at times.
This episode is with the lovely Clare of The little London Vegan! She reviews restaurants and new vegan food options and creates the best face as she posts about them lol Check out her amazing map of vegan food and listen as we get to know more about the real Clare (kind of... we mainly just talk vegan stuff :)
Follow her at @thelittlelondonvegan and thanks to the amazing All bar one who sponsored this podcast. You can get mine and Clares favourites from their veganuary menu for all of January and February.
In this episode of the podcast I talk about a visit to church for the first time in 20 years and how that made me think about community and the lack of it in our modern day society.
I would love to hear your feedback on the topic. Also please rate and review the podcast.
Thanks to All Bar One for sponsoring todays podcast with their veganuary menu
In this episode I interview Mark Whittle from the Take Flight podcast. We chat about toxic masculinity, high performing behaviours, and our emotions.
Please remember to leave a review
In this episode I interview the incredible, Grace Hazel! She is a sex therapist and self titled "vagina witch" intrigued? I was too! We talk about the anxiety around sex from the perspectives of those born in both male and female bodies and also talk about how Grace found her calling in life. I loved this conversation and I really hope you do too. Please leave a review and share it with your friends.
In this episode of The Brett Cobley Podcast I interview the amazing vegan chef and cook book author Rachel Ama. We talk about the music that inspires her and her style of recipe. She is very humble and interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. We also took questions from the crowd which we got the chance to answer live on the podcast.
This episode was recorded infront of a live podcast audience! My First Brett Cobley Podcast live event and I interviewed the amazing Laura Callan. We talked about her inspirations for setting up Brightzine and the Bright club co working space. I really enjoyed this conversation, you can see more of Laura and Brightzine by following @brightzine & @lauralollipop
A big thanks to the sponsors @loveoggs and @tenzing
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