Bright on Buddhism - Shōji Jissō Gi
Join us as we read and discuss the Hakeda Yoshito translation of the Shōji Jissō Gi by Kūkai in its entirety.
Resources: Clipston, Janice (2000). Sokushin-jōbutsu-gi: Attaining Enlightenment in This Very Existence, Buddhist Studies Reviews 17 (2), 207-220; Giebel, Rolf W.; Todaro, Dale A.; trans. (2004). Shingon texts, Berkeley, Calif.: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research; Green, Ronald S. (2003). "Kūkai, Founder of Japanese Shingon Buddhism: Portraits of His Life." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.; Hakeda Yoshito. 1972. Kūkai – Major Works. New York, USA: Columbia University Press.; Inagaki Hisao (1972). "Kukai's Sokushin-Jobutsu-Gi" (Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body), Asia Major (New Series) 17 (2), 190-215; Skilton, A. 1994. A Concise History of Buddhism. Birmingham: Windhorse Publications.; Wayman, A and Tajima, R. 1998 The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Delhi: Motilal Barnasidass [includes Study of the Vairocanābhisambodhitantra (Wayman) and Study of the Mahāvairocana-Sūtra (Tajima)].; White, Kenneth R. 2005. The Role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist Enlightenment. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press (includes Bodhicitta-śāstra, Benkenmitsu-nikyōron, Sanmaya-kaijō); Ryūichi Abe (2000). The Weaving of Mantra: Kūkai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. Columbia University Press. pp. 3, 113–4, 391–3. ISBN 978-0-231-11287-1.; Hakeda, Yoshito S. (1972). Kūkai and His Major Works. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-05933-6.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 106 - How ought we understand anger and rage in Buddhism? What are the different types of anger and rage in Buddhist thought? What is the role of anger and rage in Buddhism?
Resources: Bhikkhu Bodhi (2003), A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, Pariyatti Publishing; Goleman, Daniel (2008). Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Bantam. Kindle Edition.; Geshe Tashi Tsering (2006). Buddhist Psychology: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought. Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.; Ajahn Sucitto (2010). Turning the Wheel of Truth: Commentary on the Buddha's First Teaching. Shambhala.; Bryant, Edwin F. (2009). The Yoga sūtras of Patañjali: a new edition, translation, and commentary with insights from the traditional commentators (1st ed.). New York: North Point Press. pp. 189–190. ISBN 978-0-86547-736-0. OCLC 243544645.; Goleman, Daniel (2008). Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Bantam. Kindle Edition.; Guenther, Herbert V. & Leslie S. Kawamura (1975), Mind in Buddhist Psychology: A Translation of Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan's "The Necklace of Clear Understanding" Dharma Publishing. Kindle Edition.; Kunsang, Erik Pema (translator) (2004). Gateway to Knowledge, Vol. 1. North Atlantic Books.; Leifer, Ron (1997). The Happiness Project. Snow Lion.; Ringu Tulku (2005). Daring Steps Toward Fearlessness: The Three Vehicles of Tibetan Buddhism, Snow Lion.; Bodhi, Bhikkhu (trans.) (2000). The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya. Boston: Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-331-1.; Bodhi, Bhikkhu (2005). In the Buddha's Words. Boston: Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-491-1.; Dictionary of Buddhism. Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004. Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/kle-a (accessed: January 5, 2008).; Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse (2011). What Makes You Not a Buddhist. Kindle Edition. Shambhala; Epstein, Mark (2009). Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change, a Positive Psychology for the West. Wisdom.; Goldstein, Joseph. The Emerging Western Buddhism: An Interview with Joseph Goldstein. Insight Meditation Society website.; Goleman, Daniel (2008). Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Bantam. Kindle Edition.; Guenther, Herbert V. & Leslie S. Kawamura (1975), Mind in Buddhist Psychology: A Translation of Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan's "The Necklace of Clear Understanding" Dharma Publishing. Kindle Edition.; Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen (2009). A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path. Snow Lion.; Longchen Yeshe Dorje (Kangyur Rinpoche) (2010). Treasury of Precious Qualities. Revised edition. Paperback. Shambhala.; Muller, Charles (2004). The Yogācāra Two Hindrances and Their Reinterpretations in East Asia. Toyo Gakuen University. Source: http://www.acmuller.net/articles/reinterpretations_of_the_hindrances.html (accessed: January 5, 2008); Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu (trans.) (1991), The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga. Seattle: BPS Pariyatti. ISBN 1-928706-00-2.; Thanissaro Bhikkhu (trans.) (1994). Upakkilesa Samyutta: Defilements (SN 27.1–10). Retrieved 2008-02-10 from "Access to Insight" at http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn27/sn27.001-010.than.html.; Thanissaro Bhikkhu (trans.) (2004). Ariyapariyesana Sutta: The Noble Search (MN 26). Retrieved 2010-03-20 from "Access to Insight" at http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.026.than.html.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Mangler du episoder?
Bright on Buddhism - Research Project Series - Aikidō
Join me as I discuss a famous Japanese martial art called Aikidō.
Resources: Ueshiba, Kisshōmaru (2004). The Art of Aikido: Principles and Essential Techniques. Kodansha International. p. 70. ISBN 4-7700-2945-4.; Saotome, Mitsugi (1989). The Principles of Aikido. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala. p. 222. ISBN 978-0-87773-409-3.; David Jones (2015). Martial Arts Training in Japan: A Guide for Westerners. Tuttle Publishing. p. 65. ISBN 978-1-4629-1828-7.; Michael A. Gordon (2019). Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy: Teacher as Healer. Springer. p. 28. ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4.; Koichi Tohei: Ki in Daily Life - 4889960716 Oxford University Press, USA; Koichi Tohei: The Book of Ki - 0870403796 Japan Publications, Japan; Koichi Tohei: Aikido in Daily Life - 0870402218 Japan Publications, Japan; Koichi Tohei: Kiatsu - 0870405365 Japan Publications, Japan; Koichi Tohei: Ki Sayings - Ki No Kenkyukai, Japan - privately printed; Koichi Tohei: This is Aikido - Japan Publications, Japan - out of print; Koichi Tohei: What is Aikido? - Rikugei Publishing House, Japan - out of print; Koichi Tohei: Aikido: The Arts of Self Defense - Rikugei Publishing House, Japan - out of print; Koichi Tohei: How to Unify Ki - out of print; Koichi Tohei: Ki Meditations - out of print; Koichi Tohei: Ki Hygiene - out of print; Koichi Tohei: How to Develop Ki - out of print; Koichi Tohei: Ki Breathing Methods - out of print; Koichi Tohei: Tempu Nakamura and Morihei Ueshiba - Japanese language only; Koichi Tohei: Extend Ki - Japanese language only; Koichi Tohei: Power of Ki Book - Japanese language only; Koichi Tohei: Ki Power Book - Japanese language only; Koichi Tohei: Aikido in Daily Life Rikugei Publishing House, Tokyo, 1966
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 105 - Who is Amitabha? What are some stories about him? How ought we understand him?
Resources: Karashima, Seishi (2009), JSTOR 24049429 On Amitābha, Amitāyu(s), Sukhāvatī and the Amitābhavyūha], Bulletin of the Asia Institute, New Series, 23, 121–130
Charles Muller, "Buddha of Immeasurable Life 無量壽佛" Digital Dictionary of Buddhism,http://www.buddhism-dict.net/cgi-bin/xpr-ddb.pl?71.xml+id(%27b7121-91cf-58fd-4f5b%27)
Tanaka, Kenneth K. 1990. The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine: Ching-ying Hui-yüanʼs Commentary on the Visualization Sutra, p. 12. Albany: State University of New York Press.
The Three Pure Land Sutras (PDF), translated by Inagaki, Hisao, Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2003, ISBN 1-886439-18-4,
Georgios T. Halkias, Luminous Bliss: A Religious History of Pure Land Literature in Tibet Pure Land
Jones, Charles B. (2019). Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, Understanding a Tradition of Practice. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
Jones, Charles B. (2021). Pure Land: History, Tradition, and Practice. Shambhala Publications. ISBN 978-1-61180-890-2.
Amstutz, Galen (1998). The Politics of Pure Land Buddhism in India, Numen 45 (1), 69–96 JSTOR 3270334 (subscription required)
Inagaki, Hisao, trans. (2003), The Three Pure Land Sutras (PDF), Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, ISBN 1-886439-18-4, archived from the original (PDF) on May 12, 2014.
Müller, F. Max (trans) Buddhist Mahâyâna texts Vol. 2: The larger Sukhâvatî-vyûha, the smaller Sukhâvatî-vyûha, the Vagrakkedikâ, the larger Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra, the smaller Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra. The Amitâyur dhyâna-sûtra, translated by J. Takakusu. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1894. Pure Land Sutras.
Shi Wuling: In one Lifetime: Pure Land Buddhism, Amitabha Publications, Chicago 2006. ISBN 978-1-59975-357-7.
Halkias, Georgios and Richard Payne. Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts: An Anthology. University of Hawaii Press, 2019.
Halkias, Georgios. Luminous Bliss: A Religious History of Pure Land Literature in Tibet, with an annotated English translation and critical edition of the Orgyan-gling Gold manuscript of the short Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra. Hawaii: University of Hawai‘i Press 2013. [1]
Johnson, Peter, trans. (2020). The Land of Pure Bliss, On the Nature of Faith & Practice in Greater Vehicle (Mahāyāna) Buddhism, Including a Full Translation of Shàndǎo's Commentary in Four Parts Explaining The Scripture About Meditation on the Buddha 'Of Infinite Life' (Amitāyur Buddha Dhyāna Sūtra, 觀無量壽佛經), ISBN 978-1-7923-4208-0.
Kenneth Tanaka (1989). Bibliography of English-language Works on Pure land Buddhism: Primarily 1983–1989, Pacific World Journal, New Series, Number 5, 85–99.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!Credits:
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Buddhish - Episode 19 - Way of The Passive Fist
Join us as we discuss the video game, Way of The Passive Fist!
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 104 - What is the relationship between Buddhism and martial arts? What are some Buddhist influenced martial arts and their histories? How does the practice of martial arts reconcile with the moral precept of not harming sentient beings?
Resources: Canzonieri, Salvatore. "The Emergence of the Chinese Martial arts". Han Wei Wushu (23).; Henning, Stanley (1999b). "Martial arts Myths of Shaolin Monastery, Part I: The Giant with the Flaming Staff". Journal of the Chenstyle Taijiquan Research Association of Hawaii. 5 (1).; Henning, Stanley E. (Fall 1999). "Academia Encounters the Chinese Martial arts". China Review International. 6 (2): 319–332. doi:10.1353/cri.1999.0020. ISSN 1069-5834.; Zhāng Kǒngzhāo 張孔昭 (c. 1784). Boxing Classic: Essential Boxing Methods 拳經拳法備要 Quánjīng Quánfǎ Bèiyào (in Chinese).; Kit, Wong Kiew (2002). Art of Shaolin Kung Fu: The Secrets of Kung Fu for Self-Defense Health and Enlightenment.; Order of the Shaolin Ch'an (2004, 2006). The Shaolin Grandmaster's Text: History, Philosophy, and Gung Fu of Shaolin Ch'an. Oregon.; Shahar, Meir (2008). The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 978-0824831103.; Liu, James J.Y. (1967). The Chinese Knight Errant. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. pp. 87–88. ISBN 0-2264-8688-5.; Henning, Stanley (1994). "The Chinese Martial Arts in Historical Perspective" (PDF). Journal of the Chenstyle Taijiquan Research Association of Hawaii. 2 (3): 1–7.; Henning, Stan; Green, Tom (2001). "Folklore in the Martial Arts". In Green, Thomas A. (ed.). Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.; Shahar, Meir (2000). "Epigraphy, Buddhist Historiography, and Fighting Monks: The Case of The Shaolin Monastery". Asia Major. Third Series. 13 (2): 15–36.; Shahar, Meir (December 2001). "Ming-Period Evidence of Shaolin Martial Practice". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 61 (2). Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 61, No. 2: 359–413. doi:10.2307/3558572. ISSN 0073-0548. JSTOR 3558572. S2CID 91180380.; Francis, B.K. (1998). Power of Internal Martial Arts: Combat Secrets of Ba Gua, Tai Chi, and Hsing-I. North Atlantic Books.;Ueshiba, Kisshōmaru (2004). The Art of Aikido: Principles and Essential Techniques. Kodansha International. p. 70. ISBN 4-7700-2945-4.; Saotome, Mitsugi (1989). The Principles of Aikido. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala. p. 222. ISBN 978-0-87773-409-3.; Westbrook, Adele; Ratti, Oscar (1970). Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere. Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Company. pp. 16–96. ISBN 978-0-8048-0004-4.; David Jones (2015). Martial Arts Training in Japan: A Guide for Westerners. Tuttle Publishing. p. 65. ISBN 978-1-4629-1828-7.; Michael A. Gordon (2019). Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy: Teacher as Healer. Springer. p. 28. ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4; Ueshiba, Morihei (2013). Budo: Teachings Of The Founder Of Aikido. New York: Kodansha America. pp. 33–35. ISBN 978-1-56836-487-2.; gar-Hutton, Robert (2018). The Metamorphosis of Tai Chi: Created to kill; evolved to heal; teaching peace. Ex-L-Ence Publishing. ISBN 978-1-9164944-1-1.; Choy, Kam Man (1985). Tai Chi Chuan. San Francisco, California: Memorial Edition 1994.[ISBN missing]; Davis, Barbara (2004). Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation. North Atlantic Books. ISBN 978-1-55643-431-0.; Frantzis, Bruce (2007). The Power of Internal Martial Arts and Chi: Combat and Energy Secrets of Ba Gua, Tai Chi and Hsing-I. Blue Snake Books. ISBN 978-1-58394-190-4.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!Credits:
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 103 - What is a Dalai Lama? What is the meaning and significance of that position? Who is the Dalai Lama today?
Resources: Buswell, Robert E.; Lopez, Donald S. Jr., eds. (2014). Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-15786-3.; David-Neel, A. (1965). Magic & Mystery in Tibet. Corgi Books.London. ISBN 0-552-08745-9.; Dhondup, K. (1984). The Water-Horse and Other Years. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.; Dhondup, K. (1986). The Water-Bird and Other Years. New Delhi: Rangwang Publishers.; Dowman, Keith (1988). The power-places of Central Tibet : the pilgrim's guide. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 0-7102-1370-0.; Kapstein, Matthew (2006). The Tibetans. Malden, MA, USA. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 9780631225744.; The Illusive Play: The Autobiography of the Fifth Dalai Lama [aka 'Dukula']. Translated by Karmay, Samten G. Serindia Publications. Chicago. 2014. ISBN 978-1-932476-67-5.; Laird, Thomas (2006). The Story of Tibet : Conversations with the Dalai Lama (1st ed.). New York: Grove Press. ISBN 978-0-8021-1827-1.; McKay, A. (2003). History of Tibet. RoutledgeCurzon. ISBN 978-0-7007-1508-4.; Mullin, Glenn H. (1982). Selected Works of the Dalai Lama VII: Songs of Spiritual Change (2nd ed., 1985). Snow Lion Publications, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-937938-30-0.; Mullin, Glenn H. (1983). Selected Works of the Dalai Lama III: Essence of Refined Gold (2nd ed., 1985). Snow Lion Publications, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-937938-29-7.; Mullin, Glenn H. (2001). The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation. Clear Light Publishers. Santa Fe, NM. ISBN 1-57416-092-3.; Norbu, Thubten Jigme; Turnbull, Colin M. (1968). Tibet. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-671-20559-5.; Richardson, Hugh E. (1984). Tibet and its history (2nd ed., rev. and updated. ed.). Boston: Shambhala. ISBN 978-0-87773-376-8.; Van Schaik, Sam (2011), Tibet. A History. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.; Schulemann, Günther (1958). Die Geschichte der Dalai Lamas. Leipzig: Veb Otto Harrassowitz. ISBN 978-3-530-50001-1.; Schwieger, Peter (2014). The Dalai Lama and the Emperor of China: A Political History of the Tibetan Institution of Reincarnation. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-53860-2. OCLC 905914446.; Shakabpa, Tsepon W.D. (1967), Tibet: A Political History. New York: Yale University Press, and (1984), Singapore: Potala Publications. ISBN 0961147415.; Shakabpa, Tsepon W.D. (2010). One Hundred Thousand Moons. An Advanced Political History of Tibet (2 vols). Leiden (Netherlands), Boston (USA): Brill's Tibetan Studies Library. ISBN 9789004177321.; Sheel, R N Rahul (1989). "The Institution of the Dalai Lama". The Tibet Journal. 14 (3).; Smith, Warren W. (1997). Tibetan Nation; A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan Relations. New Delhi: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-8133-3155-2.; Snellgrove, David; Richardson, Hugh (1986). A Cultural History of Tibet. Boston & London: Shambala Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-87773-354-6.; Stein, R. A. (1972). Tibetan civilization ([English ed.]. ed.). Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univ. Press. ISBN 0-8047-0901-7.; Diki Tsering (2001). Dalai Lama, my son : a mother's story. London: Virgin. ISBN 0-7535-0571-1.; Veraegen, Ardy (2002). The Dalai Lamas : the Institution and its history. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. ISBN 978-8124602027.; Ya, Hanzhang (1991). The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas (1st ed.). Beijing: Foreign Language Press. ISBN 978-7119012674.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 102 - What is bodhicitta in Buddhism? Isnt it technically a desire? How does one arouse bodhicitta?
Resources: Bodhisattvabhumi (The Bodhisattva Levels); Śāntideva's A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way Of Life (c. 700 CE),; Atisha's Bodhipathapradipa; Thogme Zangpo's Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva[35] (12th century CE); Langri Tangpa's Eight Verses for Training the Mind[36] (c. 1100 CE); Geshe Chekhawa Training the Mind in Seven Points in the 12th century CE.; Gampopa, Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen (1998). The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings. Shambhala. ISBN 9781559390927.; Gyatso, Tenzin (1995). The World of Tibetan Buddhism: An Overview of Its Philosophy and Practice. Wisdom Publications. ISBN 978-0861710973.; Harvey, Peter (2000). An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521556408.; Powers, John (2007). Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Snow Lion Publications. ISBN 978-1559392822.; Sangharakshita (1990). A Guide to the Buddhist Path. Windhorse Publications. ISBN 978-1907314056.; Sopa, Geshe Lhundub; Pratt, David (2004). Steps on the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1. Wisdom Publications. ISBN 978-0861713035.; Wangchuk, Dorji (2007). Studia Philologica Buddhica XXIII. The Resolve to Become a Buddha: A Study of the Bodhicitta Concept in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. International Institute for Buddhist Studies. ISBN 978-4-906267-59-0.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Asian Religions Series - Daoism Part 2
Hello and welcome to the Asian religions series. In this series, we will be discussing religious traditions in Asia other than Buddhism. Buddhism never existed in a vacuum, and as it has spread all across East Asia, it has developed, localized, and syncretized with local traditions in fascinating and significant ways. As such, we cannot provide a complete picture of East Asian without discussing those local traditions such as they were and are. Disclaimer: this series is very basic and introductory, and does not and cannot paint a complete picture of these religious traditions as they are in the present or throughout history. Today, we will be discussing Daoism, a very historically and culturally significant religious tradition in China. We hope you enjoy
Resources: Demerath, Nicholas J. (2003). Crossing the Gods: World Religions and Worldly Politics. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 0-8135-3207-8.; Idema, Wilt; Haft, Lloyd (1997). A Guide to Chinese Literature. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. ISBN 978-0-89264-123-9.; Komjathy, Louis (2013). The Daoist Tradition: An Introduction. Bloomsbury.; Mair, Victor H. (2001). The Columbia History of Chinese Literature. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-10984-9.; Pregadio, Fabrizio, ed. (2008). The Encyclopedia of Taoism. 2 volume set. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-7007-1200-7.; Robinet, Isabelle (1997) [1992]. Taoism: Growth of a Religion. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2839-9.; Daodejing (in Literary Chinese and English), translated by Legge, James (Wang Bi ed.) – via Chinese Text Project; Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, translated by Mitchell, Stephen, New York: Harper Collins, 1988, ISBN 978-0-06-180739-8.; Henricks, Robert G. (1989), Lao-tzu: Te-tao ching. A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui Texts, New York: Ballantine Books, ISBN 0-345-34790-0; Tao Te Ching, translated by Lau, D. C., Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1989, ISBN 9789622014671; Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way, translated by Mair, Victor H., New York: Bantam, 1990, ISBN 978-0-307-43463-0.; Tao-Te-Ching, translated by Bryce, Derek; et al., York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1991, ISBN 978-1-60925-441-4; Addiss, Stephen and Lombardo, Stanley (1991) Tao Te Ching, Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra - Chapter 2 Part 4
Join us as we read and discuss Chapter 2 of DT Suzuki's translation of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra!
Resources: Lindtner, Christian (1992). The Lankavatarasutra in Early Indian Madhyamaka Literature, Copenhagen. Asiatische Studien, XLV, 1, pp. 244–279.; Nanjio, Bunyiu. ed. (1923). The Laṅkāvatāra sūtra, Kyoto: Otani University Press, pp. VIII-IX (Skt. edition); Sutton, Florin G. (1991). Existence and enlightenment in the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra: a study in the ontology and epistemology of the Yogācāra school of Mahāyāna Buddhism, Albany, NY : State Univ. of New York Press, ISBN 0-7914-0172-3; Suzuki, D. T. (1930). Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra. Reprint: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi 1998, ISBN 81-215-0833-9; Suzuki, D. T. (2003). The Lankavatara Sutra, An Epitomized Version, Consortium Book Sales & Dist, ISBN 0-9726357-4-2
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Buddhish - Episode 18 - 2024 Wrap Up
Join us as we record together in person for the first time in the show's history to discuss 2024 and as we look ahead to 2025!
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 101 - What is the history of the swastika? What does it mean? Why and how was it taken up by hate groups?
Resources: Adrian Snodgrass (1992). The Symbolism of the Stupa. Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 82–83. ISBN 978-81-208-0781-5.; Powers, John (2007). Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Shambhala Press. p. 509. ISBN 978-1-55939-835-0 – via Google Books.; Quinn, Malcolm (2005). The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-134-85495-0.; Beer, Robert (2003). The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols. Serindia Publications, Inc. ISBN 978-1932476033; Buddhist Manji Removed from Crunchyroll's Release of Tokyo Revengers". CBR. 21 July 2021. Retrieved 29 September 2021
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 100 - Revisit - Who is the Buddha? Is the Buddha a god? Is there more than one Buddha?
Resources: Kevin Trainor: Buddhism: An Illustrated Guide; Donald Lopez: Norton Anthology of World Religions: Buddhism; Gethin: He who sees dhamma sees dhammas: dhamma in early buddhism (2004); Chan Master Sheng Yen: Orthodox Chinese Buddhism; Robert E Buswell: Encyclopedia of Buddhism: Buddha(s), Jan Nattier
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Research Project Series - Noh Theater and Japanese Buddhism
Join me as I discuss Noh Theater and Japanese Buddhism.
Resources: Brandon, James R. (ed.) (1997). Nō and kyōgen in the contemporary world. (Foreword by Ricardo D. Trimillos) Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.; Brazell, Karen (1998). Traditional Japanese Theater: An Anthology of Plays. New York: Columbia University Press.; Ortolani, Benito; Leiter, Samuel L. (eds) (1998). Zeami and the Nō Theatre in the World. New York: Center for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts, CUNY.; Tyler, Royall (ed. & trans.) (1992). Japanese Nō Dramas. London: Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-044539-0.; Waley, Arthur (2009). Noh plays of Japan. Tuttle Shokai Inc. ISBN 4-8053-1033-2, ISBN 978-4-8053-1033-5.; Yasuda, Noboru (2021). Noh as Living Art: Inside Japan's Oldest Theatrical Tradition (First English ed.). Tokyo: Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture. ISBN 978-4-86658-178-1.; Zeami Motokiyo (1984). On the Art of the Nō Drama: The Major Treatises of Zeami. Trans. J. Thomas Rimer. Ed. Masakazu Yamazaki. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 99 - What is the history of anti-Buddhist thought in Japan? What is its social and political context? What is the state of Buddhism in Japan today?
Resources: Hur, Nam-lin. 2007. Death and Social Order in Tokugawa Japan: Buddhism, Anti-Christianity, and the Danka System. 1st ed. Vol. 282. Harvard University Asia Center. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1tg5pht.; Ketelaar, James Edward. 1990. Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddhism and Its Persecution. Princeton University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv173dzs8.; LaFleur, William R. 1986. The Karma of Words: Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan.; Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten Henshū Iinkai (1986). Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten (in Japanese). Iwanami Shoten. ISBN 4-00-080067-1.; Ono, Motonori Shinto: The Kami Way; Starrs, Roy (2005). "The Kojiki as Japan's National Narrative", in Asian Futures, Asian Traditions, edited by Edwina Palmer. Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental, ISBN 1-901903-16-8; Wittkamp, Robert F. (2018). "The Body as a Mode of Conceptualization in the Kojiki Cosmogony" in「東西学術研究所紀要」第51輯 (Tōzai gakujutsu kenkyūsho kiyō 51, pp. 47–64, PDF online available).; Wittkamp, Robert F. (2020): "Re-Examining Japanese Mythologies: Why the Nihon Shoki has two books of myths but the Kojiki only one" in「東西学術研究所紀要」第53輯 (Tōzai gakujutsu kenkyūsho kiyō 53, pp. 13–39, PDF online available).; Yamaguchi, Yoshinori; Takamitsu Kōnoshi (1997). Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshū: Kojiki. Tōkyō: Shogakukan. ISBN 4-09-658001-5.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 98 - Who is Vasubandhu? What were some of his views? How did he affect Buddhism in East Asia?
Resources: David J. Kalupahana, The Principles of Buddhist Psychology, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1987, pp 173–192.; Francis H. Cook, Three Texts on Consciousness Only, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Berkeley, 1999, pp 371–383 ("Thirty Verses on Consciousness Only") and pp 385–408 ("Twenty Verses on Consciousness Only"); Erich Frauwallner, The Philosophy of Buddhism, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2010 [1956].; Li Rongxi, Albert A. Dalia (2002). The Lives of Great Monks and Nuns, Berkeley CA: Numata Center for Translation and Research; Thich Nhat Hanh Transformation at the Base (subtitle) Fifty Verses on the Nature of Consciousness, Parallax Press, Berkeley, 2001; inspired in part by Vasubandhu and his Twenty Verses and Thirty Verses texts; Kochumuttom, Thomas (1982). A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience: A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu the Yogacarin. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Kōan Series Episode 11 - Jōshū's "Wash Your Bowls"
Hello and welcome to a new episode of the Kōan Series. In this series, we will read and discuss real Buddhist kōans to try and better understand them. We hope you enjoy.
Resources: Episode 10 - https://anchor.fm/brightonbuddhism/episodes/What-is-Zen-Buddhism-e1a2sm2
Episode 18 - https://anchor.fm/brightonbuddhism/episodes/What-is-the-Buddhist-philosophy-of-speech--language--and-words-e1dgqu9
Episode 32 - https://anchor.fm/brightonbuddhism/episodes/What-are-kans-e1j5scl
Episode 33 - https://anchor.fm/brightonbuddhism/episodes/What-is-emptiness-e1jc31i
Hori, Victor Sogen (1999). "Translating the Zen Phrase Book" (PDF). Nanzan Bulletin (23).; Hori, Victor Sogen (2000), Koan and Kensho in the Rinzai Zen Curriculum. In: Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright (eds)(2000): "The Koan. Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism, Oxford: Oxford University Press; Heine, Steven (2008), Zen Skin, Zen Marrow; Bielefeldt, Carl (2009), "Expedient Devices, the One Vehicle, and the Life Span of the Buddha", in Teiser, Stephen F.; Stone, Jacqueline I. (eds.), Readings of the Lotus Sutra, New York: Columbia University Press, ISBN 9780231142885; Kotatsu, Fujita; Hurvitz, Leon (1975), "One Vehicle or Three", Journal of Indian Philosophy, 3 (1/2): 79–166; Lopez, Donald (2016), The Lotus Sutra: A Biography (Kindle ed.), Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0691152202; Lopez, Donald S.; Stone, Jacqueline I. (2019), Two Buddhas Seated Side by Side: A Guide to the Lotus Sūtra, Princeton University Press; Pye, Michael (2003), Skilful Means – A concept in Mahayana Buddhism, Routledge, ISBN 0203503791; Watson, Burton (tr.) (1993), The Lotus Sutra, Columbia University Press, ISBN 023108160X; Patrick Olivelle, trans. Life of the Buddha. Clay Sanskrit Library, 2008. 1 vols. (Cantos 1-14 in Sanskrit and English with summary of the Chinese cantos not available in the Sanskrit); Stone, Jacqueline Ilyse (2003), "Original enlightenment and the transformation of medieval Japanese Buddhism" (PDF), Studies in East Asian Buddhism, University of Hawaii Press (12), ISBN 978-0-8248-2771-7, archived from the original (PDF) on November 5, 2013; Hakeda, Yoshito S., trans. (1967), Awakening of Faith—Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa, with commentary by Yoshito S. Hakeda, New York, NY: Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231-08336-X; Jorgensen, John; Lusthaus, Dan; Makeham, John; Strange, Mark, trans. (2019), Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780190297718
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media! https://linktr.ee/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra - Chapter 2 Part 3
Join us as we read and discuss Chapter 2 of DT Suzuki's translation of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra!
Resources: Lindtner, Christian (1992). The Lankavatarasutra in Early Indian Madhyamaka Literature, Copenhagen. Asiatische Studien, XLV, 1, pp. 244–279.; Nanjio, Bunyiu. ed. (1923). The Laṅkāvatāra sūtra, Kyoto: Otani University Press, pp. VIII-IX (Skt. edition); Sutton, Florin G. (1991). Existence and enlightenment in the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra: a study in the ontology and epistemology of the Yogācāra school of Mahāyāna Buddhism, Albany, NY : State Univ. of New York Press, ISBN 0-7914-0172-3; Suzuki, D. T. (1930). Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra. Reprint: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi 1998, ISBN 81-215-0833-9; Suzuki, D. T. (2003). The Lankavatara Sutra, An Epitomized Version, Consortium Book Sales & Dist, ISBN 0-9726357-4-2
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by tweeting to us @BrightBuddhism, emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our discord server, Hidden Sangha https://discord.gg/tEwcVpu!
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Join us as we read and discuss 3 Very Short Sutras: the Ñanamoli Thera translation of the Anatta-lakkhana Sutta, then the Thanissaro Bhikku translation of the Kaccānagotta Sutta, and then finally, the a-sutra.
Resources: Kalupahana, David J. (1986). Nāgārjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way. State University of New York Press.; Mendis, N.K.G. (tr., ed.) (1979). On the No-self Characteristic: The Anatta-lakkhana Sutta (The Wheel No. 268). Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society. Retrieved 2007-10-03 from "Access to Insight" (2007) at http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/mendis/wheel268.html.; Ñanamoli Thera (tr., ed.) (1981). Three Cardinal Discourses of the Buddha (The Wheel No. 17). Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society. Retrieved 2007-10-03 from "Access to Insight" (1995) at http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/nanamoli/wheel017.html.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our Patreon: patreon.com/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
Bright on Buddhism - Episode 97 - What is satori in Buddhism? What happens when one attains it? How does one attain it?
Resources: Kapleau, Philip (1989). The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment. New York: Anchor Books. ISBN 978-0-385-26093-0.; McRae, John R. (2003). Seeing Through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. The University Press Group Ltd. ISBN 978-0-520-23798-8.; Suzuki, D. T. (1994a) [1934]. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. Grove Press. ISBN 978-0-8021-3055-6.; Suzuki, D. T. (1994b). Essays in Zen Buddhism. Grove Press. ISBN 978-0-8021-5118-6.; Sheng Yen (2006). Dharma Drum: The Life and Heart of Chan Practice. Boston & London: Shambhala. ISBN 978-1-59030-396-2.; Dogen (2000), Enlightenment Unfolds. The Essential Teachings of Zen Master Dogen, Shambhala Publications Inc; Arbel, Keren (2017), Early Buddhist Meditation: The Four Jhanas as the Actualization of Insight, Routledge, archived from the original on 4 April 2019, retrieved 14 November 2018; Schmithausen, Lambert (1981), On some Aspects of Descriptions or Theories of 'Liberating Insight' and 'Enlightenment' in Early Buddhism". In: Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus (Gedenkschrift für Ludwig Alsdorf), hrsg. von Klaus Bruhn und Albrecht Wezler, Wiesbaden 1981, 199–250; Lusthaus, Dan (1998), Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese. In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Index, Taylor & Francis; Lai, Whalen (2003), Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. In Antonio S. Cua (ed.): Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy (PDF), New York: Routledge, archived from the original (PDF) on 12 November 2014; McRae, John (2003), Seeing Through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism, The University Press Group, ISBN 978-0520237988.; Hori, Victor Sogen (Winter 1994), "Teaching and Learning in the Zen Rinzai Monastery" (PDF), Journal of Japanese Studies, 20 (1): 5–35, doi:10.2307/132782, JSTOR 132782, archived from the original (PDF) on 7 July 2018, retrieved 28 October 2012.; Hori, Victor Sogen (1999), "Translating the Zen Phrase Book" (PDF), Nanzan Bulletin, 23: 44–58, archived (PDF) from the original on 16 January 2020, retrieved 12 October 2020.
Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected], or joining us on our Patreon: patreon.com/brightonbuddhism
Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host
Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host
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