PLL: Original Sin: Summer School is canceled, and the Bros are finally free. It’s been a good ride, but all good things, etc. We’re escaping Mona’s basement and you’ll never catch us again. Also, at the end of this short episode, please enjoy a short reading of Chapter 1 of our new book, Game On, Trouble.
Greetings, mystery lovers! This special solo pod is PLL-free. That’s right, with Book 4 in the Trouble: Girl Detective mystery series due out in two weeks, JT thought it would be fun to do a virtual reading. If you’ve never checked out the books previously, here’s a chance to see what they’re all about, with no spoilers since this reading is of the first book. Please enjoy the first three chapters of My Name is Trouble, read by your old pal Benji.
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Please enjoy this off-the-rails podcast where we are joined by Kaitlin of the Riverdale Register podcast to discuss the Ti West movie X, and several other topics related to horror movies, Pretty Little Liars, Longlegs, the TV and film industry, and anything else that strikes our fancy. JT is on painkillers and Kaitlin has covid, so we’re kind of all over the place here, lol!
In s02e08 “Final Exam” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen becomes a jealous girlfriend and bashes Johnny’s head in with a pipe wrench after finding bodies in the Creamery freezer. Not crossed an important relationship milestone when she asks Jen to help her hot-wire a car. Faran saves Kelly with the worst CPR you’ve ever seen, and later karate kicks Bloody Rose in the face. Mouse’s plot-line still consists of refreshing SpookySpaghetti dot com twice a day, and updating the other girls on new developments at her leisure. And Tabby gets to be the Final Final Girl in one of the lamest killer reveals ever broadcast—and that includes Principal Clanton last season, so that’s saying something!
In s02e07 “The Bogeyman” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen demands proof from Therapy Anne that she’s not Bloody Rose, so Therapy Anne tells her bizarre story about how Archie Waters maybe killed her son. Mouse tries to fool the denizens of Spooky Spaghetti with a fake Angela Waters video, forgetting that the internet is full of terrible people with low cunning. Faran needs a pep talk from her mom to tell off Coach Rhodes and quit her job because she’s never been so self-actualized. Tabby is surprised when Wes quits, and decides to make her own horror movie about Season 1. And Noa finally dumps Shawn, and then acts like she’s the wronged one when he gets mad about her cheating.
In s02e06 “Hell House” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen is outraged to learn that the stupid Redemption House plot line is happening in her old house. Noa inexplicably wants to choose Jen over Shawn, but then she learns Jen is back to her thieving ways. Mouse helps Ash set up a Pride pool party in response to the lame hell house. Tabby is concerned about Wes being missing, until she finds a bunch of horror stuff at his apartment. And Faran tells Greg and Henry off, and then learns that Greg is an ally, because he has a cousin, who lives in Riverdale, who is gay.
In s02e05 “Friday the 13th” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen is getting more and more unhinged, and it’s unclear whether it’s a pharmaceutical reaction, or she’s just being a #Girlboss. Tabby realizes she hasn’t gotten to soapbox in a few episodes and rectifies that situation, and then plans an outdoor horror movie fest with Christian. Noa cheats some more, and then throws metaphorical rocks at Jen like she’s Nymeria the Direwolf to make her leave. Mouse doesn’t have much of a plot-line here; she reads the internet, I guess. And Faran beats Greg at arm wrestling, and then dumps Henry because seeing him speak in tongues gave her the ick.
In s02e04 “When a Stranger Calls Back” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen poorly recreated the end of Sixteen Candles with Johnny. Tabby is still saddled with an assault trauma plot-line from season 1. Mouse suddenly remembers she inspired the whole stupid Spooky Spaghetti thing. Noa blows off work for a montage with Jen, and then gets her actual boyfriend to hand over two grand to bail her ass out of jail, and then cheats on him. And Faran, the strongest (and dumbest) Sinner faces her incredibly contrived “Final Girl Test.”
In s02e03 “Sweet Sixteen” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen salts Johnny’s game and then poorly pastiches Mulholland Drive. Tabby gets creeped out by Christian’s weird basement of masks. Noa has to cover for Jen stealing from Pinball Pizza. Faran is prompted to consider if she might be a humorless prig, but thankfully comes to the realization that no, she is perfect, and it’s everyone else who must be the problem. And Mouse gets tricked into attending the wrong surprise party with like 10 minutes left in the episode because the writers remembered that something should happen on this show.
In s02e02 “Summer Lovin” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen gets very melodramatic because she can’t sit with her friends in summer school. Noa gets a head start on the bisexual cheater trope with the girl from Do Revenge. Tabby meets a new guy Christian at work, but is reluctant to share her short film and love of horror with him. Mouse spends more time on Spooky Spaghetti. Kelly introduces the concept of technical re-virginity. Faran remains perfect and flawless and unbothered and always winning and being the best.
We’re so back! In s02e01 “Loose Ends” of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin: Summer School, Imogen insists on keeping the baby plotline on the show. Tabby is angry, and taking it out on Chip’s terrible mom. Faran remains a contradiction of motivations, but at least they killed off the ballerina thing—and Madame Giry too. Noa is getting sick of Shawn’s mom’s lip about her living rent-free (literally) in their house for six months, and draining her son’s precious bodily fluids nightly. And Mouse has become obsessed with the Spooky Spaghetti website and their urban legends about Archie and Rose Waters, despite knowing it’s all made up. Oh, and Kelly became a Riverdale character.
Hola, amigos. It’s been a while since we rapped at ya. Since Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is about to come back for a second season, now titled Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, we thought we might get back into the swing of things by time traveling back to 1987 to revisit the original Summer School movie, staring Mark Harmon and Courtney Thorne-Smith as the proto-Aria Montgomery. They sure don’t make ’em like this anymore.
The Bros conclude the Dollhouse arc with special guest Janina, looking at the Season 6 premier of Pretty Little Liars. Let’s all pour one out for the last time Ali gets to be an interesting character on the show! Also, “It’s Andrew Babe!” After the commentary, there’s a little more Trouble talk, so beware of spoilers!
We’re back for more commentary episodes, this time with a guest all the way from Germany! Janina joins us to cover the first half of the infamous Dollhouse arc, where Pretty Little Liars really ascended to new levels of insanity. After the commentary, we talk a little Trouble, so beware of spoilers as we poll Janina for how well we did on the European setting for Trouble Takes a Holiday.
In a Headcanon crossover episode, the Bros are joined by Kate to talk about the grandmother of all modern teen movies: Amy Heckerling’s Clueless. The Girl from the Aerosmith video shows limitless charm as Cher, the ditzy queen of Bronson Alcott High, and the stellar supporting cast of future stars makes this teen retelling of “Emma” a classic.
Thanksgiving is over, and it’s time to get in the holiday cheer with a commentary track for the PLL Christmas Episode. Elizabeth Kyle joins us again to talk Winter Ball fashion, inappropriate student-teacher Santa fetish group sex, and whatever happened to Ali’s legs! And for dessert, we share our thoughts on Midnights by Taylor Swift.
Hey everyone, we’re back! For this special episode of the pod, we are joined by Rose Coffey, the winner of our Trouble book contest. Rose joins us to talk Do Revenge, the Mean Girls-meets-Strangers on a Train teen comedy on Netflix starring Maya Hawke, Camila Mendes, and (the best part of PLL: Original Sin) Maia Reficco. At the end of the episode, we have some very spoilery discussion of Trouble Takes a Holiday, so make sure you’ve visited mynameistrouble.com and caught up on all three books before you listen!
A and A’s handler are exposed, along with the secret rapist, and we’re finally done with this stupid show. The “guilty” are “punished” by the “killer” after the big “twist” reveal cooked up by these “writers.” It’s all so dumb. Anyway, our new book is out!
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