Talking to our kids about scary world events can be overwhelming as a parent. Listen in to this episode for a 3 step framework you can use to guide you in tough conversations.
If a parenting tool isn't serving you, let go! Set it aside and try something new.
Puuttuva jakso?
Don't wait until your problems become so big to start trying new ideas. Start now, when small changes can make a big impact.
We all ask questions as parents, but do you know the difference between a question full of curiosity versus fix-it, frustration, and fear? Listen in to hear the difference.
If you find yourself surveying the crowd or feel stuck making a deicison, here's another option for you.
You are awesome and didn't overreact or lose your cool. Nicely Done! So now what!? Listen in to this episode for some next steps when you have a kiddo who comes at you with BIG emotion.
Parents often think validating a child means they are weak or giving in, but that's no the case. In this episode I'm sharing a story about our dog that reminded us of what true validation looks like.
In this epiode we talk about the difference between pulling weeds and planting seeds in family relationships. Where are you spending most of your time, and is it paying off?
Find Michelle on Instagram @buildfamilyconnection
Website: www.buildfamilyconnection.com
Contrary to popular belief, there is more than one path to success for our kids. Each one of them is unique and will not fit into the same mold despite our best efforts! Stop comparing your kiddo to your neighbors and be the light that helps them find their own path to success.
When was the last time you stopped to think about how good you are? It's probably been a while. Even when you mess up, you are GOOD. And, your family needs this imperfect version of you-- not some idealic, perfect, wannabe creation that you carry around in your head.
The month of May is often a month of transition for families. In this episode, we talk about three things you can do to help smooth transitions of all sorts.
Kids and teens want to do well in their lives. You've taught them about goodness and they want to be on a good path. They don't want to be forced there. This episode is about the invitation versus the demand.
When I was teaching last week a mom shared the idea of hot potato moments. This reframe is a great way to ease the stress of those times when our kids unexpectedly dump big information or events on us.
Mom, my lip is stuck in my zipper. WHAT!? Listen in for a great example of how we sometimes tackle hard problems.
Tired of getting blank stares when you try to share a valuable life lesson? Use pop culture or whatever tredn matters to your kids. In this episode I share a recent family experience and how we used it to guide value driven family discussions.
In this episode I share the background behind my new children's book "Little Bear's Re-Do," and how it can impact your family.
To Order Your Copy: www.buildfamilyconnection.com/little-bear-book
Stop trying to make your kids stop fighting. Use your enegry to make true progress instead.
Do you ever get lost in the weeds of parenting and wonder if there is any progress? I'm here to tell you pulling the small weeds counts!
Do we need love or do we need consequences? Is it one or the other? Maybe there is another possibility and we are talking about it in this episode.
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