What is social-media, and how can I use it to benefit my business?
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What is social-media, and how can I use it to benefit my business?
Oxford knows you're here - how about the rest of the world? Learn how to expand your networking, using national organisations.
Oxford knows you're here - how about the rest of the world? Learn how to expand your networking, using national organisations.
Your website is the public face of your business - does yours need a face lift? We'll show you how to keep your site fresh using all the latest analytical tools available.
Your website is the public face of your business - does yours need a face lift? We'll show you how to keep your site fresh using all the latest analytical tools available.
This session looks at business planning and market intelligence, understanding your market size and your competitors, and determining your USP.
This session looks at business planning and market intelligence, understanding your market size and your competitors, and determining your USP.