First time back in a long while. Mike and I jump right in like we never quit. We talk about some funny work hangovers, well Mike thought his was funny anyway, and then we dive back into typical boiler burner bs as usual. Welcome back to the podcast our fellow listeners. We missed you!
Hey guys Mike and I am back at it. I woke up early as hell and Mike finally had nothing to do. Why not podcast? This morning we talked about a lot of bs and caught up with each other. WE revived the CK podcast before the last heart beat quit and now rest assured, we are back at it! Tune in and listen to your two favorite Burner boys talk about whatever and anything in the heck that came up. Poked fun of vegans and talked a little insider talk about the Blue Collar Industry.
Fehlende Folgen?
Season 2, Ep 2 of the "well to wall" series in which we sit down with oil and gas mineral rights expert, "Dallas," and talk about the entire thing. We highlight the entire process of mineral rights brokering. Including buying them, selling them, figuring out who owns them, and why they are so important.
Today Dereck Stubbs joined us in our upstream oil and gas talk. We dove headfirst into the topic and covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. Mike was apparently feeling a little quiet today, but hey no worries. Tune in and follow the series this season titled, "well to wall."
Have you ever had a customer you could not win over? This episode we let out some of the crazy, going all the way back to my first months in the "boiler biz." From a customer who tackled me to those who simply just didn't like you, tune in and hear the tales! Buckle up, they are a bit wild and bumpy!
In this episode we talk about the various boiler control systems out there. Ranging from Single point position to fully metered; we discuss a bit in detail the pros and cons to both. Tune in and check it out. Enjoy the delightfully wonderful Carbon Kings Podcast episode 12 brought to you by Jereme, Aka the Boiler Boss and Mike, Aka combustion with Mike and the Funky Bunch.
Just a quick live session solo on some combustion stuff. Enjoy folks! For questions or comments, [email protected].
Check out our take on trade work vs college! Listen to our mission statement and what we want to do with this podcast. Thanks for tuning in!
In this short episode I go over the simple way to setup drum level transmitters. Drum H to xmtr L and Drum L to xmtr H. URV 0 and LRV the negative value of the difference between the taps. Don't complicate it, keep it simple. Hang with us while we do our best to explain a complex task via PodCast. If you have any questions reach out at [email protected]. Please refer to online publications if you need more clarification.
Hey guys and gals and in betweens. This episode Cameron Lawrence had a minute to join us. I met Cameron at a Siemens conference in Chicago. I was impressed with this guy's positive attitude and overall personality and really wanted to get him on the Podcast one day. Fast forward some months down the road and here we are. Cameron is a good friend, good guy and has a lot of great stuff to talk about. Looking forward to future episodes with him in them. Today we just let the conversation drift where it may and had a good time. Tune into episode7 and get to know the larger than life Cameron Lawrence. Check him out on Twitter @CamLaw10 or on LinkedIn. Enjoy!
Featured guest today is Jose Mejiatorres. Jose has many years studying electrical and electronics. He works as a UPS service tech and has previously served as E&I, controls and navy electrical. We talk about the electron and atoms. A bit about how electricity is created (different forms). And a smidge of our opinion tossed in the mix. Tune in and check it out!
Just a little motivation and a lot of BS from yours truly, The Boiler Boss! Laugh your ass off at my cheesy background music and my Honey do list.
Tune in and get to know the hosts of the Carbon Kings podcast! Tonight we sat down and talked about combustion data, wet vs dry O2 and what the difference is. We get the “man banter” going and a few laughs in while we are at it. For the close we watched some forklift fails! Tune in and check it out. You can also find our live podcast episode on YouTube!