消灭无聊 大咖每日说;大咖驾到,路上不无聊!
The greatest podcast about Mormon err LDS err Latter-day Saint news that has ever exited or will ever exist
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Marriage is the most basic of human relationships. It is within marriage that individuals have their emotional, physical, familial, and financial needs met. In this Living By The Book course, the scriptural foundations for marriage will be explored. The practical application of these biblical principles will be emphasized to provide clear direction for living according to God's Word. Additional course materials are available on
全平台同名,欢迎大家在各个平台找我们玩儿 :)
商务联系:[email protected]
出體king 愦灭;amp; 積淇離岸神[由靈開始] 主持: 出體king/積淇離岸神 由靈開始,一個陪著你進入夢鄉的節目 -
罗振宇,又称「罗胖」,得到App和罗辑思维创始人。他的《罗辑思维》节目全新改版,只在得到App 播出,每期10分钟,不定期有彩蛋;从视频改成音频,使用场景更丰富,随时随意听。
《鏗鏘集》是一個團隊,無論接受過批評或喝采,我們都不敢掉以輕心,每個星期,無論晴天雨天,緊守崗位,延續求真的精神。 -
Key events of the week reviewed in this Cantonese programme. In the special features, BBC correspondents, contributors and listeners present the world from different angles.
(包含 商业思维 | 商业模式 | 市场营销 | 产品运营 | 组织管理 | 内容创业 | 人工智能 | 科学主义 | 财务管理 | 健康管理 等)
播出時間:逢一至六,早上六時半至八時。 -
One question posed to a high-profile newsmaker, followed up with lively debate. Anne McElvoy hosts The Economist's chat show. Recent guests include Henry Kissinger, Chris Patten and Maggie Gyllenhall.
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Charmed Life with Tricia Carr is a podcast and YouTube channel. Tricia Carr C.Ht., B.Msc. discusses spirituality, mysticism, metaphysics, magic, higher consciousness and the unconditional love of the universe. Tricia chats with guest experts on various spiritual topics and offers lessons and messages from Spirit. Full length episodes are premiered weekly and mini episodes are released throughout the week. The Charmed Life podcast is published on iTunes, iHEARTRadio, Spotify and YouTube. Tricia Carr is a spiritual teacher, empathic channel, multidimensional medium, animal telepath, certified hypnotherapist and ordained metaphysical minister.
Media for your inner man — "And when the famine was over all the face of the earth, Joseph opened all the storehouses of grain..." (Genesis 41:56)