
  • Financial Stewardship: Welfare
    He emphasized that there are times and seasons in this world. It is our duty as believers to build capacity and work hard. Genesis 8:22
    Here are key points to note from the service;
    - Miracles will never take the place of principles.
    - If your financial story must change, you must build capacity and learn a skill.
    - Proper management will give you an edge even without prophecy. Genesis 41:34-36
    - You don't build and sustain wealth by praying alone. Proverbs 24:3
    - In every provision God gives you, never mistake the seed for bread. Some things are to secure your future and investment, they are not for consumption. Isaiah 55:10
    - You must learn to delay gratification.

    Important Guides to Welfare
    - Ensure that the help you are rendering is needed by the recipient.
    - Budget every aspect of your expenses, including generosity.
    Wisdom tips for handling finances:
    - Manage resources. Gen. 41:33
    - Save. Gen 41:34-37.
    - Prioritize your giving.
    - Budget everything, including your generosity. 1 Cor 13:3.
    As we exercise generosity, let us consciously walk in wisdom and learn to save and not pray alone.

  • New Testament Giving and Metaphors.
    He emphasized that Christ was God’s best and he gave us his best freely.
    Here are key points to note from the service;
    - When you understand the fatherhood of God, you know there are things inconsistent with His nature.
    - We give to God because he has blessed us not so that he blesses us. ⁠
    - God gives us things freely without us meeting any requirement.
    - As God gave himself to us in salvation, we give ourselves to him in consecration. ⁠
    3 types of tithes in the Bible:
    1. Levitical Tithes. Numbers 18:21, 26-29, Leviticus 20:30-32
    2. The Festival Tithes or the Eating Tithes: This didn’t happen regularly like the levitical tithe. It was a form of love feast where people ate in the presence of God. Deut 14:22-26, Deut 4:5-7
    3. The Charity Tithe or the Poor Tithe: It was set aside for the poor. Deut 14:28-29

    The Bible also states that;
    1. Everyone should give. 2 Cor 8:1
    2. We are to give generously and regularly.
    3. New Testament Giving is voluntary and sacrificial.
    As we step into this new week, let us remember to abound in generosity, as we abound also in other aspects of our faith.

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  • Durable Riches: The Believer & Money🔥🔥
    Here are key points to note from the service;
    - He emphasized that it takes resources to influence culture.
    - It is also important to know that contentment is not complacency.
    - Our reason for acquiring wealth is what really matters.
    - God wants us to be ambitious for a selfless cause - His cause. That only happens when we learn to share His burdens and see life through His eyes.
    - It is important to always examine ourselves and think of how we can be better than we are right now.

    Here are other points to note from the service;
    1. Leverage Relationships. Service to others will give us access to the people and the places that our gifts need to be in.
    2. Scarce Information: We should learn how to research and get the right information concerning all the things we are involved in. We should never be ashamed to ask questions.
    3. Education and Excellence: We should be distinct in whatever we do, and elevate our skill set as necessary.
    In this month and beyond, let us ensure to always put our best foot forward. It is God’s desire that we are growing and becoming who He would have us be so we can influence culture for the Gospel. ✨

  • Treasure Chest
    We were reminded that the goal of theology is worship, and without love, our efforts are incomplete.
    When your goal is worship, even when you're not perfect in theology, your errors will be minimized.
    Here are some notable points to note from this sermon;
    - In the kingdom, not all things have the same priorities. There is something called weighter matters.
    - ⁠Generosity is a heart issue, not just about the action.
    - ⁠The New Testament principle is to give cheerfully, consistently, and out of the abundance of our hearts.
    - ⁠We should learn to not give grudgingly and merely out of necessity.

  • It is a fundamental truth that we are all Children of God, and when we understand God as our Father, and not just a boss, our relationship with Him changes for good.
    Here are some key points to note from this sermon;
    - Your walk with God has not started until you begin to call God Father.
    - ⁠The revelation of the Fatherhood of God changes everything.
    - ⁠Our children are a reflection of God’s glory, and raising them to know and praise Him, is one of the most powerful things we can do.
    - ⁠When children declare God’s glory, it silences the enemy.As parents, our goal should be to raise godly children who know and love the Lord.
    We should learn to release words of blessings over our children, raise them in the way of the Lord, and recognize the sacredness and solitude of family.

  • Let God slow you down
    Even though worship can be expressed as music, it is deeper than music. Worship is the alignment of your heart and life to God.🔥
    Here are some key things to note from the sermon:
    - Worship is an instrument for divine leading. Precision comes in worship.
    - Worship is how God colonizes our hearts.
    - We could be regular churchgoers, but we may not have given him the leading to slow it down. Proverbs 14:12
    - Anything we would rather do when we ought to be searching for God is a waste of time.
    - If we learn to obey God, we will save energy. Ecc 9:11
    - Prayer will never be a waste of time.

    As believers, we must understand that worship is not just a good idea, it is a must.
    The opportunity to worship never leaves us the same. Rom 1:12. ✨

  • The Word of His graceWe believe in Christ and what he has done. The word of God’s grace that is mentioned in Acts 20:32 is the message of the gospel. The gospel which saves you and purifies you is also able to equip you.The gospel is preached to sinners and taught to believers. You have to know the God who has saved you so you can live for him. You don’t get saved by praying, you get saved by hearing the gospel and believing. (Romans 10:17).What does grace teach? Grace is not a license to sin but when abused, it can be seen as a license to sin.

    Here are some key points to note:📌 Anything that has the power to control your will, avoid it.📌 To overcome a habit, you must be fed up with it and give it no excuse. You cannot overcome a habit that you tolerate.📌 Discipline is important but structure is more important.📌 Don’t make a doctrine out of a bias.📌 Continue in the grace of God. Spur your fellow believers in love and good works.📌 Proximity brings you into the things of God, and the presence of God colonizes everything around it. (Luke 19:1-10).

  • Atmosphere: Creating an Environment of Possibilities🔥
    We should be conscious of the power and presence of God.
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon:
    - There is a way we relate with God and forget how powerful He is.
    - It’s a mistake to lose your wonder.
    - It is true God is everywhere but when we acknowledge his presence we give him the permission to express himself.
    - You can limit God in your life.
    - Worship is an act of faith that gives God permission to intervene in your life.How to create an atmosphere of possibilities through worship
    - Glorify the deliverer above the deliverance. In worship, it’s God’s nature and goodness before the reward.
    - Remember to worship and worship to be remembered. Don’t let the devil make you believe your testimony is a broken record. Psalm 103: 1-2.
    Worship “reminds” God of His reputation. It is in a place of worship we activate God’s power to work in our lives. Remind God who He is.
    We should learn to worship God on our way to deliverance, and in the good and bad times.
    As you step into the new week, turn your eyes to Jesus and raise a sound to him.✨

  • The Word of His grace
    We believe in Christ and what he has done. The word of God’s grace that is mentioned in Acts 20:32 is the message of the gospel. The gospel which saves you and purifies you is also able to equip you.
    The gospel is preached to sinners and taught to believers. You have to know the God who has saved you so you can live for him. You don’t get saved by praying, you get saved by hearing the gospel and believing. (Romans 10:17).
    What does grace teach? Grace is not a license to sin but when abused, it can be seen as a license to sin.

    Here are some key points to note:
    📌 Anything that has the power to control your will, avoid it.
    📌 To overcome a habit, you must be fed up with it and give it no excuse. You cannot overcome a habit that you tolerate.
    📌 Discipline is important but structure is more important.
    📌 Don’t make a doctrine out of a bias.
    📌 Continue in the grace of God. Spur your fellow believers in love and good works.
    📌 Proximity brings you into the things of God, and the presence of God colonizes everything around it. (Luke 19:1-10).

  • When God Tells a Story with Your Life
    Key nuggets from the sermon;
    📌 We walk in confidence knowing that prophecy is holding us.
    📌 Only the Scriptures can lead us to Christ. We know Him by His Word
    📌 The prophets did not fully know that God was using their lives to tell the story of Jesus.
    📌 What if your life is a canvas and God is telling a story with your life?

    Faith can be seen. There are three kinds of faith and they are all obvious.
    📌 Salvific faith, charismatic faith, and the Christian faith.
    📌 Hope is any spiritual expectation based on your faith that there is a realm beyond this.
    📌 Faith is any action that substantiates your hope.
    📌 You must write your own faith story.
    If you truly believe that anyone who doesn’t accept Jesus will perish and you haven’t interceded for those around you who do not believe are you really walking in faith

  • “Who owns Canada?” It is important that we understand spiritual warfare.
    Here are some key points to note:
    📌 Spiritual warfare is about legalities.
    📌 Without information and knowledge prayer will not count as much as it should.
    📌 There is a deep layer of spiritual infrastructure that controls the world we live in.
    📌We must seek knowledge and know the right doctrine.
    📌Wrong doctrine can become a stronghold that prevents us from accepting the right doctrine when it is presented to us.

    You must understand spiritual warfare in taking territories.
    Key points to notes in taking territories
    📌 Recognize spiritual infrastructure
    📌 We are not alone. They that are with us, in greatness and capacity are greater than those that are with them.
    📌 You must cast down imaginations. Add your voice always, confrontation is part of warfare.
    📌 Use the Name of Jesus always.
    📌 Don’t allow the devil in your territory and in your family. You can settle the future of your children from now.

  • The “Foolishness” of the Gospel.
    Here are key points to note:
    📌The protocol of knowing God is that you must first see Him in His word.
    📌The only way to know the Son of God is in the word of God.
    📌Sight in our kingdom is not scientific, it is spiritual.
    📌Except a man is born again he cannot see the Lord (Ephesians 1:15-18)As important as miracles are, you must see Jesus as the bread.
    📌With the eyes of revelation, we see Jesus in the written word. It is all about Him.

    There are many prophecies about Christ in the Old Testament.
    Some prophetic parallels between Joseph and Jesus:
    📌Joseph was beloved of his father, Jesus was the beloved son
    📌Joseph clothes were stripped; Jesus clothes were stripped
    📌Joseph sold for 20 pcs silver; Jesus sold for 30 pcs
    📌Judah sold him to slavery, and Judas sold Jesus to die (Judah and Judas mean the same thing Anglicized version of Judah)
    📌Joseph was sent to prison despite being of reputable character same as Jesus
    📌The wickedness of Joseph's brother was the very fulfillment of God’s plan, we see that in the life of Jesus as well.
    Jesus came and died for us, so we can know him and show others about him. There’s no US without HIM!

  • The Science of Supernatural Encounters
    We learn some things from the story of the Jesus & the Samaritan woman (John 4:6-9, 27)
    * It was unexpected for Jesus, a Jew, to converse with a Samaritan woman due to cultural norms.
    * Jesus knew beforehand that she would approach and that she needed to meet him, showing his prophetic insight.
    * Jesus dismissed his disciples to ensure an uninterrupted conversation with the woman.
    * Jesus perceived the woman’s need for him and engaged with her purposefully to address it directly. ✍️Everyone who draws near to God He draws close to them. Like the Samaritan woman she had questions and the Messiah came to her. The moment we begin to look for God, it sets spiritual signals that draws Him close to us.
    - Everyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be filled.
    - Every person is born with hunger and thirst for God. Anyone who earnestly desires righteousness find fulfillment. In every revival, there has always been a hunger for righteousness present (Matthew 5:6).
    - Therefore, the advice is to continue seeking, for those who persist will discover, and those who keep knocking will have doors opened to them.
    - Spiritual things have a cumulative effect, there are spiritual disciplines that require that we must show up regularly.
    - Spiritual encounters can be trapped, we can create a memorial around spiritual encounters that make it repeatable.

  • Purpose
    What is purpose? Purpose is that one thing for which we were created and we must succeed at, otherwise, nothing else we succeed at will count.Two things to remember:
    📌It’s our purpose to mirror God to our world.
    📌Living our lives ignoring the purpose of God is a sin.

  • True Worship 🔥

    The priority of worship is not our preference but the order of the protocol of the Church.

    By the revelation of God's mercies, our response should be presenting our bodies holy and acceptable before Him. That is the standard.

    Every time worship is done properly, 3 things happen simultaneously.

    1. The Holiness of God.
    2. ⁠The access of the blood.
    3. ⁠The fellowship and the edification of the saints.

    In the Old Testament, what is most highlighted is the holiness of God.

    Holiness is distinction and excellence. None to be compared with. And so is our God.

    There is none Holy as our God, there is none besides Him, neither is there any rock like our God.

    Here are further points of emphasis;

    - In true worship, you immediately know that God is not on our level.
    - The holiness of God without the access of the blood is scary. It must happen simultaneously.
    - ⁠Everything in the Old Testament system of worship is a type and shadow of what Christ was going to come and do.
    - ⁠True worshippers know that what gives them access is the blood of Jesus and not activities.
    - ⁠The blood of Jesus has given us access, and that’s what matters to God.

    And so, this is what it means to be a true worshipper. See your access through the blood.

    This is the most important event in worship, the blood of Jesus. He has given us access. Glory to God!🥳🥳

  • Apologia: Defending the Faith 🔥
    He emphasized that you have a ministry in the body of Christ and you must find your own calling.
    Here are points to note from the sermon:
    - It takes a level of investment to defend the faith. 1pet 3:18.
    - The word “Apologia” means to give a defense and defend the faith
    - You must not have a bias against defense.
    As believers, why Apologetics:
    - It is necessary.
    - It is important for evangelism. Rev 1:17-18.
    - It is important for worship. It is not worship to make Jesus common: 1 Pet 3:15.
    - It is a matter of life and death.

    How to know a disciple of Jesus
    - Who you listen to
    - Who you shun
    Christ died for the gospel and you must believe in your life that the message is important. ✨
    If you love the Lord, there is always something to do. As you step out this week, preach the gospel to someone.😃

  • Sealed: No confidence in the flesh”. 🔥🔥
    He emphasized that as believers we have a lot of glory that the world doesn’t recognize. Rom 8:18-20
    Here are some key points to note from the sermon;
    • The riches we have in Christ are so grandiose, they can’t be compared.
    • ⁠The man in Christ is so special that God takes everything that is done to you personally.
    • ⁠We have been circumcised with the circumcision that was not made with hands.
    • ⁠Biblical Circumcision is different from the circumcision done to men.

    Biblical circumcision represents three things:
    1. Identification. (Gen 17:9-14)
    2. Promise.
    3. Protection.
    The church should walk in the consciousness of this “touch not” mark they have.
    We are marked and we must recognize that we have a divine difference in us.
    Circumcision applies to you too. Even if people can’t see it, there is a radical difference about you. If Cain had a ‘touch not’ mark, so do you!
    Walk in the confidence of your protection in Christ today!🥳🥳

  • Contending for the faith 🔥🔥

    He emphasized that as believers, we must be ready to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto us. Jude 1:3.

    We were made to understand that there is an opposition and we (the Church) will be vehemently opposed, hence fighting is okay.

    Here are some key points to note from this sermon;

    - For the gospel to prevail, you must be willing to fight for it.
    - ⁠To contend for the faith, you must be open to opposition.
    - ⁠The devil tries to deceive the believer into thinking that it is a sin to fight for what you believe.
    - ⁠A Church that does not contend will die.
    - ⁠As long as you’re getting it right, there will be opponents.

    Three strategies the devil uses against the church;

    1. He gaslights Christians into believing that they shouldn’t have a voice.
    2. He abuses the Church.
    3. He deploys means to exterminate the Church of God.

    It was further emphasized that contention also involves spiritual discernment.

    Every aspect of Christianity will take contention. In evangelism, in discipleship, and spirituality.

    Believers must be discerning of the fact that the devil is behind every war against the church, and recognize that there are spirit entities working behind the scenes.

    Finally, Jesus commanded in Matthew 5:11-12, that it is something to be happy about when persecuted, and for us to rejoice! And this indeed is our response🥳🥳

  • We need to have a positive mentality, in spite of any negative event because God will always come through.

    As believers, our convictions should be based on the word of God, we know that all things are working together for our good. Romans 8:28

    Sometimes, you are angry about the outcome of a situation, not knowing that you dodged a bullet, and God saved your life.

    Abraham understood this, and it was his mentality even when God told him to sacrifice Isaac. He knew that if God wants to take Isaac, he has plans to raise him up. Genesis 22:2, Hebrews 11:17-19.

    God is not in support of bad, but in spite of the bad, God can bring out good.

    We don’t always know it as we should and in the present, it may seem difficult, but we know that all things work together for our good.

    It takes confidence to trust in the plan of Jesus.

    Two instances in the Bible that point to the redemptive work of Christ:
    📍The story of Jonah in the belly of the fish.

    📍The call for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to God.

  • The Way: Singularity of the Faith 🔥 Jude 1:3
    He emphasized that every great encounter with God recorded in the Bible points to Christ. He used the story of Noah as an example.
    Here are some key points to note:
    • The destruction of the world in Noah’s day was a prophecy of the destruction of the world at the end of time. 2 Peter 1:2
    • Noah told the people to get into the ark but they did not understand the prophecy at that time. 2pet 2:5.
    • The ark was a prophetic metaphor of salvation. The ark saved people from God’s wrath.
    • There was no function of control on the ark, meaning salvation is by God alone and we have no contribution.
    • The ark was covered in pitch(bitumen) which prevented rain from getting into it. Gen 6:14 Job 33:24
    •The ark had just one door, just like Christ is the way. Rev 3:20

    Today, there are different things done to kick Jesus out of the church:
    - Suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Rom1:18.
    - False doctrines: We must take our doctrines seriously as salvation is by believing not by praying.
    It is important to know that the happenings in the Old Testament was a pattern showing what will happen in the end time. Heb8:1.