
  • Recently our students and I engaged in a beautiful trance-channeled mentoring session, where all participants were able to receive direct guidance from my Arcturian Council of Light.

    Today we wanted to share their wisdom with you on channeling our Mother Gaia and all that she has to offer. She wants to encourage us to be keener to listen to her amazing wisdom and to make sure to check-in with her regularly, as we often first will look "up" to our cosmic Team but often forget to channel our Mother, who has so much information and tips to share with us in facilitating our beautiful life on Earth!

    In this transmission we will:

    - Connect to our Pillar of Light
    -Align ourselves to receive this transmission fully
    - Hear from the Arcturian Council of light on channeling our Mother Gaia
    - Learn about using crystals and tune-in to their frequency


    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration

    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos

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    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

    🪐 Find my blog here

  • Now that we are in the Age of Aquarius, we have to adapt to a new reality and leave behind old structures, anchored in denser energies.
    Since the Lion's Gate Portal, we have all felt a profound change as we find our place in a new timeline, a higher frequency reality.

    In this transmission I share tips on how to manage the huge amount of change around us and how to fully step into the higher level of frequency available to us. As the Earth is being shaken by this new timeline, we are being affected by unfolding trauma and drama, but we also have the opportunity to shift our consciousness and to align with what is: an open door to stabilizing in the 5th dimensional frequency; retaining our empathy while preserving our energy. This is detrimental to embodying our highest purpose and the truth of our Divinity.

    Our greatest longing is to live in Peace, and it is available to us. Our program, The Portal, can help you get there faster and with a lot of support from myself, my High Counsel of Light, and a beautiful group of students who join us from all over the planet.

    In this Podcast we go over:

    - New Quantum Dynamic
    - Activating Higher Levels of Consciousness
    - The Challenge of Dropping Density
    - The Need to Escape Unaligned Situations and Energies
    - Frequency Shifts in the Aquarian Age
    - Habit Changes

    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration

    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos

    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey

    🪐 Work with me

    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

    🪐 Find my blog here

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • ✨Join the Sacred Remembering Workshop on October 13: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/sacredremembering

    In today’s live Q&A, we answered this question from Valerie:
    "I'm an open channel and I receive guidance from spirit. But when I watch you, I'm truly blown away by your power and precision. How can I become better at receiving messages?"

    🪐Free Channeling Challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge
    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • In today’s episode of the GASM Live, we answered Anna's question in today's episode: "I have done so much inner work around money and manifestation. Yet, my situation hasn't changed much at all. I feel I'm missing something. Could you help me?"

    Yes, of course, I can help, as I love channeling on this subject!

    In this transmission, receive:
    💙 Practical tools to connect to a higher freqeucny of abundance
    💙 Self-practices to embrace in your daily life to elevate your abundance
    💙 Powerful downloads about the way you can shift away from old stories keeping you stuck in the same loops.


    🪐Free Channeling Challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge
    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • This transmission is an excerpt from my FREE four day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission!

    ✨ Sign up to receive the rest of my free 4-day channeling challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingchallengereplay

    #soulmission #soulpurpose #channeling #trancechannel #spiritguides

    You will love receiving the codes of this transmission on "channeling your spirit guides to amplify your soul mission"

    💙 Receive a set of three codes to focus on, so you can ground your connection with your guides.
    💙 Learn the dynamic between time - energy and money, so you can expand your grid and reach greater capacity to play with more of what life has to offer you
    💙 Release old attachments to slow evolution and embrace the new grids offered from the 5th dimension and above

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • This transmission is an excerpt from my FREE four day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission!

    ✨ Sign up to receive the rest of my free 4-day channeling challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingchallengereplay

    #soulmission #soulpurpose #channeling #trancechannel #spiritguides

    In this transmission, I share codes on how to connect with your spirit guides to amplify your soul mission!
    In this transmission receive:
    💙 The difference between spirit guides and high council members
    💙 Receive a set of three codes to focus on, so you can ground your connection with your guides.

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • This transmission is an excerpt from my FREE four day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission!

    ✨ Sign up to receive the rest of my free 4-day channeling challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingchallengereplay

    #soulmission #soulpurpose #channeling #trancechannel

    In this transmission receive:
    💙 Codes to embody fully to activate our soul mission with greater precision and power
    💙 The two legs of our soul mission (we shared a practical exercise for this)
    💙 A "behind the scenes" of what has happened in my personal soul mission and how the GASM came to life

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • ☥Ascension Channel Certification: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingcertificationretreat

    ✨ The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    👽 Sign up for my free 4-day channeling challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingchallengereplay

    Learn about the connection between ancient civilisations and galactic beings.

    It is truly fascinating to realise how deeply connected humanity alwasy has been with our galactic families, and how much they have helped us evolve.

    When you learn how to receive this kind of information about yourself, you can quickly reactivate dormant gifts, psychic abilities, healing abilities and so much more.

    We are multidimensional beings of the light and we were born free. The freedom to empower ourselves to channel direct messages is our birthright!

    #ancientegypt #arcturians #pleiadians #sirians #lemuria #andromeda #ancientcivilizations

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    ⭐️Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    ⭐️Sign up to receive replays and reminders of the GASM Live: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/gasmlive

    ⭐️ Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐Free Channeling Challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge
    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • ⚡️GET THE CHANNELING CHALLENGE REPLAY: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/channelingchallengereplay

    This is what ALL my students experience and that I want to bring to the table today because you need to shift your thoughts on this pattern so it doesn’t become a whole story preventing you from stabilising into the Higher Realms.

    This “high-frequency hangover effect” happens to all of us, but it truly affects us if we start believing that
    ✨ We aren’t soul aligned any longer
    ✨ We must be trapped in the wheels of karma
    ✨ We must not be high frequency after all
    ✨ We are not that supported by the universe
    ✨ And the rest...

    Learn what truly happens after you receive huge frequency upgrades and how to stabilise so you stop oscillating and therefore doubting yourself and your mission.

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    ⭐️ Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    ⭐️ Sign up to receive replays and reminders of the GASM Live: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/gasmlive

    ⭐️ Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐Free Channeling Challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge
    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • Let's deconstruct three myths about channeling, because truly, None of them are true, and all of them keep you stuck in the field of separation (separation from your divine soul, your spirit guide and the soul of your mission).

    Channeling is NOT:
    - Only for a few
    - Hard
    - Optional

    Learn about the greater architecture of channeling and be ready to experience big frequency shifts as you receive this transmission, as you won't be able to live the same way after... Yep, this is that powerful of a share!

    See you inside my 4-day Channeling Challenge, Angel: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Sign up to receive replays and reminders of the GASM Live: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/gasmlive

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    🪐Free Channeling Challenge: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/freechannelingchallenge
    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • In this episode we talk about Astral Travel and Projection.
    Is it safe to explore?

    We will touch on this subject based on Cendrine's angle of perception and experience with Astral Voyages, learning about our Ka Body and past life training relevant to our current incarnation.


    Important Links:
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here

  • In this episode, we answer a great question from Karen. I know many of you will love receiving the answer, as it is a very popular theme!

    “What are the roles of the planets/stars/celestial bodies alignments and how do they affect humanity/Gaia in the times of ascension to higher dimensions?

    We talked about the architecture of our solar system and the ascension process, the way astrology helps us on the 4D bridge of awakening, how to transcend the limitations brought by planetary alignment, how to love more even when we feel there's no way we could love and feel deeply supported in such a crazy world, and so much more.

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Sign up to receive replays and reminders of the GASM Live: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/gasmlive

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • Today we want to treat you with a peek at our regular meetings in Eeria, School of Channeling; where Cendrine trance-channels the wisdom of the Arcturian Council. This is a perfect time to absorb our beautiful friends’ guidance and advice and to recalibrate ourselves as we approach the 2024 Lion’s Gate Portal.

    In this episode we explore many topics, such as:

    - Mind Looping Cycles
    - Handling Inner Child Limitations
    - Protecting the home space
    - Relationships
    - Celebrate the Self
    - Feel our Divine Being


    Important Links:
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here

  • In this episode, I answer this question: "I am wondering if you’d share your take on the Annunaki on the YouTube live. I see they are becoming popular as galactic teachers to some people I follow online. But to me they feel “unsafe”. I’m interested to know if my human is simply unsure of them or if they are a “lower” density galactic ?"

    My answers direct you to anchor more deeply in your sovereign channel to bring greater discernment in what you receive in your field from the external world. Learn why feeling resistances is very valuable and important feedback our inner being gives us so we can understand if we need to dog deeper or not.

    Learn to fully align to your sacred sovereign channel and you'll be fearless in the pursuit of your highest destiny!

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • Today we discuss our channeling goal to give and receive from the Unified Field, or the 5th dimension. We explore our ability to embody our Angel and raise our vibration to enrich our lives, as we often oscillate between the 4th and 5th dimensional realms. And remember, 5D is just the beginning!

    In this transmission we will discuss these themes:

    -The Heart portal and the Higher Mind
    -Refining our channeling abilities
    -Using Love as a guiding force, living from the Unified Field


    To receive more information about Light Codes, make sure to listen to our Transmission from the Sun Beings in episode 146!

    Important Links:
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here

  • My High Council and I are very excited to share with you the official prayer and Key Code of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry! We welcome you to learn about, recite and incorporate this beautiful prayer with the Key Code we created for the GASM.

    In this episode we will:

    -Present to you a little history behind the prayer and key code.
    -Recite the prayer together
    -Learn about the intention we want to set with this message
    -Perceive the key code within our energetic field and fuse it with our prayer
    -Find out more about where you can receive the prayer and the key code

    Additionally, to view the prayer and key code, please head on to our new Youtube video, where you will be able to receive and incorporate these elements:


    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here

    Thank you!

  • "How can I open my gifts?"

    In today's episode, we share with you how you can open up your intuitive gifts and become the version of yourself who is fully aligned to her soul mission.

    Remember to create time for your spiritual practice and learn how to channel. When you train, you become better, as what you pay attention grows.

    In this transmission, I also share how I devote my life to my gifts and my mission, and why it’s so important for us all to embody who we came here to be.

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the inifinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • In this episode, we share information about Solar Flare activity and receive from our friends the Sun Beings. We share a special meditation and transmission to perceive their loving presence and a new awareness to our Solar and Divine Masculine Father-Figure connection.

    We will:
    -Welcome the Sun Beings
    -Talk about receiving messages as a channel
    -Partake in a meditation and Sun Transmission
    -Discuss how we receive light codes
    -Discuss how the Sun provides as Divine Father figure

    Important Links:
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here

  • This transmission will ruffle some feathers!

    I deconstruct what religions are and why we need to step away from them. Why were religions created and how can we heal from being so traumatised by them?

    The shame perpetuated by religion can be healed as we learn how to connect to our sovereign heart and channel our oversoul network and families of the light.

    Me and my High Council of Light are here to recalibrate the field of spirituality so human beings can remember the truth of their divinity and embody their multidimensionality.

    Together we rise!

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the inifinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐The GASM Website
    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐Book a 1:1 session with a GASM Channeler
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses

  • In this episode, we talk about the process of receiving downloads. Someone asked me when we should share them and wondered why downloads keep on changing overtime. This is a very interesting subject and I went deep into this architecture in this mini-class.

    Learn about the three key points to consider when receiving downloads that you feel are here to be shared with the world:
    1. When to share and with whom?
    2. How devoted are you to your mission?
    3. Non judgment

    I would also like to ask that it is very important to embody first what you receive before sharing with the world!

    Listen to the full transmission and be ready to take notes!

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the inifinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    💫 Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    🪐 Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    🪐 Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    🪐 Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    🪐 Work with me
    🪐 Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    🪐 Find my blog here