Yisroel Aaron Allen and Shlomo Fingerer go on a tangent trail!
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Science is the miraculous epic of understanding Hashem through his creations. We got a few millennia of a head start when Hashem took us out on a Shir Hashirim styled date at Har Sinai and told us all about Himself!
What does it mean to you? What is your neshama going to take out of Parshas Yisro?
TLDR: help us be the best Charedim that we can be. Find your closest black hat-pants-shoes and white shirt, yeshiva fellow. Ask how you can help start a Vaad Hatznius to combat voyeurism and me2-type situations. Ask how you can help start a Va’ad L’Tohar HaChinuch, to root out ‘pritzus’ attacking our tinokos shel beis rabban. If you have an idea teach us. Charedism is VERY anti inappropriate sex. Help us. Criticizing doesn’t take any less effort than helping!
As a Talmudist (before printing, and needed to be remembered sometimes by heart period so it was imperative to jump from interesting thing to something interesting even if it was a different subject period just for memory purposes.) I jump from subject to subject so you get my thoughts for pretty much the whole semester
Rabbi Shlomo was so sheltered in his decade in yeshiva. He only knows what college is because Trump bragged about it. Melody is a NYU graduate in both physics and computer science. She married him and convinced to bringing him up to date with some developments that he missed in the 2 decades. She have him a Pixel, told him about life in Texas, and test him how to love pets, whole explaining that when they move to Texas, he can have a pretty point, like she had.
Connecting your modern soul to cherished millennia old verbiage.
Yes. An atheist can FULLY participate in every part of our tradition, prayers included. The story about hypocrisy is just that, a worry. Focus on finding meaning in the commandments one at a time b you CAN become one of the many greats who have become Orthodox lay leaders even as they were quitely atheist, just because they found it so meaningful.
If you lost your faith, you need not lose your religion.
The previous episode goes into Talmudic style rigourous logic to justify my claim: this is the 2 minutes summary. A) You care enough that you actually feel bad. B) In a field where there aren't clear standards, no standardized scores or lap times, "good" means what most people are like, including their bad days and mistakes. C) Your thinking that you did bad, suggests that you are someone who in this area that you 'made a fool of yourself', in that area, you pay attention to what separates a good performance and a mediocre one. In summary: You giving it your best (A), in a field that you studied (C), makes it hard to justify believing that you are worse than the normal performer on a bad day. Since good performance is defined solely on what people are used to (B), given (A) & (C), people must be thinking that you were either good, or a good performer with a glitch.
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