Taiwanica is a podcast made for those who are interested in hearing the cultural differences between the USA and Taiwan. These topics are discussed between a married couple: Eric (American) and Anita (Taiwanese). They are teachers and life coaches who help people improve their quality of life.
IG: @taiwanicapodcast
Taiwanica是一個專為對於美國和台灣之間文化差異感興趣的人所設計的播客。這些議題是由一對已婚夫妻討論的:Eric(美國人)and Anita(台灣人)。他們是教師兼生活教練,幫助人們提升生活品質。 -
Hi, I'm Tatsuki and I'm a Japanese teacher&podcaster! I upload podcasts recorded only in Japanese for listening practice! In this channel, I cover a wide range of topics so that you can expand your vocab and learn "real" Japanese. I use these 4 difficulty levels in this podcast.・Beginner Level(N5 + a bit of N4 grammar)・Intermediate Level(N4 + N3 grammar)・Advanced Level(N2 + N1 grammar)・Casual Native Level(I talk as if I were chatting with my friend. )If you want to support me or want transcripts of my episodes, visit my Patreon channel! My transcripts are also perfect for reading practice because I make them with detailed explanations of important words, phrases, and grammar points.
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你想像中的法式及義式優雅日常,是什麼樣子呢?・Salut☀️☀️我是 Jamie 桔米,我是一位《 法文、義大利文老師 》、《 高敏人情緒療癒師 》,也幫助人們成為《 線上法文老師 》及《 療癒師 》。・曾為了愜意的生活旅居法國,慢下來後才發現不管在哪裡都可以過著恬靜、美好的日子。在這裡用台灣、法國、義大利及日本,後天文化混血的眼光,與你分享我的語言與療癒學習、品味生活日常,以及旅行文化探索。・邀請你慢下來,讓自己開啟一個美好的早晨時光😊・每週一早上6:00固定更新,週三早上6:00不定期會有小彩蛋😇・-----------------------------------有話想跟桔米說嗎?👉 信箱 : [email protected]・服務(連結在每集單集介紹處)☀️法語及義大利語口說培訓課程(Since 2019)☀️線上外語老師培訓課程(Since 2020)☀️芳療情緒療癒課程(Since 2023)☀️療癒師培訓課程(Since 2024)--Hosting provided by SoundOn
這是《每天10分鐘 聽聽西語人怎麼說》
收聽兩位作者Yolanda & Fernando老師的超人氣podcast頻道
台瓜夫妻 Esta pareja
雲飛 x 西班牙語 x Mandarin x 語言師資訓練
我們的語言學校雲飛 YouTube 頻道:
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Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English?
English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners.
Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.
Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand.
Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English.
Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at -
Videos and podcasts from University of London International Programmes undergraduate and postgraduate laws departments on a range of topical issues.
Want to improve your English skills? Our Intrepid English Teachers are ready to show you exactly what you need to learn to help you to achieve your English goals. Choose from our library of self-study lessons or book a one-to-one lesson with one of our English teachers and take the first step on your path to success in English.
Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life. -
我哋覺得性除咗係好嚴肅的話題,也可以係一個好有趣的現象,值得我哋探討我地會揾一D有趣同得意的性趣聞同大家分享...希望一齊了解性更多,了解自己更多!#廣東話podcast#支持我們探討性文化:轉數快FPS FPS ID:9513011 , 收款人:「HONG KONG SEX CULTURE SOCIETY LIMITED」。完成後,請保留「成功過數頁面截 圖」,連同捐款者姓名、電郵、電話及地址,電郵[email protected]#其他捐款方法可Whatsapp(52001161) 查詢#或致電31651858--Hosting provided by SoundOn
MJ英語的英文聽說訓練,主要針對想對於英文聽說能力想更精進的朋友所創建的英語流利聽說訓練頻道。 YouTube上有生活英語、口語訓練等學習影片,上面有清楚的字幕,方便提供學習。 請在通勤・上學・搭電車、搭公車或捷運的空閒時間輕鬆的學習吧! 贊助支持: Youtube:聯絡信箱:[email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
I am a Japanese language instructor in the UK🇯🇵🇬🇧
Speed: Slow - moderated
Style: Narration
Topics: Everyday life
Grammar for Beginner: ...desu, ...masu, ...tai, ...suki desu, adj including negative and past tense, ...kara, etc.
Grammar for Intermediate: Genki 2+, Minnano Nihongo L25+, Marugoto A2-2+ etc.
Vocabulary: Need a dictionary!
Hope you enjoy the audio blog posts. You can find the transcriptions on my website. -
我們還有個小名叫「寫作不藏私」——希望能從「在場 · 非虛構寫作獎學金」開始,談中文非虛構寫作生態,分享在場小組從報名後台看見的觀察與發現,跟隨我們的獲獎者、編輯、評委與發佈會嘉賓們,一起聊田野,聊寫作,聊在時代的現場,聊以書寫為行動。
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The Happy Dog Podcast is designed to bring you ideas and uplifting information to help you live a meaningful and fulfilled life with your dog from a holistic perspective. Let's explore the world of a happy dog! For more information on the show's host and her business visit,
I asked my female and non-binary guests the same four questions, and together, we followed the intriguing threads of story and curiosity as they unspooled.
1 - Where are you and whose traditional (Indigenous) territory are you on?
2 - What’s your favourite fairytale/ancient tale?
3 - What’s your relationship with your body like?
4 - And what’s your connection to your creativity?
These potent conversations are created by mixing creativity + the body + fairy tales + conversation with wild abandon. -
The Rise in Love Podcast exists to change the narrative within 21st century dating & relationships to help high-achieving women increase their magnetism and manifest the relationship of their dreams. Through personal growth, spirituality, and honesty served straight-up, you’ll take responsibility for what you desire in your life, appreciate the natural difference between men & women, and take control over your thoughts and beliefs, to create what you most desire!
A Disney Fan podcast where YOU can be the co-host.
有關新加坡飲食、娛樂、公幹、移民重資訊、投資創業的一站式資訊平台!另有Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、Telegram Channel、WhatsApp groups等平台,網上網下都多更新活動,記得留意啊~
The InForm:Podcast seeks to be an informal and informative way to talk about the intersection of Social Work (or social justice if you prefer), Psychoanalysis, and Critical Theory.