Enjoy this mini-workshop on the Spirit of Prophecy based in Acts 2:14-21.
New Covenant Prophecy is
accessible to all believersempowered by the Spirit not human insightChrist-centred & gospel-orientedsubordinate to scriptureedification, encouragement, consolationrepentance and holinesspracticed in an orderly mannerdiscerned and tested by the churchPracticing Prophesy:
Divine revelation about the person, community, or the situationDivine revelation about the heart and work of Jesus for the person, community, or situationDivine revelation about the way to communicate this (word, picture, analogy, etc.)Submit prophecy to the hearer and the the church (humility) -
This Sunday we gathered as a grieving family to find ourselves firmly planted on Jesus the Cornerstone.
Missing episodes?
According to Jesus, what are the ESSENTIALS of launching a church? This week Fr. Ryan opens up Acts to explore three key elements:
>> The Gospel of Jesus
>> The Apostles
>> The Holy Spirit
Ryan introduces us our new sermon series and casts vision for our next season together.
Matthew 25:31-46
Consider checking out our website for some helpful slides that go with this week's sermon.
Matthew 24:32-51.
Our apologies, the introduction to this sermon is missing, but we still think it's worth the listen!
Guest Speaker Peter Norman on Matthew 15:10-20
What does Jesus think preaching in the Kingdom should look like?
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." -- Mtt 13;44
In this episode we look at Jesus' Parable of the Net and how the Way of Jesus is by nature a missional movement to gather and save the world and that the day will come when that mission will be complete and the final judgement will separate those who are truly in Christ from those who are not.
In this sermon Fr Ryan looks at Jesus' teaching that the Good Seed of His Kingdom (the Gospel) will always outperform the negative elements of the hard and rocky ground and the threats and schemes of the evil one in the lives of every follower of Jesus and the church as a whole.
If God is good and the Kingdom of Jesus brings salvation why is there is so much evil not only in the world but in the Church? In this parable Jesus explains what frustrates and attacks His goodness in the world and what His plan is to counter it without hurting the wheat His good seed has grown.
This week Robyn Wilson unpacks Jesus' first parable in our new series and helps us consider how we are receiving the Good Word of Jesus.
Why doesn't Jesus just make things as simple and straight forward as possible when explaining God, His salvation work, and the nature of the Kingdom? Does He intentionally make it difficult to understand for some people while making it clear for others? In this sermon Fr Ryan shows God's revelation design in the words of Jesus in Matthew 13 as we kick off this new series on The Parables of Jesus.
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