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In this study, we will not only prove that the “Cross” is Pagan Idolatry, but that God strictly forbids it and never asked for it. It is also a trick of the Devil to get the Body of Christ to forsake their privilege and blessing of being the Image of God, Jesus, and His sacrifice. To willingly give this high status over to a piece of dried, dead wood- a simple alignment of shapes that is rooted in the worship of pagan gods of fertility and agriculture.
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Wage Wars: Class Warfare Is A Trick Of The Devil. I must say from the outset, I am pro capitalism, based upon Godly morals. Yet, this is a Bible Study on how the Labor market is being grinded by a high cost of living and the grinding of lower wages, while all the while, businesses paying higher and higher wages to those at the top. This is not a call to take down the 1% or anything stupid like that. As I have never had a poor man give me a job. This is a study showing how the pursuit of pleasure and ease, and the trying to just live, is being used by Satan to grind down the world. No one is innocent in this narrative, as the Laborer is just as guilty in their pursuit of pleasure and those who employ them- Management. Both sides are being played by the devil. Management seeks more profits so they raise prices, while not raising wages. Then Labor cannot buy any more, then eventually less. Managements desire to get wealth is killing the host in the pursuit for pleasure, power, and more. Labor is using what they have to do the same- a disastrous pursuit for pleasure and more, spending their money on that which does not fulfill. Both sides are guilty and playing right into the hands of the devil, trying to obtain the “Good Life.” All the while, never realizing it is a never-ending journey to always achieve and get more. There is no end when lusting for the delicacies of this world.
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We will set out in this study to show that the one true God is a God that requires patience. For patience is a defining attribute of His character. Being as such, He requires for us to become like Him and be patient just as He is. We must foster a willingness to wait upon God and not let our hearts stir with fear and worry.
Being “Patient and Waiting” on God are really “Code Words” for giving up control. Patience and Waiting are more like verbs, better applied to the idea of submission. If we can understand that this most precious exercise of our time is to build up within our own soul the ability to receive all of God Blessings, then we are well on our way to being joyful and hopeful as we wait for our Faithful Father God. #patience #waitingonGod #GodOfPatience
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Visionary Zeal: Zealously Serving God is mandated in the Bible, yet it is not always easy. Even more than that, it can lead to Righteous Anger. We must remember that anything that disrupts the norm and tries to reset life to the righteous path of God’s will, is often met with resistance and defamation against the deliverer of the messenger. We must forsake all and deliver the words of God. Seek first the kingdom of God and make Him happy above all else. We must burn with an unquenchable fire for God’s glory. #Zeal #RighteousAnger #Boldness
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Visionary Zeal: Zealously Serving God is mandated in the Bible, yet it is not always easy. He is brief sharable short. You Can get the full version here.
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If there was ever a “Sacred Cow” in modern Zionist Christianity, it’s that of a 3rd Temple. If you want to see people get hot under the collar, just tell them that the 3rd Temple is a lie of the Devil to destroy the work of Christ. The issue at hand in modern western Christianity has been led to worship Zionism over Christ. They have given up their inheritance by saying that the Jewish nation are God’s chosen people, not those who claim the name of Jesus (Jew and Gentile alike). So when you tell them the 3rd Temple is an act of open rebellion against Christ and His sacrifice, they feel like you have come against God and the Bible. Not realizing that they have been misled by Zionist infiltration into the church to destroy them and the work of Christ. For more on this, please see the 4 Bibles Studies on “The Chosen People Of God”. You can find them at: brotherlance.com. We prove that Jew and Gentile alike are God’s chosen people, IF they accept Jesus. They then become one new man in Christ. Ephesians 2:13-16 “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off are made near in the blood of Christ. (14) For he is our peace, who made both one, and broke down the middle wall of partition, (15) having abolished in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace; (16) and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility thereby.” So, there is no longer “Jew or Gentile” in the sight of God. Romans 10:12-13 “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. (13) For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” #Temple #3rdTemple #Isreal
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Worry: A Misplaced Act Of Faith. Doubt and worry are acts of worship to our fears. It reveals a lack of trust and confidence in God and Jesus. When we give in to our worries and let them consume our hearts and minds, while destroying our peace given to us by God. We have told God that His love and power is insufficient for our needs and desires. This turns into fear that actively slaughters our joy and peace in a massacre of demonic activity. Satan loves this so much, as he knows it draws us away from God and Jesus- the source of our hope and sufficiency. In this study we will disarm the power worry has over our hearts and minds. #worry #worrying #worrynot
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With the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, things are about to change. Many well meaning Christians have been caught up in the fervor of the “red team beating the blue team”- forgetting that it is the same establishment that created the game and set the opponents. When both players are being controlled by the same power nexus, is there really a pure choice? Or, are people just left to pick from the same coin? Left with only choosing what face of the coin they want to see. The push of the religious right, claiming that Trump is God’s man, God’s choice, and God’s answer to our prayers seems to miss the mark. The fever pitch has reached to the point of a blind willingness to overlook glaring anti-biblical stances, and willingness by Trump to outright oppose Jesus openly. The deception is so great that these same Christians will wink at this offense and claim that no one is perfect. Then quickly sweep it under the rug. The problem we face now that the church is so willing to be deceived and forsake the truth, is the soon coming false revival, based upon this same logic and reasoning. While politicians have long used religious groups to attain and retain power, the difference now is the ship of the church is being pushed by the winds of politics instead of the other way around. So yes, Trump has won, but we are still on the path for the Church of Jesus to suffer great harm. It has given up its salt and light for a seat at a table full of demons that want to destroy it, just as Israel did in the Old Testament. Many might think they are saving a nation, but they are just destroying any chance it has for survival. For the power found in Christ is being forsaken for the desire of political power and control. The table is now set for a great deception upon the church. #Trump #Trumpnews #trump2024
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My testimony of salvation by the help of a friend. This is my story on my path to redemption. This allegory is based upon a story I once read. 8 people came to save me, yet only one could get the job done!
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Eternal God, Eternal Blessing: As a Dad, I am only capable of giving gifts based upon my own ability, substance, and wealth. While I try to give the best I possibly can muster and provide, it is always limited by my own personal shortcomings. To the contrary, our Father God has no such limitation. When He gives gifts and blessings, it is based upon His might, power, and unlimited eternal glory. We are a part of an eternal family, based upon the eternal power of our Father God. So His gifts and blessings are as He is- eternal, without end.
Let us take a brief moment to see when this will happen, and then we will take a deeper look at how this will happen. As we go over all of this, let’s remember that this is a reflection of God, His character, and His desire for His children. God’s Gifts reveal God’s Heart. #Godblessings #Eternal
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Thanksgiving is upon us. It is my favorite holiday of the entire year. This week for Bible Study, we will be giving thanks to our wonderful Father God and Savior Jesus. So, without much fanfare, here are some Bible verses about being thankful and giving God “Thanks”-giving. I have also formatted a quick questionnaire to help us think of the wonders God has done on our behalf this year. We will go over them during the Bible Study. Then, we will end with key concepts to keep our hearts right!
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Colossians 2:6-7 “You received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live as Christ's people. Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with Thanksgiving.”Psalms 26:6-7 “I will wash my hands in innocence. I will walk around your altar, O LORD, so that I may loudly sing a hymn of Thanksgiving and tell about all your miracles.”
Psalms 95:1-3 “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with Thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”
Psalms 100:4-5 “Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endures to all generations.”
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When You Are Persecuted Serving God
Persecution, Tribulation, Sacrifice: The intimate friends of the righteous. Sometimes though, we can forget this call of our Lord. Or, we are stepping into new levels of obedience and it starts to cost something. Either way, it is time for a refresher. So rejoice and don’t think it’s a strange thing when the World tries to “Control-Alt-Delete” you from the world. Jesus has declared this will happen. Rest assured that it will be worth it.
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Abortion: Let’s Not BURY The Lead: We are going to jump right to the defining verse on the life of a child and what happens if a child is killed and harmed in the womb. #Abortion #Prolife #Prochoice
Exodus 21:22-25 “If men fight and hit a pregnant woman and her child is born prematurely, but there is no serious injury, he will surely be punished in accordance with what the woman’s husband demands of him, and he will pay what the court decides. (23) But if there is serious injury, then you will give a life for a life, (24) eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, (25) burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”
In this verse, we find that a child is viewed as a life and that the child has legal rights for their protection. That whatever harm was done to the child, God declared the same should happen to the perpetrator. This is so simple and straightforward that it would take giant leaps away from commonsense to say otherwise. God values children as people in and outside of the womb. So, let’s prove it further. And a side note: All if this information applies to you also. Think not just of the yet to be born, but yourself, and remember you to once were in the womb and protected from death!
Procreation (PRO – CREATION) Having babies and filling the earth was one of God’s first commands to His children. In our Bible Study on “Biblical Parenting”, which can be found on our website: Brotherlance.com, we covered the following:
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Has the decline of Christianity in the West started? What do they mean when they say they believe in Jesus? Does the person sitting next to you at church really believe what you do? You might be surprised what ongoing surveys have to say! In this podcast we discuss this, and how it relates to Bible Prophecy and a very important Parable of Jesus.
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Defense Against The Deception! Brothers and Sisters, be wise as the serpent and know his tricks and tactics. We are informed in his techniques to wrap you up in your emotions and lust to destroy you. He wants you to forsake the clear word of God. He wants you to be impressed with the “Wiz-Bang-Pow” signs and wonders that are done under deceptive spirits. He wants you to trust your own heart and thoughts, not God’s thoughts and His ways. He knows that if you trust the inspired words of God, accept clear Biblical teaching, be led by the Holy Spirit, and resist your own emotional rationale, you will be undefeatable in the power of Jesus Christ. So, stand guard in the truth that is Jesus, hold tight to your Bibles, and wage war against the lies of the Devil! #deception #deceptionunveiled #spiritualwarefare
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11
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The Bible: Why is this important? Why does our faith about the absolute rock-solid, unshakable truth in the word of God as found in the Bible, matter here at the end of time? Let’s read Jesus’ warning: Matthew 24:23-25 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe him. (24) For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (25) Remember, I have told you ahead of time.” The only defense against the deception is the word of God. Not signs and wonders, not our own hearts. We must search the Bible, for this is what the Lord says. #Bible #WordofGod #scripturefortoday
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God Of All Comfort - Life is hard. It can be a long, exhausting struggle that beats us down every day. We can lose our joy and corrupt our peace. In our study today, “Getting To Know God: God Of All Comfort”, I hope to help us reset out mindset. We will focus our thoughts on how God is actively trying in various seen and unseen, known and unknown, ways to comfort our souls. It is His very nature to care for His creation and bring peace.
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Ai - Jesus Tells The Truth About The Sabbath!?
#AiJesus #JesusAi #Sabbath
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Newly Released Song By Brother Lance. PERSONA
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Christin Rap
Christian Hip-hop
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: a character assumed by an author in a written work
pluralpersonas [New Latin, from Latin] : an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing
compare anima
: the personality that a person (such as an actor or politician) projects in public : image
plural personae : a character in a fictional presentation (such as a novel or play) —usually used in plural
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So, You Think You're A Christian? Take The Test, & find out!, Let’s jump right into the test of faith. The rules are simple and fast. You must reach a perfect score to be considered a Biblical Christian- a true follower of Jesus. If you come to a question that you do not get a perfect score on, have no fear. Pause, study, and learn. You can quickly align your beliefs with the corresponding verses presented. If you realign your beliefs with the Bible verses that are presented to you, then you still have a perfect score. Please continue on. There are Christians, true believers who have never heard the following information. But in a childlike faith, held onto what they have received. This is great; today you will grow in the faith and get a firm foundation. Again, just align yourselves and your beliefs with what the Bible says and you will retain your perfect score. It takes a 100% perfect score to retain the High calling and Title of “Christian”.
That being said, many today will find out that they can only go so far and do not truly believe in the Jesus of the Bible, or the God of the Bible. They will find that they worship and serve a false Jesus and a fake god. This does not have to be so. Just align yourselves with the Bible and truly be a Christian, the kind that Jesus will say He knows. You see, all these questions relate back to Jesus and Who and What He is in God’s sight. You cannot remove one and still have the same Jesus. They all must be accurately represented to truly be Jesus. To say you believe in Jesus, you must believe all that is said about Him in the Holy Word of God. So, Get A 100%! #TheChristianTest
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