Contemplating suicide, I held the loaded 357 magnum revolver in my hand. I reluctantly put the gun down. I determined to find lasting joy whatever it took. After many years, I found the wellspring of Joy. And I want to tell you how to get lasting Joy in your life too.
God's Peace is pressing in on us from every side. Learn how to stop pushing God's Peace away in your mind. The key is changing your perception of yourself and others. The effects are monumental. God's recipe for Peace.
End your resistance to today.
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I discuss: the most unused fringe benefit from God, how to feel right and be right today no matter what happens, are you experiencing all the benefits of the kingdom of God today? our overwhelming rightness from God, God’s high view of you, are you sinning against Christ by having a low opinion about yourself? and why other people's opinion of you is none of your business.
How to begin seeing others the way God sees them. Do one simple spiritual exercise and watch how much it changes how you see other people. But, it's better than that, because it will also help improve other people's self image, and help them to actually change themselves. The power of perception, allowing God to see out of our eyes, the way God sees people, how to create circles of blessing, what God sees on your personal highlight reel, how to use your faith when perceiving others.
Would you like to know a practical way to get over yourself, enlarge your consciousness, to stop being triggered by others, to become less reactive, to handle criticism better and to experience a little piece of Heaven right now? Get over yourself. I'll show you how. St. Francis of Assisi, the ego, the egoic mind, reactive mind, Michael Singer, accepting others for where they are.
The Christian Church often recites the Lord's Prayer verbatim. People have it memorized. But few people actually pray the way Jesus tells us to pray in the Lord's Prayer. Jesus was and is a revolutionary. And in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us a revolutionary way to pray that few Christians practice. revolutionary, revolution, spiritual revolution, radical thinking, eastern monism, passion, zeal, courage, agitation, disruption, persistence, idealism, grassroots organizing, charisma, sacrifice, rejecting limitations, agents of change, God's will, how not to pray, one way to hallow God's name.
When we stop reaching out to others, we pay a price that's much bigger than we could realize. Here are the last 11 ways we damage ourselves when we become an emotional island. Dropping off the social grid, losing connection with others, the price of detachment from others, becoming isolated, healing effects of community, A Man Called Otto, Tom Hanks, the clearly defined benefits of connectedness.
I discuss more proof that connecting more with others has surprising benefits. Take it from a lifelong introvert like me, I do much better when I make small efforts to connect with everyone I encounter during my day. And science now shows proof of socializing and human happiness. Plus, a story that might help cure you of more-itis. How to be happier, introvers, extroverts, benefits of socializing.
As a pop bottle will explode in foam when shaken, so do we all explode in anger when we are shaken by life events. Science says a very simple way exists to vent the emotional pressure we all feel at times, so we become less volatile in our temperment. I neglected doing this for 30 years, and paid the price. Listen as I share something that has helped me tremendously. UCLA study, how to calm your brain, Wayne Dyer, healthy way to vent anger.
The parable of two arrows has completely changed my life. It has revolutionized my thought life. And it has eliminated a lot of suffering from my life. It can help you too. For your own sake, please listen.
Forgiveness, ending suffering, unnecessary suffering, parable of the unmerciful servant, mercy, taking offense, torment, torture, Buddhist parable of the two arrows, Buddha
Sometimes we wait to see the total picture before we obey God. But hearing from the Holy Spirit is much easier when we simply take the next step he shows us. This next step may not seem related to the challenge before you, but often it is. Spiritual ties, led by the Spirit, hearing from God, recognizing the voice of the Holy Spirit, how to hear from God.
Stop trying to whip up your faith and learn how to flow with God's faith. Trying to get results in this world produces anxiety and worry. Instead of trying to whip up your faith to get the results you want, learn how to enter into the rest of God. I also discuss a simple but amazingly powerful way to read the Bible that is so simple, that you probably never thought of it.
Is your life filled with anxiety? Is it hard for you to find rest for your mind and body? I've got good news for you, I used to be like that too. But then I learned how to enter the rest of God.
Fear, anxiety, God resistance, faith resistance, hard heart, Putin, Xi, Keto, ketones, blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance, fat, diet, Alzheimer's
The level of anger you feel inside does not depend on what happens to you. Instead, it depends on what you tell yourself about what just happened to you. Anger, hyperbole, exaggeration, label, labelling, exaggerated, Stoicism, Stoics, Marcus Aurelius, broke my heart, impulse control, controlling anger, temper, volatility, volatile, managing anger, we create our own suffering, anger management
Jesus the Christ, the Apostle Paul, and the Roman Stoics Seneca and Marcus Aurelius all agree on this point. To avoid absolute unending misery, you absolutely, positively, MUST NOT do this! Conversely, I will discuss the most effective way I have yet discovered how to control anger. This will work for you if you will do it!
How can you give mercy to other people? I discuss not only more ways to give a little bit of God's mercy away, but I talk about the blessing our doubts can give to us.
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