
  • For this year's Gettysburg Anniversary Special, I showcase my 9-volume book series on the Army of the Potomac Order of Battle at Gettysburg. I share my inspirations and goals of the series as well as commentary and samples on the content of each volume.

    Drawing from first-hand accounts, newspapers, photographs, monuments, battle stats and commander biographies, the goal of the series is to provide Gettysburg buffs with everything you need to know about each regiment in the Army of the Potomac engaged and involved in the campaign.

    My Linktree https://linktr.ee/civilwarregiments

    The Order of Battle series is available through LuLu Publishing https://www.lulu.com/search?contributor=Stephen+Lunsford&page=1&pageSize=10&adult_audience_rating=00

    Volume 1, Headquarters and Artillery Reserve, features profiles on 27 commanders and 31 units. Paperback, 221 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/lucy-lunsford-and-lb-young-and-stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-i/paperback/product-zgr2z7.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 2, The First Army Corps, features profiles on 15 commanders and 47 units. Paperback, 309 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/lucy-lunsford-and-lb-young-and-stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-ii/paperback/product-6p7255.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 3, The Second Army Corps, features profiles on 17 commanders and 51 units. Paperback, 339 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/lucy-lunsford-and-joseph-lunsford-and-lb-young-and-stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-iii/paperback/product-mpzw5y.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 4, The Third Army Corps, features profiles on 15 commanders and 61 units. Paperback, 321 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/lucy-lunsford-and-lb-young-and-stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-iv/paperback/product-kzp8rd.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 5, The Fifth Army Corps, features profiles on 15 commanders and 46 units. Paperback, 279 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-v/paperback/product-em9q89.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 6, The Sixth Army Corps, features 13 commanders and 49 units. Paperback, 251 pages.https://www.lulu.com/shop/stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-vi/paperback/product-42kw7v.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 7, The Eleventh Army Corps, features 12 commanders and 45 units. Paperback, 295 pageshttps://www.lulu.com/shop/stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-vii/paperback/product-jeen5dw.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 8, The Twelfth Army Corps, features 10 commanders and 35 units. Paperback, 247 pageshttps://www.lulu.com/shop/stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-viii/paperback/product-yvvn7rp.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

    Volume 9, The Cavalry Corps, features 14 commanders and 47 units. Paperback, 287 pageshttps://www.lulu.com/shop/stephen-lunsford/gettysburg-army-of-the-potomac-volume-ix/paperback/product-955zmvp.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4

  • On this episode I had the privilege of interviewing author, historian, artist and musician, Mark Dunkelman. We discuss the 154th New York Infantry Regiment, a unit that has been his life work with six books, dozens of articles, monuments and the famous Coster Avenue Mural at Gettysburg. We deep dive into all his many projects along with stories of Mark's ancestor in the regiment, as well as the story of Amos Humiston and his children. Mark is an amazing storyteller and I hope you will be fascinated to hear as I was!

    Show Notes:

    Hardtack Regiment.com/Mark Dunkelman's website http://hardtackregiment.com/


    "The Hardtack Regiment" by Mark Dunkelman and Michael Winey https://www.amazon.com/Hardtack-Regiment-Illustrated-Infantry-Volunteers/dp/0838630073

    "Under the Crescent Moon with the XI Corps in the Civil War," 2-volume series, by James Pula https://www.savasbeatie.com/search.php?search_query=under+the+crescent+moon

    "The Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, by Himself" https://www.abebooks.com/Memoirs-General-William-T-Sherman-T/14614782149/bd

    "The Book of Knowledge" Encyclopedia set

    "Sherman Fighting Prophet," by Lloyd Lewis https://www.amazon.com/Sherman-Fighting-Prophet-Lloyd-Lewis/dp/0803279450"

    Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard,"

    Volume 1 https://www.maine.gov/civilwar/books/Autobiography_of_Oliver_Otis_Howard.pdf

    Volume 2 https://books.google.com/books/about/Autobiography_of_Oliver_Otis_Howard_Majo.html?id=nZw3AQAAMAAJ

    "New York In the War of the Rebellion," by Frederick Phisterer

    Newell Burch Diary/Papers https://search.worldcat.org/title/newell-burch-and-family-papers-1862-1959/oclc/122586787

    Edwin Northrup Papers https://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMM04190.html

    "Brothers One And All," by Mark Dunkelman https://www.amazon.com/Brothers-One-All-Conflicting-Dimensions/dp/080712978X

    "A Shield and Hiding Place," by Gardiner Shattuck https://www.amazon.com/Shield-Hiding-Place-Gardiner-Shattuck/dp/0865543461

    "Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life Death and Celebrity of Amos Humiston," by Mark Dunkelman https://www.amazon.com/Gettysburgs-Soldier-Death-Celebrity-Humiston/dp/1734627603

    "Patrick Henry Jones," by Mark Dunkelman https://www.amazon.com/Patrick-Henry-Jones-Politician-Conflicting-ebook/dp/B07DM3CB6B

    "Memoirs of Charles McKay" Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA.

    "Baptism of Fire: The 154th New York in the Chancellorsville Campaign" by Mark Dunkelman, article for American Battlefield Trust https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/baptism-fire-the154-new-york-at-chancellorsville

    "Four Years In The Saddle," by Harry Gilmor https://books.google.com/books/about/Four_Years_in_the_Saddle.html?id=iuYLAAAAIAAJ

    "Gettysburg's Coster Avenue," by Mark Dunkelman https://www.amazon.com/Gettysburgs-Coster-Avenue-Brickyard-Fight/dp/0999304917

    Other Information Mentioned:

    Cattaraugus Freeman and Cattaraugus Union newspapers

    Humiston Monument Gettysburg https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/monuments-to-individuals/amos-humiston/

    154th New York Monument Gettysburg https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/union-monuments/new-york/new-york-infantry/154th-new-york/

    154th New York Monument Chancellorsville https://stonesentinels.com/chancellorsville/tour-battlefield/auto-tour/154th-new-york/

    154th New York Gettysburg Monument model by Garl Casteel https://www.valleyartspublishing.com/product-page/154th-new-york-volunteer-infantry

    154th New York Chancellorsville Monument model by Gary Casteel https://www.valleyartspublishing.com/product-page/154th-new-york-volunteer-infantry-chancellorsville

    New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center https://museum.dmna.ny.gov/

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  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Jeff Baldwin and Mike Jones, of First Section, an authentic horse-drawn artillery living history organization. We discuss the origins of the unit, and the work and preparations involved in recreating Civil War artillery accurately. We also deep dive in reflections on their recent successful event, We Soon Got Proud.Show Notes: 1st Section https://www.facebook.com/1stSection/Liberty Rifles https://www.libertyrifles.org/ We Soon Got Proud video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBAxkTFzc8ILoading and Firing Instructional Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOwAEhkqHzQStable Call Instructional Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV3adDn0ZzIHarnessing Instructional Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49wNlyNOVP4North South Skirmish Association https://www.n-ssa.org/Antietam National Battlefield https://home.nps.gov/anti/index.htm Books:Artillery Manual https://archive.org/details/artillerydrill00unkngoogHardtack and Coffee, by John Billings https://www.amazon.com/Hardtack-Coffee-Unwritten-Story-Army/dp/080326111XCannoneers In Gray by Larry Daniel https://www.amazon.com/Cannoneers-Gray-Artillery-Tennessee-1861-1865/dp/0817304819Regiments Mentioned:115th New York Infantry https://museum.dmna.ny.gov/unit-history/infantry-2/115th-infantry-regimentFluvanna Artillery https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CVASNEACALBedford Artillery https://civilwarintheeast.com/confederate-regiments/virginia/bowyers-artillery1st South Carolina Cavalry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CSC0001RC

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Father Bryan Brooks, a Roman Catholic Priest and a living historian. We discuss how he is able to juggle his ministry and hobbies, and we also dive into recent events we have both attended. Father Bryan also offers an in-depth look into the Regimental Chaplain during the Civil War and we highlight many personalities on both sides and accounts on the subject. I hope this episode helps to offer insights on the spiritual nourishment of soldiers in conflict.

    Show Notes: We Soon Got Proud, 1st Section and Liberty Rifles Event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBAxkTFzc8I

    Regiments Mentioned:

    1st Alabama (Union) Cavalry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Alabama_Cavalry_Regiment_(Union)

    24th Missouri Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UMO0024RI

    34th Arkansas Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAR0034RI

    2nd Colorado Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UCO0002RI

    31st Illinois Infantry https://civilwar.illinoisgenweb.org/civilwar/history/031.html

    16th South Carolina Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CSC0016RI01


    "Silent Cavalry, How Union Soldiers From Alabama Helped Sherman Burn Atlanta, and Then Got Written Out Of History," by Howell Raines https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Cavalry-Soldiers-Alabama-Atlanta-ebook/dp/B0BXKLFPH8

    "True Blue: White Unionists In The Deep South," by Clayton Butler https://www.amazon.com/True-Blue-Reconstruction-Conflicting-Dimensions/dp/0807176621

    "The Civil War Diary of Father James Sheeran," edited by Patrick Hayes https://www.amazon.com/Civil-Diary-James-Sheeran-C-Ss-R/dp/0813228824

    "Faith In The Fight, Civil War Chaplains," https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Fight-John-W-Binsfield/dp/0811700178

    "A Shield And Hiding Place, The Religious Life of Civil War Armies," by Gardiner Shattuck https://www.amazon.com/Shield-Hiding-Place-Religious-Armies/dp/0865542732

    "Memoirs of Chaplain Life: 3 Years In The Irish Brigade with the Army of the Potomac," by Fr. William Corby https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Chaplain-Life-Brigage-Potomac/dp/0823212513

    "The Confederacy's Fighting Chaplain, Father John Bannon," by Philip Thomas Tucker https://www.amazon.com/Confederacys-Fighting-Chaplain-Father-Bannon/dp/0817305734

    "Religion And the American Civil War," https://www.amazon.com/Religion-American-Civil-Randall-Miller/dp/0195121295

    "Soldiers of the Cross," by David Conyngham https://undpress.nd.edu/9780268105297/soldiers-of-the-cross-the-authoritative-text/

    "The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War" https://www.amazon.com/American-Heritage-Picture-History-Civil/dp/1399706098

    Battlefields and Sites of Interest:

    Pea Ridge National Military Park https://www.nps.gov/peri/index.htm

    Andersonville National Historic Site https://www.nps.gov/ande/index.htm

    Telegraph Road https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/telegraph-road-northwestern-arkansas-14474/

    Mine Creek Battelfield, Kansas https://www.kshs.org/p/mine-creek-civil-war-battlefield/19567

    Wilson's Creek National Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/wicr/index.htm

    Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/prairie-grove-battlefield-state-park

    Honey Springs Battlefield https://www.okhistory.org/sites/honeyspringsFranklin Battlefield https://boft.org/

    Vicksburg National Military Park https://www.nps.gov/vick/index.htm

    Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park https://www.nps.gov/chch/index.htm

    Father Stanley Rother Shrine https://rothershrine.org/

    Steamboat Arabia Museum https://www.1856.com/

    National World War I Museum and Memorial https://www.theworldwar.org/

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by historical artist Mark Maritato to discuss his work in recreating regiments in art, as well as the process, inspirations, and his latest projects. Mark goes through great lengths for accuracy in his paintings to honor the men who fought and died in the American Civil War. I hope this episode inspires you to pursue projects with the same passion!

    Show Notes:

    Mark Maritato's website https://www.maritato.com/index.html

    Mark Maritato's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/markmaritatoart

    Mark Maritato's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/markmaritatoart/Mark Maritato's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo02AUM54-InQ3TOPdhpySQ

    Paintings Discussed:

    "The Brickyard Fight" https://www.maritato.com/store/p232/The_Brickyard_Fight.html

    "Almost Home" https://fineartamerica.com/featured/almost-home-mark-maritato.html

    "A Desperate Stand" https://fineartamerica.com/featured/a-desperate-stand-mark-maritato.html

    "Now Is the Pinch" https://fineartamerica.com/featured/now-is-the-pinch-mark-maritato.html

    "Heart of Texas" https://fineartamerica.com/featured/heart-of-texas-mark-maritato.html

    Regiments Mentioned:

    8th Missouri Zouaves https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UMO0008RIhttps://pixels.com/featured/8th-missouri-infantry-american-zouaves-mark-maritato.html?product=regular-tshirt

    14th Brooklyn https://civilwarintheeast.com/us-regiments-batteries/new-york-regiments-and-batteries/84th-new-york/

    147th New York Infantry https://civilwarintheeast.com/us-regiments-batteries/new-york-regiments-and-batteries/147th-new-york/

    154th New York Infantry http://hardtackregiment.com/index.html

    20th Tennessee Infantry https://tngenweb.org/civilwar/20th-tennessee-infantry-regiment/

    Battlefield Sites Mentioned:

    Antietam National Battlefield https://nps.gov/anti/index.htm

    Valley Forge National Historical Park https://www.nps.gov/vafo/index.htm

    Coster Mural Gettysburg https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=64410

    Books mentioned:

    "American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War" by Bruce Catton https://www.amazon.com/American-Heritage-Picture-History-Civil/dp/1399706098

    "Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest Day" by William Frassanito https://www.amazon.com/Antietam-Photographic-Legacy-Americas-Bloodiest/dp/1577470052

    "Cutler's Brigade at Gettysburg," by James McLean, Jr https://www.savasbeatie.com/the-bullets-flew-like-hail-cutlers-brigade-at-gettysburg-from-mcphersons-ridge-to-culps-hill/

    Additional Information mentioned:

    Harvest of Death Gettysburg image https://www.loc.gov/item/2018667213/

    Harvest of Death Theories, series of videos https://www.youtube.com/@refugeeca

    The Art of Tom Lovell https://artusa.com/artist/tom-lovell/
    160th Anniversary Battle of Resaca, Ga Reenactment http://www.georgiadivision.org/bor_main.html
    Glory Movie 1989 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097441/

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Brian DesRochers of Fort Blakeley State Park. We discuss the many preservation projects and living history events taking place at Fort Blakeley, as well as a conversation on the actual battle, the soldiers involved and keeping its memory alive. Show Notes:Fort Blakeley State Park https://www.blakeleypark.com/ Living History Day, April 6, 2024 https://www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events/AgentType/View/PropertyID/193160th Anniversary Battle Reenactment, April 4-6, 2025 (Reenactor Registration opens April 9, 2024, more details for reenactors and the public to come soon). Fort Blakeley Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/BlakeleyStatePark/ Friends of Fort Blakeley https://www.blakeleypark.com/Portals/blakeley/fobapplication.pdf Regiments Mentioned:73rd USCT https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UUS0073RI00C 86th USCT https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UUS0086RI00C1st Alabama Reserves https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAL0001RIR 2nd Alabama Reserves https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAL0002RIR First Missouri Brigade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Missouri_Brigade 76th Illinois Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UIL0076RI44th Alabama Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAL0044RI9th Alabama Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAL0009RI16th Alabama Infantry https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CAL0016RI Books:"The Assault on Fort Blakeley," by Mike Bunn https://www.amazon.com/Assault-Fort-Blakeley-Thunder-Lightning/dp/1467148636"History of the Campaign of Mobile," by C.C. Andrews https://www.amazon.com/History-Campaign-Mobile-Scholars-Choice/dp/1296344193"In Deadly Earnest: The History of the First Missouri Brigade," by Phil Gottschalk https://www.amazon.com/Deadly-Earnest-History-Missouri-Brigade/dp/0963113615"Forgotten Valor: The First Missouri Cavalry," by James Farley https://www.amazon.com/-/he/James-W-Farley/dp/B002DHNIYIOther information:Franklin Battlefield https://boft.org/Antietam Battlefield https://nps.gov/anti/index.htm Dr. Luney Ragsdale memorial https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/55924848/luney-p-ragsdaleMissouri Monument Fort Blakeley https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=87292Alabama Monument Fort Blakeley https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=87295Liberty Rifles 1st Minnesota event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_-308Lz25E&t=1s Liberty Rifles 15th Alabama event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bAh2KKZ3P8

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Jared Frederick, of Reel History, for a conversation on how the historical movie reviews started as well as Jared's personal interests in Civil War History, from his favorite regiments to experiences as a Park Ranger at Gettysburg. Show Notes: Reel History https://www.youtube.com/c/ReelHistoryJared's website https://historymatters.biz/index.html "Into the Cold Blue: My World War II Journeys with the Mighty Eighth Air Force," by John Homan and Jared Frederick https://www.amazon.com/Into-Cold-Blue-Journeys-Mighty/dp/1684515157Scholastic Pictorial BiographiesMartin Luther King Jr. https://shop.scholastic.com/teachers-ecommerce/teacher/books/scholastic-first-biographies-lets-read-about-martin-luther-king-jr-9780439221122.htmlGeorge Washington https://shop.scholastic.com/teachers-ecommerce/teacher/books/scholastic-first-biographies-lets-read-about-george-washington-9780439281355.html"Absalom! Absalom!" by William Faulkner https://www.amazon.com/Absalom-Modern-Library-College-Editions/dp/0075536579 Jared's introduction of the movie Gettysburg on TCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmoBaeBq5IcReel History Episode on "The Red Badge of Courage" (Audie Murphy, 1951) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyiqqnc4QLY "Fife And Gun" from the Gettysburg Movie Soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NonQZWWe1y8 Medal of Honor winner, James Levi Roush https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/james-l-roush 125th Pennsylvania Infantryhttps://civilwarintheeast.com/us-regiments-batteries/pennsylvania/125th-pennsylvania-infantry/https://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UPA0125RIhttps://antietam.stonesentinels.com/monuments/pennsylvania/125th-pennsylvania/11th Mississippi Infantryhttps://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=CMS0011RIhttps://civilwarintheeast.com/confederate-regiments/mississippi/11th-mississippi-infantry-regiment/https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/confederate-monuments/confederate-unit-monuments/11th-mississippi/

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Eric Mohney for a chat talking anything and everything about Pennsylvania regiments. Eric is an expert on the Pennsylvania Reserves and we deep dive in their 1862 campaigns, as well as their involvement at Gettysburg, among many other topics. I hope you enjoy this episode and become inspired to learn more about these fascinating Pennsylvania units!

    Show Notes:

    Regiments mentioned:

    1st Pennsylvania Reserves, Company K

    149th Pennsylvania Infantry

    139th Pennsylvania Infantry

    93rd Pennsylvania Infantry

    118th Pennsylvania Infantry

    111th Pennsylvania Infantry

    147th Pennsylvania Infantry

    3rd Wisconsin Infantry

    Bucktail Brigade

    Pennsylvania Reserves

    Battles/Battlefields Mentioned

    Gettysburg https://www.nps.gov/gett/index.htm

    Battle of Dranesville https://www.battlefields.org/learn/civil-war/battles/dranesville

    Seven Days https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/seven-days-battles

    2nd Manassas https://www.nps.gov/mana/learn/historyculture/second-manassas.htm

    South Mountain https://www.battlefields.org/visit/battlefields/south-mountain-battlefield

    Antietam https://nps.gov/anti/index.htm

    Fredericksburg https://www.nps.gov/frsp/index.htm


    Von Dettum & Co (Eric's leather goods shop) https://www.facebook.com/p/Von-Dettum-and-Co-100078917804929/

    Joshua Chamberlain's July 6, 1863, original OR for the Battle of Gettysburg https://digitalmaine.com/chamberlain_corr/4/

    "Fighting Them Over: How the Veterans Remembered Gettysburg in the Pages of the National Tribune," edited by Richard Sauers https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-them-over-remembered-Gettysburg/dp/093552360X

    "Pennsylvania At Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments" book series

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Tom Travis and Aric Bruggeworth to discuss Genealogy and Ancestry. Tom and Aric share many stories of their ancestors in the war, the regiments they served in, as well as full circle moments doing living history events on the same ground they fought. We also discuss many tips, do's and don'ts on genealogy research. I hope this episode may help or be of inspiration in your own family history journey! Show Notes: Research sites:Connected Generations Genealogy https://www.cggenealogy.com/ Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/ South Carolina Digital Library https://scmemory.org/Fold3 https://www.fold3.com/ Newspapers.com https://www.newspapers.com/Library of Congress, Chronicling America https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/Find A Grave https://www.findagrave.com/Books:"Invisible Wounds: Mental Illness and Civil War Soldiers," by Dillon Carroll https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Wounds-Soldiers-Conflicting-Dimensions/dp/0807169668 "Blood On The Ohio: Frontier Tales of Terror," by Fritz Zimmerman"The Red Badge of Courage", by Stephen Crane"The Red Badge of Courage" 1951 film with Audie Murphy"The Red Badge of Courage" Wishbone episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPxHcgPK-Zg Battlefields:Fort Blakeley State Park https://www.blakeleypark.com/Kings Mountain Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/kimo/index.htmGuilford Courthouse Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/guco/index.htm Resaca Battlefield http://www.resacabattlefield.org/FoRstart.htmlMagnolia Cemetery, Mobile, AL http://www.magnoliacemetery.com/default.htmWilson's Creek Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/wicr/index.htmFredericksburg & Spotsylvania Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/frsp/index.htmVicksburg Battlefield https://www.nps.gov/vick/index.htmAppomattox Courthouse https://www.nps.gov/apco/index.htmRegiments:24th Alabama Infantry https://legacy.archives.alabama.gov/referenc/alamilor/mil_org.html Hardaway's-Hurt's Alabama Battery https://civilwarintheeast.com/confederate-regiments/alabama/hardaways-hurts-alabama-artillery/76th Illinois Infantry https://civilwar.illinoisgenweb.org/civilwar/reg_html/076_reg.html26th Illinois Infantry https://civilwar.illinoisgenweb.org/civilwar/reg_html/026_reg.htmlEufaula Light Artillery https://legacy.archives.alabama.gov/referenc/alamilor/mil_org.htmlKolb's Battery https://legacy.archives.alabama.gov/referenc/alamilor/mil_org.html201st Pennsylvania Infantry https://www.pa-roots.com/pacw/infantry/201st/201thorg.html

  • A new season of The Civil War Regiments Podcast begins in this interview with Peter Vermilyea about Litchfield County (Connecticut) in the Civil War. Peter teaches history at Housatonic Valley Regional High School, he is a graduate of Gettysburg College and is the director of the student scholarship program at the Civil War Institute. He is also the author of many articles and books on Litchfield County, including his latest book "Litchfield County and the Civil War." In his book and through this interview, Peter describes the makings and organization of a regiment (19th Connecticut/2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery) and it's impact on a community during the war. We focus on the battlefield and the homefront, as well as a deep dive in the horrendous slaughter of the regiment at Cold Harbor in 1864. The Heavy Artillery regiments in the war is a personal passion of mine to study and so I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and a great way to kick off a new season! Show Notes:Books:"Litchfield County and the Civil War," by Peter Vermilyea https://www.amazon.com/Litchfield-County-Civil-War/dp/1467156213 "Hidden History of Litchfield County," by Peter Vermilyea https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-History-Litchfield-County-Vermilyea/dp/1626195773"Wicked Litchfield County," by Peter Vermilyea https://www.amazon.com/Wicked-Litchfield-County-Peter-Vermilyea/dp/1467119695"Outside Lies Magic" by John Stilgoe https://www.amazon.com/Outside-Lies-Magic-Regaining-Awareness/dp/0802713408"Lincoln's Mercenaries" by William Marvel https://www.amazon.com/Lincolns-Mercenaries-Motivation-Conflicting-Dimensions/dp/0807169528"Connecticut for the Union," by John Niven https://www.amazon.com/Connecticut-Union-Role-State-Civil/dp/0300007957"The Old Nineteenth," by Richard Smith"Connecticut in the America Civil War," by Matthew Warshauer https://www.amazon.com/Connecticut-American-Civil-War-Sacrifice/dp/0819573647"History of the Second Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery," by Theodore Vaill https://www.amazon.com/History-Second-Connecticut-Volunteer-Artillery/dp/0656089121Resources:Newspapers.com https://www.newspapers.com/ Chronicling America-LOC Newspapers https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/Historic Sites and Battlefields:2nd Connecticut Monument at Cold Harbor https://stonesentinels.com/cold-harbor/markers-monuments/2nd-connecticut-heavy-artillery/Wadham Brothers Memorial https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=31161John Sedgwick Gravesite https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6475/john-sedgwickMustered Out Monument https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=31160 Site of Recruiting Camp https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=229361 Camp Dutton Monument https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Camp_Dutton,_Litchfield_CT.jpg Cold Harbor Battlefield https://www.battlefields.org/visit/battlefields/cold-harbor-battlefieldCold Harbor National Cemetery https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/national_cemeteries/virginia/cold_harbor_national_cemetery.htmlFisher's Hill Battlefield https://www.shenandoahatwar.org/fishers-hill-battlefieldNew England Civil War Museum https://www.newenglandcivilwarmuseum.com/Litchfield Historical Society https://www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org/

  • On this episode I'm joined in studio with fellow living historians Patrick Landrum, Mike Hoover, Whit Barr, and Chad Phillips. We discuss a variety of topics and shared experiences within our hobby of living history, from documentary projects, favorite living history events, battlefields and more.

    Show Notes:

    Time Magazine Article https://time.com/3776238/why-they-fight-civil-war-re-enactors-and-the-battle-over-historic-sites/

    Battlefields Recommended: Chattanooga, Columbia, Tenn., Nashville, Tenn., Franklin, Tenn., Little Round Top Gettysburg, Pickett's Mill, GA.

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by fellow living historians, Mike Hoover and Whit Barr, to discuss the soldiers, battles and battlefields of Tennessee during the Civil War. We also spend time on the story and controversial legacy of Sam Watkins and his famous memoir. Show Notes:Battlefields and Historic Sites mentioned: Stones River National Battlefield, The Battle of Franklin Trust, Carter House, Fort Negley, Spring Hill, St. John's Cemetery, Old City Cemetery-Nashville, Shy's Hill, Absalom Thompson House, Rippavilla Plantation, Lotz House, Carnton Plantation, McGavock Cemetery, Rest Haven Cemetery-Franklin, Winstead Hill

    Books mentioned: History of the Twentieth Tennessee, by William McMurrayCivil War Regiments, by Stephen LunsfordCompany Aytch, by Sam Watkins, edited by Ruth McAllisterConfederate Veteran MagazineSouthern Historical Society PapersFor Cause and For Country: A Study of the Affair at Spring Hill & the Battle of Franklin, by Eric Jacobson Let Us Die Like Men: The Battle of Franklin, by Lee WhiteTwenty-five Hours to Tragedy: The Battle of Spring Hill, by Jamie Gillum

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I interview Patrick Landrum, of the Independent Rifles, a living history organization in Tennessee/Mississippi. We discuss the origins of the Independent Rifles, the work behind putting on events, cooking and commissary, as well as Western battlefields, favorite regiments, book recommendations and more!

    Show Notes:

    Battle of Franklin Trust https://boft.org/

    McGavock Cemetery https://mcgavockcemetery.org/

    Lotz House https://www.lotzhouse.com/

    Confederate Memorial Park https://ahc.alabama.gov/properties/confederate/confederate.aspx

    Fort Blakeley https://www.blakeleypark.com/

    Liberty Rifles article about Mess Equipment https://www.libertyrifles.org/research/uniforms-equipment/confederate-mess-equipment

    "To Live and Die in Dixie: A History of the Third Mississippi" by H. Grady Howell, Jr.

    "Tuf as a Boiled Owl: The Civil War Letters of Proctor Swallow 7th Vermont Volunteer Regiment" by Kenena Spalding

  • On this special edition of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by my brother, Joey, to discuss our favorite facts, stories and aspects of the Battle and Battlefield of Chickamauga, in honor of the 160th Anniversary.Show Notes:American Battlefield Trust Animated Map https://www.battlefields.org/learn/maps/chickamauga-animated-map

    Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park https://www.nps.gov/chch/index.htm

    160th Anniversary Chickamauga Reenactment https://chickamauga160.com/

    Dave Powell's Chickamauga Campaign Book Trilogy https://www.savasbeatie.com/search.php?search_query=Chickamauga+Campaign+Dave+Powell

    Civil War Combat: Chickamauga Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDUae2FuroE

    The History Company https://thehistorycompany.net/

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Steven Dacus to discuss the new website ResearchArsenal.com. We deep dive into all aspects and functions of the website and how it will help reenactors, historians, and history buffs with research! The search functions, keywords and databases are revolutionary, offering thousands of images, letters, reports and more!

    Show Notes:

    YouTube version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psKgnZIMJSU&t=1926s







  • In this episode of the Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Ryan Alcaino to discuss movies and TV series that have featured and depicted Civil War regiments and soldier life. We discuss films that did or didn't get it right as well as films we would like to see made. We hope you enjoy the discussion and discover some rare and lesser-known films to check out! Let us know in the comments what your favorite Civil War film or series is and whether you agree or disagree with our assessments. Movies and TV series discussed:

    Gods And Generals, Gettysburg, Glory, The Red Badge of Courage, Wicked Spring, Waterloo, Andersonville, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Colt, The Horse Soldiers, The Blue and the Gray, North and South, Lincoln, Ride with the Devil, and Gangs of New York.

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined in studio by my pard Chad Phillips to discuss the Austrian Lorenz Rifle, a popular weapon during the American Civil War. We discuss all things related to the Lorenz, it's unique features, how it served both sides during the war, what the soldiers thought of it, as well as why it is still a valued item today.

    Show Notes:

    YouTube version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haN9BChixW4&t=2696s

    Atlanta Cyclorama https://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/...Resaca, Georgia Reenactment http://www.georgiadivision.org/bor_re...Austrian Lorenz closer look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_...Research Arsenal website https://researcharsenal.com/"Gone For A Soldier: The Civil War Memoirs of Private Alfred Bellard," https://www.amazon.com/Gone-Soldier-M..."Sergeant Stillwell: The Experiences of a Union Army Soldier of the 61st Illinois Infantry" https://www.amazon.com/Sergeant-Still..."Blockade Runners of the Confederacy" by Hamilton Cochran https://www.amazon.com/Blockade-Runne..."Wolf of the Deep: Raphael Semmes and the Notorious Confederate Raider CSS Alabama", by Stephen Fox https://www.amazon.com/Wolf-Deep-Raph...

  • On this episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I'm joined by Tony Patton and Zach Brewer of the Friends of Resaca Battlefield, to discuss their works for the battlefield as well as the history of one of the largest battles fought in Georgia during the war. We recap the battle, discuss battlefield interpretation and preservation, highlight some of the regiments involved, the history of the Confederate Cemetery and the annual reenactment.

    Show Notes:

    YouTube video of episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8_YWjnOjdI&t=2239s Resaca Battlefield http://www.resacabattlefield.orgFaces of the Battle http://www.resacabattlefield.org/FoRF...Friends of Resaca http://www.resacabattlefield.org/FoRJ...Confederate Cemetery http://www.georgiadivision.org/bor_re...Annual Resaca Reenactment http://www.georgiadivision.org/bor_re...Cuyahoga County Soldiers and Sailors Monument (featuring the 103rd Ohio at Resaca) https://www.soldiersandsailors.com/Mary Green https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=170950 Wilbur Kurtz Collection, Atlanta History Center The Albert Kern Collection at Dayton HistoryBooks:"The Battle of Resaca," by Philip Secrist https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Resaca-..."Decision in the West" by Albert Castel https://www.amazon.com/Decision-West-..."A Long and Bloody Task," by Stephen Davis https://www.amazon.com/Long-Bloody-Ta..."Memoirs of General William Tecumseh Sherman" https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Genera..."Narrative of Military Operations During the War," Joseph Johnston https://www.amazon.com/Narrative-Mili...Smith, John Thomas. A History of the Thirty-first Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (Cincinnati: Western Methodist Book Concern), 1900. (The ramrod story as mentioned, can be found on pages 99-100) Personal reminiscences and experiences by members of the One Hundred and Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry : campaign life in the Union Army from 1862 to 1865. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record... Hayes, Philip Cornelius. Journal-history of the Hundred & Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Toledo, OH: Commercial Steam Printing House, 1872https://archive.org/details/journalhi..."Soldiering," by Rice C. Bull, 123rd New York https://archive.org/details/soldierin...

  • On this special episode of The Civil War Regiments Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Brian Matthew Jordan (associate professor of history and chair of the Department of History at Sam Houston State University) to discuss "How To Research And Write A Regimental History." Dr. Jordan pinpoints all the resources needed in order to undertake the grand task of recording the history of a regiment during the American Civil War. I hope you will appreciate this study as much as I did and I hope it will inspire you for your own future projects! A PDF Guide with the Resources/Tips/And Advice recommended in this presentation:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TXxFiyAWYWWh-nmy6Cl1O1z8zZ2QV_wB/view?usp=sharing Books by Dr. Brian Matthew Jordan https://www.amazon.com/stores/Brian-Matthew-Jordan/author/B005GVH7QI

  • On this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Brian Jordan (Sam Houston State University) to discuss the 107th Ohio Infantry Regiment and his book "A Thousand May Fall: An Immigrant Regiment's Civil War." We discuss the timeline and background of the mostly-German regiment, primarily on their involvement in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns, while also focusing on the background of the officers and men of the unit as well as their unceasing quest for honor and recognition.

    Show Notes:

    "A Thousand May Fall: An Immigrant Regiment's Civil War," by Dr. Brian Matthew Jordan, available online and through booksellers everywhere https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-May-Fall-Death-Survival/dp/1631495143

    "Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War," by Dr. Brian Matthew Jordan, available online and through booksellers everywhere https://www.amazon.com/Marching-Home-Union-Veterans-Unending/dp/0871407817

    "Fighting Them Over: How the Veterans Remembered Gettysburg in the Pages of the National Tribune," edited by Richard Sauers https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-them-over-remembered-Gettysburg/dp/093552360X

    "Camps and Campaigns of the 107th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, from August 1862, to July, 1865". by Jacob Smith https://www.amazon.com/Campaigns-Regiment-Volunteer-Infantry-1862-1865/dp/0970476000

    Dingle's Mill Battlefield https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=35886

    East Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg https://www.nps.gov/places/east-cemetery-hill.htm

    107th Ohio Monument Gettysburg https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/union-monuments/ohio/107th-ohio/