
  • Quentin Tarantino loves Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story movies, but he considers it a perfect TRILOGY. He doesn’t acknowledge Toy Story 4 as canon and refuses to watch it. Maybe more fans need to "decanonize" certain movies and TV shows from our personal canons.

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    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Concord was a DEI-infused fever dream that cost millions of dollars and failed right out of the gate. Now, people who worked on the game are on the warpath, blaming players. And this is EVERYTHING wrong with AAA gaming, all in one place. After that we talk about Mortal Kombat 1 gender swap[ping the cyborgs and whether or not Sweet Baby Inc has been detected...

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    The game Concord represents the flawed state of AAA gaming, marked by exploitative practices, poor game quality, and a disregard for gamers’ concerns, which is reflective of the industry’s toxic attitude and misguided priorities.

    00:00 Concord represents the flawed state of AAA gaming, marked by a focus on exploitative practices and disregard for gamers’ concerns.

    02:21 AAA game developers’ entitled mindset and poor game quality are backfiring, leading to low sales and job losses.

    04:23 Concord’s poor reception is met with a developer’s dismissive response, highlighting the game’s catastrophic failure and reflecting the industry’s toxic attitude towards criticism.

    07:58 Concord embodies the toxic and polarized state of the gaming industry, highlighting its problematic practices and harassment of critics.

    09:35 Concord embodies the worst of AAA games in 2024, exemplifying a trend of misguided reboots and nonsensical character changes.

    11:32 Nether Realm Studios’ partnership with a diversity consulting company sparks controversy over forced DEI in AAA games.

    14:29 AAA games prioritize artificial diversity by altering existing characters instead of introducing new ones, often resulting in controversy and poor character design.

    17:03 AAA games like Concord prioritize forced diversity and inclusivity over character integrity, foreshadowing industry layoffs due to poor sales and gamer dissatisfaction.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • There has been a lot of internet drama over Star Wars Outlaws, and the early reviews are mid-level at best. Yeah, the game is said to be very unpolished and runs at 20-30 fps even on higher-end PCs. It is clearly not optimized. Did Ubisoft rush this thing out before Assassin’s Creed Shadows just to make their Q4 look good?

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    Star Wars Outlaws has received largely negative reviews from critics and players, citing issues with its gameplay, performance, and value, which could potentially harm the franchise’s reputation and impact its sales.

    00:00 Star Wars Outlaws is receiving slightly above average ratings, but critics and players are underwhelmed, considering it a mediocre and overpriced game.

    01:18 Star Wars Outlaws received mostly negative reviews from critics, with many attributing the poor reception to the game’s short review embargo period.

    03:06 Star Wars Outlaws is a midling AAA title with an underdeveloped protagonist and a failed attempt to add complexity to the Star Wars universe.

    05:03 Star Wars Outlaws receives poor reviews due to performance issues and mediocre gameplay amidst Ubisoft’s controversies.

    06:50 A poorly received Star Wars game could damage the franchise’s reputation and lead to Disney outsourcing its games, similar to Warner Brothers’ situation with the failed Suicide Squad game.

    07:51 Star Wars Outlaws is being rushed to market despite poor reviews and high pricing, failing to meet gamer expectations.

    09:49 Star Wars Outlaws receives mixed reviews, with critics praising its fun adventure but criticizing its simple stealth, repetitive combat, and numerous bugs at launch.

    11:23 The game’s decent quality may not be enough to overcome the negativity towards Ubisoft, potentially hurting its sales despite possible strong initial numbers.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • DEI is crashing to a halt, with companies ending DEI programs almost overnight. Now, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officers and consultants are telling their companies to just rename it so it doesn’t sound like DEI. Also, Activision is dropping it... or rather, renaming it.

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    Renaming or rebranding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives will not solve their underlying problems, as companies are abandoning or scaling back these efforts due to their unintended consequences and negative impact.

    00:00 Renaming DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives won’t fix their problems, as a name change doesn’t alter the underlying issues.

    01:00 Companies are abandoning DEI initiatives, with some diversity officers rebranding them to save their jobs.

    02:36 DEI movement has backfired, creating more problems and biases by prioritizing identity over merit.

    04:23 Companies are prioritizing less qualified candidates from underrepresented groups over qualified ones to avoid DEI-related accusations.

    06:24 Companies are abandoning DEI initiatives and quietly cutting related staff due to poor hiring decisions.

    08:23 DEI initiatives are being rebranded with new names to avoid growing resistance.

    10:16 Companies are ditching DEI initiatives, and activists are rebranding them to sneak them back in.

    11:50 Companies are rebranding or scaling back their DEI initiatives to downplay or hide their efforts due to financial losses and toxic connotations.
    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • The "toxic Star Wars fans" killed Star Wars forever because Disney canceled The Acolyte or something, according to journalists and bitter Acolyte stans. No, Disney is just course correcting Star Wars and trying to hone in on stuff people will actually, you know, WATCH.

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    Disney is re-evaluating and adjusting its Star Wars strategy, canceling underperforming projects and shifting focus to more successful ones, in an effort to combat franchise fatigue and declining interest.

    00:00 Disney is course-correcting Star Wars by canceling unpopular projects like "The Acolyte" and focusing on successful ones like "The Mandalorian".

    01:26 The Acolyte and Boba Fett are canceled, while Andor was spared, with The Acolyte’s low viewership being the real reason, not fan backlash.

    03:59 Star Wars fanbase is experiencing fatigue and division due to oversaturation and conflicting opinions on what constitutes "real" Star Wars.

    06:49 Companies prioritize viewership numbers over fan loyalty, leading to poor business decisions that alienate their existing audience.

    07:40 Disney’s Star Wars fatigue leads to cancellations, renewals, and uncertain futures, signaling a potential decline of the franchise.

    10:06 Marvel and Star Wars are revamping their plans, with Marvel redoing Secret Wars and Star Wars shifting to limited series with self-contained stories.

    11:29 Disney’s Star Wars strategy is harming the franchise with low-quality content, causing fans to lose interest.

    14:05 Star Wars is cancelled and that’s a good thing.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Concord and Dustborn are two of the cringiest, most 2016, DEI-infused video games you’ll ever see. And both were MASSIVE failures recently. If you want to know why AAA gaming is laying off activists in droves, these are case studies as to WHY. Dustborn failed so badly it had LESS THAN 100 PLAYERS at launch!

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    AAA gaming companies are pivoting away from prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their games due to financial failures, suggesting that focusing on DEI over gameplay is harming the industry.

    00:00 AAA gaming companies are pivoting away from "woke" games due to financial failures, as seen in the poor performance of Concord and Dustborn.

    05:12 Games Concord and Dustborn failed due to poor quality, not their "woke" features, despite prioritizing diversity and inclusivity.

    09:39 The gaming industry’s prioritization of DEI and ESG initiatives is leading to poor game performance and layoffs due to catering to niche demographics instead of a broader audience.

    12:19 Prioritizing diversity and inclusivity over gameplay is killing the video game industry, as seen in the failures of Concord and Dustborn.

    16:07 DEI-funded game "Dustborn" flops with extremely low player numbers.

    18:23 Concord and Dustborn fails due to its poor gameplay and forced diversity, catering to a niche audience that’s too small to sustain the game.

    22:48 Concord and Dustborn’s forced DEI ideologies allegedly ruin the gaming experience and lead to commercial failure.

    26:07 Games prioritizing diversity and inclusion (DEI) are failing to sell, while games that don’t focus on DEI are selling well, indicating a shift in the gaming industry.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Disney fans are angry that Disney is effectively destroying its theme parks in real-time. Even the most diehard pixie-duster has had it with the subpar IP infested rethemes, and the impending removal of the Rivers of America (and possibly Muppet Vision 3D) seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back for a lot of lifelong Disney fans.

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    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Everybody is over DEI and the politicization of corporations, according to a new Gallup poll. In fact, there’s been a STEEP dropoff in people who think companies should take a political stand one way or the other just in the past two years. And one guy is now being blamed for Harley Davidson, Tractor Supply and John Deere walking it back. The pendulum, she swings back hard...

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    Consumers are increasingly rejecting businesses that prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and are instead seeking companies that focus on selling products without promoting social or political agendas.

    00:00 Consumers are rejecting businesses that prioritize wokeness and DEI, as it’s no longer profitable.

    02:56 Companies are abandoning DEI initiatives, citing economic reasons, as consumers increasingly want businesses to stay out of politics.

    05:25 Most Americans reject businesses taking a stance on public policy, including DEI, and may be driven away by politicization.

    07:44 Consumers are rejecting DEI initiatives, feeling they undermine past progress and promote division.

    09:33 Consumers are rejecting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, with most people wanting to buy products without being politicized.

    11:40 Consumers are rejecting businesses that force politics and agendas into their products and entertainment.

    13:16 Companies are backtracking on DEI initiatives as consumers reject them, realizing they catered to online activists rather than actual customers.

    14:53 Consumers want companies to focus on selling products, not promoting social or political issues.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Transformers / Energon Universe outsold every DC comic book in May 2024. Even Batman. That is NOT a good sign for the overall health of this comic book publisher, or the direct market as a whole. On no planet should there be more buzz around a licensed toy comic than there is Batman, Superman or X-Men. But here we are...

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    Licensed toy comics, such as Transformers and GI Joe, are outselling mainstream DC Comics, highlighting the problems with the comic book industry’s current strategies and focus.

    00:00 DC Comics is struggling, with licensed toy comics like Transformers outselling them and gaining new readers.

    03:26 Transformers comic book outsold every DC comic book, including Batman, in May 2024.

    05:40 DC Comics is being outsold by other franchises, including Transformers and GI Joe, due to artificially inflated sales numbers and fan fatigue with constant reboots.

    08:33 DC Comics is losing direction and alienating its traditional audience by prioritizing a "woke" agenda over established character traits and mainstream appeal.

    10:30 DC Comics is struggling financially and losing readers due to reboots and gimmicks, while franchises like Transformers thrive by sticking to basics.

    13:07 DC Comics faces a significant sales slump, outdone by consistently competent titles like Transformers, due to its rebooting strategy alienating readers.

    16:02 DC Comics is alienating readers by altering beloved characters’ histories and identities without continuity or editorial cohesion, leading to declining sales.

    17:29 DC Comics needs to go back to basics with its core characters and provide a solid, consistent product to appeal to a wider demographic and increase sales.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • The Acoluyte got canceled, and the media is BIG MAD about it! They’re even mad at Disney! But it’s clearly not just the "toxic chuds" who got the series canceled. Nobody watched it. And their biggest grievance? Their ships won’t sail...

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    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Black Myth: Wukong sold 10 million copies, and gaming journos are still mad because of sexism or... something.

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    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Disney tried to get out of a wrongful death suit by claiming the husband of a woman who died from food allergies at a restaurant on Disney World couldn’t sue them because... he signed up for a Disney Plus trial?! Yep. And now the Streisand Effect is in full swing, with many mainstream media outlets calling them out. But now the suit is moving forward, with Disney quasi-apologizing... for getting caught.

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    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Have Hollywood studios put the pressure on Rotten Tomatoes to drop the Audience Score in favor of a "Popcornmeter"... which requires that users buy tickets through Fandango to even be able to leave a score? Is it Captain Marvel and Disney’s fault?

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    Rotten Tomatoes has replaced its traditional audience score with a verified ratings system, sparking concerns that the platform is trying to protect Hollywood studios from negative reviews and potential online trolling.

    00:00 Rotten Tomatoes replaces audience scores with verified ratings to combat "review bombing" and protect Hollywood studios.

    01:40 Rotten Tomatoes may have removed audience scores to protect Hollywood movies, such as Captain Marvel, from negative reviews.

    03:09 Rotten Tomatoes replaces traditional audience score with verified ratings system, limiting reviews to Fandango ticket buyers.

    04:53 Rotten Tomatoes removes audience score to prevent studios from manipulating ratings and protecting Hollywood’s interests.

    06:51 Rotten Tomatoes has dropped audience scores for TV shows and introduced verified check marks for user ratings, sparking concerns that the platform is trying to protect Hollywood by dismissing unverified ratings as potential online trolling.

    08:19 Rotten Tomatoes drops audience score, sparking claims of manipulation to favor Hollywood studios.

    10:24 Rotten Tomatoes drops audience score to combat "review bombing" and introduces a "verified" badge for movies with 90%+ audience score from verified ticket buyers.

    12:32 Rotten Tomatoes changes its scoring system, potentially delaying audience scores to protect Hollywood’s box office.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Did Disney pull down The Acolyte merchandise on the Disney Store after announcing the series cancellation? If so, WHY? Are they preparing for another write-down like Willow? The merch seems to be back... for now... but it seemed odd enough that mainstream media outlets noticed it.

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    Disney briefly pulled and then reinstated "The Acolyte" merchandise from online stores, sparking speculation about the show’s future due to low viewership and demand.

    00:00 The Acolyte merchandise was briefly pulled from the Disney Store but has since been reinstated.

    01:34 Disney canceled the Star Wars series "The Acolyte" after its first season due to low viewership.

    02:10 Disney’s Acolyte merchandise was pulled, amid low chances of the show’s revival despite a new petition.

    03:55 Acolyte merchandise has been removed from online stores, sparking speculation about the show’s future.

    05:40 Disney may have pulled Acolyte merchandise due to low demand, making it valuable for collectors.

    07:13 Disney may have pulled "The Acolyte" merchandise due to low demand.

    09:03 Disney’s Star Wars and Marvel merchandise sales are struggling, with popular figures being heavily discounted.

    10:42 Disney briefly removed Acolyte merchandise, but it’s back up, and the speaker hopes the show won’t be renewed for more episodes.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Hollywood is in the middle of a "reset" right now, with productions being pared down, studios like Warner Bros. and Paramount having fire sales, and a TON of projects getting canceled. Tinseltown never rebounded from the dual strikes last year (le gasp!) and now more and more studios are looking outside of Los Angeles for production. This includes Warner Bros. possibly moving to Vegas (what?!) and Chick-Fil-A starting its own streaming service. No, I’m not even kidding...

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    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

    #Hollywood #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech

  • According to The New York Times, Business Insider, and The Atlantic, Wokeness is officially over. In fact, the Atlantic refers to the "woke" movement as a "movement of the 2010s." Like, PAST tense. Then we talk about how Harley-Davidson is giving up on DEI just like so many other companies. So what’s next?

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    The "woke" movement is experiencing a decline as various sectors, including media, corporations, and political figures, recognize its negative impact on societal cohesion, audience engagement, and financial performance, leading to a shift back towards meritocracy and organic diversity.

    00:00 Clownish TV claims wokeness is dying as media and companies like Harley-Davidson abandon forced diversity for profit, seeking a return to organic diversity and meritocracy.

    03:48 The Prime Minister of Singapore criticizes the wokeness movement for its hypersensitivity and argues it undermines societal resilience and cohesion.

    05:25 The video claims that overemphasis on diversity and social concerns in media has backfired, alienating audiences and sparking resistance, as highlighted by The Atlantic’s critique of wokeness and its unintended consequences.

    08:46 The video argues that the "woke" movement’s cycle of grievances and purity tests is self-destructive, leading to fragmentation and backlash as highlighted in a NYT opinion piece.

    10:44 The speaker champions true diversity but opposes opportunity allocation by identity, citing Disney’s rejection of promising shows for lack of racial diversity despite past successes with diverse audiences.

    12:39 The "woke" movement, once a symbol of progressive values, faces a backlash for its overreach and is being abandoned by mainstream left-wing entities and corporations amid criticism and financial concerns.

    16:11 The video claims "woke" culture’s influence is waning, likened to past social movements, with examples like Harley-Davidson refocusing away from DEI.

    17:35 The video argues that "wokeness" is losing favor as people across demographics seek normality, criticizing companies for performative activism and urging a focus on quality and core customers over divisive politics.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

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  • Begun, the Blame Game has. The media is incredibly angry about The Acolyte being canceled and even blames the "toxic" Star Wars YouTubers. Why can’t Disney burn another $200 million for a second season? It’s only money!

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    "The Acolyte" was cancelled primarily due to financial reasons and low viewership, rather than the influence of critical YouTubers or issues related to diversity, contrasting with media narratives that often blame fan backlash and bigotry.

    00:00 "The Acolyte" was cancelled due to low viewership, not YouTuber criticism, challenging claims of bias against diversity in Star Wars.

    04:03 The video slams media for misrepresenting diversity as novel, contrasts Star Trek’s organic inclusion with current trends, and mocks a writer’s qualifications and unproven harassment claims.

    06:59 "The Acolyte" cancellation blamed on YouTubers, overshadowing issues like Jake Lloyd’s fame-induced mental health struggles and media-fueled racism claims against Ahmed Best and Amandla Stenberg.

    10:21 "The Acolyte" cancellation blamed on YouTubers amid fan backlash and claims of racism and sexism, despite viewership possibly boosted by hate-watching and curiosity over controversy.

    16:33 "The Acolyte" was cancelled amid Disney’s profit-driven approach and declining Star Wars interest, not YouTuber influence.

    19:41 "The Acolyte" cancellation blamed on critical YouTubers highlights issues in Star Wars expansion and media’s role in shaping narratives of success and diversity.

    23:42 "The Acolyte" was cancelled due to financial concerns and lack of audience interest, not YouTuber criticism or bigotry, while "The Orville" thrives by balancing diversity with storytelling.

    28:03 The Acolyte is reportedly cancelled, with YouTubers being blamed, amidst expectations of ongoing controversy and temper tantrums.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

    #StarWars #Disney #TheAcolyte #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech

  • Gamers are under attack again. There’s a new survey going around saying that playing video games is the BIGGEST turn-off for women... even above gambling and taxidermy. Say what?!

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    Playing video games excessively is viewed as unattractive and socially isolating for men, potentially hindering their chances of forming romantic relationships.

    00:00 A survey suggests gaming is the least attractive hobby for men seeking women, though its validity is debated.

    02:01 Women often view men who play video games as less attractive compared to those with other hobbies, with excessive gaming seen as a deal breaker for some.

    05:31 Women often judge men for gaming, highlighting a double standard in how interests and spending habits are perceived.

    07:35 Women are turned off by men who are overly invested in gaming, perceiving it as a personality flaw that undermines traditional masculine traits.

    10:28 Women reportedly view gaming as an unattractive hobby for men, though the survey’s validity is debated.

    12:55 Gamers’ hobbies like collecting toys are seen negatively by women, potentially impacting their dating prospects.

    15:23 Women are often turned off by excessive gaming habits that negatively affect dating experiences, despite not disliking gaming itself.

    18:05 Playing video games can strain relationships, but successful women in gaming challenge stereotypes while extremists misplace blame for societal issues.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

    #Games #VideoGames #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech

  • The media can’t cope with the cancellation of The Acolyte. They’re claiming the "toxic" chuds won, even though it was canceled because the NUMBERS were low. Disney wouldn’t have canceled a successful Star Wars show because some YouTubers were screaming about it. Could Disney be looking to pivot Star Wars back to success? Time will tell...

    ➡️ Tip Jar and Fan Support: http://ClownfishSupport.com
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    ➡️ Audio Edition: https://open.spotify.com/show/6qJc5C6OkQkaZnGCeuVOD1

    The cancellation of "The Acolyte" illustrates the entertainment industry’s prioritization of profitability over fan demand, revealing a disconnect between vocal criticism and actual viewership in the Star Wars franchise.

    00:00 The cancellation of "The Acolyte" reflects the industry’s focus on profitability amid low viewership and declining consumer interest in Star Wars.

    03:49 The entertainment industry favors profitable projects over fan demand, as seen in the lack of interest in Star Wars toys compared to other franchises.

    06:27 The cancellation of "The Acolyte" underscores the gap between online criticism and viewership, revealing frustrations over the franchise’s perceived neglect of female fans.

    09:03 Disney’s focus on female protagonists in Star Wars has alienated core male fans and failed to resonate with the existing female audience.

    12:05 The cancellation of "The Acolyte" highlights the failure of the High Republic phase and reflects a divide between profit-driven decisions by Disney and fan reactions to declining quality.

    16:48 Andor gets a second season despite mixed viewership, highlighting Disney’s focus on profitability over fan sentiment.

    19:45 The speaker critiques the backlash against recent Star Wars shows, highlighting male fans’ negativity towards female perspectives and the hypocrisy of those claiming to represent women in the franchise.

    22:45 Disney’s unconfirmed cancellation of "The Acolyte" likely stems from low viewership and financial constraints, reflecting a disconnect between vocal critics and broader audience interests in the Star Wars franchise.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

    #StarWars #Hollywood #Disney #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech

  • Another blow to Adobe. The CEO of Procreate says he "f*cking hates" generative AI and that they will never incorporate it into their product line. Is this going to push more artists into the arms of Adobe’s competitors? Probably...

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    ➡️ Audio Edition: https://open.spotify.com/show/6qJc5C6OkQkaZnGCeuVOD1

    Procreate’s rejection of generative AI emphasizes its commitment to preserving human creativity in digital art, addressing artists’ concerns about job security and the potential negative impact of AI on artistic expression.

    00:00 Procreate’s CEO rejects generative AI, supporting artists’ job security amid Adobe’s controversies.

    03:20 Procreate CEO James Cuda vows to never use generative AI, prioritizing artist jobs and creativity over trends, unlike Adobe.

    05:19 Procreate’s CEO rejects generative AI, emphasizing support for human creativity and the importance of not replacing artists.

    06:26 Procreate’s CEO opposes generative AI, winning over digital artists disillusioned with Adobe and Clip Studio Paint’s adoption of the technology.

    08:49 Procreate’s CEO champions AI as a creative assistant, opposing Adobe’s generative AI approach that risks replacing artists.

    11:17 Generative AI is displacing traditional roles in animation and comics, reminiscent of the shift from 2D to 3D animation, but may lead to a resurgence of 2D skills as demand for authenticity grows.

    12:47 Procreate’s CEO rejects generative AI in favor of preserving human creativity, emphasizing a balance between technology and artistry.

    14:52 Many artists are frustrated with Adobe’s subscription model and are considering switching to alternatives like Affinity.

    About Us:
    Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles.

    This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. ClownfishTV.com is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

    #Tech #AI #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech