
  • In this episode, I share a story that illustrates the importance of making connections with new people all the time. I encourage you to take yourself out on a date and see who you end up meeting! I also introduce a website called "Nuuly" where you can rent high quality, trendy clothes!


  • In this episode of "Conscious Consumption," I reveal my early journey into the world of trade shows, which began when I was just 16 years old. I delve into practical advice on establishing meaningful connections within the dynamic realm of the fashion industry. Furthermore, I offer a comprehensive recap of my vibrant week in Las Vegas, sharing firsthand accounts of my experiences. If you harbor an interest in becoming a part of the fashion industry, this particular episode holds invaluable insights that you won't want to miss!

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  • In this episode, we delve into the intriguing world of consumer behavior and explore the phenomenon of impulse buying. We aim to understand the underlying reasons behind why we often succumb to impulsive purchases and how such behavior can have implications for sustainability and the environment.

    I examine the psychological factors that drive us towards instant gratification, even when it may not align with our long-term goals or values. I unravel the emotional brain's triumph over the logical brain and how dopamine rushes can cloud our judgment, leading us to make impulsive decisions.

    Learn how to resist temptations so we can all be more sustainable consumers!

  • This episode of Conscious Consumption gives an overview of what microfibres are and how we release hundreds of thousands of them every single time we do the laundry.

    When we wash clothes made from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon, the friction, detergent action, and mechanical forces in the washing machine cause these fabrics to shed microfibers. These microfibers then enter the wastewater along with the wash water. Because they are so tiny, conventional wastewater treatment plants are not equipped to effectively capture these microfibers, and as a result, many of them end up being released into waterways and eventually reaching oceans and other bodies of water.

    Raising awareness about the impact of microfiber pollution and adopting more eco-friendly laundry practices are essential steps in tackling this environmental problem and moving towards more sustainable consumption habits.

    Listen to learn how you can wash your clothes in a more responsible manner!

    Our clothes shed microfibres – here’s what we can do... Our clothes shed microfibres – here’s what we can do... : Fashion Revolution. (n.d.). https://www.fashionrevolution.org/our-clothes-shed-microfibres-heres-what-we-can-do/#:~:text=Microfibres%20are%20a%20type%20of,goes%20to%20sewage%20treatment%20facilities

  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sydney Hewitt, a passionate advocate for holistic health and someone who deeply values her connection with nature and community. Together, we delved into a thought-provoking conversation about the evolving landscape of our consumption habits, and we found solace in sharing our personal journeys of growth and self-improvement.

    Sydney's genuine enthusiasm for living a holistic lifestyle shone through as we explored the various ways in which we can align our choices with our values. We dove into the importance of being mindful consumers, making conscious decisions about the products we bring into our lives, and the impact those choices have on our well-being and the environment.

    Amidst the weighty topics, we also took time to embrace our imperfections and shared a few lighthearted moments, reminding ourselves that personal growth is a continuous process. Laughter became the catalyst for self-acceptance, as we recognized that none of us are perfect and that it's the journey towards improvement that truly matters.

    Throughout our conversation, Sydney's connection with the outdoors and her community shone brightly. We explored the profound impact of immersing ourselves in nature and how it nurtures our overall well-being. Additionally, we discussed the power of fostering meaningful connections with those around us and the importance of supporting and uplifting one another.

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sydney Hewitt, a passionate advocate for holistic health and someone who deeply values her connection with nature and community. Together, we delved into a thought-provoking conversation about the evolving landscape of our consumption habits, and we found solace in sharing our personal journeys of growth and self-improvement.

    Sydney's genuine enthusiasm for living a holistic lifestyle shone through as we explored the various ways in which we can align our choices with our values. We dove into the importance of being mindful consumers, making conscious decisions about the products we bring into our lives, and the impact those choices have on our well-being and the environment.

    Amidst the weighty topics, we also took time to embrace our imperfections and shared a few lighthearted moments, reminding ourselves that personal growth is a continuous process. Laughter became the catalyst for self-acceptance, as we recognized that none of us are perfect and that it's the journey towards improvement that truly matters.

    Throughout our conversation, Sydney's connection with the outdoors and her community shone brightly. We explored the profound impact of immersing ourselves in nature and how it nurtures our overall well-being. Additionally, we discussed the power of fostering meaningful connections with those around us and the importance of supporting and uplifting one another.

    Join us in this enlightening episode as we explore the ever-evolving landscape of consumption habits, share our laughter, and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Sydney's perspective and wisdom will inspire you to lead a more mindful and purposeful life, grounded in holistic health and community.

    Tune in now to discover the transformative power of conscious choices and the joy of embracing our flaws on this enlightening episode with Sydney Hewitt.

  • In this captivating episode, I engage in a conversation with Caroline, a French citizen, about the fashion industry in France. Together, we discuss the evolving awareness of sustainability among the French population while also acknowledging the persistent allure and challenges of fast fashion. Caroline sheds light on the phenomenon of long queues outside Shein pop-up stores in France, where people wait for hours to score the latest trends at unbeatable prices, despite the questionable quality and exploitative labor practices associated with fast fashion.

    Together, let's navigate the complexities of sustainable fashion and inspire a shift towards mindful consumption around the world.

  • In this episode, I touch on past issues with slavery in the textile industry, specifically with cotton cultivation. I also discuss how companies are still exploiting workers to mass produce goods for cheap. It's time for us as consumers to reflect on whether or not we want to support companies who are involved with these labor practices.

    Join the conversation on "Conscious Consumption" and be part of the movement to create a more equitable and responsible fashion industry.

  • In this episode, I introduce a term that I recently came across: "pinkwashing." Join me as I explore this concept, which refers to when a brand claims to be LGBTQ+ friendly but fails to take substantial action or provide meaningful support to the community.

    Through this episode, I shed light on the need for brands to demonstrate true commitment and allyship through tangible actions, policies, and inclusive practices. Lip service without substantive change is insufficient, and as consumers, we have the power to hold brands accountable for their claims.

  • In this enlightening episode, I delve into the valuable lessons I learned throughout my journey in Thailand. Drawing inspiration from the Buddhist teachings imparted by my Thai mother, Goi, I reflect on how her profound words continue to impact my daily life.

    I share the wisdom of the phrase "no mud, no lotus," a powerful reminder that through the inevitable struggles and challenges we face, we can uncover the true beauty and joy of life. Embracing this philosophy, I explore the transformative power of embracing difficulties as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

    Additionally, I delve into the teachings of "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and how they have shaped my perspective and choices. These agreements - be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best - serve as guiding principles for leading an authentic and fulfilling life.

    Together, let's uncover the keys to living a meaningful and fulfilling life in alignment with our values.

  • In this episode, I have a lighthearted and engaging conversation with Natalie, a woman from Ireland who is obsessed with Shein. Natalie shares her perspective as a loyal customer, revealing that over half of her wardrobe consists of Shein items. Together, we explore her reasoning behind this choice and delve into the challenges of finding ethical brands in an industry plagued by greenwashing.

    By discussing these contrasting perspectives, we encourage listeners to reflect on their own shopping habits and engage in a broader dialogue about the challenges of finding ethical brands. The conversation serves as a reminder that the journey towards conscious consumption is complex, and it is crucial to approach it with empathy and understanding.

    Together, let's explore the challenges, celebrate progress, and foster a community of understanding and growth.

  • In this episode, I dive into the world of social media and its powerful influence on consumer behavior. I raise critical questions about the responsibility of influencers when it comes to promoting fast fashion brands. With their large following and persuasive reach, influencers play a significant role in shaping trends and driving consumer choices. As such, it is important to evaluate the ethical implications of their collaborations and endorsements.

  • During this interview, Varena offers a glimpse into her travel adventures and how her encounters with different cultures have influenced her perspective on consumption. We discuss how shopping practices vary across various regions and the diverse factors that come into play when making purchasing decisions in different parts of the world. Through Varena's experiences, we gain valuable insights into the cultural nuances and considerations that shape consumption habits.

  • Welcome to Episode 4 of "Conscious Consumption"! In this episode, I discuss the easiest ways for individuals to make more ethical and sustainable fashion purchases. Join me as I emphasize the significance of educating ourselves about labor standards and sustainability in textile production. I also explore strategies for extending the lifespan of our clothes and provide guidance on how to identify truly sustainable brands. Above all, I reiterate the importance of personal accountability as consumers and highlight the power we hold to make a difference through collective action.

    Join the movement towards conscious consumption and embrace the power you hold as an individual.

  • Welcome to the next episode of "Conscious Consumption"! In this installment, we delve into the deceptive practice of greenwashing. Join me as we explore what greenwashing is, why companies engage in it, how they execute it, and the profound impact it has on consumers' purchasing habits. It's time to unveil the truth behind brands' misleading tactics and empower ourselves to make truly sustainable choices.

    Tune in to this enlightening episode as we expose the deceptive practice of greenwashing, equip ourselves with the knowledge to identify it, and empower ourselves to make truly sustainable choices. It's time to demand transparency and hold brands accountable for their environmental claims.

    Join the movement towards conscious consumption and ensure that your purchasing decisions align with your values. Together, we can create a more sustainable future and drive real change in the fashion industry.

  • Welcome back to another episode of "Conscious Consumption"! In this episode, we dive deep into the world of fast fashion, exploring its definition, the motivations behind its consumption, and the significant damages it causes. Join me as we uncover the hazards related to synthetic textile dyeing and unravel the reasons why it is crucial to care about the materials our clothes are made of. Additionally, we will examine the alarming projections that indicate a doubling of apparel's global emissions by the end of the decade.

    Join me in this eye-opening episode as we delve into the world of fast fashion, uncover the hazards of synthetic textile dyeing, emphasize the importance of mindful material choices, and confront the alarming projections for apparel's global emissions. Together, let's empower ourselves with knowledge and take steps towards conscious consumption for a brighter, more sustainable future.

    Tune in now to expand your understanding of the fashion industry and join the movement towards a more responsible and environmentally friendly approach to clothing.

  • Welcome to the inaugural episode of "Conscious Consumption"! In this episode, I, Isabella Rosley, will be sharing a bit about myself and my deep passion for raising awareness about the alarming environmental and social impact of the fashion industry. Join me as I delve into what inspired me to start this podcast and provide a sneak peek into some of the compelling topics we will be exploring in future episodes.

    In this episode, I will discuss my personal experiences and motivations that led me to embark on this mission. From eye-opening encounters to deepening my understanding of sustainability, you'll gain insight into the transformative moments that shaped my commitment to conscious consumption. Additionally, I will provide a glimpse into the exciting topics we will be exploring in future episodes.
    Join me on this exhilarating journey as we embark on an exploration of conscious consumption and discover how we can all play a part in transforming the fashion industry.

    Let's embark on this transformative journey together.