Did you know there are thousands upon thousands of bills filed every year in the US House and Senate? Only a fraction of those reach a floor vote and only a small amount of those are passed and signed into law. Before a bill can reach the floor, it must first go through the committee process. To help us learn what this process is and what it entails, we are delighted to welcome Cyrus Artz. Cyrus is the former staff director of the House Committee on Education and Workforce, and currently a senior policy advisor in the Office of the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Join us as Cyrus shares his insight and experience with our student panel!
Article 1 of the US Constitution creates Congress and gives Congress the power to write and pass laws. But what does that process look like? What is the procedure through which a bill introduced in one chamber is then passed in the other chamber? What is the committee process and its effect on whether or not a bill comes to the floor for a vote? What influence can the average American have in this process? To discuss this rather complex process, we are excited to welcome Dr. Dave Brat to our chat this week. Dr. Brat is a former member of Congress and currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Business Engagement, Office of Business Relations at Liberty University.
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Next in the line of succession for the Presidency, after the Vice President. Presiding officer over all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Responsible for implementing a legislative agenda. Today we are discussing one of the most powerful positions in our federal government, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. What are the duties of the speaker? How does the Speaker influence federal policymaking. What role does the Speaker play politically in getting individuals elected and reelected? To walk us through the day to day life of the Speaker of the House, we are happy to welcome Dan Meyer. Dan served as Chief of Staff to two U.S. House Speakers and has a wealth of insight into their roles.
Constitutional Chats Podcast Episode 247
For being such a public figure, the role of the First Lady of the United States is not well-defined. Some have taken very public roles and played a part in crafting and changing policy and others prefer to be a bit more low-profile. Since the role is not defined by any law or statute, it is up to each First Lady to determine the visibility and role they will play in a presidential administration. To guide our student panel through these ever-changing roles, we have a veteran of 4 White House administrations across 3 decades, three-time author and an internationally recognized expert on the legacies of American first ladies and operations of the White House: Anita McBride.
The American Revolution ended in 1781. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. George Washington was elected our country’s first president in 1788 and sworn in 1789. Besides the Constitutional Convention 1787, there has not been significant scholarly study into what George Washington was doing in the intervening years between the end of the Revolutionary War and his election as President. Our guest today wrote a book on those years called, “The Return of George Washington: Uniting the States, 1783-1789” and will chat with our student panel on Washington’s role in laying the groundwork for the new country during those years. Dr. Ed Larson is a Pulitzer Prize winning author and serves as a senior fellow of the University of Georgia's Institute of Higher Education and is currently University Professor of History at Pepperdine University.
The Executive Branch of our country, led by the President, oversees millions of federal employees and hundreds of White House staff. Obviously, the President cannot directly manage all of these employees. To aid in this administrative function, the President appoints several dozen “Assistants to the President.” This is the highest ranking staff position in the White House and their duty is to provide strategic counsel and oversee major initiatives based on goals set by the President. To further explain this role, we have a former Assistant to the President on our chat today. George Sifakis served in the first Trump administration as an Assistant to the President and later as Director of the Office of Public Liaison.
He was a university president who became the President of the United States. He took us into war with Germany in World War I but later won a Nobel Peace Prize as the leading architect behind the League of Nations. To discuss our 28th President with our student panel, we are pleased to welcome Christopher Cox to talk about his book, “Woodrow Wilson: The Light Withdrawn.”
The idea of the United States acquiring Greenland is not a new idea. This idea has been kicked around since the 19th century but revisited with the new presidential administration. Why would the US have an interest in acquiring Greenland? What are the strategic and economic advantages in doing so? How could this acquisition be compared to the Louisiana Purchase? And can it even happen? There are lots of questions surrounding this timely topic and to help our student panel address them, we are happy to welcome back Jim Pinkerton. Jim is a longtime columnist for Fox News and Breitbart and has written on the this topic for the American Conservative.
When one presidential administration ends, another begins. While the public watches the transition on TV, behind the scenes there’s a well orchestrated symphony executing the plan to bring in a new administration. To walk us through the nuts and bolts of what happens behind the scenes, we are joined by a veteran of one such transition as a guest today! Sean Spicer served as the 30th White House Press Secretary and Acting White House Communications Director during the first Trump administration and will share his insight into this historic day.
How do you create limited, but at the same time, strong and effective government? In tackling this problem, our Founders relied on three branches with each branch having strong offensive and defensive weapons to use against the other branches’ possible encroachments. The Founders understood an ineffective government is just as dangerous to liberty as an authoritarian government. They wanted a strong executive branch but didn’t want that power concentrated in one person to devolve into tyranny. To walk us through this fascinating topic, we are pleased to welcome Savannah Eccles Johnston. She is an assistant professor of political science at Salt Lake Community College and host of the podcast “This Constitution.”
Free speech was so important to our Founders they wrote it into the First Amendment to the Constitution. Over the last decade, we have seen an erosion of free speech support through cancel culture, suppression on college campuses and “fact checkers” on social media platforms. Did we finally reach a tipping point and are beginning to rally once again around the idea of free speech? Just this week we saw Meta announce they will no longer use fact checkers but community notes in their platforms. To discuss this topic with our all-star student panel, we are pleased to welcome FOX News contributor and author Mary Katharine Ham to this week’s show.
It’s 1787. Under the current Articles of Confederation the American experiment is struggling. James Madison knew a new guiding document was needed. Once opposed to a Bill of Rights, it was Madison who would ultimately introduce the Bill of Rights in 1789. Why was Madison originally opposed to a Bill of Rights? What documents influenced him? Why were the Bill of Rights necessary and what were the criticisms of the Constitution before the Bill of Rights? Discussing this momentous event in history with our student panel, we are happy to welcome GianCarlo Canaparo, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.
Why does Constituting America do the work we do in educating young people about the U.S. Constitution and our country’s founding principles? Think about this. According to our guest, in a spectral analysis of the Declaration of Independence, in Thomas Jefferson’s original draft, he wrote “our fellow subjects.” In the draft we all know, he used “our fellow citizens.” The difference in that word is remarkable. It shows the change in thinking that we were once subjects to a government but now we are citizens who can dictate our government so that it works for us. Constituting America exists to educate our next generation so they can understand the importance in that shift in mindset. Our guest argues that a solid civic education is needed to maintain that free society of citizens, not subjects. Join our all-star student panel and this week’s; guest, Kirk Higgins, Vice President of Content at the Bill of Rights Institute, for this discussion on educating our next generation.
For our annual online academic study this year, we are taking a journey through our republic with Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America.” It is perhaps the best book ever written about America and democracy, according to our guest today. In this work, De Toqueville takes on an almost prophetic voice in predicting the future of our country and our constitutional republic. How was De Tocqueville able to leverage his knowledge of philosophy to accomplish this? What truths was he willing to tell us about our governmental institutions? To walk us through this aspect of De Toqueville’s work, we are honored to welcome Raúl Rodriguez, assistant professor in the School of Civic Leadership at the University of Texas at Austin, for this enlightening conversation.
The 1st Amendment recognizes our God-given right to free speech without government restriction. But what is a college student to do when it’s their own college suppressing their free speech? What is that student to do when that suppression directly leads to hate speech and violent threats from their fellow students simply for having a differing opinion? Our guest was such a student. We are delighted to welcome back to Constituting American Evita Duffy. Evita won our “We the Future” contest back in 2010. Since that time, she attended the University of Chicago and is now a journalist. We are happy to have one of our earliest contest winners and member of the Constituting America family back to share her experience regarding free speech on college campuses and her hopes for a renewed culture of free speech.
Picture this: You are a young child growing up in a suburb of Boston. You happen to a big fan of the musical “Hamilton” and through an educational TV show, you learn that the park where you regularly ride your bike and your neighborhood is portrayed in the musical you love! This is exactly what happened with this week’s special guest, Sabrina Bhattacharjya. Now a 14-year old historian, Sabrina has dived deep into the history of her town, Lexington, Massachusetts. This is where the infamous “shot heard ‘round the world” took place that started the American Revolution. Sabrina has since started Lexington 250 to help celebrate in April 2025 the 250th anniversary of that famous day. Join our student panel as we learn more of the interesting facts and historical significance of what happened that day from this fabulous historian.
The electoral college is one of the most important characteristics of our republic, but it is also perhaps the most misunderstood. Every time we vote for President the merit of the electoral college is debated. But what is it? Why was it created? How does it protect small states, and preserve state identity? Should we view it as a problem itself or an effective solution to a problem? To address all of these questions and so much more, we are delighted to have Michael Maibach, electoral college expert and Distinguished Fellow for Save Our States, as our special guest this week.
It’s 1787 and you are a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. You represent a midsize state and arriving 3 days late, you encounter James Madison’s Virginia Plan to allocate representation among the states proportionally. You realize how this would be a detriment to smaller states who are needed to ratify the Constitution. What do you do? You are Roger Sherman from Connecticut and you draft the Connecticut Compromise which allocates representation in the lower chamber based on population but guarantees equal state representation in the upper chamber. Why was this necessary and what other provisions did it entail? To answer these questions, we are pleased welcome Mark David Hall, Professor in the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and scholar on early America.
He was an actor, governor and our 40th president. Today, we are discussing the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Though now a modern icon of conservatives, Reagan’s political leanings were originally democrat as a supporter of FDR and Truman. During his presidential term, through what lens did Reagan approach the limitations placed on government? In what way was he a Constitutional originalist? How did this belief factor into navigating a constitutional crisis like the Iran Contra Affair? To guide us in this chat, we are pleased to welcome back an alumni of the Reagan White House and current Senior Fellow in the Center for American Prosperity at the America First Policy Institute., Jim Pinkerton, for our weekly constitutional chat.
Today, we are discussing our country’s 34th President, Dwight Eisenhower. A Texan by birth but raised in Kansas, Eisenhower graduated from West Point and during World War II served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe and was promoted to 5-star General of the US Army. Twice elected President, Eisenhower notably led our country as we entered the Cold War. In what ways did Eisenhower’s military experience shape his views on domestic and foreign policy? What civil rights advancements were made during his tenure? What was his overall sense of duty? To help us in this discussion, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Elizabeth Spalding, Chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation for this informative chat.
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