
  • If you are reading this right now you are likely a prolific creator.

    However just because you can create volumes of juicy content before your morning coffee doesn’t mean you should. I gotta ask - are you intentional around choosing your next big thing?

    In this episode, I’m cutting through the noise with three questions to get you laser-focused on what matters to you, your business, and your audience.

    You’ll learn:

    ✔️ How to gain clarity and what’s driving your need to create;

    ✔️ Why shiny object syndrome is toxic for your bottom line and how to stop it; and

    ✔️ What you can do if you’re stuck in indecision or frustrated with a lack of growth.

    Not making money yet? I know the one thing you need to do!

    Want my eyes on your content?

    Apply for an Audit at http://coursecreationboutique.com/audit, and walk away with a clear, CUSTOMIZED plan for your course creation and marketing in 60 days!

    Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

  • The podcast is back, and I think — better than ever!

    I’m so excited to be back! I had to honor the recovery season in my personal and business lives, but I’m so thankful to be here, pouring all this goodness into you and your businesses again!

    You can count on me every other week to deliver inspiring, dialed-in, and essential content to help you grow the business of your dreams.

    Now to today’s episode…

    Are your sales slowing? Have you launched in a new market segment, but aren’t seeing the anticipated results? Or, maybe you get lead magnet downloads but few conversions to your paid offer. There may be an often overlooked objection you need to know about…I’ll share all in today’s episode.

    Listen in to the return episode of the Course Creation Incubator Podcast to:

    ✔️ Step back and analyze your student path to ensure you have this missing piece.

    ✔️ Build a specific trust with your students so it’s always a no-brainer to continue working with you no matter what it costs.

    ✔️ Ready your students to make the most of every experience with you.

    You don’t want to miss the simple reason your students may be backing down from the next leap with you.

    Want my eyes on your content?

    Apply for an Audit at http://coursecreationboutique.com/audit, and walk away with a clear, CUSTOMIZED plan for your course creation and marketing in 60 days!

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • Just three episodes ago we talked about re-evaluating how we’re spending our time and energy and whether it’s right for us, our business, and our audience.

    2024 started with a surprise emergency eye surgery for me; the required downtime gave me plenty of time to think about what was best for my own business and me personally. As a result, I’ve decided to press pause on this podcast—for now.

    I’ve loved pouring myself into each episode, inspiring you, workshopping key activities, interviewing some pretty amazing people and experts, and teaching you how to market and build the business of your dreams. I don’t want to give any of it up. So I won’t. Our community will go on a bit differently is all, and I’m still your course and marketing coach!

    Check out my Done for You Packages here.

    Be sure you’re staying connected to the CCB community by emailing [email protected]. It’d mean a lot to me to hear from you, especially if this podcast made a difference in bringing your course inspirations to life!

  • Making the Most of Your Social Media Real Estate

    Occasionally, I have expert guests on the podcast because I want to learn some things myself. I like to see where I may need to button things up, post more frequently, or optimize the tools available.

    That’s why I was so excited to chat with LinkedIn go-to advisor, Kate Merryweather on this week’s episode. Kate guides us on all things LinkedIn whether you’re holding your place with a profile or all in like she is.

    You’ll learn:

    ✔️ All the reasons LinkedIn is an undiscovered gem for course creators and why it’s easy to stand out;

    ✔️ How you can mostly easily become a reliable advisor, especially if you’re asking your audience to trust you with personal details; and

    ✔️ The one thing you can do on LinkedIn that makes a huge difference for your business.

    We are all busy but trust me, you don’t want to miss the golden opportunity of LinkedIn.

    Check out my Done for You Packages here.

  • How Two Leadership Experts Expanded Their Consulting with a Wildly Successful Online Course

    Friends, I’m always telling you your digital course can be a long-term asset for your business. One course can become a flagship, a way to reach a larger, more diversified audience, and your ticket to changing the world with your expertise and growing a long-term, profitable business.

    This week, it’s my pleasure to sit down with Cathy Maday and Ivan Konermann of Wingspan Performance® as they walk through their course creation process from vision to money-making expansion asset. Their leadership clients frequently requested a digital offering, and they knew they needed to diversify their services and client base to continue to grow.

    After a couple of years of trying to DIY it and feeling frustrated, they decided to go with Done for You with my team.

    As Cathy points out, we don’t know what we don’t know. Join me in this episode as they show you, instead of me telling you, what’s possible and what makes it happen. You’ll hear:

    ✔️ When it makes business sense to do done for you versus DIY in course creation;

    ✔️ How the right attitude and implementation can make all the difference in course reception, brand alignment, and continued growth;

    ✔️ Which leadership qualities and awareness are critical as you make decisions and create course content; and

    ✔️ All the exciting opportunities that can appear after the launch.

    I hope this episode gives you a peek into how your course vision can play out over several years when you have all the ingredients in place and prioritize your course as a key business asset.

    How will you make your 2024 business dreams a reality? Here are some options. I meet you where you are!

    Are you tired of course creation DIY and know a digital offering is that asset your business needs? Apply for Done for You with the CCB team!

  • Maximizing Your Go-To-Market Strategy So Everyone Wins

    Are you preparing to pivot in 2024?

    It’s the ideal time of year to strategize for your business and all areas of your life.

    After last week’s episode on 15-minute annual planning, I want to dig a bit deeper. I found myself looking at my own business more closely. What’s working, what about that piece of my business or life is making it work, and what isn’t working well enough when measured against the resources I put in?

    It’s time to look at a few things with a constructive but critical eye. Several clients are considering pivoting, especially from one-on-one work to something more expansive, lucrative, and aligned for everyone involved.

    The latest episode covers the four things you need to understand when you’re ready to make structural changes in your business so you can package yourself most advantageously, including:

    ✔️ How to ensure you’re giving your audience what they need when they need it most when you switch it up;

    ✔️ The sweet spot you need to be aware of so you can fulfill all your income and personal goals; and

    ✔️ Recognizing the winning combination that hits the right notes at every level.

    You can maximize your expertise in a way that benefits you, your audience, and your business. Let’s find it!

    Are you ready to start 2024 off with a punch of efficiency and insight? Work with me to experience massive momentum. Check out my Done for You Packages here.

    Thank you for listening! Please leave a review and let me know what you’d like to learn in an upcoming episode.

  • Map Out Your Next 6 Months for Your Digital Business

    Seeing my son Tristan’s character in action inspires me. I learned a lot from watching him play tennis this past weekend. He was determined, kept a cool head, and persevered even under pressure.

    We can do the same for our businesses as entrepreneurs, and it all starts with a plan.

    With all that’s going on, I realized I’d not thought about strategy for 2024, so I sat down with my business coach. In the latest episode, I will ask you the same five questions.

    Pull up a chair or make the process more fun with a business buddy and interview one another.

    In this episode, you’ll get your head around the year behind you and the year ahead as well as a clearer vision of what you want the next six months to look like. You’ll understand:

    ✔️ Why and how you look at your wins and losses is important and informs your business growth;

    ✔️ The role larger milestones play in your business no matter how they go; and

    ✔️ Where your focus is put to best use in the coming year.

    Make sure you stay on to the end to learn how to leverage this process in other areas and get to the one thing that exponentially increases your success and fulfillment.

    Are you ready to start 2024 off with a punch of efficiency and insight? Work with me to experience massive momentum. Check out my Done for You Packages here.

  • The Piece that Makes Everything Fall Into Place

    I absolutely love late fall and the cooler months here in San Diego. It means it’s time to take out the hiking gear and spend some quality time in the mountains around San Diego as a family. There’s nothing like it and I’m all in.

    My love for our family treks and a client I visited with this week, inspired the latest episode.

    Many of you online creators started in a specific area of expertise, where you saw a need and took the leap to become an entrepreneur. It was a big jump, but once you made it, you were able to see other trails forward (see how I brought hiking back into it?!), how to diversify, and how to serve any number of markets.

    With experience and the proof that you can generate an income and build a reputation, you probably began to expand your expertise and create and leverage new offerings. Many of you are quite prolific and may have numerous offers you’re juggling on a given day, just like the client I spoke with.

    Now how do you know which offer fits the bill of who you are now as a business leader and get sure it’ll take you to the next phase of growth and beyond?

    Listen in as I give you the five different lenses to use to examine your offers for the best chance at exponential growth and scale.

    Work with me to experience massive momentum. Apply for Done-for-You and receive guidance and expertise from start to finish or message me directly for our marketing packages: [email protected]

  • Shortcut Your Way to Online Success Without the Headaches

    My newly acquired website overhaul hindsight is here to serve you!

    After my website was hacked, we were forced to prioritize starting over from scratch. My team and I learned a lot of processes, shortcuts, and lessons you can benefit from whether you’re starting from nothing, refreshing, changing directions, or launching a rebrand.

    You’ll learn how to:

    ✔️ Approach a website refresh, restart, or rebrand proactively and strategically.

    ✔️ Know who you need on your team and how to strike the right balance between scrimping and sensible spending.

    ✔️ Collaborate, communicate, and prepare in ways that set the whole process up for seamless success.

    Listen in to make your website project experience easier and more efficient, and check out my new online presence: www.coursecreationboutique.com.

    Check out my Done for You Packages here.

    I’d love to answer your website project questions on Instagram or LinkedIn!

  • Strategies for Going from Anonymous to Irresistible

    Whether you’re desiring to build an entirely new audience you’d love to serve with your latest idea or expanding your reach to new members in an existing segment, the strategies you’ll learn in this episode can help you show up like a star.

    I’ve always said, the first ingredient to a successful online course launch is building an audience ready to buy from you.

    You don’t need to invest a lot of money to get started and gain momentum, but it will take time and energy if you go the DIY route. Implementing these insightful strategies can grow your audience and help you get known so your course launch is a bigger success.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

    ✔️ Introduce and enmesh yourself in the most powerful light with your new-to-you audience.

    ✔️ Generate opportunities to leverage the trust of existing experts.

    ✔️ Know how to show up in a compelling way that accentuates how you can serve your new audience members well.

    ✔️ Avoid throwing away time and money on strategies that miss the mark.

    You can create a strategy that helps you build the business of your dreams and serve the people you’re passionate about helping. Best of all, you can do it in a way that works for you and your budget!

    Check out my Done for You Packages here.

  • Appeal to the Competitive Spirit in Your Students

    Straight talk coming your way. It’s not enough to develop your course content, ensure it’s organized, and put it out there.

    Turning your course dreams into a profitable business means the student experience needs to be exciting and engaging. Only a fraction of students are engaged enough to complete online courses currently. You want them to love you and your course so much that they write outstanding reviews and tell their friends how phenomenal the experience was for them.

    Enter gamification. It’s in your best interest for students to achieve mastery and course completion with you. Gamification can help nudge your completion rate up and create a wow experience for your students.

    In this episode you’ll learn the ways to incorporate elements of game playing to:

    ✔️ Appeal to the competitive nature of your students with built-in gold stars.

    ✔️ Make it fun for students to achieve so they desire greater complexity and tougher content.

    ✔️ Communicate progress, rewards, and connections in engaging ways that also strengthen your course community.

    What you’re teaching can rock your students’ worlds. If they enjoy the learning process too, their gratitude will be infectious!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • Stand Out with Your Audience

    You’ve got a message and a course you know will change lives and create more meaning for your audience. Do you feel like your potential students stop scrolling to listen?

    There are two sides needed for communication to be successful, and you want to get that initial click in your favor. Your audience members need to hear what you have to say so they can make an informed decision about working with you, and you deserve to be heard.

    In this episode, author, copywriting expert, and media entrepreneur Nicki Krawczyk joins me to discuss what is encouraging audiences to click, engage, and buy.

    There are simple practices you can employ that prompt your audience to perk up and pay attention, including how to:

    ✔️ Communicate what always sells.

    ✔️ Strike balance in sharing yourself.

    ✔️ Connect with your audience in their language from the get-go.

    ✔️ Understand the underlying needs and dreams of your potential students.

    Plus, you’ll hear the two things you’re always selling no matter what course you offer!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • Why Knowing Your Key Business Numbers Can Feel Empowering

    Are you paying attention to the numbers that make a difference in building your online, profitable business?

    CPA and bookkeeping expert Serena Shoup is on the podcast to highlight what it means to be a Profit Conscious CEO and the four numbers that matter when it comes to making the wisest business decisions.

    Talking numbers may not be as exciting as receiving the ping of every sale alert, but the bottom line matters as you’re growing a sustainable business.

    Serena Shoup doesn’t think of herself as a numbers “nerd,” and she loves translating numbers in a way everyone can understand. Serena is our expert guest on the podcast this week.

    You’ll learn the four key numbers you need to know and compare each month to become more conscious of profit in a way that’s relaxed but strategic.

    Listen in to understand the ideal way to:

    ✔️ Track revenue streams to make the best strategic decisions.

    ✔️ Evaluate your numbers over time to ensure you’re growing your profit.

    ✔️ Know when you need the lift of accounting software.

    ✔️ Recognize when you need to dig in or change up offers.

    Even if numbers aren’t your area of expertise, you’ll feel empowered by this episode! Listen in here.

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • My new Coaching Clients have inspired me! It’s your turn to benefit from today’s coaching workshop. Where are you showing up as former you? How well does your presence reflect your passion and evolving talent? In this episode, I’ll give you four steps to maximizing one offer that allows you to lean into your expertise and past success to deliver a program your audience can’t live without.

    In this episode, we’ll talk about how one offer, delivered to the best of your ability, can help you feel more fulfilled and engaging and make you money.

    You’ll workshop four steps to create this business transformation, including:

    ✔️ What you need to stop doing and what you need to start to get intentional about;

    ✔️ How to discover where you want to serve and your audience’s needs meet;

    ✔️ How to incorporate who you are now with your successful past; and

    ✔️ Packaging and promoting your offer so it’s irresistible.

    VIP Half: https://coursecreationboutique.com/intensives

    Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course—Fast: https://coursecreationboutique.com/gameplan

    High-Touch Done-for-You Services: https://coursecreationboutique.com/course

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course—Fast: https://coursecreationboutique.com/gameplan

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

    Be Part of the Community and Connect!

    * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coursecreationboutique/

    * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coursecreationboutique

    * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginaonativia/

  • Creating and Protecting Your Original Content

    You’ve come up with the concept, developed a system, and you’ve either created and launched your original course or you’re developing one.

    I want you to be smart and strategic about how you protect and publish your brilliant, original content and receive the rewards from it for decades.

    Rachel Kowalski, creator advocate, content writer, and attorney is our expert guest for this episode. She’s well-versed in AI-generated content, original content, and navigating this evolving situation affecting our businesses.

    You’ll learn the following insights:

    ✔️ Optimal conditions for AI;

    ✔️ What to look out for in AI software terms and conditions;

    ✔️ How and when to copyright your course materials and original content; and

    ✔️ Using AI to expand your global offer.

    Plus, learn why your emotional genius is still where it’s at and how to steer around the AI pitfalls.

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • Serving Up a Tailored Student Experience

    It’s never one size fits all when it comes to your students.

    If you’ve been listening to me—you know I believe that you blaze your own path when creating your online course.

    For some of you—especially coaches and consultants and medical practitioners out there—a “Menu Course,” or a program that offers an array of options, maybe your best bet.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:

    ✔️ How to be strategic with the components and structure of a choose-your-own-adventure approach;

    ✔️ How a menu course is different than a membership;

    ✔️ Offering à la carte as a way for certain students to learn at their own pace and deepen their work with you; and.

    Please leave me a review if I'm changing your thought process or how you approach your course creation business!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • A Step-By-Step Plan to Promote Your Next Program

    Workshop Your Next Online Course Launch

    As my clients can verify, the energy of the entire launch sequence builds up to Step 7 where you’re really going to have to put yourself out there as an authority on your content.

    In this episode, we’ll workshop the final two steps, including:

    ✔️ What to consider in creating the ideal runup content to get your audience ready for more or larger paid items with you;

    ✔️ Why it’s especially important to have opt-ins and lead magnets during the runup; and

    ✔️ How sharing yourself, your presence, and your story in a captivating way creates trust for you and your offer.

    Great job hanging in there to get it done and ready to launch. Let’s workshop!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • Workshop Your Next Online Course Launch

    In Part Two of the 7-Step Launch Sequence series, you’ll learn Steps 3, 4, and 5, including all the details about:

    ✔️ Curating your ideal target audience and ensuring it aligns with your offer and success factors;

    ✔️ What to consider regarding your ticket price, marketing plan, and scope, and how involved or hands-off you’ll be with your audience during the launch and the course; and

    ✔️ Playing to your strengths when it comes to marketing channels so you shine and connect easily to the students ready to buy.

    I’m thrilled you’re putting in the work to get it done. Let’s workshop!

    After listening, go do Steps 3, 4, and 5 and DM me or share on Instagram your strongest channel and how you plan to promote your course!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • A Step-By-Step Plan to Promote Your Next Program

    Workshop Your Next Online Course Launch

    Now it’s time to plan your first or next launch with my tried-and-true, 7-Step Launch Sequence.

    You’ll receive everything you need to know, ask, and decide to get launch-ready in the way that works best for you.

    In Part One, you’ll receive steps one and two, which include the following:

    ✔️ Determining the offer that works best for you and your students;

    ✔️ How to narrow down your ideal structure, frequency, and medium to avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis; and

    ✔️ The best way to define launch goals and how to measure your success from where you are currently.

    You deserve to get yourself and your course out there! Let’s workshop!

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services:

  • You’ve put in so much effort, so first, I hope you celebrate getting it done!!

    I have been so impressed with parenting expert Ann Coleman’s passion and action-oriented attitude. In this coaching episode, Ann and I discuss how to make the most of lessons learned from the launch and how her course was received now that it’s out in the world.

    This conversation will help you get into the mindset of leveraging all the ways your course can benefit more students and your business growth. You’ll hear Ann’s launch story and I’ll walk through what questions to ask your audience and yourself to ensure you know how to get to the real-world truths and make optimal adjustments moving forward.

    In this episode, you’ll learn the ideal way to:

    ✔️ Look at course sales fairly and opportunistically.

    ✔️ Warm up your audience leading up to a launch.

    ✔️ Generate excitement for your course before, during, and after a launch.

    ✔️ Cash in on your value-add investments.

    ✔️ Solicit feedback at different stages to discover disconnects, what’s working, and whether your course landed well.

    Your launched course brings you vetted opportunities to diversify, repurpose, expand, and hone in on the deepest way to connect with and grow your audience. At this point, it’s about continuous improvement.

    Resources to Help You Build Your Course & Business

    * VIP Half

    * Your Game Plan for Building a Wildly Successful Online Course

    * Get Your Starter Course Out to Market in 6 Weeks

    * High-Touch Done-for-You Services: