
  • The first and maybe only debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris happened just after we recorded our last show on Tuesday, September 10th. Over nearly two hours, the candidates attempted to talk over and through each other, regurgitating some of the same old talking points of each of their campaigns. It was light on policy and heavy on racism, bigotry and threats of war. Ultimately, what the debate showed us is that this contest is not about actually improving the lives of working-class people, but who will be better for the American empire and police state.

    We’re joined today by Jacquie Luqman, host of Darker than Blue, as we take apart some of the key moments from the debate.

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  • Fifty-one years ago, a bloody coup in Chile overthrew the democratically-elected president Salvadore Allende, leaving him dead. Sometimes now called “the other 9/11,” it ushered in the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, which lasted for 17 years. Over 3,000 people were killed or disappeared in that period, and nearly 40,000 people were targeted for political repression and tortured because they were leftists or suspected of being leftists.

    The US government played a significant role in both creating the destabilizing conditions for the coup and in its support for Pinochet. We’re joined now by Abraham Márquez of Kawsachun News to discuss the legacy of the coup, the CIA’s involvement, and what lessons we can learn today.

    Then, Rachel and Chris discuss the disastrous War on Terror that was launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and the rehabilitation of George W Bush, Dick Cheney and others in the current political climate.

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  • John Stockwell is a former CIA officer who became a whistleblower and outspoken critic of the Agency, the US intelligence community and the imperialist policies of the US government. He left the CIA in 1976 after serving there for 12 years following service in the US Marine Corps. During that time, he was told to fabricate intelligence reports on the situations in Vietnam and Angola, and eventually exposed a significant amount of information through his books and public talks. He was an early supporter and contributor to what was then Covert Action Information Bulletin, now CovertAction Magazine.

    In an interview with the Burton Michigan Voice in 1985, he said “I went into the CIA thinking I was doing the best thing I could with my life, the contradiction being that I was a humanist at heart. But of course, their propaganda line is that you’re serving humanity by struggling to keep the world free from communism. It ook a lot of years making my way up the chain of command until I became convinced just the opposite was true. I saw it in Africa, but in Africa I was working out of embassies. I did not have Phil Agee’s experience from Latin America where there was more bombing and torture and terrorism, and the issues were clearer. The inhumanity was clearer. Then I saw it in Vietnam, there was no doubt.”

    CovertAction Magazine has recently republished a three-hour video of Stockwell speaking in 1989 at American University, starting with an hour lecture and then answering student questions for the remainder of the time.

    Watch the video on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

    Though the names of politicians and places have changed, the things he brings up hit at the heart of issues we are still fighting against, and exposing some 35 years later.

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  • The founder and CEO of social media and communications app Telegram, Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 24th. The country, one of the Nine Eyes intelligence partners along with the US, UK, Australia and others, claims that the social media app is a hotbed for illegal activity, and Western media coverage blasts it as a tool of the Russian government. But the attack on Telegram is actually a testing ground for future attacks on encrypted messaging platforms and alternative news sources.

    Then later in the show, we discuss the invasion by Ukrainian forces funded with US dollars and using British tanks into the Russian territory of Kursk. The incursion marked the first significant breach of the Russian border by Ukrainian ground forces in the nearly two-and-a-half years since the immediate conflict began and follows a pattern of missile strikes and minor raids into Kursk and neighboring Belgorod since February 2022. Is this the sequel to the Ukrainian counteroffensive of 2023 that was hyped up by Western media and governments but ultimately failed to make a significant difference? How do these developments figure into the longer history of the conflict, going back to 2014 and even further into history? And what prospects are there for peace rather than further escalation into a global conflict?

    We’re joined by investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg to talk about all that and more.

    Read Kit’s article Britain’s Kursk Invasion Backfires?

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  • The Democratic National Convention is taking place in Chicago this week. Amidst the fanfare and extravagance, there’s very little actual democracy inside as big-name politicians and those trying to make a name for themselves attempt to make the case for Kamala Harris to be the next president. Hillary Clinton, AOC, Jill and Joe Biden and Barack Obama have taken the stage among others. But with Joe Biden out of the race, the DNC has made it a foregone conclusion that Kamala Harris will be the next Democratic nominee, preventing a floor fight or nominations.

    Meanwhile, mass protests began over the weekend and will continue throughout the week, demanding a ceasefire and arms embargo against Israel, healthcare for all, and much more. As Joe Biden was speaking, activists unrolled a giant banner inside the convention center that said “Stop Arming Israel.” In response to this demand for an end to genocide, the crowd started chanting “We love Joe” and the lights were dimmed. On Tuesday, activists with CODEPINK interrupted Tim Walz, chanting “Stop killing women in Gaza” and they were immediately met with a response of “USA, USA.”

    We’re joined by Saja Bilasan, founder of Falasteen Favorites and organizer of Chicago Artists Against Apartheid to discuss what’s happening both inside and outside the United Center in Chicago.

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  • Venezuela’s elections took place on July 28th. Nicolás Maudro defeated the right-wing candidate Edmundo González Urrutia by over a million votes. The imperialist machine immediately jumped into action to denounce the elections, condemning Maduro as a dictator and calling the results undemocratic. Over 1,000 international observers from 100 countries were in Venezuela for the election, and with few exceptions of those who are against the Bolivarian Revolution, they’ve stated that the electoral process was fair and free. That hasn’t stopped the US government, its media mouthpieces, regional allies and even Elon Musk from calling for the overthrow of the Maduro government.

    Following the election, waves of fascist violence took the streets of Caracas and other cities, but supporters of the Bolivarian Revolution have themselves mobilized in its defense. We’re joined today by Gloria La Riva of the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee.

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  • In a ruling on July 19, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that confirmed what Palestinians have been saying for over 7 decades: That the Israeli occupation is illegal, that the way Palestinians are treated by Israel is a form of apartheid, and that the occupation must end.

    This ruling includes the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have grown especially since the Israeli military withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

    As we are approaching 300 days of the genocide in Gaza and over 40,000 deaths at the hands of the US-funded and armed Israeli military, we wanted to talk more about the ICJ and this ruling. An ICJ advisory opinion cannot force a country to act, but can have a real impact on how the rest of the world approaches policy towards Israel.

    We’re joined by Laith Aqel, human rights lawyer, a lecturer in the Human Rights Clinic at Yale and an organizer with the CT Palestine Solidarity Coalition.

    And later in the show, just days after the ICJ ruling Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in front of the US Congress as over 10,000 people rallied outside the Capitol. We’ll bring you some of the speeches from that rally as well.

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  • Just over 100 days away from the 2024 election, Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and endorsed Kamala Harris, signaling to the Democratic Party that there should be no debate, no other nominations and certainly no floor fight over delegates at the upcoming Democratic National Convention next month. This of course comes after a period where there were no real primaries for the Democratic Party. That’s not unusual when a sitting President is running for reelection, but questions about Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump this year have lingered for quite some time.

    Today, we want to get into who Kamala Harris is, what interests she represents and what the absolute lack of democracy in the so-called Democratic Party means for social movements and real change through November and beyond.

    We’re joined by activist, author and journalist Eugene Puryear, host of The Freedom Side Live on Breakthrough News.

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  • The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13th changed the political situation in the United States and especially surrounding the 2024 election in an instant. The Biden campaign canceled events and advertisements, while the Trump campaign began preparing for the Republican National Convention happening this week.

    Within minutes of the shooting, the chorus from mainstream commentators and politicians effectively had one voice. Republicans and Democrats alike condemned “political violence” in the United States and for Americans to come together despite our political differences. But who is their solidarity with? Political violence continues in this country and across the world in the forms of hunger, homelessness, skyrocketing medical debt, famine, sanctions and war waged from what MLK called the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”

    To help us make sense of this quickly shifting situation, a review of the history of political violence in the United States and how the ruling class is attempting to take advantage of it, we’re joined today by Brian Becker, host of The Socialist Program.

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  • Project 2025 bills itself as a comprehensive plan to undo decades of social progress - in its own words, to “dismantle the administrative state” and “return self-governance to the American people.” Democrats have jumped into using it and its connections to the Trump agenda and former staff as a reason to rally behind Joe Biden.

    Among its 922-page Mandate for Leadership, Project 2025 suggests eliminating the Department of Education, increasing the US nuclear weapon arsenal, harshly limiting access to reproductive care, rolling back LGBTQ rights and much more.

    We’re joined by political strategist and movement journalist Anoa Changa to understand who’s behind Project 2025 and where it comes from.

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  • The U.S. government is spying on you through your mail. The little-known program called mail covers lets law enforcement request that an investigative bureau inside the Postal Service track and report on all the mail you’re getting. And it’s done without a warrant, without any real oversight or transparency, and at the request of agencies like the IRS, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and ICE. While the USPS Office of the Inspector General hasn’t provided updates on the program in a decade, recent reporting in The Washington Post exposed more about the mail covers program.

    We’re joined for this show by John Kiriakou. He’s a former CIA counterterrorism officer, a whistleblower who exposed the CIA’s torture program, and a member of the Editorial Board of CovertAction Magazine. He also has personal experience with mail covers.

    Read John's article on the mail covers program and his experience at Consortium News.

    Read Chris' article on the mail covers program at Liberation News.

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  • After 1,901 days in Belmarsh Prison, and many more years fighting for his freedom, Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with the United States and is back in Australia. There, he’ll reunite with his wife, Stella, and his children who have only seen him in jail.

    The official Wikileaks account on Twitter posted: “Julian's freedom is our freedom.”

    The struggle for Julian Assange’s freedom has been a global one, involving many sectors of society - advocates, activists, whistleblowers, artists, human rights workers, doctors and so many more, and of course a brilliant team of lawyers, all working tirelessly for him.

    To discuss, we’re joined by Kevin Gosztola, the editor of The Dissenter, the author of the book Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange, co-host of the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure and more.

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  • In 2020 and 2021, a secret Pentagon program deployed fake social media accounts to sow distrust among people in Southeast Asian countries, particularly the Philippines, around China’s Sinovac vaccination for COVID-19. Clusters of accounts identified as having ties to US Central Command (CENTCOM) made posts with the hashtag #ChinaAngVirus - or “China is the virus” in Tagalog suggested that the coronavirus is real, but China’s vaccinations were not to be trusted.

    Posts in Arabic and Russian also targeted audiences in the Middle East and Central Asia.

    In an article published on June 14 by Reuters, an infectious disease specialist at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine said of the propaganda campaign, “I don’t think it’s defensible.”

    Dr. Nina Castillo-Carandang, a former adviser to the World Health Organization and Philippines government said “Why did you do it when people were dying? We were desperate”

    We’re joined by Chris Bing, an investigative reporter with Reuters who worked on the June 14th article.

    Read the full article here: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/

    Read the Stanford Internet Observatory’s “Unheard Voice” report mentioned in our conversation: https://cyber.fsi.stanford.edu/io/news/sio-aug-22-takedowns

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  • Over 100,000 people surrounded the White House on Saturday, June 8th, wearing red and carrying a 2-mile long banner with the names of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died since the renewed Israeli assault began eight months to the day before. Through a rally, march and followed by a People’s Court of Justice on the Ellipse, the message was clear: the People’s Red Line rejected Biden’s lie that an Israeli attack on Rafah would be a so-called “red line” for him.

    Though most mainstream media represented it with fearmongering reporting, both Rachel and Chris were there to bring you real on-the-ground info about what it was actually like and what June 8th means for the movement. We also discuss some of the latest developments in the situation, including June 11th’s ceasefire resolution in the United Nations Security Council, details of what actually happened during the Israeli assault on the Nuseirat refugee camp, and more.

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  • On May 19, forces calling themselves the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo launched what appears to be a failed coup attempt, attacking the home of the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Vital Kamerhe, as well as the Congo’s presidential palace, Palais de la Nation. The country’s Republican Guard forces were able to put down the attack within hours. Three of the 50 people arrested were U.S. citizens, and another U.S. citizen who reportedly led the operation was killed during the attack. Christian Malanga was the founder of the DC-based United Congolese Party, which has deep ties to the west and the United States.

    We talk with Maurice Carney, co-founder and Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, about the events of May 19, the history of the deadliest conflict since World War II, the role that the US and Israel play in the 3Ds: Displacement, Death and Destruction, and the resurgence of the anti-imperialist movement.

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  • Over 3,500 people gathered in Detroit, Michigan for a three-day People’s Conference for Palestine on May 24, 25 and 26. Led by the Palestinian Youth Movement, the conference highlighted the work that has already been done over the last 8 months but also the historical work done over years and decades in the struggle to end Zionist occupation. Participants heard about how education, art, music, literature, labor and much more play a role in this evolving struggle. The conference celebrated and uplifted the martyrs, political prisoners and fighters in Palestine. Perhaps most importantly, it laid the groundwork for the next steps for the movement to go forward. Rachel and I were both there, and today on this special episode, we’ll be listening to a few clips from the conference and reflecting on what this historic convening means for the struggle. We want to thank our friends at BreakThrough News for livestreaming the plenary sessions, keynotes and many of the workshops, and for letting us use their audio on our program. You can check out the full video playlist from the conference on their YouTube page.

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  • Student encampments and street protests for Palestine have been hit with a heavy wave of police violence and repression from coast-to-coast. In some cases, it’s the same police departments whose staff and leaders get training from the Israeli Defense Forces that are attacking peaceful events calling for divestment and justice. In Salt Lake City, police viciously attacked students at the University of Utah on April 29th, and then arrested student organizers the next day before a demonstration at the President’s Circle. Some of those arrested were held for hours or days before being released, even after bail was paid. Students and community have responded in force, mobilizing multiple times, demanding the charges be dropped, all the while keeping Palestine front and center.

    We’re joined by Devin Martinez, a local organizer in Salt Lake City and Deja Gaston, an alumna of the University of Utah.

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  • Hamas on Monday accepted a ceasefire deal that Israel has effectively rejected, instead moving forward with their invasion plans for Rafah, taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah gate that separates Palestine from Egypt, and making incursions into Rafah with tanks and shelling from the air. Over 100,000 Palestinians have been told to evacuate from Rafah, but are left with very few places to go.

    Student encampments and protests in the US continue, and have been recognized by Palestinian resistance groups and civil society members. Videos of Palestinian school children holding up signs thanking university students across the US have gone viral online, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has put out a statement supporting the student movement. Despite it being the end of the semester for many, and in the face of heavy police repression from UCONN to the University of California, that movement is growing, with highschool students initiating walkouts and solidarity events.

    Meanwhile, the US elections are just 6 months away. The Biden administration is reportedly cautioning Netanyahu about a full-scale invasion of Rafah, and has canceled one ammunition transfer to Israel - but on the whole, US empire’s diehard support for Zionism is on full display. We’ll talk about all this and more.

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  • Student protests in solidarity with Palestine have set up protests and encampments on campuses across the country from Columbia, NYU and the New School in New York to Berkeley, Stanford and Cal Poly Humboldt in California. Students are demanding that their universities - many of them among the most elite in the country with giant endowments - divest from weapons manufacturers and Israeli companies. They’re being met with fierce repression by police, but along with solidarity from faculty and supporters in their cities, the movement is continuing and growing.

    Chris and Rachel have been on the ground at Yale and Columbia and talk about their experiences and what this means for the movement.

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  • Iran carried out a strike over the weekend of April 13 and 14 in retaliation for the Israeli bombing on April 1 of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. Embassies are the sovereign territory of the country represented, effectively making it an Israeli attack on Iran.

    In the West, the Iranian response, which was announced in advance and targeted only a military base, has received significantly more attention. Pundits and politicians called it a grave escalation, the opposite of reality.

    And of course this is all happening while Israel continues its genocide of the Palestinian people, with the diplomatic, political and economic support of the United States government. Will the strikes inflame tensions in the region past the point of no return? We’re joined by Mazda Majidi, an Iranian author, journalist and anti-war activist to discuss the possibility of escalation and who the regional players are.

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