What happens when you've arrived at this reality that took years to create for yourself? It may seem like a simple concept. Like, of course after reaching a new state of existing it's going to require a reevaluation of what needs to be done in order to maintain this. But also, you're in a place you've never been in before, so you don't actually know what to do yet. In the spirituality realm, it is often taught how you need to show up to become this future version of self. That the work you need to put in now is to act is if you are already that future self in order to collapse time. The thing is though, that work will always be future based.
In this episode, I share how everything that I had been doing on this healing journey for years was for future me, and although, I was learning how to accept the present moment, I was still working my ass off to no longer be in the present moment. Because what was in those moments was not the life I wanted to continue living. But now... I want to be in the present moment. Which has never happened before. I want to be in the now, so everything has to shift in the way I show up. At this phase I am no longer striving to embody a future Kelsey. I am wanting to maintain this version of self, this outer reality, that I devoted my life to in creating. Because I no longer need to be in a constant state of showing up to save myself and transmute trauma, that phase has been completed. So, how do I show up to maintain this level of liberation and let change be on its natural course?
Try a somatic class for FREE by signing up for my email list.
Get the somatic class replays here. There's a monthly subcription option or lifetime access.
4-Month Healing Container: Build the foundation for your soul liberation.
8-Month Healing Container: Integrate your darkness and liberate your soul.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
Exciting news!! You know how last episode we dove deep into the importance of feeling anger and accepting what is?? Well... my world has completely shifted after I allowed myself to embody those two aspects again as this chapter of life was trying to come to a close. It's aways so funny to me how quickly things get to change when we remember the simplicity of feeling our feelings and being grateful for the present moment. I obviously still have my phases when I struggle with such things, especially if I'm in a particularly tough lesson that my human self is trying to rush through to just be done with it already, but that will only prolong the lesson. Tune in to hear how feeling anger allowed me to be open to miracles!
Key takeaways:
Feeling anger creates space for your dreams to land Taking accountability and responsibility materializes your dreams in the now "You cannot pray for a miracle if you are not open for change" - Victoria Washington The sister to change is griefLeap of Faith Bundle: Move through energetic blocks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP!
Try a somatic class for FREE
IG: @creatinglight_
YouTube: Creating Light with Kelsey
Episodes manquant?
On this episode, I share how anger and acceptance go hand in hand with healing. That once we allow ourselves to feel angry, we create space to embody acceptance about a situation; once we accept a situation without trying to control its natural cycle, we create space to allow anger to flow through. We cannot have one without the other. I share how I have been suppressing anger to the point that it has mirrored stagnation in my exterior world with the struggles I’ve been experiencing in finding a place to move. Life is a wild ride, and as we continue to allow ourselves to be with and feel it all, we continue to set ourselves free.
Key takeaways:
All emotions have a positive intent. Importance of NOT bypassing anger. Anger is here to show us where a violation has taken place, a boundary is being crossed, where something is not right, and where we need to take a stand or speak up. There’s no space for gratitude and acceptance if you have significant amounts of suppressed rage. Landing back into acceptance through dance. Everything that your soul desires is already here it’s just about have you decided that you’re done with where you’re at right now?Try Somatic Activated Healing for FREE!! Come to the once a week free class and snag a free recording of class, here.
Leap of Faith: Move through energetic blacks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP!
Apply for 1:1 healing and mentorship, here
IG: @creatinglight_
I experienced a whole ass breakthrough in the midst of recording this episode. I had been feeling lost and confused for a while, but did not quite understand the extent of it. I was doing my best to trust the process. Then a few weeks ago multiple healers that I had crossed paths with were telling me, "Remember who you are." That statement definitely triggered me! My immediate thought was, "Uhhh pretty sure I remember who tf I am..." But obviously, there were some things I needed to remember and it hit me right before I pressed record for this episode! Which I dive into the revelation.
Key Takeaways:
Questioning the usage of transmutation Coming back into compassion Unconditionally loving all parts of self We are already whole Checking our desire to 'fix' (transmute) shadowsCome try Somatic Activated Healing for free! I do a free live virtual class once a week for the people on my email list, and you'll get one freebie recording. Sign me up!!
Leap of Faith Bundle: Move through energetic blocks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP!
Desiring more intimiate guidance on your healing journey? Apply for 1:1 healing and mentorship, here!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: Creating Light with Kelsey
In this episode, I was interviewed on the Mystic Mamas podcast! They graciously gave me the audio to put on the Creating Light platform. Go subscribe to their podcast, here. And go follow them on instagram @mysticmamas.podcast! For this interview, we dive into getting out of the head and into the body through somatic movement while going into further detail of what Somatic Activated Healing is and how it can be used as a tool to help you embody soul liberation.
This is a great episode to hear me talk about my work with such depth and in a different way. Because when you're interviewed more information gets pulled out! It can be easy to forget to describe certain details when this practice is a way of life. So, for anyone newer to understanding the healing that somatic movement can offer, this is an episode you will want to listen to.
If you'd like to try Somatic Activated Healing for FREE sign up for my email list to have access to the once a week free virtual class. If you're in the middle of or being asked to take a leap of faith and needing some support, you can grab the Leap of Faith bundle, here! If you're feeling pulled to work with me 1:1 you can apply, here :)IG: @creatinglight_
Whaddup, I'm back after a little bit of a break! Not going to lie, perfectionsim got the best of me there. The way I was editing each episode's audio and visual was taking up so much time with how I was recording because I was fairly particular over what I was saying. Now I have decided to show up, speak, and not edit, which gives me back SO MUCH TIME!
Since it's been a little over two months, I wanted to give you all an update of what has occurred in my life! I go over the topics of my healing container, therapist title re-entering my field, dating, making play a priority, and the shadow of scarcity. As I was sharing, I realized a common thread that is being communicated by the universe is:
Pause Be still Slow downI'm happy to be back, putting less pressure on myself, continuing working through perfectionsim, and showing up on the podast in a new way!
Sign up to have access to the FREE once a week Somatic Activated Healing classes, here!
Apply to work with me 1:1 here!
IG: @creatinglight_
IG Live where I share in more detail what happened for me when no one signed up this year for Ascend The Underworld Within
Sounds like a cruel joke, right? That the way to get free is to own the thing that has us feeling imprisoned. I get it. In this episode, I discuss the first time I owned my suffering, accepted my darkness (vs just facing it), and as a result, each time I continue to feel my pain, feelings of liberation follow. That's the dance. Darkness and liberation leading the way on this earth game, but we DO have control of which one takes the lead... darkness or liberation.
It is time for you to discover and allow liberation to lead. Ascend The Underworld Within (the 8-month healing container) is now OPEN for enrollment!! Enter here. If you have any further questions, DM me the word "underworld" on insta and we can set up a discovery call.
FREE virtual Somatic Activated Healing classes once a week! Sign up, here.
Leap of Faith bundle: Move through energetic blocks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP! Get it now for just $33
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Welcome to the inception episode of my spiritual awakenings!! This is a juicy one. In this episode, I reflect on a previous episode I released back in 2021 that discussed my first ever spiritual awakening that happened back in 2018. So, this is JAM PACKED with past versions of self, differing persepctives, and evidence of evolution. Spiritual awakenings are powerful shifts in our existence that shake up our healing journeys. When we decide to surrender to the transformation our soul is asking of us, we open ourselves up to miracles. I was feeling a lot of gratitude and my heart expanding for the past versions of myself and all of the hard work they put in to get us to where we are today. I hope it also speaks to you!
Key takeaways:
Knowledge vs Wisdom Awakening vs Integration Happy vs WholeEnter the 8-month Healing Container, here!
Come to my weekly virtual FREE Somatic Activated Healing classes!! Replays are available. Sign up here!
Leap of Faith Bundle: Move through energetic blocks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP!!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
In this episode, I discuss what the difference is between Self-Development and the Healing Journey, why it's important to incorporate both, and how to be minful of when we start to use self-development practices as a means of distraction. I share the importance of establishing a baseline before diving into the depths of the healing journey. From my experience, I reveal how I spiraled into maladaptive coping mechanisms for nearly a year as a result of facing my darkness for the first time because my body and psyche did not have the capacity to manage that level of facing myself. Progression is key, which establishes safety and sustainability!
If you are needing support in building a baseline, wanting to learn how to gently face yourself, and regulate your nervous system, come to class! Each week I host a virtual FREE Somatic Activated Healing class. You will recieve a replay link that is available for 48 hours. All you have to do is sign up for my email list, here!
Building healthy habits Wanting to better yourself Becoming less reactive Setting boundaries Doing things that make you feel good Seeking more fulfilling connections Developing coping skillsHealing Journey
Facing your darkness (shadows, trauma, etc) Accountability for your internal world Regulating the nervous system Changing patterns/Breaking cycles Presence Fully feeling your feelings Accepting all parts of self The art of detachment and befriending grief Completely changing your realityIf you are desiring to explore all that encompasses the healing journey, enter my 8-month healing container! It starts in January. You are welcome to slide into my DMs with "ATUW" if you would like to talk about this further to see if this is something your soul is asking you to do! We can set up a free discovery call :)
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
What a journey i have been experiencing in finding my footing as a podcast host. It's such an odd phenomenon knowing that I'm meant to show up on this platform, experiencing resistance, yet figuring out a way to show up anyway. This process has been teaching me presence at a new layer and an appreciation for enjoying the journey. I truly feel grateful for this present moment and I am grateful for you all that are witnessing the process :)
Get access to my virtual FREE Somatic Activated Healing classes!! Sign up here.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
I did not plan on publicly talking about my week, but the message behind the swirly events that unfolded were too potent to not share. I experienced multiple shocks to my nervous system and it's because of my somatic practice that I had the capacity to exist in the multitude of it all, remain present, and not slip into victim mentality or the freeze response. This felt like a pivotal moment for the internal feelings of abandonment that I can experience because it would have been real easy to play the victim card and wallow vs feeling through it and choosing to be the victor of the swirly events. So listen closely, as I offer a shift in perspective to be the victor instead of the victim!
Come to my weekly FREE Somatic Activated Healing classes! A replay link will be sent out and available for 48 hours. Just sign up for my email list to gain access.
If you're interested in doing a deep dive of the self within my 8 month healing container, DM me on instagram "ATUW" and we can set up a discovery call.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
We all start somewhere, right? I am doing my best to lead by example in showing up with what I have, with the understanding that it will get better and better the more consistent I am. Since June, it's been a constant evolution of figuring it out after restarting, letting it be messy, and making shit happen. In this episode, I speak to what mindset shifts I've been embodying along with landing in gratitude for this present moment.
Get on my email list, here, to have access to the virtual donation based Somatic Activated Healing classes! Replays are available for 48 hours.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Last week I provided guidance on when it could be time to face your darkness. Revealing 4 different ways of existing for you to get curious about, and if you related to any of it, that would be your indicator to start diving deeper within yourself. This week, I shared my process. How it started for me in facing my darkness, what I immediately did to express myself, and the seed planting of awareness that was able to occur.
Key points:
Making something beautiful out of something terrible Real time example of leaving the present moment, catching it, and re-centering myself How to communicate to your darkness when feeling overwhelmed by itIf you're curious to discover more information about my upcoming 8 month healing containter that will be starting in Janurary. DM me on instagram "ATUW" and we can set up a discovery call!
If you're feeling the pull to face your darkness, reconnect to your body, and feel your feelings, but not ready for an 8 month commitment yet, come to my weekly FREE virtual Somatic Activated Healing classes! All you have to do is sign up for my email list, here!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Living in a society that glorifies disconnection, it can be tricky to recognize when it's time to face our darkness. So many disharmonious things have been normalized that we have been conditioned to turn a blind eye on tending to our internal world. In this episode, I break down 4 talking points to get curious about. That if you experience these 4 things, it is time to face your darkness. It is your body signaling you to pay attention.
How present do you feel throughout your day? Do you fill your day with a lot of distraction? Can you enjoy being alone? As you're falling asleep, are you at peace or is your mind/heart racing? Do your emotions feel out of control? Do you feel that you often have a disproportionate emotional reaction to daily life situations? Are you getting slammed with hard hitting intense emotional waves consistently, are you experiencing flashbacks, and do you have frequent nightmares?If you are needing guidance in gently facing your darkness, come to my Somatic Activated Healing classes. They are virtual, FREE, and a temporary replay link will be sent out. Click here to sign up!
If you are feeling called to be held in an 8 month healing containter and curious as to what all that would entail, DM me on instagram, "ATUW."
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
DM me on instagram "ATUW" if you are wanting more information about my 8 month healing container that I will be releasing January of 2024!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Get on my email list if you want access to the FREE Somatic Activated Healing classes!!
Something has shifted recently and I no longer want to tell my trauma story. I don't need others to witness my pain through words. I don't need my survival to be validated. I don't need to raise awareness of how f**ked up this world is... We already know... I want to tell my healing story. I want to share how the victim became the victor. I want to educate the collective in seeing themselves. To transmute their darkness. To take accountability for their internal world. To no longer be afraid to feel. I want to tell my healing story WHILE showing you the way... check out my post on instagram to continue reading!!
After continuing to be with the resistance I was experiencing in showing up for the podcast, I gave myself the space to land in a new phase of authentic expression that was being asked of me. I am excited to show up differently. Thank you for being here. Thank you for witnessing me. Thank you for receiving what I have to give. I appreciate all of you
Whew, resistance is still coming in hot, my friends!! I needed to be with it to listen to what it was asking of me. This next version of me has arrived in the now and is demanding me to show up in a specific way to maintain what I have created for myself. Tune in to hear the perspective shift that is offered when addressing the feelings of resistance!
Subscribe to my email list to gain access to my donation based Somatic Activated Healing classes!!
If you would like to join the SAH Membership here is the link for a 7 day free trial!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Consistency is difficult, my friends. That's really all I have for you in this moment. I feel resistance residing right in the middle of my chest currently. It's as if I'm on the brink of something and I'm being asked to break through the threshold. I know this feeling well as an athlete, but as an entrepreneur, this is new. So, with this awareness, I continue to show up, and trust the unfolding.
I will be hosting virtual based Somatic Activated Healing classes on a regular basis starting in a couple months! Get on my email list so you can have access.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
I was interviewed on Soul Aligned CEO's podcast and that episode dropped today!! We talked about the importance of following the soul nudges when pursuing your purpose work, surrendering to the unknown, and of course, the benefits of somatic work. Go subscribe to Jenni's show and give it a listen :)
Soul Aligned CEO: Podcast, YouTube, Instagram
In this episode, I briefly talk about what generational trauma is and then go into depth about the harsh reality of why it still continues. The topic of joy is something I have been focusing on with bringing awareness to what is waiting for us on the other side of diving into our darkness. But what if we do all of this hard work and this life we thought would be here never shows up for us? THIS is what I address today.
I also share how I have created a course that can shorten the gap when journeying through your own darkness. I took what I have learned these past 7 years and structured it into 8 months of very intentional work to navigate your depths. To transmute your darkness into light. If you feel that this level of healing is calling for your attention, DM me on instagram the acronym, "ATUW," we can set up a discovery call.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
7 seems to be quite the number! Did you know that it only takes 7 years for the body to create all new cells? Did you know that it can take an orange seed 7 years of growth before it bears fruit? Did you know that it can take at least 7 years after a traumatic incident before the psyche is ready to face the past and heal? This intricate time frame of 7 years had me thinking... I have been facing my darkness for going on 7 years, so what the f**k happens now? Tune in to hear all the self-discoveries and possibly a couple mishaps lol, but essentially, miracles happen when you have the courage to consistently face your darkness.
Waitlist for my 8-month healing container.
If you live in the Tampa Bay Area, I am co-facilitating an in-person workshop THIS Friday 9/8. Click this link for more information!
Instagram: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
Grab your 7 day FREE trial for the SAH Membership here!
The paradox of grief... Have you heard of it? Grief and love coexist, and as you allow yourself to feel grief to its fullest capacity, it strengthens your capacity to emobdy love. One cannot exist without the other. In this episode, I talk about what I experienced somatically AFTER I chose to drop into my body the day before my aunt's funeral. (vs last week when I shared what happened at the funeral which is when the universe served me some humble pie) And let me tell ya... choosing to drop into my body to feel through the difficult feelings was a WAY different experience compared to when I avoided it.
Join the SAH Membership FREE for 7 days, here!!
If you live in the Tampa Bay Area, I am co-facilitating a workshop on 9/8! Come to experience the SAH Method and a shamanic sound journey!! Click here, for more information.
Instagram: @creatinglight_
TikTok: @creatinglight_
YouTube: @creatinglight_
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