AI is here! How will it effect us and how can we use it to make learning fun with AI, or not use it to help with our work? Aarti gives some easy to understand explanations of the key concepts.
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This is a chat with Rowan Grieves, who works in Belfast, about her journey to become an ACCP and the hurdles she had to overcome when starting this new role.
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This was originally a Facebook livestream with an ex patient- Carol Billian, Christine representing ICU Steps, a group helping support ICU survivors and Peter Nydahl from Germany who also aims to support the same group.
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This is a chat I had with Dr Daniel Watkin about his QI project to assess compliance with the guidelines and how they went about improving it. You can find the paper here- 'Beyond Audit: Embracing QI methodology to drive improvements in lung-protective ventilation'
The post CCP Podcast- Lung Protective Ventilation- How to improve our practice. appeared first on Critical Care Practitioner.
This is a chat with Tamas Szakmany about the paper 'Impact of early tracheostomy versus late or no tracheostomy in nonneurologically injured adult patients: a systematic review and meta analysis' and his editorial 'When more could mean less intervention: the tale of tracheostomy timing in critical illness'
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This is a chat with Professor John Laffey about the WEAN_SAFE study. Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE): a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study
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A discussion with Michelle about the recent paper she played a part in discussing the conversation s we have, or don't about Do No Resuscitate orders. The experiences of adult patients, families, and healthcare professionals of CPR decision-making conversations in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review.
The post CCP Podcast: Do Not Resuscitate- the conversations we have. appeared first on Critical Care Practitioner.
Brigitta and colleagues have just published 'The rate and assessment of muscle wasting during critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' Some important and interesting discussion points.
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Great discussion with Dr Emma Ridley a dietitian from Australia about how they planned to look after the nutritional requirements of COVID patients. A lot of pointers about how we care for their needs when they haven't got COVID too.
The post Podcast- Nutrition management for critically and acutely unwell hospitalised patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Australia and New Zealand appeared first on Critical Care Practitioner.
Vikki has been a clinical lead for Organ Donation in the past so I spent some time picking her brains about the role of the Organ Donation team and how that affects how we look after our patients. Lots of really valuable insights.
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This study entitled "Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome" was published in 2013 and its aim was to evaluate the effect of early application of prone positioning on outcomes of patients with severe ARDS. It was a multicentre, prospective, randomised controlled trial mainly in French Hospitals. The primary outcome was 28 day mortality. Recruited patients had […]
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Let’s improve our understanding of the capnograph. Very valuable when caring for your patient.
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We all go grab the essential equipment when we need to intubate the patient. Buts what’s it all for? In this podcast I cover some of this. If you want to join me on FREE 15 Minute Friday go find the Critical Care Practitioner page on Facebook.
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It could be that they have dropped quickly or slowly. Either way its sensible to have a thought process ready so that you might be able to solve it! This is what I cover in this podcast.
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The post Why do we intubate appeared first on Critical Care Practitioner.
A new series which I am hoping to provide weekly taken from the live streams I am running across social media- this weeks topic- the basic ventilator screen. Lets go through some of those buttons.
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EA new series which I am hoping to provide weekly taken from the live streams I am running across social media- this weeks topic- Peak and Plateau Pressures. What are they and why does it matter?
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A new series which I am hoping to provide weekly taken from the live streams I am running across social media- this weeks topic- PEEP.
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Believe it or not we don't intubate people to put them on a ventilator. Rather we put them on the ventilator because we have had to intubate them. So why do we need to intubate them? Let's work our way through using an ABCDE approach. Airway The patients airway may be compromised. This could be initially supported […]
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The post CCP Podcast 166: Practitioners on Fire- Ashleigh Lowther appeared first on Critical Care Practitioner.
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