In this episode of The Walking Dead, the cat is finally out of the bag. And by "the cat" we mean "the Walkers", and by "the bag" we mean "the barn". Even if you're Pretty Much Dead Already, you should still hang on a bit longer and listen to our breakdown of the 7th episode of The Walking Dead Season 2, where we break down our favorite moments, the characters we love - and the characters that we continue to love to hate. Join us, as we wrap up the first half of this season!
Secrets. Everyone's got them. Some people are better at keeping them than others. Unfortunately, one person who is terrible at keeping secrets is The Walking Dead's sweet summer child, Glenn.
In this episode, we discuss once again how much we love Glenn, how much we hate Andrea and Shane, and why Dale is one sneaky old man.
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Sometimes, it's hard being Daryl Dixon. The rest of the group looks down on you, you have unresolved issues with your asshole of a brother, and sometimes you survive a near-death experience just to be shot at by one of your friends. Join us as we unpack the most Daryl-centric episode of The Walking Dead to date in Chupacabra!
Seal once compared us to a kiss from a rose on the grave, which has nothing to do with this episode except hoping that we'll attract all the Sealheads by mentioning it. Anyways, Daryl Dixon spins an interesting rose-related yarn in this episode, as he continues to be just about the only person still looking for Sophia. Join us as we discuss how Daryl is growing on us, our take on the blooming (like a rose, get it) romance between Maggie and Glenn, and who we would have sent down in the well to get that Walker instead of Glenn.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you an exciting preview of the newest podcast from the creators of Cult of the Cathode Ray: Living Under the Gun, A Cop Rock-cast. The first (and only) podcast dedicated to the classic 90s musical police drama which tragically only lasted a single season, Living Under the Gun is a deep-dive into one of the greatest - and most overlooked - television shows of all time. Each episode we'll cover an episode of Cop Rock, as well as getting into some of the background details of the show, and the creative force behind it.
We hope you'll enjoy this special preview episode, and then join us regularly for new episodes of Living Under the Gun!
Shane's been on our shit list since the beginning, but this is where we REALLY start to hate him. In this episode, we discuss all the various reason that we hate Shane - #4 will shock you! - and why we're starting to like Daryl more and more as Season Two of The Walking Dead progresses.
Rick's all-around bad parenting paid off at the end of the last episode, in the form of a bullet entering Carl's stomach. Now Rick's Father of the Year award is on the line - will he be able to save Carl? Or did will he manage to lose TWO kids as the second season of The Walking Dead gets going? Tune in to our discussion to find out just how terribly of a father we think Rick is!
After the ratings that Season 1 of The Walking Dead pulled in, a second season was inevitable. But with Frank Darabont's firing between seasons (discussed in our last episode), how would the quality of the show be affected?
In our coverage of the first episode of The Walking Dead Season 2, we dive into the new storylines of this season, how the characters are evolving, and how the overall show has been affected by Darabont's untimely departure.
The Walking Dead premiered in 2010 to huge audience ratings - and no small amount of critical acclaim. Why, then, was the man responsible for bringing The Walking Dead to TV fired before the second season premiered?
In this mini-episode, we talk about why Darabont was fired, why he sued AMC, and how that suit was settled.
Not unlike the titular Walkers which infest the series, fans were hungry for more Walking Dead content after Season One - and AMC was happy to oblige. Leading up to Season Two, they released a series of webisodes on their website to whet the appetite of viewers. Titled "Torn Apart", these short webisode series tells the story of a "character" who would be familiar to anyone who had watched the first season.
How do these webisodes hold up - is it an entertaining side-story in the universe of The Walking Dead, or filler content that we could have done without? In our lead-up to Season Two, we discuss the entire "Torn Apart" series in this episode!
In this episode, we wrap up our coverage of Season One of The Walking Dead by summarizing our thoughts on the entire season, as well as giving some final season stats and listing all of our unanswered questions. Who were our favorite - and least favorite - characters from Season One? What plot threads do we hope get tied up in Season Two? Listen now to find out!
Our band of fearless survivors are finally safe in the bowels of the secure CDC headquarters - OR ARE THEY?!
Join us as we discuss the thrilling final episode of the first season of The Walking Dead. What do we think of the final character deaths - and who do we wish had died instead? Why did Dr. Jenner do what he did - and do we agree with it? Our final deep dive on season one contains all of this - and more!
What a difference one night - and a few hungry Walkers - can make! After losing several characters in our last episode (at least two of which had actual names!), our band of survivors sets out to find refuge before it's too late!
In this episode, we discuss how each character is dealing with the fallout of the attack - and just how a mysterious NEW character might fit into the bigger picture.
Our coverage of The Walking Dead Season One continues with a very special episode - one written by Walking Dead co-creator Robert Kirkman.
Rick, Glenn, and Daryl rush to Atlanta in a desperate effort to rescue Meryl and secure Rick's guns as, unbeknownst to its inhabitants, the camp sits on the edge of tragedy and death!
What does Kirkman bring to the table as a writer? Does he elevate the series to new heights, or are his scripts best left on the pages of comics? Find out, as we discuss The Walking Dead Season One, Episode 4 - Vatos!
Rick Grimes has escaped Atlanta with an intrepid group of survivors, but can he survive the wrath of Daryl Dixon? Find out in the thrilling third episode of The Walking Dead - and then tune into our coverage, where we discuss Norman Reedus, our growing love of Dale Horvath, and why we're beginning to have suspicions that Shane isn't the nicest guy in the world.
Things have gone from bad to worse for Rick Grimes. Venturing into downtown Atlanta in his continuing quest to find his family, a horde of Walkers has forced him to take refuge in an abandoned tank. A safe place - but for how long?
We really get into the GUTS of the second episode of The Walking Dead in our deep-dive discussion of the plot, characters, and, most importantly, the Walkers of "Guts".
A hit comic adapted by one of the greatest horror filmmakers of all time - what could go wrong? Not much, as we discuss in our first episode, covering (coincidentally) the very first episode of The Walking Dead.
Before it was an entertainment juggernaut, Frank Darabont would bring his unique vision to the story of survivors attempting to exist in a world which now belongs to the living dead. What did we love about this episode? Who are our favorite characters? And, more importantly, our favorite zombies? Listen now for that and more, as we begin our epic coverage of The Walking Dead!