Связанные с
Post partum est une série balado où on discute avec honnêteté des défis du quatrième trimestre, souvent peu abordés en public. Valérie Roberts explore les grands bouleversements et les émotions intenses au cœur des trois premiers mois qui suivent l’arrivée d’un bébé.
Valérie Roberts, qui a vécu un quatrième trimestre particulièrement douloureux, poursuit sa réflexion amorcée dans son livre Post-partum, Les hauts et les bas du quatrième trimestre, et pour lequel elle a interviewé plus d’une quinzaine de femmes et d’experts.
Réalisation: Anne-Sophie Carpentier
Post-Partum le livre : https://qublivre.ca/products/post-partum
The show where Dallin and Ashley Seely (AKA The Dashleys) take things too far with each other and special guests.
привет, я Настя, и я веду свой подкаст из самого сердца Нью-Йорка :)
этот подкаст - мой способ поделиться с вами своим опытом и мыслями, а также отличная возможность для саморефлексии.
вас ждут обсуждения актуальных тем и социальных повесток, подробности моего творческого пути как блогера, инсайты от психотерапии, трудностей с биполярным расстройством и РПП, секреты долгих ЛГБТ отношений и главное - ответ на вопрос - нет проблем или все таки они есть?
слушая эти эпизоды, вы точно узнаете обо мне чуть больше, а еще (надеюсь) отлично проведете время за утренней прогулкой с собакой, рутинной уборкой или просто поездкой в метро.
никакой пропаганды и экспертности, только желание более осознанно и открыто взглянуть на себя и мир вокруг !
найти меня в социальных сетях -
Instagram - @larkicheva
YouTube - @seventeenine
почта для ваших вопросов и коммерческих предложений -
[email protected] -
Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee! Every episode of the Focus on the Family Christian podcast helps you confidently guide your loved ones through the unique challenges faced by today’s Christian families. With over 40 years of trusted, compassionate stories of redemption, hosts Jim Daly and John Fuller connect you to biblically sound marriage and parenting help that is relatable, practical, and interesting. Listen/Learn/Apply/ThriveInChrist!
Hosted by Who What Wear co-founder Hillary Kerr, Second Life spotlights successful women who have made major career changes. Guests share lessons they've learned through fearlessly daring to pivot, and how they've used skills from their "first lives" to navigate their winding career journeys.
Linda & Drew Scott (HGTV’s Property Brothers) invite you into their home for conversations with artists, experts, entrepreneurs and innovators. Join them as they go beyond design to explore what really makes a house a home.
Just have a kid and you're overwhelmed? Mary and Blake are too. They're parents who have no idea what they're doing, and they're asking the experts on all things baby. It's an entirely "judgement free zone," where we can laugh at each other's stories of success and failure. Mary and Blake discuss their whines of the week, wins of the week, and also give their Parent Pick of the week. But this show is nothing without it's listeners - so there is as much listener feedback as humanly possible. It's free, it's funny, and it's a lot better than therapy!
Fanny Bédard est journaliste et mère du petit Élias. Comme tout parent, elle se pose mille questions et fait face à autant d'incertitudes. Dans ce balado, elle s'entoure de proches et de spécialistes pour échanger sur les joies et les défis reliés à la parentalité, sur un ton parfois cocasse, parfois émouvant.
Réalisation : Fanny Bédard -
Welcome to the Holderness Family Podcast! On Facebook and YouTube we are known as The Holderness Family. We make those silly songs and skits with our kids, but on this podcast, it's just us... the real us. The non-Christmas-jammies-us, the why-can't-my-socks-be-on-the-kitchen-counter-us (Penn) the why-do-I-have-to-go-outside-and-talk-to-people-us (Kim).On this podcast, we will share the real-life ups and downs of living together, working together, raising kids together, in what we hope is a funny and entertaining way. We will be taking questions that we are likely unqualified to answer (absolutely unqualified to answer) but we are hoping that the show will make all of your beautiful families realize you're not alone. You're not alone. We are all a hot mess... a HolderMess. The HolderMess: the Holderness Family PodcastThank you for subscribing and listening!Hosted by Kim & Penn HoldernessProduced by Max Trujillo
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Two partners (in life, work, and parenthood) document their pregnancy journey after having a miscarriage. They dive deep into the world of being millennial entrepreneurs, mixed-race, and experiencing pregnancy loss while talking about the [pregnancy] fads like placenta encapsulation and cake smashing.
They're trying to figure out how they'll survive the next phase of their life - parenthood. -
This is the podcast for moms who feel like they’re in the middle of it all—the chaos, the joy, the struggle—and are ready to get real about it all. Evanka Osmak hosts a national sports show late at night, and Melanie Ng is a news anchor on a morning show at the crack of dawn. Each week, these two friends will meet in the middle of their busy days to talk all things parenting. Tune in for Evanka and Mel’s own stories about the good and the bad, advice from experts and honest discussion. The reality is whether you’re a working mom, a stay-at-home dad, mom of many, mom of one, aunt of some, godmother of any—it’s hard! And it helps to know you’re not alone.
You Might Not Like It is the soundtrack to the raw, real, often incredibly challenging work that happens when you’re choosing to prioritize your personal growth and overall life fulfillment. The episodes are a combination of personal stories as well as the larger themes that take up space in our hearts and minds. It’s a compassionate place for you to land, whether you’re celebrating your latest win or deep in the challenges of being in the messy middle.
Parenting is one of life’s greatest gifts, yet it can also be stressful, exhausting, and extremely lonely... but YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This podcast was built on the belief that the best way to build community is by digging in and getting honest with ourselves. This is not a place for advice as much as it’s about finding connection with other parents (no matter your gender) who know exactly what you’re going through.Yes, this is a parenting podcast; and while we do discuss issues that revolve around life with kids, we focus more on the life of a human... who happens to be a parent, and how to balance the multitude of hats we wear on a daily basis while attempting to be the best version of ourselves for our partner, our children, and our own personal well-being.// DILF is a top parenting podcast which has broken into Apple's Top 50 Parenting Podcast charts around the world, while recently hitting #6 on the US charts :: To join in on the conversation, find us on Instagram @DILFpodcast //
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Un podcast par Annabel McLaughlin et Jessica Prudencio, créatrice de contenu (@jessicaprdnc). Where We At est un podcast engagé dans le développement d'un espace ouvert et sécuritaire pour les communautés culturelles au Québec. Face au manque de visibilité et d’appartenance, l’idée d’un podcast est apparue comme le moyen de se mobiliser et de s’engager positivement dans la création d’un lieu d’échanges sur les réalités de personnes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color). Mais où les invité.e.s partagent surtout leur éventail d’expériences, cherchant à se comprendre plus loin que nos multiples identités.Musique : Shailah L. Morris (@sshailah) Artwork : Niti Mueth @nitimueth
Weekly conversations about how we dismantle diet culture and fatphobia, especially through parenting, health and fashion. (But non-parents like it too!) Hosted by Virginia Sole-Smith, journalist and author of THE EATING INSTINCT.
virginiasolesmith.substack.com -
Gather and Grow is a lifestyle podcast where Kaihla and Mark--a married, parenting, and self-employed duo--share real life conversations about their journey through self-discovery, parenthood, business, and all of the messy in-betweens that they feel aren’t talked about enough. In the hopes of eliminating the fear of deeper level conversations, Kaihla and Mark invite you to gather with them in your own listening space so that we can all learn to grow together and share in more life-giving conversations. Music by Ty Sander.
Discover American history, gun training tips, product reviews and interviews with great people on the responsible, family friendly, gun owners podcast hosted by Kenn Blanchard (since 2007).
The New Family Podcast is the show that explores what families really look like today and the issues that matter to us most. Twice a week we interview some of the most compelling people whose stories represent the many forms can family can take today. And we chat with top parenting experts with great insights on the challenges of raising kids in these interesting times. This podcast comes from the creators of the popular website, thenewfamily.com, which explores and celebrates modern family life. Our series, the 1,000 Families Project, tells the first-person stories of people with families of every shape and size. In this show we interview some of the most interesting people who contribute to the #1000families series, as well as authors, family therapists, parent educators and other experts with practical advice to share that's relevant to families of every kind.
Los mejores espectáculos en voz de la reina de la radio, Maxine Woodside en Grupo Fórmula.
petMD's Life with Pets is your curated guide to bringing out the best in your furry friends. Join author and dog trainer Victoria Schade as she explores problem solving, myth busting, lifestyle tips and topical pet stories with a variety of beloved animal experts. Listen, learn, laugh, and become a better pet owner along the way!
Victoria Schade is an award-winning author, speaker and dog trainer known for her upbeat approach to living and working with dogs. Her books, "Bonding With Your Dog; A Trainer's Secrets for Building a Better Relationship" and "Secrets of a Dog Trainer: Positive Problem Solving for a Well-Behaved Dog" are geared to helping people and pets lead harmonious lives together.
Victoria has worked with Animal Planet for over ten years as the lead animal trainer on the channel's popular Puppy Bowl special, and appeared as a co-host on the program "Faithful Friends" during its two-season run. She currently serves as a pet expert for PawCulture and PetMD, writing training and behavior content and appearing in educational videos.