Know that there is always some sort of paradigm taking place in life… good, bad, or indifferent. Change is not just something that you actively think about, it’s the framework for your understanding. If you're tired of struggling with your thoughts & with the issues of life, it's probably time to take the red pill & unplug from the Matrix!
Let-down after let-down... from anger to revenge to peace, and anything in-between, my Son is here to tell his story, from the perspective of a man & the passion of a little boy, as part of a work in progress, embracing change, he is here to encourage someone else to learn from him & to find a better way!
Episodi mancanti?
This episode may be a trigger for those who are suffering... be it trial or by test, but I want you to know that your living is not in vain, it is a redemptive work, and you have a divine right to overcome!
This is about unlearning & relearning... it's about understanding God's will & praying from his original perspective. It's about canceling the effects of bad choices. It's about releasing yourself & overcoming fear & doubt & inner-conflict through the power of prayer!
"There are some strongholds that only function through your ignorance & your pain", I intend to speak to the frailties of man & reach those who like me, have learned to function in trauma. Many people don't know how to talk about what keeps them bound because they don't always know where to begin. Still, you were meant to survive, and you must learn what it takes to function outside of your perspectives, long enough to embrace change. This is my story, and it’s a way for me to minister to you as I minister to myself. This platform keeps us connected as we learn to fight the good fight of faith & endure. I consider myself to be a Mindset Mentor... and this is a Revolution!