Adam and Nicchia are joined by The Host, Scott Driscoll, and The Miscreant, Brad Daniels, to rank their favourite Masters from the Doctor Who TV show!
What moment would push Adam over the edge? Who keeps breaking the rules? Who are our favourite Masters?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Let us know in the comments if you agree with our opinions, what your favourite Master moment is, and if you think The Master will show up in Doctor Who: Flux!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
This week, Nicchia and Adam are joined by Jesse Jackson from the podcasts Set Lusting Bruce and Next Stop Anywhere! They travel from Mars to Egypt and every silly place in between as they look at the 4th Doctor episode "Pyramids of Mars" (1975).
What word did Nicchia learn from this episode? Who has the worst plan? What other puzzles would we add to the pyramid?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Check out Jesse's podcasts!Set Lusting Bruce: https://setlustingbruce.com/ Next Stop Anywhere: https://open.spotify.com/show/36aj1TpL1Nu4vRWsMbpkaN
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Nicchia and Adam are joined by improviser Chloe Georiga from Full Head Foils! Chloe's a lapsed Whovian, so will she get back into the series or will the 10th Doctor be The Last of the Time Lords for her, as we look at the Series 3 (2007) episode "Last of the Time Lords"! What's dating like in the apocalypse? Which version did you watch? What does reversing time look like? Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Here come the drums, here come the drums! Along with the drums comes our guest, improviser and sketch comedian Rhys McCane! He joins Adam and Nicchia as they tap out The Sound of Drums.
What does Rhys call David Tennant? What is Rhys' time travel dream? What new gritty TV show do we pitch?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
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Nicchia and Adam like to expose all of their friends to Doctor Who, in the hopes of making brand new Whovians. But how will guest Ben Snaith react when subjected to The Sontaran Experiment (1975)? Do you think that Sontarans could grow beards? What would it be like if other shows had regenerations? How do Sontarans transport their gear? Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Nicchia and Adam welcome back Chris Martin and Scott Driscoll as they battle it out to be the guest with the most appearances! It might seem like all talk and bravado, but beneath their veneers it's all actually a Utopia as we look at the episode of the same name.
What jokes would The Futurekind tell? How are they so good at hiding? What is the funniest body part?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
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Improviser and artist Bren Binmore joins the Whooby Gang as we travel back in time to the distant past of 1983 to look at the 5th Doctor adventure "The King's Demons" from Season 20 of the classic series!
Why are we doing this episoode? Why does anyone do anything? Why does the Doctor have a TARDIS key?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
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Don't pause! Don't even pause! Pause and you'll miss the episode! Adam and Nicchia connect across time and space to introduce their guest Jeff from the Stuff I Never Knew podcast to Blink and the world of Doctor Who.
What DVDs does Sally Sparrow have? What's our intriguing new show premise? What's a benefit of being sent back to the 1920's?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Adam and Nicchia are joined by improviser Anne Pensalfini and our youngest guest and coolest teenager you're likely to meet, Sam Pensalfini! We go into the ins and outs of 1913 school life as we're menaced by The Family of Blood!
Who cried? Which machines are we raging against? What technologies do we all remember from our childhoods?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Nicchia and Adam are trying their best to hide amongst humans, but their guest Ryan Goodwin has found them out, as they look at Human Nature! What is Chekhov's History Lesson? Who's warming your toilet seat? What's the Barbarian Tactic? Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Nicchia and Adam are joined by writer and producer Christian Hegg to countdown to 42!
How do they get on to Xanadu? What's the new Doctor Who spin off? Will the new guest burn with us?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
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This week, Adam and Nicchia are joined by Liz Talbot from Full Head Foils to look at The Lazarus Experiment! Has the episode aged poorly, or will it rise from the dead to wow them all?
What's a non-Whovians expectations of a Doctor Who episode? Can The Doctor be in multiple places at once? What's the best way to pick bridesmaids?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
It's the 100th episode of D4WH, and this one is really just for us. Adam and Nicchia sat down with Chris Martin and Beck Buckingham to watch the 1996 Doctor Who movie whilst getting incredibly drunk. Thank you everyone for listening over the past 100 episodes! How did Big Finish get their name? How often do we actually talk about the movie? Can you hear Adam get noticeably drunker in real time? Find out in the drunkest episode of #D4WH! Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Recorded live at the Big Fork Brisbane Improv Festival 2021, it's D4WH presents Improvised Doctor Who! Featuring some of Brisbane best improvisers, all previous guests of the show, as they create a brand new episode of Doctor Who based on the suggestions of The Awkward Charmer himself, Chris Martin!
Adam O'Sullivan
Brad Daniels
Calvin Stevens
Claire Reilly
Olivia Windsor
Scott Driscoll
with special guest Chris Martin
Who is Chris Martin's favourite historical figure? What's the worst thing The Doctor and their companion have seen on their travels? What's the Doctor's favourite number?
Find out in this completely improvised episode of #D4WH!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat -
Adam and Nicchia are back and ready to merge together to discuss the human/Dalek hybrid in Evolution of the Daleks!
Are you going through Dalek Overload? What's the worst part of a Human/Dalek hybrid? Are pig slaves vampires?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Nicchia and Adam are back together by themselves in the new podcast headquarters, so they discuss Daleks in Manhattan! How many microchips are we getting injected? Who makes the clothing for the Dalek slaves? Which musical is the doctor into? Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! Support us on Patreon for early normal episodes and extra mini episodes! https://bit.ly/d4whpat
Adam and Nicchia are back to look at their first 4th Doctor Big Finish audio, which is also part of Time Lord Victorious - Genetics of the Daleks starring Tom Baker!
What are the syndicate into? What's it like in the new D4WH HQ? What's in our pockets?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! -
Nicchia and Adam are joined once again by comedians Ashwin Segkar and Andrew Dawson - meaning they have enough people to jump on the Fast Lane and look at "Gridlock"!
How much testosterone is in the room? What sort of mood patch are we all going for? What's some secret abilities of the Macra?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Verily, Adam and Nicchia are joined by comedian Kath Marvelley to look at The Shakespeare Code, forsooth! Is Australia real? What happens when an Aussie lands in the UK? What should be Australia's national dance? Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out! Support the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/D4WHpod
Nicchia and Adam delve deeper into the November 2020 releases for Time Lord Victorious, the multi-platform, multi-Doctor story!
What are our innovations for GPS technology? What's the mobbly-dobbly-wobomb? What would a Dalek dinner party sound like?
Download the latest episode of #D4WH to find out!
Covering and spoilers for:"The Enemy of My Enemy" from Big Finish"Monstrous Beauty #3" from DWM 558Daleks!, episodes 1-3"What the TARDIS thought of 'Time Lord Victorious'"
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