The long-running program "What Catholics Believe" is now in podcast format! Listen to the priests of the Traditional Roman Catholic Society and Congregation of St. Pius V teach and discuss the disasters of Vatican Council II, the errors of the Novus Ordo, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic faith. Fortify your Catholic faith with the truth. You can also find these episodes on our YouTube Channel. Check out our account on SoundCloud, where we have our episodes grouped into playlists for easy navigation. Be sure to visit our website at wcbohio.com for more content and to send in your questions.
Comedian, Life Coach, and curious student of life, JP Sears shares connected conversations with high level, inspiring, authentic, wickedly fascinating guests. Just being himself on the show, JP combines the humor that’s garnered him over 300 million online video views with his insight from over 15 years of being a life coach. This injection of empowerment will help you overcome challenges, uplevel your thinking, find more passion and purpose, and leave you entertainedAF! Ask your doctor if this podcast is right for you. But first, ask your chiropractor if asking your doctor is right for you.
Phaneroo is a dynamic, life transforming and generational impacting ministry with a vision to transform nations and the entire world with the Word of God.
The Greek word ‘Phaneroo’ is translated as bringing to manifestation that which existed but is not seen. Consequently, what we want to see in this generation is that Christians start bringing forth things that men never thought existed yet they did in fact exist. -
Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda’s Mission of Love is a rapidly expanding worldwide movement known as Bhakti Marga: the path of love and devotion.
Here to bring about lasting positive change in the world, the message of his mission is that, ultimately, the only thing that can truly bring such change is bhakti: the Love for God, experienced as devotion within each heart. -
Вселенская религия - современное, прогрессивное, мотивационное мировоззрение. Вселенская религия - основана на вечных принципах и физических законах окружающего мира. Приоритетом Вселенской религии, является личное счастье каждого человека, через познание природы вещей, личную модификацию и расширение карты мира. Ведущий проповедник Вселенской религии - Игорь Вселенский. Проповеди Игоря Вселенского доступны и просты, но играют важнейшую роль в жизни современного человека.
Welcome to our Familia! We are Rashawn and Denisse Copeland!
We both grew up in dysfunction and have had traumatic experiences and mistakes that hurt us as children. We were reluctant and afraid to become parents because we only knew the outcome of our childhood.
Once we were mentored by a beautiful married couple devoted to Jesus and the scriptures, everything changed. Everyone should see what a God-fearing family looks like.
We created Faith and Familia to show raw moments in our parenting journey to show every struggling family that freedom is possible in Christ.
Our mission is to equip families, bring confidence in God to fathers, bring joy to mothers, and inspire children. I hope that the real stories of our family will bring hope, encouragement and healing to people everywhere — and wherever they are, Christ will be made known through us! -
Path & Present is a long form conversation hosted by poet, emcee, and teaching-artist Baraka Blue with friends and guests including artists, musicians, authors, and scholars to collectively explore what it means to walk a path of awakening and spiritual discernment in the modern world. Topics covered include spirituality/religion/metaphysics, community, art/music, psychology, social justice, Islam and Muslims in the West, and earth stewardship.
**Path & Present** Is a community endeavor produced for the sake of sharing the stories of our communities and amplifying the forces of positivity and goodness in the universe. It is made possible through community support. Enjoy Path and Present Podcast? Now you can become a supporter/patron at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4205410
Baraka Blue is a poet and musician from Seattle, Washington. After reading the works of Rumi and Ibn Arabi he traveled to study with contemporary Sufi teachers in Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt and beyond. He has a BA in Arabic from the University of Washington and was awarded a Master's Degree in Islamic Studies from the GTU, Berkeley for his research on the Sufi thought of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. As a teaching-artist he has performed all over the world, including such institutions as Princeton and the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. -
Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 185 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, Law of Attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include Dr, Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Pam Grout, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think.
Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.
The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom.
Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good. -
Yoga, literatura, nutrición, crecimiento personal y vida plena. Alimentamos el alma a través de conversaciones y entrevistas llenas de contenido positivo. Quiero que podamos ser nuestra mejor versión y vivir más abiertamente. Comparto desde mi experiencia como profesora de yoga, comunicadora, mamá y empresaria. Y como no tengo todas las respuestas, invito a otros para que nos complementen.
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Подкаст о потусторонних силах, который пытается объяснить необъяснимое. Для этого Ваня обращается к ученым, врачам и психологам, а Вероника — к гадалкам, магам и ведунам.
Кто навел порчу на Трампа? Как связаны призраки и лунатизм? И можно ли влюбить в себя человека с помощью зелья?
Это совместный подкаст студии «Богема» и аудиосервиса «СберЗвук»
Присылайте ваши истории: [email protected]
Inst @babki.podcast
Inst @bogema.prod -
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Ranked in the top .5% of podcasts worldwide, the Embodied Podcast has been a trusted resource for nuanced, grounded, and inclusive wisdom for collective healing, joy, and liberation since 2015. Tap into your true purpose and power with Host Elizabeth DiAlto as she brings you the realness, always, with curiosity, humor, and her signature blend of fierce and mystical love. @elizabethdialto // www.untameyourself.com/podcast