Welcome to Cleary Gottlieb’s Antitrust Review – a podcast focused on antitrust enforcement, policy and practice.
In a complex and noisy world, we aim to bring insight and clarity through conversations with leading individuals shaping the antitrust agenda.
Hosted by Cleary Gottlieb Partner Nick Levy, each episode will feature guests from the world of antitrust, including regulators and practitioners, to discuss critical issues that are dominating the agenda.
This podcast was prepared as a service to clients and friends of Cleary Gottlieb to report on recent developments that may be of interest. The information in it is therefore general, and should not be considered or relied on as legal advice. -
Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs.
Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide legal or financial advice, and nor does your host, yours truly.
Just DAO It! is hosted by Adam Miller, the founder of MIDAO, the company that provides legal entities for DAOs. -
Hosted by Dan Fleetwood, President, Research & Insights at QuestionPro, Live with Dan brings together the best and brightest minds from the global research and insights industry to talk about everything Research and the Advancing of Research along with a lot of fun, trivia, and insights.
This podcast is specially curated for leaders in the experience transformation, where you can deep dive into the world of consumer insights, market research, advanced research modeling, consumer analytics, and more.
Find out more at -
Inside Legal ESG is a series of podcast interviews and webinars highlighting opportunities, individuals, and the important and challenging work being done in the ESG space today.
For more information on Inside Legal ESG please email: [email protected] -
Les réseaux sociaux sont probablement les meilleurs outils pour entrer directement en contact avec vos clients. Mais savez-vous comment les exploiter à leur maximum? Marco Bérubé vous donnera des outils afin de bien les utiliser dans toutes les circonstances, Bonne écoute!
Tout sur les réseaux sociaux avec Marco Bérubé de Mobux au FM 103,3 -
Don Chisciotte racconta l’attualità economica a partire dai dati e dai report delle più importanti istituzioni di statistica e ricerca sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, e da oggi si unisce al catalogo dei nostri podcast e nella nostra programmazione editoriale.
In un mondo in continua trasformazione, dove l'economia influenza ogni aspetto delle nostre vite, "Don Chisciotte" offre gli strumenti necessari per capire i cambiamenti che ci circondano per ispirare un mondo con un nuovo motore economico. Un podcast per lottare con i dati contro le frasi fatte e i mulini a vento del dibattito economico in Italia, condotto da Oscar Giannino con Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé e Renato Cifarelli.
Scopri di più sul sito: -
In un mondo in cui spazio e tempo sono stati stravolti e ne abbiamo sempre meno di entrambi, esploriamo il mondo con The Essential, una rassegna che racconta l’attualità politica, economica e culturale in cinque minuti. Notizie scelte e raccontate ogni mattina da Mia Ceran.
Puoi inviare i tuoi suggerimenti per la puntata del sabato direttamente nei commenti dei singoli episodi su Spotify!
Seguici su Instagram @will_ita -
The Private Equity PErspectives podcast serves as a forum for private equity dealmakers to discuss navigating today’s dynamic investment environment, while preparing for challenges and opportunities on the horizon. In each episode, BDO’s Private Equity practice connects with leaders in the industry to talk deal activity, fund strategies, and portfolio company optimization.
Le média de la transition -
Leurs vies sont bouleversées, compliquées, extraordinaires mais elles racontent une histoire qui résonne en chacun de nous. Chaque mois, pendant une vingtaine de minutes, le podcast « Leurs vies » illustre un phénomène de société au travers du témoignage de celui qui l’a vécu et de l’éclairage d’un expert, pour aller plus loin.
Carina ist Landwirtin mit Leidenschaft, Herz und dem eigenen Hof in der Voreifel. Johannes ist ebenfalls Landwirt und arbeitet beim Landmaschinenhersteller LEMKEN im Produktmarketing. Im Podcast Boden&ständig sprechen die beiden zu den wichtigsten Themen aus der Landwirtschaft, mit Begeisterung, Witz und spannenden Gästen. Es geht unter anderem um den Beruf Landwirt, den Generationenkonflikt und natürlich ums Wetter.
Jetzt reinhören! Überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. -
Like it or not, the world is rocketing through a digital transformation, and we can either be passive observers or digitalization innovators. Join pedagogist, researcher and digital strategist Keith Connell as he explores technology from a business, consumer and student perspective. If you are in business representing an organization, or a student looking to understand the new Internet, or even a consumer wondering if the IoT is for you, join Keith as he welcomes you to the digital [r]evolution.
Welkom bij Rexel Talks! Stap mee binnen in de wereld van elektrische installatie. Van de nieuwste regelgeving tot cutting-edge technologieën, we bespreken de onderwerpen die jou als professional in de elektriciteitswereld interesseren.
Luister mee met ons en leer hoe je jouw expertise als installateur kunt uitbreiden en verdiepen. Of je nu een doorgewinterde vakman bent of een nieuwkomer die de kneepjes van het vak wil leren, Rexel Talks biedt een mix van inzichten, tips en inspiratie.
Laat je onderdompelen in de expertise van Rexel Talks, waar we de elektrische aspecten van de bouw in de schijnwerpers zetten! -
Nadat ze de deur van de praktijk achter zich sloot, ging voormalig psychologe Sara Leysen aan de slag met leiders en teams. Dat binnen die teams de mayonnaise niet altijd vanzelf pakt, werd al snel duidelijk. Sara zocht en vond recepten voor connectie en veiligheid in het team, en ontdekte hefbomen voor gedeeld leiderschap. In deze podcast inspireert ze leiders en professionals om volop in hun persoonlijk leiderschap te gaan staan, en zo anderen het makkelijker te maken datzelfde te doen.
Event Tech Podcast is the premiere place for event profs to stay in the know about the latest and most innovative tech. Join us for a thought provoking journey on how tech can evolve our industry. Hosted by Brandt Krueger of Event Technology Consulting & Will Curran of Endless Events.