
  • In this episode of the "Dead Three Coaching Show," Ali Warren returns to share profound insights and inspiration from her journey. Discussing the power of storytelling and personal resilience, Ali reflects on her childhood experiences and collegiate sports career, navigating challenges with unwavering determination. Through candid conversations about overcoming adversity, listeners are invited to find empowerment and motivation in Ali's story.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The significance of storytelling in making a lasting impact.
    2. Ali's childhood experiences and her drive for excellence in softball.
    3. Insights into Ali's collegiate sports journey and the importance of supportive coaching.
    4. Coping with personal struggles, including parental alcoholism, and finding resilience.
    5. Themes of perseverance and determination resonating throughout Ali's narrative.
    6. How adversity shapes character and fuels personal growth.
    7. Ali's journey serves as inspiration for overcoming obstacles and pursuing goals.
    8. Reflections on the transformative power of self-belief and resilience.
    9. Encouragement for listeners to reflect on their own journeys and find empowerment.
    10. A reminder of the importance of embracing challenges and striving for personal development.

  • Join us as we have a candid conversation with Ali Warren, exploring her journey towards personal and professional fulfillment. Throughout the episode, we discuss setting ambitious goals, embracing authenticity in leadership, and overcoming the fear of content creation. Ali shares insights from her entrepreneurial experience, highlighting the importance of storytelling and creating a safe space for women in the workplace. Discover practical advice for making a meaningful impact and fostering growth in both business and personal endeavors. Tune in for a dynamic dialogue filled with inspiration, resilience, and actionable insights for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs.

    1. Setting ambitious goals and pursuing passions over the next five years
    2. Vision of achieving financial independence and making a meaningful impact outside corporate America
    3. Embracing depth over width in endeavors, inspired by Ben Newman's model
    4. Overcoming fear and challenges of content creation, including pressing record and leveraging social media
    5. Importance of authenticity, empathy, and vulnerability in effective leadership
    6. Insights into Ali's journey of entrepreneurship and lessons learned along the way
    7. The power of storytelling in connecting authentically with others
    8. Encouragement for individuals to share their message and make a difference, regardless of the audience's size
    9. Creating a safe environment for women to soften and thrive in professional settings
    10. Embracing continuous learning, resilience, and willingness to change for personal and professional growth

    Follow Ali:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quantumlaunchconsulting/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alisha-warren-48749b163/

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  • Goal Setting and Accountability: The importance of setting clear goals, taking actions to achieve them, and holding oneself accountable. They discuss the process of planning, prioritizing, and scheduling tasks to progress towards goals effectively.

    Continuous Improvement: The importance of continuous learning and improvement by consuming content from books, podcasts, and conversations. They stress the need to constantly seek ways to "level up" and grow personally and professionally.

    Learning from Others: Engaging with mentors and role models, both online and in-person, to gain insights, strategies, and advice for personal and professional development. They emphasize the value of connecting with individuals who can inspire and challenge them to improve.

    Purpose and Motivation: Explore the concept of finding one's purpose or "burn" and how it ignites motivation and drives actions. They discuss the importance of aligning one's goals and actions with their core values and passions.

    Accountability and Standards: The role of accountability in personal and professional growth, emphasizing the need to hold oneself to high standards regardless of feelings or circumstances. They stress the importance of reviewing one's performance regularly, similar to reviewing game film in athletics.

    Reflection and Gratitude: A nightly practice of reflecting on the day's achievements, areas for improvement, and expressing gratitude. They encourage individuals to focus on what went well, what they are grateful for, and what they can do better.

  • Essential Leadership Attributes: The episode delves into the five key attributes identified by Rich Deviney in his book "The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance." These attributes are empathy, selflessness, authenticity, decisiveness, and accountability.

    Importance of Empathy: Empathy is highlighted as a crucial leadership quality, involving the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It's emphasized as a foundational aspect of building trust and genuine connections within teams.

    Selflessness in Leadership: The episode discusses the significance of prioritizing the needs and well-being of others above one's own, even in the face of perceived risks. Selflessness is presented as a key component of effective leadership and team building.

    Authenticity and Consistency: Authenticity is underscored as the alignment between one's actions and beliefs, values, and desires, regardless of external pressures. Consistency in authenticity is portrayed as essential for earning trust and respect from team members.

    Decisiveness and Accountability: Decisiveness is portrayed as the ability to make clear, well-informed, and timely decisions. Additionally, accountability is emphasized as the ownership of decisions and actions, including taking responsibility for outcomes and consequences.

  • Welcome to The DeadThree Coaching Show, your go-to resource for leadership insights and personal development strategies! In this episode, I exporte the transformative insights from Rich Deviney's book, "The Attributes 25: Drivers of Optimal Performance."

    Key Takeaways:
    Courage in Action: Learn how courage plays a pivotal role in personal and professional growth, and discover practical ways to overcome fear and doubt on the journey to success.

    Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger: Explore the concept of resilience and its importance in rapidly returning to baseline after facing challenges or setbacks, drawing inspiration from military leadership principles.

    Adaptability: Thriving in Change: Uncover the power of adaptability in navigating uncertain and rapidly changing environments, and learn strategies to embrace change and thrive in any situation.

    Grit Attributes for Success: Delve into the core attributes of grit, including perseverance, adaptability, and resilience, and understand how cultivating these qualities can drive optimal performance and achievement.

    Practical Application: Gain actionable insights and practical strategies to implement the lessons learned from "The Attributes 25" book into your leadership approach, personal development journey, and team empowerment initiatives.

    Tune in now to gain actionable tips, inspiring insights, and practical strategies for optimizing performance and fostering resilience in any situation. Don't forget to subscribe to The DeadThree Coaching Show for more empowering content!

    #coaching #leadership #richdiviney #Culture #resilence #courage

  • Dive into the depths of peak performance with insights from Rich Diviney's illuminating book, "The Attributes." In this episode, we explore the invaluable lessons from Diviney's work, emphasizing the superiority of attributes like courage, perseverance, and adaptability over mere acquired skills. Through engaging discussions on embracing adversity, building elite teams, and understanding the neurochemical rewards of courage, listeners gain a profound understanding of what it takes to achieve optimal performance in both personal and professional realms. Join us as we unravel the secrets to unlocking peak performance and continuous improvement, guided by the wisdom of Rich Diviney's transformative book.

    Consistency and Focus:
    Prioritize consistency and focus in daily routines for sustained growth and success.

    Development of Attributes:
    Cultivate attributes like courage, perseverance, adaptability, and resilience for peak performance.

    Attributes vs. Skills:
    Attributes hold greater importance than skills, especially in challenging situations requiring quick adaptation.

    Embracing Challenges:
    Embrace fear and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

    Building Elite Teams:
    Foster a culture of grit and toughness to build elite teams that excel under pressure.

  • Introduction:

    Host: George Evjen
    Podcast Title: Dead Three Coaching & Leadership Development Podcast
    Episode Focus: Reflecting on personal progress and growth, emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment and celebrating achievements.

    Key Points:

    Importance of Reflection:
    Reflecting on personal progress is likened to reviewing a book - understanding how far one has come and envisioning the future.
    George shares his personal strategy of consistent reading, emphasizing its impact on personal development.

    Book Recommendations:
    Recommends "Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferriss and "Gap in the Game" by Dr. Benjamin Hardy for valuable insights on personal development and goal achievement.

    Living in the Gap vs. the Gain:
    Explores the concept of living in the gap, where one compares their current state to an ideal, leading to dissatisfaction and self-doubt.
    Encourages listeners to focus on the gains, celebrating progress and finding motivation in small achievements.

    Leadership and Motivation:
    George shares insights on leadership, emphasizing the importance of inspiring and motivating others by acknowledging their progress while setting high goals for the future.

    Consistency and Focus:
    Stresses the significance of consistency and focus in achieving goals, citing personal examples and lessons learned from coaching experiences.

    Practical Tips:
    Offers practical tips for maintaining consistency, such as creating a focused plan, avoiding distractions, and living in the present moment.

    Encourages listeners to adopt a mindset of living in the gain, celebrating progress, and embracing the journey of personal and professional growth.
    Invites listeners to engage with the podcast community, share feedback, and explore recommended resources for further personal development.

  • Quotes from this Episode:

    "The bigger fish are deeper. If you want the big wins, the big accomplishments, then you've got to go deep."

    "We have greatness inside all of us. The more you get locked in, the deeper you go."

    "You're only going to reach what you feel you're worth or what you feel you deserve."

    "You have greatness inside you. The people that are criticizing you are the people that want to stay in the 80%."

    "We all have winning inside of us. We all have greatness inside of us. But for most of us, that's where it's always going to stay."

    "You've got greatness in you. Your story could be rough, but you've got to believe in yourself and roll with it."


    The Power of Deep Focus: Explore the concept of deep focus and its role in achieving significant growth. Understand why going deep on specific goals is more effective than spreading efforts too thin.

    Overcoming Self-Doubt: Delve into personal struggles with self-doubt and fear of rejection. Learn strategies for overcoming mental barriers and believing in one's worthiness and capabilities.

    Embracing Inner Greatness: Discover the importance of recognizing and embracing the inherent greatness within oneself. Explore how to unleash potential and pursue dreams with confidence.

    Legacy and Impact: Reflect on the legacy individuals leave behind and the impact they have on others. Explore the significance of living a life aligned with values and aspirations, leaving a positive mark on the world.

    Community Support and Resilience: Highlight the value of surrounding oneself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Discuss the importance of resilience in overcoming obstacles and celebrating each other's successes.

  • Setting Ambitious Goals: We are committed to 10Xing our endeavors this year, from our podcast to personal development. We emphasize the importance of going beyond the ordinary and striving for excellence.

    Quality Over Average: Reflecting on a coaching note from years ago, we stress that nobody pays for average. Whether in podcasting or any industry, excellence and quality are crucial for success.

    Morning Habits and Willpower: Drawing inspiration from a successful entrepreneur's morning routine, we discuss the significance of willpower, positive habits, and the impact of starting the day right.

    Belief in People: We share insights from the story of Howard Schultz and Starbucks, highlighting the power of belief in people's potential. Building confidence, setting goals, and fostering a culture of success are key aspects.

    Conquering Fear for Greatness: We touch on the tendency to self-sabotage when approaching the fear associated with achieving greatness. Encouraging listeners to overcome fear, embrace challenges, and pursue their goals with determination.

  • Elevating Belief to Responsibility:
    Discover the profound shift from assigning blame to taking responsibility. Embrace the mindset that even if something isn't your fault, it becomes your responsibility to drive positive change.

    Elite Habits for 10X Growth:
    Delve into the importance of cultivating habits and routines for personal and professional growth. Explore how adopting elite habits can lead to remarkable improvements, propelling you and your team towards a 10X mindset.

    Navigating Quarterly Planning:
    Gain insights into the intricacies of quarterly planning. Learn how to facilitate a session that goes beyond just achieving outcomes, aiming for greatness and continuous improvement.

    Building a Culture of Ownership:
    Uncover the significance of fostering a culture where team members own their responsibilities and strive for excellence. Understand the transformative impact of collectively taking ownership of challenges and turning them into opportunities.

    From C Minus to A Plus:
    Explore the concept of continuous improvement and how transforming even C-minus aspects to A-plus levels can revolutionize your team's performance. Witness the power of collective responsibility in reshaping the narrative of your professional journey.

  • Introduction:
    Greetings and welcome to the first-ever mini-cast episode of the DeadThree Coaching Podcast.
    Explanation of the shift to mini-casts, frequency, and the inspiration behind the new format.

    Setting the Stage:
    Recap of the recent podcast evolution, moving from guest-focused to more solo casts and diverse content formats.
    Announcement of the primary goal: Achieving a 10X increase in podcast downloads and audience engagement.

    Goal-Setting Insights:
    Brief overview of the concept from the book "10X is Easier than 2X."
    Emphasis on the importance of setting ambitious and unapologetic goals for significant growth.

    Strategies for Growth:
    Detailed strategies discussed, including increasing episode frequency, enhancing content quality, and exploring various content formats.
    The importance of not just doing more but doing it better and creating valuable content.

    Daily Focus and Prioritization:
    Insights into the necessity of daily alignment with the overarching goal and prioritizing tasks accordingly.
    Balancing focus on the key goal while managing other aspects of content creation and brand development.

    Engaging the Community:
    Encouragement for community engagement through sharing, liking, and active participation in conversations.
    How the community's support contributes to reaching the 10X goal.

    Adaptive Leadership and Continuous Improvement:
    Recognition of the need for adaptability and evolution in strategies, even as goals are surpassed.
    The concept of becoming someone different at each level of growth and the importance of continuous improvement.

  • Importance of Purpose and Why: The significance of understanding one's purpose and why. Drawing inspiration from Ed Mylett, he underscores the need for absolute self-awareness in defining and comprehending one's purpose and why, despite the common use of these terms.

    Owning Your Why: The podcast discusses Ed Mylett's experience coaching individuals with diverse motivations, including one person aspiring for fame and another focused on making a positive impact. The takeaway is that it's okay to have various motivations; the key is to own and embrace them, understanding one's true driving force.

    Impactful Morning Routine Changes: The host shares a personal experience of revamping his morning routine over 23 days. He highlights the significance of incremental changes, focusing on aspects like eliminating news consumption, incorporating reading, planning, and expressing gratitude. The aim is to create a positive and productive start to each day.

    The Power of Consuming Content: The podcast emphasizes the transformative impact of reading books, connecting with people, and consuming various content, including podcasts and YouTube. The host suggests that these elements can significantly contribute to personal growth and improvement in 2024.

    Belief in Leadership: Drawing from the example of coaches like Bill Belichick, Nick Saban, and Pete Carroll, the podcast emphasizes the profound impact a coach's belief can have on an individual's success. The story of Tom Brady highlights how belief from a coach can shape a person's trajectory, making it essential for leaders to believe in and support their team members.

  • Confidence in Leadership: Explore the critical role confidence plays in effective leadership and how it influences team dynamics.

    Team Empowerment Strategies: Learn actionable strategies to empower and motivate your team, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

    Lessons from Sports Leadership: Discover valuable insights from the world of sports leadership and how they can be applied to enhance your leadership skills in the business arena.

    Overcoming Challenges: Understand how resilience and adaptability are key components in overcoming challenges, both as a leader and as a team.

    Effective Communication: Dive into the art of communication within a team setting, uncovering tips for fostering open dialogue and building stronger connections.

    Balancing Authority and Collaboration: Explore the delicate balance between maintaining authority as a leader and fostering a collaborative environment that encourages input from all team members.

    Tune in for a dynamic conversation that blends sports and business insights, offering practical takeaways for leaders committed to continuous progress and team development.

  • Unlocking Potential Through Ambitious Goals: Explore the power of ambitious goal-setting to propel personal and professional growth.

    Revolutionize Thinking with 10X Concepts: Dive into the revolutionary concept of 10X thinking, challenging listeners to rethink their approaches for exceptional outcomes.

    Embracing Change for Innovation: Dive into the idea of embracing significant changes, turning discomfort into a catalyst for innovation and progress.

    Crafting a Clear Vision for 2024: Create a compelling vision for the upcoming year, emphasizing clarity and purpose in their endeavors.

    Action-Oriented Mindset: Take action over seeking perfection, fostering a culture of experimentation and learning from failures.

    Leadership Narratives: Leaders should own their stories, sharing successes, challenges, and lessons learned to inspire and connect with their teams.

    Cultivating a 10X Mindset: Explore the mindset shifts required for 10X success, emphasizing resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

    Empowering Teams for Success: The critical role of leadership in empowering teams, fostering collaboration, and creating an environment where everyone contributes to success.

    Redefining Success Metrics: Challenge traditional notions of success, encouraging a redefinition based on impact, growth, and meaningful contributions.

    Celebrating Progress Together: Celebrate small victories and milestones, fostering a positive and motivating work culture.

  • Setting High Standards: Leaders need to establish and communicate high standards to foster a culture of excellence within their teams.

    Attention to Detail: Paying attention to small details is crucial for achieving success, as it contributes to a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

    Building Trust: Engaging in the nitty-gritty aspects of work builds trust within the team, showcasing leadership's commitment and involvement.

    Recognizing Contributions: Acknowledging and celebrating the small victories and contributions of team members enhances morale and reinforces a positive team dynamic.

    Leading by Example: Leaders must lead by example, demonstrating humility and a strong work ethic to inspire their teams to reach higher standards.

    Transformation through Belief: A leader's belief in their team members' potential is a powerful catalyst for transformative growth, leading to a collective pursuit of excellence.

    Proactive Problem Solving: Identifying and addressing issues early on prevents them from escalating, contributing to a more proactive and solutions-oriented team culture.

    Shared Responsibility: Promoting a collaborative mindset and shared responsibility enhances the sense of ownership and accountability within the team.

    Continuous Improvement: In 2024 and beyond, leaders should strive to move beyond the 80% mark, constantly seeking ways to innovate, solve problems, and contribute more to achieve outstanding results.

    Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding and anticipating customer needs, even to the extent of researching their preferences, adds value to the service provided, contributing to overall success.

  • Reflecting on 2023:

    Recalibrating mindset, focus, and goals at the end of the year.
    Honest evaluation of personal growth and achievements in 2023.

    Pursuit of Improvement:
    Emphasis on continuous improvement and the need to move beyond the comfort of the 80%.
    Desire to reach the top 10% of achievement and fulfillment in 2024.

    Content Creation and Community Building:
    Motivation to create content on leadership, mindset, and improvement.
    Building a community of individuals interested in these topics.

    Influence from External Sources:
    Listening to the Modern Wisdom podcast and the impactful quote: "Everything you want is on the other side of hard."

    Mindset Shift: 'Have to' vs. 'Get to':
    Concept of changing mindset from a 'have to' to a 'get to' perspective.
    Finding joy and appreciation in daily tasks.

    Gratitude and Mindfulness:
    Desire to be more grateful, present, and engaged in daily experiences.
    Extracting joy from being fully immersed in the present moment.

    Quality Over Quantity:
    Focus on quality experiences over quantity in the upcoming year.

    Positive Mindset and Contribution:
    Commitment to creating content for personal growth and positive contribution to the current job and community.

    Challenges of Being Vulnerable:
    Acknowledging the challenge of vulnerability in content creation.
    Willingness to overcome challenges for personal and professional growth.

    Closing Thoughts on Gratitude and Presence:
    Reiterating the importance of gratitude, thankfulness, and presence in various aspects of life.
    Commitment to creating a more fulfilling and connected experience in the coming year.

  • Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Ego and Defensiveness:
    Explore the relationship between ego and defensiveness, recognizing how it impacts personal and professional growth.

    Identifying Signs of Ego:
    Learn to identify signs of ego in oneself, teams, relationships, and children, with a focus on defensiveness as a key indicator.

    Impact on Leadership and Teams:
    Delve into the ways ego can affect leadership effectiveness, team dynamics, and the ability to accept constructive feedback.

    Personal Reflection on Ego:
    Follow the speaker's personal reflection journey, questioning contributions, leadership styles, and potential blind spots related to ego.

    Strategies for Overcoming Ego:
    Discover practical strategies, such as promoting a growth mindset, cultivating a culture of constructive feedback, and modeling vulnerability.

    Establishing Open Communication Norms:
    Understand the importance of establishing team norms that normalize open communication, feedback, learning, vulnerability, and a growth mindset.

    Key Takeaways:

    Ego and Defensiveness:
    Recognize that defensiveness is a common manifestation of ego, hindering personal and professional development.

    Self-Reflection on Ego:
    Encourage listeners to reflect on their own behavior, considering whether ego might be influencing their actions and hindering progress.

    Impact on Leadership and Teams:
    Understand the detrimental impact of ego on leadership effectiveness, team collaboration, and the ability to embrace constructive feedback.

    Strategies for Growth:
    Embrace strategies like promoting a growth mindset, fostering a culture of constructive feedback, and modeling vulnerability to overcome ego.

    Cultivating Open Communication:
    Establish a culture that normalizes open communication, where feedback is viewed as a tool for improvement rather than a personal attack.

    Team Norms for Success:
    Recognize the importance of setting team norms that eliminate blame, encourage learning from mistakes, and foster an environment of continuous improvement.

  • Episode Highlights:

    The Power of Effective Decision-Making: Discover how making well-informed decisions can be a game-changer for your team and organization.Understanding Decision-Making Styles: Explore various decision-making styles, from autocratic to consensus-driven, and learn when to use each.Collaborative Decision-Making: Dive into the art of collaborative decision-making and how it can enhance team dynamics and creativity.Data-Driven Decision-Making: Harness the potential of data and analytics to make smarter, more objective decisions.Decision-Making Pitfalls: Recognize common decision-making traps and how to avoid them, ensuring your team stays on the right track.Leadership in Decision-Making: Learn how to lead decision-making processes effectively, fostering team engagement and ownership.Real-Life Case Studies: Gain insights from real-world examples of organizations that have excelled through their decision-making strategies.Tools and Techniques: Discover practical tools and techniques that will help you make better decisions and empower your team.

    Key Takeaways:

    Empower Your Team: Effective decision-making is a cornerstone of team empowerment. When teams are involved in the process, they take ownership and perform better.Adapt Your Decision-Making Style: Understand the right decision-making style for each situation, whether it's a quick, top-down choice or a collaborative, team-driven decision.Data-Driven Decisions: Incorporate data and analytics into your decision-making process to enhance objectivity and accuracy.Avoid Common Pitfalls: Be aware of decision-making pitfalls like groupthink and confirmation bias, and take steps to prevent them.Leadership Matters: Effective leadership is essential for guiding decision-making processes, ensuring they are efficient and productive.Inspiration from Success Stories: Learn from real-life case studies of organizations that have harnessed the power of decision-making to achieve exceptional results.Practical Tools: Gain access to practical tools and techniques that you can apply immediately to improve your decision-making skills.

    Host: George Evjen

    Podcast: Dead Three Coaching and Leadership Development

    Episode: Decision Making - Unlocking Success: Decision-Making Strategies for Empowered Teams

    Release Date: December 4, 2023

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gevjen/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deadthreecoaching/

    Website: https://deadthreecoaching.mykajabi.com/

    Contact: [email protected]

    [Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only. The views and opinions expressed are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organization.]