Her får du nyheder om miljø, natur og dyreliv.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Biologerne Johan Olsen og Vicky Knudsen søger den naturlige forklaring på, hvorfor verden ser ud, som den gør, når vi kigger ud ad vinduet eller ser os selv i spejlet.Har du nogensinde undret dig over, hvorfor du har blå øjne, hvorfor et næbdyr lægger æg, eller hvorfor træer egentlig har bark?Der er altid en naturlig forklaring og ikke mindst en god historie bag, som de to biologer brænder for at fortæ[email protected]Hør flere afsnit i DR Lyd
Norges sopp- og nyttevekstforbund produserer podkastserier som handler om sopp og nyttevekster fra land, strand og vann!
Formålet med arbeidet vi gjør er å øke interessen og fremme kunnskap om sopp og ville nyttevekster.
Så om du interesserer deg for det her, ja da er denne podkasten noe for deg! -
Learning From and Working With Nature- Interviews, news, and commentary about ecology, permaculture, organic gardening, sustainability, green living, and ethnobotany. Since 2004, Sustainable World has interviewed experts from around the globe; experts who learn from and work with nature. Tune in to discover positive solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture Ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share. Visit us at
The American Birding Podcast brings together staff and friends of the American Birding Association as we talk about birds, birding, travel and conservation in North America and beyond. Join host Nate Swick every Thursday for news and happenings, recent rarities, guests from around the birding world, and features of interest to every birder.
Do you care about the environment but feel "I want to act but if no one else does it won't make a difference" and "But if you don't solve everything it isn't worth doing anything"?
We are the antidote! You're not alone. Hearing role models overcome the same feelings to enjoy acting on their values creates meaning, purpose, community, and emotional reward.
Want to improve as a leader? Bestselling author, 3-time TEDx speaker, leadership speaker, coach, and professor Joshua Spodek, PhD MBA, brings joy and inspiration to acting on the environment. You'll learn to lead without relying on authority.
We bring you leaders from many areas -- business, politics, sports, arts, education, and more -- to share their expertise for you to learn from. We then ask them to share and act on their environmental values. That's leadership without authority -- so they act for their reasons, not out of guilt, blame, doom, gloom, or someone telling them what to do.
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Guests include
Dan Pink, 40+ million Ted talk viewsMarshall Goldsmith, #1 ranked leadership guru and authorFrances Hesselbein, Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree, former CEO of the Girl ScoutsElizabeth Kolbert, Pulitzer Prize winning authorDavid Allen, author of Getting Things DoneKen Blanchard, author, The One Minute ManagerVincent Stanley, Director of PatagoniaDorie Clark, bestselling authorBryan Braman, Super Bowl champion Philadelphia EagleJohn Lee Dumas, top entrepreneurial podcasterAlisa Cohn, top 100 speaker and coachDavid Biello, Science curator for TEDHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ocean Science Radio is a joint project between Andrew Kornblatt, founder and host of the Online Ocean Symposium, and Naomi Frances Farabaugh of FIU.
Previous co-host was Samantha Wishnak, Digital Media Coordinator at Ocean Exploration Trust. The program will focus on and highlight the latest and greatest ocean science stories that the world has to offer. -
Jeff Hesketh from Saltwater Aquarium Radio and Mad Hatter’s Reef covers everything you need to know about saltwater aquariums in this podcast. Every episode is focused on sharing new techniques, related topics, stories, and strategies that will help you become a better saltwater aquarium hobbyist. So you can make the most of your time and money spent keeping saltwater aquariums. We will take an in-depth look at the latest strategies and products available to hobbyists. It doesn’t matter if you are just setting up your first saltwater tank or you have been in the hobby for years, we have something for you.
Did you know that despite covering less than 1% of the Earth's surface, freshwater habitats house over 100,000 known species?
Rivers are arguably one of the most precious ecosystems on the planet. Despite this, they are under threat. Many of our rivers are barely functioning - but we're stepping in to save them. Tune into Rambling About Rivers to find out more about the threats facing rivers and what you can to do help. -
How do we tackle the climate crisis without neglecting people whose livelihoods depend on polluting industries?
And what happens when they’re left behind?
A Just Transition is about transforming the economy in ways that are fair for everyone - whether you mine coal or crypto, whether you work in the city or on a plantation, whether you’re an activist or an industrialist.
In Series 1 of this podcast from Context, join host Iman Amrani and our journalists in Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, India and the United States to hear extraordinary stories about how the Just Transition is playing out across the globe. -
En samtalerække mellem Maria Hyldemor og Carina Lyall. Vi vil gennem dybere samtaler, om den virtuelle ild, kigge indad, på vores arbejde og forståelse af verden. Med både opklarende og semi-kritiske briller fordybe os i vores hverv i det naturspirituelle miljø, vores visioner, passioner og de værktøjer vi bruger. Vi kommer i løbet af samtalerne til at vende vores forskellige tilgange til ritualer, ceremoni, forbindelse, naturens kraft, fællesskab og også alt det derimellem.
Der er kun én hovedperson i denne podcast – det er naturen.
Og det er på naturens vegne at vi tager ud og mødes med nogle af de mennesker, der elsker naturen. Dem, der ved noget om den, og dem, der vil noget med den.
Vi kommer rundt i moser og skove, på strande og enge, ved søer og vandløb, samtidig med at vi taler om alt det, der har med naturen at gøre – hvordan vi benytter den og beskytter den.
Podcasten er produceret for Naturmødet i Hirtshals af journalist Charlotte Ostertag. -