
  • South Africa told judges at the World Court in the Hague on Thursday that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and pleaded with the court to issue an interim order for an immediate halt to Israel's military actions

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  • South Africa told judges at the World Court in the Hague on Thursday that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and pleaded with the court to issue an interim order for an immediate halt to Israel's military actions

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  • UN General Assembely debate the Palestine question and the actions of Israel after October 2023

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  • The UN team investigating crimes committed by Da’esh terrorist group has issued its latest report documenting the terrorist group’s atrocities in Iraq, laying the groundwork for future prosecutions.

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  • WHO welcomes the extension of the humanitarian pause in the conflict in Gaza, and the release of hostages and prisoners by both sides.

    The pause has enabled WHO to increase deliveries of medical supplies in Gaza, and to transfer patients from Al-Shifa hospital to other hospitals south of the Wadi Gaza.

    During the first three days of the pause, WHO received 121 pallets of supplies into our warehouse in Gaza, including IV fluids, medicines, lab supplies, medical disposables, and trauma and surgical supplies.

    This is enough to support about 90 000 people.

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  • Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

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  • Briefing reporters on the situation in Gaza, Secretary-General António Guterres said, “The way forward is clear. A humanitarian ceasefire. Now. All parties respecting all their obligations under international humanitarian law. Now.”

    Speaking today (06 Nov) in New York, Guterres said that the nightmare in Gaza is more than a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis of humanity, adding that the intensifying conflict is shaking the world, rattling the region and, most tragically, destroying so many innocent lives.

    The UN chief reiterated his utter condemnation of the abhorrent acts of terror perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October – and repeated his call for the immediate, unconditional and safe release of hostages held in Gaza.

    “Nothing can justify the deliberate torture, killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians,” Guterres emphasized.

    He highlighted, “The protection of civilians must be paramount.”

    The UN chief said, “I am deeply concerned about clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing,” reiterating that “no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law.”

    Gaza is becoming a "graveyard for children." Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day. More journalists have reportedly been killed over a four-week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. More United Nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization, Guterres noted.

    He saluted all those who continue their life-saving work despite the overwhelming challenges and risks.

    The Secretary-General said, “The unfolding catastrophe makes the need for a humanitarian ceasefire more urgent with every passing hour. The parties to the conflict -- and, indeed, the international community -- face an immediate and fundamental responsibility: to stop this inhuman collective suffering and dramatically expand humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

    Today, the UN and its partners are launching a $1.2 billion humanitarian appeal to help 2.7 million people – that’s the entire population of the Gaza Strip and half a million Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

    Some life-saving aid is getting into Gaza from Egypt through the Rafah crossing. But the trickle of assistance does not meet the ocean of need, Guterre said.

    He explained, “The Rafah crossing alone does not have the capacity to process aid trucks at the scale required,” adding that “just over 400 trucks have crossed into Gaza over the past two weeks – compared with 500 a day before the conflict.”

    The UN chief continued, “And crucially, this does not include fuel. Without fuel, newborn babies in incubators and patients on life support will die. Water cannot be pumped or purified. Raw sewage could soon start gushing onto the streets, further spreading disease. Trucks loaded with critical relief will be stranded.”

    The UN chief also remains “gravely” concerned about rising violence and an expansion of the conflict. The occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, “is at a boiling point,” he added.

    Guterres continued, “Let us also not forget the importance of addressing the risks of the conflict spilling over to the wider region. We are already witnessing a spiral of escalation from Lebanon and Syria, to Iraq and Yemen.”

    He reitareted, "That escalation must stop. Cool heads and diplomatic efforts must prevail. Hateful rhetoric and provocative actions must cease.”

    The Secretary-General also highlighted, “I am deeply troubled by the rise in antisemitism and anti-Muslim bigotry.”

    He said, “Jewish and Muslim communities in many parts of the world are on high alert, fearing for their personal safety and security. Emotions are at a fever pitch. Tensions are running high. The images of suffering are heart breaking and soul crushing. But we must find a way to hold on to our common humanity.”

    The UN chief concluded, “We must act now to find a way out of this brutal, awful, agonizing dead end of destruction. To help end the pain and suffering. To help heal the broken. And to help pave the way to peace, to a two-state solution with Israelis and Palestinians living in peace and security.”

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  • Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour said that the members of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are “united in demonstrating solidarity and support to the Palestinian people, and demanding the implementation of the Resolution in the General Assembly.”

    Speaking to reporters today (03 Nov), together with the members of the OIC, Ambassador Mansour said that the Security Council is “unable to act collectively.”

    He explained, “to maintain international peace and security when there is a war, the first thing that they should do - ceasefire, stop the war and deal with that situation. And because they want some, who have veto power, want Israel to continue with this crime, and to leave it completely to Israel to decide when they will stop.”

    The Palestinian Ambassador reiterated, “Nevertheless we will continue to knocking on the door of the Security Council.”

    On Jordan recalling its ambassador to Israel, Ambassador Mansour said, “We encourage as many as possible to take practical steps against those who are committing crimes against the Palestinian people. And by that I mean representative of the occupying authorities, they need to feel the pressure.”

    Libyan Ambassador Taher Elsonni who is serving as the Chairman of the Arab Group, also spoke to reporters.

    He said, “There's no justification to bomb refugee camps, like Jabalia twice. There is no justification to target hospitals, under what so called the right to defend.”

    Ambassador Elsonni said, “depriving more than two million Palestinians from food, water and feul is a war crime. It's not questionable, because it's killing everyone.”

    The Chairman of the Arab Group also said, “Dehumanizing Palestinians is not acceptable. We're all humans and all lives matter.”

    He continued, “I'm wondering, where are the voices of human rights activists, special envoys on what's happening? Where are the human rights and when it comes to women and children in conflict? We hear that all around. Where is it today? And why we are not hearing those voices anymore? We heard messages or voices on humanitarian pauses. We're calling for ceasefire.”

    Ambassador Elsonni reiterated, “it's not a movie to be played, to stop when we want and leave people die. A ceasefire must be called and must be called now.”

    The Chairman concluded, “this narrative of everything started only on October 7, is false. This is seven decades of struggle. So if we don't put things into context, and we don't fix the root cause we will remain always in this vicious cycle, and more innocent lives will be lost.”

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  • 1) The situation concerning Western Sahara. 2) Latest Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia. 3) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
    1) Report of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara (S/2023/729)

    2) Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)
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  • At a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, relatives of Israelis who were killed or abducted by Hamas during its October 7 attack in southern Israel urge the federal government to call for the unconditional release of all Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. Itay Raviv, Alexandra Friedman, Harel Lapidot, Chen Zeigen, and Aharon Brodutch share their families’ experiences and answer questions from reporters.

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  • Ministers and Liberal MPs speak with reporters on Parliament Hill as the federal party holds its weekly caucus meeting. Ministers Karina Gould (Government House Leader), Bill Blair (defence), Marc Miller (immigration), Arif Virani (justice), Mark Holland (health), Jean-Yves Duclos (public services), Pascale St-Onge (heritage) as well as MPs Rob Oliphant, Francis Scarpaleggia, Ali Ehsassi, Peter Fragiskatos, Kody Blois, René Arseneault, and Anthony Housefather comment on the Israel-Hamas war and the federal government’s calls for humanitarian pauses to allow aid into Gaza.

    Duclos and Holland also discuss recent polling numbers showing the Liberals are well behind the Conservatives nationally.

    Additionally, Gould responds to questions on a conservative private member's bill to ban vaccine mandates.

    Blois also comments on Pierre Poilievre's upcoming visit to Windsor, Nova Scotia and on the Conservative party's targeting of Liberal ridings in Atlantic Canada.

    Ministers Seamus O’Regan (labour) and François-Philippe Champagne (innovation) face questions on the strike involving workers at the St. Lawrence Seaway. Workers began their strike on October 22 after failing to reach an agreement on wages with the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation.

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  • At a news conference on Parliament Hill, federal ministers highlight their government’s ongoing efforts to address the high cost of living.

    Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland discusses her recent meeting with the CEOs of Canada’s largest banks and says the government will be monitoring their compliance with mortgage guidelines designed to provide relief for struggling homeowners. She also announces she has instructed the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada to work on making no- and low-cost bank accounts more readily available to the public.

    Freeland is joined by Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne, who urges Parliament to pass the government’s bill (C-56) aimed at making groceries and housing more affordable. Treasury Board President Anita Anand also takes part and announces the government will begin sharing the results of its spending review next month, with main estimates to be published in March 2024.

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  • At the 9439th meeting, the United Nations Security Council will address the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

    The Security Council failed to adopt a draft resolution introduced by Russia on the recent escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and the ensuing humanitarian crisis.

    The draft resolution failed to get the minimum nine votes needed in the 15-member body, having received five votes in favour (China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates) and four against (France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), with six abstentions (Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland).

    The resolution would have called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas in Gaza

    Following the vote, the Permanent Representative of Russia, Vasily Nebenzya, said, “We regret that the Council, once again, has found itself hostage to the selfish intentions of the Western bloc of countries. This is the only reason why it was not able to send a clear, strong and collective message aimed at de-escalation. We're talking about the most serious explosion of violence over the past decades. Today, the entire world waited with bated breath for the Security Council to take steps in order to put an end to the bloodletting. But the delegations of the Western countries have basically stomped on those expectations.”

    The Permanent Representative of the United States, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said, “Russia’s resolution, put forward without any consultations, make no mention of Hamas, none. By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous. It is hypocritical and it is indefensible.”

    The Russia text was one of two drafts being considered. The second one, introduced by Brazil, that should be put to a vote on Tuesday, calls for humanitarian pauses to allow aid access and condemns the Palestinian militant Hamas for its attacks on Israel.

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  • Vice President Harris continues her nationwide “Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour by participating in a moderated conversation with students at the North Las Vegas campus of the College of Southern Nevada - a community college, Hispanic-Serving Institution, and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution.

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  • Mark Holland, the federal minister of health, holds a news conference in Charlottetown with his provincial and territorial counterparts following their two-day meeting. Holland co-chaired the meeting with Ya'ara Saks, the federal minister of mental health and addictions, and Mark McLane, Prince Edward Island’s minister of health and wellness. Holland highlights the importance of collaboration between the provinces, territories and the federal government in addressing the shortcomings in the health-care system in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other issues, the meeting focused on the plan for a sustainable health workforce, health data, mental health and addiction as well as public health.

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  • But with Fundamental Shift in Global Behaviour, Still Possible to Achieve Just, Peaceful, Sustainable World, UN Official StatesThe Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) opened its seventy-eighth session today, with delegates emphasizing that…
    … Just, Peaceful, Sustainable World, UN Official States The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) … and sustained development has been stymied by a myriad of factors, including increasing inequalities, economic … providing internships and creating entrepreneurs. The advancement of women and the promotion of gender equality is

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  • Brazil is charing the UN Security Council in the of October 2023. Brazil has been pushing for changes and reforms in the United Nation to allow for more voice and expanding memebership. They will answer question about this and issues on Haiti and humanitarian effort to help Haiti
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  • Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC's Provincial Health Officer, for an announcement about this year's respiratory illness season.

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  • #UNGA: Media briefing on Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response with @DrTedros

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