The CryptoBasic Podcast is an educational, honest, and entertaining exploration of the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies. Join hosts Brent Philbin, Karim Baruque, and Michael Laake as they explore concepts and cryptos such as Bitcoin, NEO, Ethereum, Litecoin, Blockchain, Cardano and much more. How does Bitcoin actually work? Should I use Coinbase or Bittrex? What in the world is an ICO? Listen to our 101 episodes on each topic for an in-depth, beginner friendly discussion to find out. Join this trio of professional poker players and lifelong friends as they learn, teach, and joke their way into serious crypto knowledge.
Join hacker maker Phillip Wylie and his guests as they discuss and unveil the “secrets” of professional hacking — a mysterious, intriguing, and often misunderstood occupation, even by those in the field of cybersecurity.
With the rising need for professional hackers, those entering the infosec world are drawn to it, and understandably so — it is an exciting and fascinating career. Still, it sure has nothing to do with magic.
Join these conversations to discover what the role entails, the different specializations, and what it takes to learn and become one.
The show’s guests come from diverse backgrounds and paths but share a common curiosity and passion for challenges and their job. -
In the great environment of Chantilly I had the opportunity to chat with Christopher Andersen. A great guy from Norway who is focussing on delivering User Experiences.
Not only within the IT domain, but taking the full perspective on how from a product perspective, service perspective and software perspective, Customers can be delighted in a world where distraction is all around.
If you want to have more interaction with Christopher, check him out on linkedIn or follow him on twitter @christopherea
Finally, the show will also reveal the meaning of Logo Based Architecture. I introduced this in one of my tweets and got some request for the meaning. Please have a look and give me your feedback and thoughts on this concept. -
Hot tutorials of motion graphics and visual effects in Final Cut Pro, Motion and After Effects using FxFactory from Noise Industries.
The Laracasts snippet, each episode, offers a single thought on some aspect of web development.
HOW TO: Logic Pro-TIPs is a FREE weekly HOW TO: podcast providing quick tips for getting more out of your Apple Logic rig. Beginners and advanced users (Logic Pro and Express), alike will find value in these concise, informative, one of a kind tutorials. For additional and full length tutorials including larger 16x9 screen sizes, added content, special features, prize drawing give-aways and optional iPhone feeds, check out the HOW TO: Logic Pro-PREMIUM podcasts at TutorialDEPOT HOW TOs are designed with a 3 screen approach, so weather you're viewing on your iPod/iPhone, desktop, or large screen AppleTV rig, the HOW TO: Logic Pro unique tutorials are your best source for learning Logic Pro anyway, anywhere, anytime. Author Geoff Warder is a Logic and DAW veteran, musician, composer, and teacher, and provides a great real-world insight on getting the most out of your Logic rig. Subscribe today!
B21 Block brings you a dose of weekly cryptocurrency and blockchain training, from a certified bitcoin professional who is actively teaching over 30,000 people about all of the aspects of this technology, and now in this podcast is helping you to navigate this ecosystem successfully.
This podcast accompanies the material found on Dutch Level 1. The podcast contains all the Dutch recordings found in the Reference section: Verbs, Conversation, Essentials, Questions, Numbers, Holiday, Food & Drink.
SEO experts share insights about best practices and lessons learned.
Peter Ullrich hosts the Explain Blockchain podcast on a regular basis. The podcast covers fundamentals, technologies, and latest developments of the Blockchain ecosystem.
In the weekly podcast, Argenys Garcia, a 15 year old,millionaire.takes you behind his life and show you "talks" about what is like to be a millionaire. Join him as he confess their most intimate thoughts, discuss pop culture, dissect his own contentious episodes drop every Thursday!
This course introduces XML as a key enabling technology in Java-based applications. Students learn the fundamentals of XML and its derivatives, including DTD, SVG, XML Schema, XPath, XQuery, XSL-FO, and XSLT. Students also gain experience with programmatic interfaces to XML like SAX and DOM, standard APIs like JAXP and TrAX, and industry-standard software like Ant, Tomcat, Xerces, and Xalan. The course acquaints students with J2EE, including JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Java Servlet, and also explores HTTP, SOAP, web services, and WSDL. The course's projects focus on the implementation and deployment of these technologies. This is OpenCourseWare, licensed by
David J. Malan of Harvard University under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Visit for more material, including prior semesters and other courses.
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
High quality videos demonstrating development in Ruby, Rails, Groovy, Grails, CSS, HTML, JQuery, and much more...
Expert Interviews and 'How To' Audio Guides for the IT Service Management Professional - Featuring ITIL Version 3.
Een podcast over mensen die inspireren om anders te denken en anders te doen. Een zoektocht naar vernieuwers, veranderaars en avonturiers die ons leren grenzen te verleggen en stimuleren om nieuwe routes te verkennen. Dit is echt goeie stuff! Zo goed dat het gedeeld moet worden. Zo goed dat het gedeeld moet worden. Laat je inspireren door gedreven mensen die het verschil maken.
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
A Community Centered Decred Podcast //
Decred is a community-directed digital currency designed to be a superior store of value for generations to come. Its hybrid PoW+PoS consensus mechanism, transparent proposal and voting system, and continually funded treasury, make it secure, adaptable, and self-sustaining. Decred stakeholders collectively determine the policy, development plan, budget, changes to the consensus rules, and they approve the miners’ work. Each block reward compensates miners, stakeholders, and the Treasury. -
De Podcast over leren! Peter en Ivo praten je bij, over (online) leren, tech en het bouwen aan een startup.