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  • 10. Mahānamakkāra Pāḷi by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)


    Mahānamakkāra PāḷiThe Great Reverence Text

    Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa. (3x)

    01. Sugataṁ sugataṁ seṭṭhaṁ, kusalaṁkusalaṁ jahaṁ,Amataṁ amataṁ santaṁ, Asamaṁ Asamaṁ dadaṁ,Saraṇaṁ saraṇaṁ lokaṁ, araṇaṁ araṇaṁ karaṁ,Abhayaṁ abhayaṁ ṭhānaṁ nāyakaṁ: Nāyakaṁ name.02. Nayanasubhagakāyaṅgaṁ,Madhuravarasaropetaṁ,Amitaguṇagaṇādhāraṁ:Dasabalamatulaṁ vande.03. Yo Buddho dhitimāññadhārako,Saṁsāre anubhosi kāyikaṁDukkhaṁ cetasikañca lokato:Taṁ vande naradevamaṅgalaṁ.04. Bāttiṁsatilakkhaṇacitradehaṁ,Dehajjutiniggatapajjalantaṁ,Paññādhitisīlaguṇoghavindaṁ:Vande Munimantimajātiyuttaṁ.05. Pātodayaṁ bāladivākaraṁva,Majjhe yatīnaṁ lalitaṁ sirīhi,Puṇṇindusaṅkāsamukhaṁ, anejaṁ:Vandāmi sabbaññumahaṁ Munindaṁ.06. Upetapuñño, varabodhimūleSasenamāraṁ Sugato jinitvā,Abojjhi Bodhiṁ aruṇodayamhi:Namāmi Taṁ mārajinaṁ abhaṅgaṁ.07. Rāgādichedāmalañāṇakhaggaṁ,Satīsamaññāphalakābhigāhaṁ,Sīloghalaṅkāravibhūsitaṁ: TaṁNamāmibhiññāvaramiddhupetaṁ.08. Dayālayaṁ sabbadhi dukkaraṁ karaṁ,Bhavaṇṇavātikkamamaggataṁ gataṁ,Tilokanāthaṁ susamāhitaṁ hitaṁ:Samantacakkhuṁ paṇamāmi Taṁmitaṁ.09. Tahiṁ tahiṁ pāramisañcayaṁ cayaṁ,Gataṁ gataṁ sabbhi sukhappadaṁ padaṁ,Narānarānaṁ sukhasambhavaṁ bhavaṁ,Namānamānaṁ Jinapuṅgavaṁ gavaṁ.10. Maggaṅganāvaṁ Munidakkhanāviko,Īhāphiyaṁ ñāṇakarena gāhako,Āruyha yo tāya bahū bhavaṇṇavā:Tāresi Taṁ buddhamaghappahaṁ name.11. Samatiṁsatipāramisambharaṇaṁ,Varabodhidume Catusaccadasaṁ,Varamiddhigataṁ naradevahitaṁ:Tibhavūpasamaṁ paṇamāmi Jinaṁ.12. Satapuññajalakkhaṇikaṁ virajaṁ,Gaganūpamadhiṁ dhitiMerusamaṁ,Jalajūpamasītalasīlayutaṁ,Pathavīsahanaṁ paṇamāmi Jinaṁ.13. Yo Buddho sumati, dive divākarova,Sobhanto ratijanane silāsanamhi,Āsīno sivasukhadaṁ adesi Dhammaṁ,Devānaṁ Tamasadisaṁ namāmi niccaṁ.14. Yo pādapaṅkajamuduttalarājikehi,Lokehi tīhivikalehi nirākulehi,Sampāpuṇe nirupameyyatameva, NāthoTaṁ sabbalokamahitaṁ asamaṁ namāmi.15. Buddhaṁ narānarasamosaraṇaṁ dhitattaṁ,Paññāpadīpajutiyā vihatandhakāraṁ,Atthābhikāmanaradevahitāvahaṁ, TaṁVandāmi, kāruṇikamaggamanantañāṇaṁ.16. Akhilaguṇanidhāno yo MunindopagantvāVanamIsipatanavhaṁ saññatānaṁ niketaṁ,Tahimakusalachedaṁ Dhammacakkaṁ pavatto:Tamatulamabhikantaṁ vandaneyyaṁ namāmi.17. Suciparivāritaṁ, surucirappabhāhi rattaṁ,Sirivisarālayaṁ gupitamindriyehupetaṁ,Ravisasimaṇḍalappabhutilakkhaṇopacittaṁ:Suranarapūjitaṁ Sugatamādaraṁ namāmi.18. Maggoḷumpena muhapaṭighāsādiullolavīciṁSaṁsāroghaṁ tari; tamabhayaṁ pārapattaṁ, pajānaṁTāṇaṁ leṇaṁ asamasaraṇaṁ ekatitthaṁ patiṭṭhaṁ:Puññakkhettaṁ paramasukhadaṁ Dhammarājaṁnamāmi.19. Kaṇḍambaṁmūle parahitakaro yo Munindo nisinno,Accheraṁ sīghaṁ nayanasubhagaṁ ākulaṇṇaggijālaṁ,Dujjāladdhaṁsaṁ, Munibhijahitaṁ pāṭiheraṁ akāsi:Vande Taṁ, seṭṭhaṁ paramaratijaṁiddhidhammehupetaṁ.20. Munindakko yeko dayudayaruṇo ñāṇavitthiṇṇabimbo,Vineyyappāṇoghaṁ kamalakathitaṁDhammaraṁsīvarehi,Subodhesī suddhe tibhavakuhare byāpitakkittinañca,Tilokekaccakkhuṁ dukhamasahanaṁ: Taṁ Mahesiṁnamāmi.21. Yo Jino anekajātiyaṁ, saputtadāramaṅgajīvitampi,Bodhipemato alaggamānaso adāsiyeva atthikassa,Dānapāramiṁ tato paraṁ apūri sīlapāramādikampi,TāsamiddhiyopayātamAggataṁ: TamEkadīpakaṁnamāmi.22. Devādevātidevaṁ nidhanavapudharaṁ mārabhaṅgaṁabhaṅgaṁ,Dīpaṁ dīpaṁ pajānaṁ, jayavarasayaneBodhipattaṁdhipattaṁ,Brahmābrahmāgatānaṁ varagirakathikaṁ pāpahīnaṁpahīnaṁ,Lokālokābhirāmaṁ: satatamabhiname Taṁ MunindaṁMunindaṁ.23. Buddho nigrodhabimbo mudukaracaraṇobrahmaghoseṇijaṅgho,Kosacchādaṅgajāto, punarapi Sugato suppatiṭṭhitapādo,Mūdodātuṇṇalomo, athamapi Sugatobrahmujuggattabhāvo,Nīlakkhī dīghapaṇhī sukhumamalachavī,thomyarasaggasaggī,.....

    [ Please refer to chanting book as not able to put the full chanting here].

  • 08. Anekajāti Pali by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2022

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)


    Anekajāti PāḷiNamo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa. (3x)

    Anekajātisaṁsāraṁ, sandhāvissaṁ anibbisaṁ.Gahakāraṁ gavesanto: dukkhā jāti punappunaṁ.Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi! Puna gehaṁ na kāhasi:sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā, gahakūṭaṁ visaṅkhataṁ,visaṅkhāragataṁ cittaṁ, taṇhānaṁ khayamajjhagā.(3X)Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti; imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati,

    yadidaṁ: avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā,

    saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ,

    viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṁ,

    nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṁ,

    saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso,

    phassapaccayā vedanā,

    vedanāpaccayā taṇhā,

    taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṁ,

    upādānapaccayā bhavo,

    bhavapaccayā jāti,

    jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṁ,

    sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti.

    Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.

    Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā,ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa.Athassa kaṅkhā vapayanti sabbā,yato pajānāti sahetudhammaṁ.

    Iti imasmiṁ asati idaṁ na hoti; imassa nirodhā idaṁnirujjhati,yadidaṁ: avijjānirodhā saṅkhāranirodho,saṅkhāranirodhā viññāṇanirodho,viññāṇanirodhā nāmarūpanirodho,nāmarūpanirodhā saḷāyatananirodho,saḷāyatananirodhā phassanirodho,phassanirodhā vedanānirodho,vedanānirodhā taṇhānirodho,taṇhānirodhā upādānanirodho,upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho,

    bhavanirodhā jātinirodho,jātinirodhā jarāmaraṇaṁ,sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti.Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti.Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā,ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa.Athassa kaṅkhā vapayanti sabbā,yato khayaṁ paccayānaṁ avedi.Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati,imasmiṁ asati idaṁ na hoti, imassa nirodhā idaṁ nirujjhati,yadidaṁ: avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā,saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ,viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṁ,nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṁ,saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso,phassapaccayā vedanā,vedanāpaccayā taṇhā,taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṁ,upādānapaccayā bhavo,bhavapaccayā jāti,jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṁ,sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti.Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayohoti.Avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā saṅkhāranirodho,saṅkhāranirodhā viññāṇanirodho,viññāṇanirodhā nāmarūpanirodho,nāmarūpanirodhā saḷāyatananirodho,saḷāyatananirodhā phassanirodho,phassanirodhā vedanānirodho,vedanānirodhā taṇhānirodho,taṇhānirodhā upādānanirodho,upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho,bhavanirodhā jātinirodho,jātinirodhā jarāmaraṇaṁ,sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti.Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti.Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā,ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa.Vidhūpayaṁ tiṭṭhati Mārasenaṁ,suriyova obhāsayamantalikkhaṁ.

  • 07. Morasuttaṁ by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2022

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)


    The Discourse about the Peacock

    Introductory Verses

    Pūrentaṁ Bodhisambhāre, nibbattaṁ morayoniyaṁ.While fulfilling the conditions for Awakening he was born from apeahen’s womb.

    Yena saṁvihitārakkhaṁ, Mahāsattaṁ vanecarāAs the Great Being was protected with (a safeguard) the forestdwellers

    cirassaṁ vāyamantāpi, neva sakkhiṁsu gaṇhituṁ.were unable to catch him, though they endeavoured for a long time.

    “Brahmamantan”ti akkhātaṁ, parittaṁ taṁbhaṇāma he.It is declared to be “Brahma’s Charm”, O good persons, Let’s recitethat safeguard!

    The Safeguard01. “Udetayaṁ Cakkhumā ekarājā,“That One who gives Vision, the sole king, comes up,

    harissavaṇṇo pathavippabhāso,he is golden coloured, he enlightens the earth,

    taṁ taṁ namassāmi harissavaṇṇaṁpathavippabhāsaṁ,therefore I revere the golden coloured one, who enlightens the earth,

    tayājja guttā viharemu divasaṁ.guarded by you today, we will live out the day.

    02. Ye brāhmaṇā vedagū sabbadhamme,I revere those brahmins who have true understandingte me namo - te ca maṁ pālayantu!of all things - may they keep watch over me!

    Namatthu Buddhānaṁ! Namatthu Bodhiyā!Revere the Buddhas! Revere Awakening!

    Namo Vimuttānaṁ! Namo Vimuttiyā!”Reverence to the Free! Reverence to Freedom!”

    Imaṁ so parittaṁ katvā moro carati esanā.After making this safeguard the peacock roams about seeking (for food).

    03. “Apetayaṁ Cakkhumā ekarājā,“That One who gives Vision, the sole king, goes down,

    harissavaṇṇo pathavippabhāso,he is golden coloured, he enlightens the earth,

    taṁ taṁ namassāmi harissavaṇṇaṁpathavippabhāsaṁ,therefore I revere the golden coloured one, who enlightens the earth,

    tayājja guttā viharemu rattiṁ.guarded by you today, we will live out the night.

    04. Ye brāhmaṇā vedagū sabbadhammeI revere those brahmins who have true understanding

    te me namo - te ca maṁ pālayantu!of all things - may they keep watch over me!

    Namatthu Buddhānaṁ! Namatthu Bodhiyā!Revere the Buddhas! Revere Awakening!

    Namo Vimuttānaṁ! Namo Vimuttiyā!”Reverence to the Free! Reverence to Freedom!”

    Imaṁ so parittaṁ katvā moro vāsamakappayi.After making this safeguard the peacock dwells on (without fear).

  • 06. Vaṭṭasuttaṁ by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2022

    The Discourse about the Quail

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)https://sites.google.com/pamc.org.sg/ebooktawyadailychant

    Introductory VersesPūrentaṁ Bodhisambhāre, nibbattaṁ vaṭṭajātiyaṁ,While fulfilling the conditions for Awakening he was born as a kindof quail,

    yassa tejena dāvaggi, Mahāsattaṁ vivajjayi.and through his spiritual power the Great Being avoided the forestfire.

    Therassa Sāriputtassa, Lokanāthena bhāsitaṁ,This was spoken by the Lord of the World to the Elder Sāriputta,

    Kappaṭṭhāyiṁ mahātejaṁ: parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he.it has great power for a world-cycle: O good persons, Let’s recitethat safeguard!

    The Safeguard

    Atthi loke sīlaguṇo, saccaṁ soceyyanuddayā,There is in the world virtue, truth, purity and empathy,

    tena saccena kāhāmi, saccakiriyamuttamaṁ,by the truth of that I will make an asseveration of supreme truth,

    Āvajjetvā Dhammabalaṁ, saritvā pubbake Jine,After reflecting on the strength of the Dhamma, and recalling the formerVictors,

    saccabalamavassāya, saccakiriyamakāsahaṁ:relying on the strength of truth, I made an asseveration of truth:

    “Santi pakkhā apatanā, santi pādā avañcanā,“There are wings which fly not, there are feet which walk not,Mātā pitā ca nikkhantā, Jātaveda, paṭikkama!”Mother and Father have gone out, Fire, please depart!”

    Saha sacce kate mayhaṁ, mahāpajjalito sikhīThis (asseveration) was made by me with truth, and the great blazing fire

    vajjesi soḷasa karīsāni, udakaṁ patvā yathā sikhī,avoided (this area for) sixteen measures, like fire after reaching water,

    saccena me samo natthi, esā me saccapāramī!there is no one my equal for truth, such is my perfection of truth!

  • 05. Dhajaggasuttam by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)https://sites.google.com/pamc.org.sg/ebooktawyadailychant

    Introductory Verses

    Yassānussaraṇenāpi, antalikkhepi pāṇino,

    patiṭṭhamadhigacchanti, bhūmiyaṁ viya sabbathā.

    Sabbupaddavajālamhā, yakkhacorādisambhavā,

    gaṇanā na ca muttānaṁ, parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he.

    The Safeguard

    Evaṁ me sutaṁ:

    ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati

    Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.

    Tatra kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:

    “Bhikkhavo!”ti. “Bhadante!”ti te bhikkhū Bhagavato


    Bhagavā etadavoca:

    Bhūtapubbaṁ bhikkhave devāsurasaṅgāmo

    samupabyūḷho ahosi.

    Atha kho bhikkhave Sakko devānamindo deve Tāvatiṁse


    “Sace mārisā devānaṁ saṅgāmagatānaṁ

    uppajjeyya bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso vā,

    mameva tasmiṁ samaye dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha.

    Mamaṁ hi vo dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā, lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissati.

    No ce me dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha,

    atha Pajāpatissa devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha.

    Pajāpatissa hi vo devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā, lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissati.

    No ce Pajāpatissa devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha,

    atha Varuṇassa devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha.

    Varuṇassa hi vo devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā, lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissati.

    No ce Varuṇassa devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha,

    atha Īsānassa devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokeyyātha.

    Īsānassa hi vo devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā, lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissatīti.

    Taṁ kho pana bhikkhave Sakkassa vā devānamindassa

    dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ,

    Pajāpatissa vā devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ,

    Varuṇassa vā devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ,

    Īsānassa vā devarājassa dhajaggaṁ ullokayataṁ,

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso vā,

    so pahīyethāpi nopi pahīyetha.

    Taṁ kissa hetu?

    Sakko hi bhikkhave devānamindo

    avītarāgo avītadoso avītamoho, bhīru chambhī utrāsī


    Ahañca kho bhikkhave evaṁ vadāmi:

    Sace tumhākaṁ bhikkhave araññagatānaṁ vā,

    rukkhamūlagatānaṁ vā, suññāgāragatānaṁ vā,

    uppajjeyya bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso vā,

    mameva tasmiṁ samaye anussareyyātha:

    “Itipi so Bhagavā Arahaṁ Sammāsambuddho,

    vijjācaraṇasampanno Sugato lokavidū,

    anuttaro purisadammasārathi,

    Satthā devamanussānaṁ Buddho Bhagavā”ti.

    Mamaṁ hi vo bhikkhave anussarataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissati.

    No ce maṁ anussareyyātha, atha Dhammaṁ


    “Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo,

    sandiṭṭhiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opaneyyiko,

    paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhī”ti.

    Dhammaṁ hi vo bhikkhave anussarataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso vā,

    so pahīyissati.

    No ce Dhammaṁ anussareyyātha, atha Saṁghaṁ


    “Suppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṁgho,

    ujuppaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṁgho,

    ñāyappaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṁgho,

    sāmīcippaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṁgho,

    yadidaṁ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭha purisapuggalā,

    esa Bhagavato sāvakasaṁgho,

    āhuneyyo, pāhuneyyo, dakkhiṇeyyo, añjalikaraṇīyo,

    anuttaraṁ puññakkhettaṁ lokassā”ti.

    Saṁghaṁ hi vo bhikkhave anussarataṁ

    yaṁ bhavissati bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā lomahaṁso

    vā, so pahīyissati.

    Taṁ kissa hetu?

    Tathāgato hi bhikkhave Arahaṁ Sammāsambuddho,

    vītarāgo, vītadoso, vītamoho, abhīru acchambhī anutrāsī


    Idamavoca Bhagavā, idaṁ vatvāna Sugato athāparaṁ

    etadavoca Satthā:

    01. Araññe rukkhamūle vā, suññāgāre va bhikkhavo,

    anussaretha Sambuddhaṁ, bhayaṁ tumhāka no siyā.

    02. No ce Buddhaṁ sareyyātha, lokajeṭṭhaṁ narāsabhaṁ,

    atha Dhammaṁ sareyyātha, niyyānikaṁ sudesitaṁ.

    03. No ce Dhammaṁ sareyyātha, niyyānikaṁ sudesitaṁ,

    atha Saṁghaṁ sareyyātha, puññakkhettaṁ


    04. Evaṁ Buddhaṁ sarantānaṁ, Dhammaṁ Saṁghañca


    bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā, lomahaṁso na hessati.

  • 04. Khandhasutta by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Meymyo)2022

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)https://sites.google.com/pamc.org.sg/ebooktawyadailychant

    The Discourse about the Constituent Groups (of Mind &Body)

    Introductory VersesSabbāsīvisajātīnaṁ, dibbamantāgadaṁ viya,To all kinds of poisonous snakes it is like the medicine of adivine charm,yaṁ nāseti visaṁ ghoraṁ, sesañcāpi parissayaṁ.it destroys terrible poisons and all other dangers.Āṇākkhettamhi sabbattha, sabbadā sabbapāṇinaṁ,In this order’s domain, (which is) everywhere, always, for allliving creatures,sabbasopi nivāreti, parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he.it thoroughly wards off (all dangers), O good persons, Let’srecite that safeguard!

    The Safeguard

    01. Virūpakkhehi me mettaṁ, mettaṁ Erāpathehi me,I am friendly with the Virūpakkhas, with the Erāpathas I am friendly,

    Chabyāputtehi me mettaṁ, mettaṁ Kaṇhāgotamakehi ca.I am friendly with the Chabyāputtas, and friendly with theKaṇhāgotamakas.

    02. Apādakehi me mettaṁ, mettaṁ dvipādakehi me,I am friendly with those without feet, with those with two feet I amfriendly,

    catuppadehi me mettaṁ, mettaṁ bahuppadehi me.I am friendly with those with four feet, with those with many feet Iam friendly.03. Mā maṁ apādako hiṁsi, mā maṁ hiṁsi dvipādako,May the one without feet not hurt me, may the one with two feet nothurt me,

    mā maṁ catuppado hiṁsi, mā maṁ hiṁsi bahuppado.may the one with four feet not hurt me, may the one with many feetnot hurt me.

    04. Sabbe sattā, sabbe pāṇā, sabbe bhūtā ca kevalā,May all beings, all living creatures, all who are born, in their entirety,sabbe bhadrāni passantu, mā kañci pāpamāgamā.may all see prosperity, may nothing bad come to anyone.

    Appamāṇo Buddho!The Buddha is measureless!

    Appamāṇo Dhammo!The Dhamma is measureless!

    Appamāṇo Saṁgho!The Saṅgha is measureless!

    Pamāṇavantāni sarīsapāni,Measurable are creeping things,

    ahi vicchikā, satapadī, uṇṇanābhī, sarabū, mūsikā.(such as) snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards, and rats.

    Katā me rakkhā, kataṁ me parittaṁ, paṭikkamantubhūtāni!I have made this protection, I have made this safeguard, may (all these)beings go away!

    Sohaṁ namo Bhagavato, namo sattannaṁSammāsambuddhānaṁ.I revere the Blessed One, I revere the seven Perfectly Self-Enlightened Ones.

  • 03. Mettasuttam by Sayadaw U Kumarabhivamsa|Pa Auk (Meymyo)2022

    Daily Chants Book (Second Edition)https://sites.google.com/pamc.org.sg/ebooktawyadailychant

    Introductory VersesYassā’nubhāvato yakkhā, neva dassenti bhīsanaṁ,

    Because of the power of that (safeguard) the yakkhas could not

    make fearful (sights) appear;

    yamhi cevā’nuyuñjanto, rattindiva’matandito

    by practising that diligently night and day,

    sukhaṁ supati sutto ca, pāpaṁ kiñci na passati -

    he sleeps happily, and while sleeping does not see anything bad.

    evamādiguṇūpetaṁ, parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he.

    O good persons, Let’s recite that safeguard which is endowed with

    such qualities!

    The Safeguard

    01. Karaṇīya’matthakusalena, yanta santaṁ padaṁ


    What should be done by one skilled in goodness, who has

    comprehended the state of peace:

    sakko ujū ca suhujū ca, suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī,

    he ought to be able, straight, and upright, easy to speak to, meek,

    without conceit,

    02. santussako ca subharo ca, appakicco ca sallahukavutti,

    satisfied (with little), easy to support, free from duties, and light in


    santindriyo ca nipako ca, appagabbho


    with faculties at peace, prudent, not forward, and greedless

    among the families,

    03. na ca khudda’mācare kiñci, yena viññū pare


    he should not do the slightest thing whereby others who are wise

    might find fault (with him).

    Sukhino va khemino hontu, sabbasattā bhavantu


    (May all beings) be happy and secure, may all beings in their hearts

    be happy!

    04. Ye keci pāṇabhūtatthi, tasā vā thāvarā va’navasesā,

    Whatsoever breathing beings there are trembling, firm, or any other


    dīghā vā ye va mahantā, majjhimā rassakā


    whether they be long or great, of middle (size), short, tiny, or of

    compact (body),

    05. diṭṭhā vā yeva adiṭṭhā, ye va dūre vasanti avidūre,

    those who are seen, and those who are unseen, those who live far

    away, those who are near,

    bhūtā va sambhavesī va, sabbasattā bhavantu


    those who are born, and those who still seek birth: May all beings in

    their hearts be happy!

    06. Na paro paraṁ nikubbetha, nātimaññetha katthaci na


    No one should cheat another, nor should he despise anyone

    wherever he is,

    byārosanā paṭighasañña, nāññamaññassa


    he should not long for suffering for another because of anger or


    07. Mātā yathā niyaṁ putta-māyusā


    In the same way as a mother would protect her child, her only child,

    with her life,

    evampi sabbabhūtesu, mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ.

    so too towards all beings one should develop the measureless

    thought (of friendliness).

    08. Mettañca sabbalokasmi, mānasaṁ bhāvaye


    Towards the entire world he should develop the measureless thought

    of friendliness,

    uddhaṁ adho ca tiriyañca, asambādhaṁ


    above, below, and across (the middle), without barriers, hate, or


    09. Tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno va, sayāno yāvatā’ssa


    Standing, walking, sitting, lying, for as long as he is without torpor,

    etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya, brahma’metaṁ


    he should be resolved on this mindfulness, for this, they say here, is

    the (true) spiritual life.

    10. Diṭṭhiñca anupaggamma, sīlavā dassanena sampanno,

    Without going near a (wrong) view, virtuous, and endowed with

    (true) insight,

    kāmesu vineyya gedhaṁ, na hi jātu’ggabbhaseyya

    puna reti.

    having removed greed towards sense pleasures, he does not come to

    lie in a womb again.

  • 79. Dhammapada 112,The Story of  Venerable Sappadasa|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 112
    Sappadasatthera Vatthu

    Yo ca vassasatam jive
    kusito1 hinaviriyo
    ekaham jivitam seyyo
    viriyamarabhato dalham.

    Verse 112: Better than a hundred years in the life of a person who is idle and inactive, is a day in the life of one who makes a zealous and strenuous effort (in Tranquillity and Insight Development Practice).

  • 78. Dhammapada 111,The Story of  Khanu-Kondanna|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 111
    Khanu Kondannatthera Vatthu

    Yo ca vassasatam jive
    duppanno asamahito
    ekaham jivitam seyyo
    pannavantassa jhayino.

    Verse 111: Better than a hundred years in the life of an ignorant person, who has no control over his senses, is a day in the life of a wise man who cultivates Tranquillity and Insight Development Practice.

  • 77. Dhammapada 110 ②,The Story of Novice Monk Samkicca|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 110
    Samkiccasamanera Vatthu

    Vo ca vassasatam jive
    dussilo asamahito
    ekaham jivitam seyyo
    silavantassa jhayino.

    Verse 110: Better than a hundred years in the life of an immoral person who has no control over his senses, is a day in the life of a virtuous person who cultivates Tranquillity and Insight Development Practice.

  • 76. Dhammapada 110 ①,The Story of Novice Monk Samkicca|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 110
    Samkiccasamanera Vatthu

    Vo ca vassasatam jive
    dussilo asamahito
    ekaham jivitam seyyo
    silavantassa jhayino.

    Verse 110: Better than a hundred years in the life of an immoral person who has no control over his senses, is a day in the life of a virtuous person who cultivates Tranquillity and Insight Development Practice.

  • 75. Dhammapada 109,The Story of Ayuvaddhanakumara|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 109
    Ayuvaddhanakumara Vatthu

    niccam vuddhapacayino
    cattaro dhamma vaddhanti
    ayu vanno sukham balam.

    Verse 109: For one who always respects and honours those who are older and more virtuous, four benefits, viz., longevity, beauty, happiness and strength, will increase.
  • 74. Dhammapada 107,The Story of Venerable Sariputta's Nephew|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 107
    Sariputtattherassa bhagineyya VatthuYo ca vassasatam jantu
    aggim paricare vane
    ekanca bhavitattanam
    muhuttamapi pujaye
    sa yeva pujana seyyo
    yance vassasatam hutam.

    Verse 107: For a hundred years, a man may tend the sacred fire in the forest: yet if, only for a moment, one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making sacrifices (in fire-worship).
  • 73. Dhammapada 108,The Story of Venerable Sariputta's Friend|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 108
    Sariputtattherassa sahayaka brahmana Vatthu

    Yamkinci yittham va hutam va loke
    samvaccharam yajetha punnapekkho
    sabbampi tam na catubhagameti
    abhivadana ujjugatesu seyyo.Verse 108: In this world, one may make sacrificial offerings, great and small, all the year round, in order to gain merit; all these offerings are not worth a quarter of the merit gained by worshipping the Noble Ones (Ariyas) who walk the right path.
  • 72. Dhammapada 106,The Story of Venerable Sariputta's Uncle|Pa Auk (Maymyo)2023

    Dhammapada Verse 106
    Sariputtattherassa Matula Brahmana Vatthu

    Mase mase sahassena1
    yo vajetha satam samam
    ekanca bhivatattanam
    muhuttamapi pujaye
    sa yeva pujana seyyo
    yance vassasatam hutam.Verse 106: Month after month for a hundred years, one may make offerings (to ordinary people) to the value of a thousand Kahapanas; yet if, only for a moment one pays homage to a bhikkhu who has practised Insight Development, this homage is, indeed, better than a hundred years of making offerings (to ordinary people).