Learn some skills, tools and knowledge on how to support your child(ren)'s online experiences and promote their digital wellbeing.
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Nellie truly believes that a family filled with creativity, fun, laughter, challenge, adventure, problem-solving, hugs, good food, sound discipline and learning can not only change a person’s life, but can change the world.
She also knows, as a parent myself, that we have a limited time to get this accomplished and an arsenal of distractions and obstacles all around today.
This is why she focuses on the ONE THING, the one process, that will help every parent set their daughter up to leave childhood equipped with the confidence, respect and wisdom every young woman needs today!
... and the best part? We leave the anxiety and power struggles behind! (yes, it's possible!)
You can find her on!
Kristy Bara Novskis is a wife and a mum of two amazing girls. She is also a Sustainable Wellness Coach which enables her to help women develop the skills to lessen the overwhelm in their fridge, so they can consciously make healthy choices and gain confidence in the kitchen.
On this episode, she is giving us strategies, tools and skills that we can use to bring our children alongside us in the kitchen. She also tells us how to make the kitchen a place where we can bond and connect with our family members.
You can connect with her through her social media platforms for virtual one on one sessions:
Tara O'Brien is on a mission to help people reclaim their confidence and feel empowered when living with or loving someone with ADHD so that they can live happier, more fulfilled, drama free lives. Tara's mission began at a low point in her own journey with a simple question "Am I part of the problem?" She quickly realised that how she showed up in her home directly impacted how her husband, children, and students in her classroom responded as well as directly affected her own happiness. As she transformed her life from chaos and crises to calm and joyful, she started sharing her process with others in the same situation. Tara realised she has the key to supporting people who love someone who is neurodivergent. She now shares her journey and methodology so that anyone can start on the path to being drama free.
Do you want to have a one on one call with Tara, link up with here there -
What do you know about OCSEA - Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse? At least 8 out of 10 children who have access to the internet have experienced OCSEA in different ways. It could be from being exposed to sexual material to being asked to share explicit content or watch a live stream. Some children share their content privately only to find their images all over the internet without their consent.
According to a recent report funded by End Violence Against Children and implemented by Ecpat, INTERPOL & UNICEF stated in part that
"Children are subjected to these potential and actual instances of sexual exploitation and abuse both online and offline. In Kenya, most children who have been exposed to any manifestation of OCSEA have also been subjected to physical, sexual or emotional violence in person."
I had a conversation with Caroline Atieno, a counselor at Childline Kenya who painted a picture of our landscape and her experience working with children who have experienced sexual exploitation and abuse.
The hardest thing for any mother is leaving behind her child and moving to a destination that puts distance between them. Thoughts of her baby's welfare, the risk of losing the bond, and coming back to a child who calls her "auntie" linger in her mind. Even with that, Brenda Oloo chose to trudge the road less taken
We have seen parents taking up work or educational opportunities abroad and they would have to leave their families behind, we have others thinking about it and wondering - HOW they can make it work as well.
Well, I would like you to be inspired by, Brenda Oloo, a woman of many worlds. She is an aviator who's been in the industry for over 15 years, a businesswoman, and an artist.
Away from the career space, she is a daughter, sister, wife and mother to a seven-year-old son called Milan. She dared abroad and has been an expatriate in the Middle East for nearly five years.
"When I turned 40, I began looking at life differently." Philip Ogola
A digital humanitarian, husband and father to two boys, he has purposed to break generational cycles by being different. Philip talks to me about culture, presence, energy and he opens up about being abused by their nanny when he was young.
As a story teller, he shares how he got to bond and know his father while he was on his death bed.. he challenges parents to be present with their presence and not presents.
"If you can drink with your boys till morning and cannot sit with your children to bond and know who they are - you are investing in the wrong relationship."
He calls himself a husband and a dad before any other titles, meet James Martin Okumu. A senior pastor at Destiny Chapel, a Radio & TV producer and presenter at Family Radio 316.
James is an intentional parent, focused on men's ministry with a purpose to see them "man up". This conversation is insightful, funny, impactful and provoking..
We delve into choice, in parenting, ministry, service and growth.
Let us walk down memory lane, do you remember your first period or wet dream?Do you remember the experience of transition from being a pre-teenager to a teenager? For some of us, it was scary, confusing, embarrassing even painful.
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Esther Mbugua - Kimemia, a wife and mother of 3 who's journey was painful but birthed an amazing program for pre-teen girls called Furaha and pre-teen boys called Kito.
The program seeks to help pre-teenagers understand what is happening in their bodies during the transition to teenage hood, how to take care of not only themselves but others.
This is an impact filled conversation, together with Esther I chose to empower my community of digital champions.
Am amazing new series of Choice. We hear that choices have consequences and we have to face them, when it comes to digital parenting, we make so many choices, we have a line up of amazing topics on CHOICES.
I am ready for you, are you? Remember to subscribe and share.
Born in Uganda, Jacob was raised by a single dad in the middle of a war. He grew up in a pandemic and as a dad in 2020 he finds himself raising children in yet another pandemic.
His dad, old man Zic as he call him, has taught him so much and he credits the father he is today and thanks his dad for being present and intentional.
This father's day his message to our listeners is to live life and leave a legacy.
It is not an easy conversation,but if we want release from the hurt of past wounds,end ongoing cycles of pain and create a future free from the past...
If we are to love freely,maybe it’s time we talk honestly &listen openly to how it is for them #TimeToHeal #FathersDay2021
Register for the 20th June 2021 event.
He is the founder of Cyrptovalue Limited.
A husband to Carol and father to three wonderful kids aged within 4 to 14years.
With well over 20 years in business he has had many failures and successes. Currently leading the charge with Crypto education full time for the last four years.
Professionally, he studied Civil & Structural Engineering at the University of Aberdeen - Scotland UK. He also held many leadership positions such as President of the African & Carribean Students at the Aberdeen University. He holds other important leadership roles within the community – currently moderating a small christian community at Don Bosco Upperhill.
In June 2016, Raymond was introduced to the exciting world of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. With a modest initial outlay of $600, Raymond turned that opportunity into a seven figure monthly income, within two years, and freedom that most families aspire to have.
A Kenyan mum living in Denmark in an interracial blended family. An interior designer by profession with ambitions of being an interior architect.Partly a stay home mum and a student.I also run an event management and decor business.
She is a mother of 8 children (her biological and step children) who is working with her ecosystem spread around the word through technology to create deep family bonds and relationships.
Lorraine Kirigia is the founder of Epic Lorraine Life Events, a loving single parent of an adorable 7 year old girl.
She is an independent business consultant with 20 years of professional experience in sales, marketing and parallel commercial activities. A natural communicator, she has honed her strengths in leadership, communication, strategy, fundraising and marketing, and prides herself in the ability to connect and network in order to get things done.
Prioritising the maintenance of a secure and stable working environment for others, Lorraine is able to achieve objectives and progress even when conditions are challenging. Those that have worked with her in the past know her as reliable, trustworthy and loyal. Unable to take no for an answer, she is tenacious, ready to dive into the most challenging projects.
Words to live by, "Quit making excuses, be intentional."
It is said that at least 85% of women take parenting classes, when you look at the content for parenting out there from the books, videos to podcasts - name it, most of it targets women. I want to break that cycle.
So, what does culture, mindsets, ego or our upbringing have to do with our way of parenting?
Our guest today is Charles M. Wambua, he is a Born again Christian, married and blessed with seven children (3 boys, 4 girls). The oldest 18 years old and the youngest 2 1/2 years old.
Charles is a trained teacher turned professional development microfinance/microinsurance specialist.
His mantra is ~ Patience and he is an intentional parenting enthusiast.
Meet our first guest, Dr. Carol Chakua she is a mom, a therapist and a parenting coach who is passionate about parenting, emotional wellness and quality education. She is the Founder of BEing Parenting, a program for the 21st Century parent;
A Certified Psychologist and a Trainer of Trainers in Skillful Parenting, a founding board member of the Positive Psychology Association of Kenya and a member of the National Panel on Parental Empowerment and Engagement, under the Ministry of Education, Kenya.
She has worked in numerous educational and mental health institutions both in Kenya and in the US for over 15 years.
She has also authored a book - Parenting With Your Heart in Mind, which is available through her social media handles on IG and FB ~ @drcarolchakua
So, what is in your cup of tea? Let's sip away......
Most of the problems people face in their lives are as a result of NOT taking enough action ~ Grant Cardone
Eveminet Communiction Solutions has an amazing digital parenting program dubbed UNPLUGGED where we equip and educate parents on how to create conducive environments for their digital natives to thrive.
This program kicks off on the 13th February, 2021, sign up today.
We are Creating Digital Champions !!!!
Today happens to be Safer Internet Day with the theme Together For A Better Internet. Be the change you want to see in your family.
When it comes to technology, what are your habits, rituals and routines? In this podcast we want to track our current habits from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, what do we do?
Take time to write down your own habits and observe those in your home, even if they are doing nothing, track it. The main things here is to understand what we are doing now so that we can make changes that are practical and sustainable.
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