
  • Check out the hottest SEO topics of the year from the biggest SEO Summit in the region and beyond.

    Why is SEO still one of the most lucrative digital marketing channels? How to be ahead of the curve with search engine evolution and constant algorithm updates?

    Trends, and the future of SEO we bring it all directly from the most wanted Zagreb SEO Summit 2024 speakers:

    Tin Đudajek, one of the organizers and SEO specialist – from 0:30Lilly Ray, NYC-based creative and passionate SEO professional – from 3:44Jes Scholz, organic channel consultant and SEO futurist from Australia - from 9:07Helene Jelenc, an SEO consultant within the niche of B2B SaaS startups – from 12:57Fery Kaszoni, owner of the largest Digital PR agency in the world, Search Intelligence - from 17:55Cindy Crum, founder & CEO at MobileMoxie, specialized for mobile-focused SEO – from 24:27Robert Petković, well-known Google Analytics guru – from 29:49Alex Galinos, international SEO expert and Content Marketing Strategist – from 35:42Marko Pačar, SEO expert with a special focus on e-commerce and inbound marketing activities – from 41:55Sarah Presch, Digital Marketing Director who enjoys blending psychology with SEO – from 48:23Krešimir Ćorlukić, technical SEO expert, one of the organizers – from 55:03

    Enjoy the episode!

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  • SMS in 2024?!? Oh yes, businesses use it, and people respond to it.

    Dive into the world of SMS marketing with Tadej Bogataj, co-founder and CEO of CartBoss who shares his insights on what sets SMS marketing apart from other digital marketing channels and its key benefits over email marketing and social media.

    What is the effectiveness of text messages in engaging customers, how important is personalization, and what are the essential components of a successful SMS campaign? Find out as Tadej also highlights the main features of the CartBoss platform and shares a success story of a business that significantly benefited from using their service. Additionally, we touch on the legal and regulatory challenges in SMS marketing and how CartBoss addresses these issues.

    Tune in and discover how SMS marketing can boost your customer engagement and drive sales.

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  • How to say no? When and why is it crucial to say no, and how can it be done correctly?

    We asked Hans Ulrik Madesen, an experienced sales director, to give us a hand.

    Explore the transformative power of saying no as Hans Ulrik shares his insights on why mastering the art of refusal is crucial in today’s fast-paced world and offers practical advice on how to do it effectively without burning bridges.

    Join us as we delve into:

    The psychological impacts of always saying yesCommon scenarios where people struggle to say noPractical strategies for setting boundariesReal-world examples from Hans’s professional journeyKey benefits of confidently saying noOvercoming the challenges associated with this practice

    Whether you’re looking to improve your personal life or professional career, this episode will provide valuable tools and perspectives to harness the power of saying no.

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  • Za dobro funkcioniranje affiliate prodajnog kanala neophodna je transparentna tehnologija, kao što je CJ.com affiliate mreža, u okviru koje web trgovci prate i optimiziraju affiliate prodajne kanale.

    Zato nam u goste stiže Marina Kostkova, Business Development Manager u CJ VIVnetworksu te nam detaljnije pojašnjava modele rada sustava, na koji se način uklapaju u digitalnu strategiju i kako unutar ovakvog sustava zaštiti svoj brend.

    Kako je došlo do popularnosti ovog prodajnog kanala do te mjere da ga koriste gotovo sve svjetske vodeće web trgovine, a koji se temelji na provizijskom modelu suradnje. Također, okrećemo se i trendovima koji tek dolaze u Europu, diskutiramo o izazovima praćenja i pravima privatnosti koje utječu na svaki biznis.


    Dodatni resursi:

    CJ VIV Networks web stranicaCJ VIV Networks LinkedIn stranica

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Dinamičan svijet gaming industrije danas nadmašuje čak filmsku i glazbenu industriju zajedno po prihodima. A kako se strast prema igrama spaja s poslovnim inovacijama, otkriva nam Darijan Kosić - serijski poduzetnik, dopredsjednik udruge eCommerce Hrvatska te CEO hrvatskog game development studija, Today's Games.

    Raspravljamo o globalnim trendovima koji oblikuju razvoj igara, izazovima koje donosi integracija AI tehnologije i virtualne stvarnosti, te na koji način tim Today's Game studija razvija "ReSetna", igru koja cilja specifičnu nišu na tržištu. Također, razvijaju i B2B rješenje TGI koje olakšava razvoj igara za kolege u industriji.

    Dodatni resuri:

    Today's game studio web straniceToday's game studio Facebook stranicaToday's game studio YouTube kanalToday's game studio Instagram profil

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Došlo je vrijeme za još jednu unplugged epizodu u kojoj soliram i radim pregled našeg dosadašnjeg putovanja kroz ovaj podcast, ovaj put od od epizode #21 do #30. Također najavljujem i ono što nas čeka u narednih devet epizoda.


    Hvala vam na slušanju, propitkivanju, ispitivanju i vašem angažmanu - nastavite svoja istraživanja uz Digital Economy 101.

    Dodatni resursi:

    Digital Economy 101 SpecialsSpark Innovation HubTravel Curious

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sales and marketing are commercial departments. They should work to thrive together, fail together, and… innovate together!

    Our guest is Tom Pennings - a seasoned entrepreneur whose technical journey began in Silicon Valley at Borland and Google before transitioning to pioneering ventures fueled by his innovative vision in the tech industry. Over two decades, he has founded and successfully sold multiple startups, drawing on his expertise in product development, software design, and, more recently, sales. Beyond his professional pursuits, you'll often find him with family, preparing BBQ feasts, hitting the trails for a run, or soaring through the skies piloting glider planes.

    Join us as we explore a range of critical topics with Tom, from the impact of data analytics on customer relations to the role of AI and automation in streamlining operations. We delve into the challenges and strategies pivotal to digital transformation and uncover innovative approaches that are enhancing customer experiences today. Tom sheds the light on emerging technologies poised to revolutionize commercial sectors and shares valuable insights on integrating sustainability through innovation and offers strategic advice for leaders aiming to foster a culture of innovation.

    Additional resources:

    Salesnudge official websiteOnsophic official website

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Explore with us the dynamic shift brought about by digital innovation within the theater industry. From virtual reality performances to digital stagecraft, and online ticketing platforms to streaming services, we uncover the latest advancements that are redefining audience engagement and expanding the boundaries of theatrical experience.

    Meet Richard Loftus, a seasoned Director at the esteemed Grosvenor Road Studios in Birmingham, also known for founding the Well Run Brum, a men's wellbeing running group. With a career spanning two decades in the theater and live music domain, Richard has garnered extensive experience, including roles with major commercial theater operators and leadership positions within inspiring charity organizations. 

    In an immediate response to the restrictions of the pandemic, Richard pioneered Birmingham Town Hall and Symphony Hall’s move to digital concerts. These filmed performances showcased the talented artists that his music charity had supported through talent development initiatives and live performance opportunities. As a result of delivering views over half a million for digital performances broadcast during the coronavirus pandemic and leading the digital transformation at the charity, Richard was nominated in the Arts Council England and the Digital Culture Network’s Emerging Digital Leader category of the 2022 Digital Culture Awards. 


    And a couple of links mentioned during the call:

    Grosvenor Road Studios first live stream on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grosvenorroadstudios/videos/1472825426918515

    Lauren Zhang, filmed live at Symphony Hall: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1186565148363931

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Data is the most important fuel of digital marketing.

    Why is it considered as its backbone, and how can businesses transform raw data into actionable marketing strategies are first two things we unwrap with the help of our guest Pouya Zargar - statistics guru, business and data analyst, marketing strategist, academic, researcher and a teacher.

    Join us and discover the evolving role of data analytics, the impact of big data on marketing strategies, and the ethical considerations in data usage. Whether you're a marketing professional seeking to enhance your campaigns or a business owner looking to understand the power of data in digital marketing, here are some valuable perspectives on harnessing data to drive success in the digital age.

    Additional resources:

    Pouyas websitePouyas profile at ResearchGateGoogle Scholar Citations

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Otkrijte fascinantni svijet NFT-ova i zavirite u budućnost umjetnosti.


    Kroz ovu, za mnoge još uvijek futurističku priču, vodi nas povjesničar umjetnosti, likovni kritičar i voditelj zagrebačke galerije Forum, Feđa Gavrilović, čiji rad preoblikuje naše shvaćanje umjetnosti u digitalnom dobu.


    Kako digitalna transformacija redefinira granice umjetnosti, autentičnosti i vlasništva putem NFT-a? Kako digitalna ekonomija utječe na umjetnike, kolekcionare, ali i šire društvene i kulturne promjene? Može li digitalizacija demokratizirati umjetnost?


    Sa svojom stručnošću u teoriji i praksi, Feđa nam otkriva kompleksnost i potencijale digitalne umjetnosti, pružajući savjete onima koji žele istražiti ovaj dinamični prostor.


    Ovo nije samo pogled u budućnost digitalne umjetnosti već i duboko razumijevanje njezine sadašnjosti, sve kroz perspektivu jednog od njezinih najsvjetlijih umova.

    Dodatni resursi:

    Izložba u Hrvatskom društvu likovnih umjetnikaGalerija ForumThe Wasteland - Feđina službena stranica

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Listanje novina odavno smo zamijenili scrollanjem, samo tu i tamo još zašuškamo papirom u rukama.


    Što se događa u novinarstvu, kakav je tijek evolucije časopisa u digitalnom pejzažu, koje strategije omogućuju rast i prilagodbu promjenjivim trendovima?


    Kroz ova i brojna druga pitanja plovimo s Aleksandrom Orlić, osnivačicom i glavnom urednicom online časopisa Mood.hr, iza koje je i bogata karijera u poznatim izdanjima kao što su Cosmopolitan, Klik i Playboy.


    Svoje misli o budućnosti mode i digitalnih medija, nudeći dragocjene savjete za sve koji teže uspjehu u digitalnom svijetu, Aleksandra je podijelila s Teom Plenar, gošćom voditeljicom ove epizode, novinarkom s karijerom u digitalnom marketingu i našom dragom prijateljicom.


    Saznajte kako strast, predanost, umjetnost i inovativnost mogu transformirati digitalni medijski prostor!


    Dodati resursi:

    Mood.hrMood.hr Instagram profil

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Koliko god se o njemu puno pričalo, kao da se još uvijek o njemu ne zna dovoljno. Influencer marketing i dalje prate brojne zablude, a mi smo ovdje da čujemo samo istinu i ništa osim istine.

    Kako se ovaj oblik promocije uklapa u marketinšku i poslovnu strategiju objasnit će nam dvije vrlo uspješne, ali ne nužno i tipične influencerice: Samanta Šubić diplomirana farmaceutkinja i Ivana Mišković - najmlađa urednica jednog portala u Hrvatskoj.

    Dodatni resursi:

    Samantin Instagram profilIvanin Instagram profilSamantin diplomski rad

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Personalized, private tour just for you and your group of people wherever your travels take you. Of course, there’s a platform that supports and enables this type of service, and its name is TravelCurious.

    How it works, redefines the travel experience, and what strategic partnerships drive their success we’ll find out directly from Alex Grant, the trailblazing entrepreneur behind TravelCurious.

    Alex will also share insights on overcoming industry challenges, effective digital marketing strategies, and upcoming features to watch. Plus, valuable advice for digital and travel entrepreneurs. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the future of travel with the mind that's steering its course.

    Additional resources:

    TravelCurious in action - Marriott Bonvoy Tours & ActivitiesTravelCurious official websiteTravelCurious Instagram accountTravelCurious LinkedIn page

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Već ste se okušali u ulaganju u kripto, postigli i neki značajniji uspjeh ili još uvijek odolijevate? Bez obzira na (ne)iskustvo, činjenica je da ove tehnologije sve ozbiljnije formiraju financijsko poslovno okruženje.

    Kako izgleda domaća blockchain scena, gdje se i zašto isplatilo investirati te što nas očekuje u budućnosti blockchaina i kriptovaluta ispričao nam je Luka Sučić, suosnivač i partner Meta Change Capitala, investicijske tvrtke specijalizirane za blockchain startupe. Ujedno je i suosnivač, pokretač ili aktivni sudionik mnogih inicijativa, između ostalog i WEB3 angel investment sindikata Daedalus Angels, udruge UBIK, konferencije Money Motion, Blocksoplit, coworking prostora House of Blockchain, Near Balkans regionalnog huba, web 3 marketinške agencije Rezolut i još hrpu toga. 

    Dodatni resursi:

    Deadalus Angles - službena stranicaMeta Change Capital - LinkedIn stranicaUBIK - službena stranicaMoney Motion - službena stranicaHouse of Blockchain - službena stranica

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Što je innovation management, koju ulogu ima u današnjem „brzo evoluirajućem“ poslovnom okruženju te kako nam platforma Spark Innovation Hub može pomoći, otkriva Matij Srzentić.

    Ovaj IT stručnjak s preko 15 godina iskustva, osnivač je konzultantske agencije Lusidee specijalizirane za inovacije i zaslužne za razvoj Spark Huba - platforme koja nudi alate i resurse za vodstvo kroz proces inovacija.

    Od temeljnih principa upravljanja inovacijama, preko uspjeha i izazova u implementaciji inovacijskih strategija pa do trendova na horizontu, s puno konkretnih primjera i praktičnih savjeta, ono je što vas čeka u ovoj epizodi. 

    Dodatni resursi:

    Lusidea - službena web stranicaSparkHub

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Došlo je vrijeme za još jednu unplugged epizodu u kojoj soliram i radim pregled našeg dosadašnjeg putovanja kroz ovaj podcast, ovaj put od od epizode #11 do #20. Također najavljujem i ono što nas čeka u narednih devet epizoda, ali u cijeloj 2024. godini.


    Hvala vam na slušanju, propitkivanju, ispitivanju i vašem angažmanu - nastavite svoja istraživanja uz Digital Economy 101.

    Dodatni resursi:

    eCommerce šahovske večeriDave Chappelle - The DreamerWhen, Why, & How to Pivot a Startup Business2050-materials.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Discover the art and strategy behind crafting content that not only captures attention but also creates lasting engagement.

    In this episode, we welcome content creation virtuoso Michael Morgan Bain, a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience.

    From the intricate art of storytelling to the technical finesse of video editing, Michael shares his comprehensive expertise in various domains, including writing, producing, filming, photography, social media, and content strategy. In a candid exchange, he also reflects on his journey through the evolving landscape of digital marketing and content creation, offering a glimpse into his professional evolution and the wisdom gleaned along the way.

    Check Michaels actionable strategies for different platforms and audiences and a forward-looking perspective on the role of AI in shaping the future of content marketing.

    Additional resources:

    Michaels official websiteMichaels IMDB profile

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What happens when passion for basketball meets the technology with the goal of bringing athletes together? Meet Sinan Güler and find out!


    He is a former Turkish professional basketball player, who has not only made his mark on the court but also in the realms of social entrepreneurship and angel investing. Discover Sinan's journey from a triumphant professional career, culminating in a celebrated tenure as captain of both Galatasaray and the national team to the digital economy.  


    Sinan shares his insights on transitioning from scoring baskets to nurturing startups and the vision behind Boly, the innovative app that's changing how athletes connect and compete.  

    Additional resources:

    The Boly App websiteBoly mobile appGuler Legacy websiteVideo Fans Choice Play of the Decade: Sinan GulerWikipedia

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Inovativnost i kreativnost su nužni prilikom pokretanja svakog poslovanja, ali kako u jednom trenu podvući crtu, donijeti odluku i reći ovo nije ludost nego fantastična poslovna prilika?

    Kako se odlučio na razvoj i ulaganje u prvu glazbenu knjižaru te sve popularniji brend ŠČ! ispričat će nam Krešimir Blažević, vlasnik i direktor Rockmarka.

    U ovoj epizodi imamo dvostruko gostovanje, jer u ulozi voditeljice ovaj put se nalazi Dinova prijateljica i stručnjakinja za komunikaciju i sadržaj Irena Petrović.

    Dodatni resursi:


    ·   ŠČ!proizvodi na Rockmark.hr webshopu 

    ·   ŠČInstagram priče 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Digitalizaciji poslovanja nitko ne može pobjeći pa ni industrija fitnessa i zdravih životnih navika. Toliko je različitih aplikacija koje nam pomažu u prehrani i tjelovježbi da je postalo izazovno snaći se u tolikom izboru.


    Koliko i na koje sve načine je tehnologija oblikovala ovaj business, naše živote te koliko je ipak u konkretnim uspjesima još uvijek presudan stvarni ljudski faktor i kontakt ispričat će nam

    Roko Marović, nutricionist, sportaš, doktorand, predavač i suosnivač nutricionističkog centra Nutrivision te Martin Jovanović, fitness i kondicijski trener, edukator i poduzetnik, suosnivač tvrtke Basic gym one. 


    Otkrijte tehnološki aspekt fizičke spreme i prehrane. Uživajte! 


    Dodatni resursi: 

    ·       Nutrivision službena web stranica 

    ·       Basic Gym One službena web stranica 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.