For our final episode of season 3, we are joined by trumpet player Mikaela Tolf, and composers Alexandra Fol and Matthew Lane. We discuss their commissioning project of new pieces for trumpet and organ from the composer and performer standpoint, as well as their upcoming performances!
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about each of Fol, Lane, and Tolf, visit the links below:
Alexandra Fol: https://alexandrafol.wordpress.com/
Matthew Lane: https://matthewclane.wordpress.com/
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
This will be our last episode of season 3 and we will return this fall for a new season of guests!
Episode 15 welcomes Danielle Buonaiuto, soprano, ED of Musica Viva NY, and co-organizer of ChamberQUEER. Buonaiuto shares some amazing insight into her experiences building inclusive, intersectional spaces in the field of choir, voice, and new music.
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Danielle, visit the links below!
Danielle’s website: https://www.daniellebuonaiuto.com/
ChamberQUEER: https://www.chamberqueer.org/
Musica Viva NY: https://musicaviva.org/
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
One more podcast crossover this season! Episode 14 includes our talk with Casidy Reed from MusicHERstory, a podcast about equity and inclusivity in all facets of the music industry. We spend this episode with Casidy discussing a range of resources musicians may find useful when diversifying their own stands! We cover a whole range of resources, reading materials, podcasts, and organizations, highlighting some groups doing amazing work in the field! To learn about all the resources we talked about, click the links below!
Diversify the Stand
Music HERstory Podcas
Programming Resources
Catalog of Trumpet Music by Gender-Marginalized People and/or Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color, compiled by Ashley Killam
Trumpet Music by Women, compiled by Dr. Amy Dunker
Trombone Compositions by Women Composers, compiled by Dr. Natalie Mannix
Works for Horn by Underrepresented Composers, compiled by Dr. Caiti Beth McKinney
Works with Horn by Female Composers, compiled by Dr. Lin Foulk Baird
Tuba-Euphonium Social Justice Initiative’s Composer Database
Educational Resources
Brass Music by Black Composers: A Bibliography, by Aaron Horne
Bold as Brass Podcast with Melissa Brown
Rising Stars Podcast
General Resources & Organizations
Anna’s Composer Database
…And We Were Heard
Boulanger Initiative & Consulting Program
Castle of Our Skins
Chromatic Brass Collective
ColourFULL Music
Composers Equity Project
Decolonizing the Music Room
Educational Resources for Music Performance/Ensemble Librarianship
International Association for Women in Music (IAWM)
International Women’s Brass Conference
League of American Orchestras
Lift Music Fund
Music by Black Composers
Music Theory Examples by Women (renamed MusicbyWomen)
Rising Tide Music Press
Sphinx Organization
The Wind Repertory Project
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett's "Bored Games" for two trumpets and fixed media - eir website
Amanda Collins joins us for Episode 13! Amanda is a performer, educator, and activist for diversity and inclusion in the arts. She talks with us about starting up the DEI collective at Mizzou, her journey of taking some time away from music, and building relationships and networks in the music industry.
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Amanda, visit the following links:
Amanda’s website: https://www.acollinshorn.com/
Mizzou Horn Crew: https://www.acollinshorn.com/mizzou-horn-crew.html
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Episode 12 brings in Bell Thompson, Philadelphia-based student, jazz trumpet player, and band leader! We get to talk with Bell about her experience soloing with a variety of groups, getting into band leading, and her research focused on gender equity in jazz.
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Bell, visit https://www.bellthompson.com/!
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
In Episode 11, we are excited to chat with Azalea Laredo, Stage Director, opera singer, and choral educator. Azalea talks with us about her musical journey in Mexico vs. in the US, building voice and Spanish studios, and teaching during a pandemic as an educator.
Huge thank you to Meredith Fuller for editing this episode!
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Azalea and her platforms, check out the links below!
Website: https://www.azalealaredo.com/
Azalea’s Spanish YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4VRh4_FSZqo0iH5TsuInQ
Azalea’s profile at TakeLessons: https://takelessons.com/profile/azalea-l
People can watch more videos and take group classes with me on TakeLessons Live - https://takelessons.com/live
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Dr. Emilie Amrein joins us for our tenth episode this season! Emilie is a choral music educator, co-artistic director of Common Ground Voices/ La Frontera, activist, scholar, AND host of The Choral Commons Podcast! She talks with us about The Choral Commons Podcast, her social justice work, and making lasting change within the music field in regards to inclusion.
Huge thank you to Meredith Fuller for editing this episode!
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Emilie, check out the links below!
Dr. Emilie Amrein: https://www.emilieamrein.com/
The Choral Commons Podcast: https://www.thechoralcommons.com/
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Our first TRIO! We are joined in Episode 9 by the three founders of Yoga for All Musicians, Dr. Brianne Borden, Claire Howard, and Amelia Rosenberger! We talk with these three about all things YAM, the importance of yoga specifically for musicians, and building a business from scratch!
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Yoga for All Musicians, visit the links below:
Yoga for All Musicians: https://www.yogaforallmusicians.com/
YAM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaforAllMusicians
YAM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogaforallmusicians/
YAM Spotify Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/uif3r1ampypupkhj12tzgzpvx
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Episode 8 welcomes Tyler Mazone, composer, clarinetist, educator currently based in East Lansing, Michigan. Tyler is incredibly open and honest with us, talking about his musical journey as a deaf musician, ableism within the academic scene, and the fact disabled musicians are often left out of the DEIA space. There is so much to be done in the musical community to bring true accessibility to disabled individuals, and we chat about a few of the changes that can be done at any level! Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Tyler and the resources he recommended, visit the links below:
Tyler’s website: https://www.tylermazone.com/
@WeWantJustus twitter: https://twitter.com/WeWantJustus?s=20
This is the joint account of multiple disabled students who were kicked out of John Hopkins University when they needed accommodations and were met with horrible treatments. Content warnings for anyone triggered by abuse and harm in some of the stories, but this is an excellent resource to really understand the wide range of experiences of ableism in academia.Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Get ready to be inspired with Episode 7! We are joined by Dr. Richard Antoine White, tubist, educator, author, and motivational speaker based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We had the best time talking to Richard about his book “I’m Possible,” his interview on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and his plans for the RAW Tuba ranch! Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Richard, check out the links below!
RAW tuba website - https://rawtuba.com/
RAW tuba film - https://www.rawtubafilm.com/
I’m Possible - https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250269645/impossible
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Episode 6 features Master Sgt. Christine Purdue Jones, trombonist with the Ceremonial Brass in the United States Air Force Band in Washington D.C. We are thrilled to have gotten the chance to talk about her military band journey, benefits for military musicians, and how the band is working to create more inclusive programs with more diverse works.
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks to our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Christine and the resources she recommended, check out the links below!
U.S. Air Force Band - https://www.music.af.mil/Bands/The-United-States-Air-Force-Band/
Hope Arises commissions playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxqnNkoPILwV61y1Wk1yR7de1S3faVb9A
Current vacancies in The United States Air Force Band: https://www.music.af.mil/Bands/The-United-States-Air-Force-Band/About-Us/Careers-in-The-United-States-Air-Force-Band/
And We Were Heard - https://www.andwewereheard.org
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
March begins with podcast crossover extravaganza #2! We are so excited to welcome Dylan Maddix and Cait Nishimura, hosts of The Band Room Pod to talk with us. They each bring amazing insight from the eyes of a performer, educator, composer, and podcast host into this episode.
We talk with Dylan and Cait all about how The Band Room Pod began and expanded to include two incredible hosts, the variety of guests they bring on their show, and we all talk (and agree heavily!) on the importance of DEI work in music education. Tune in to hear their thoughts of the future of music ed and some of the exciting projects they both have coming up!.
And if you recognize Cait’s name, yes - she was a guest early on in our first season of the podcast!
Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Dylan, Cait, the Band Room Pod and all the resources they recommended, check out the links below!
The Band Room Pod: https://www.bandroompod.com/
Dylan Maddix: https://www.bandroompod.com/dylanrookmaddix
Cait Nishimura: https://caitnishimura.com/
Cait’s first episode on the DtS podcast: https://anchor.fm/diversifythestand/episodes/Episode-8---Cait-Nishimura-er78is
…And We Were Heard: https://andwewereheard.org/
Canadian Band Association: https://www.canadianband.org/
Association of Canadian Women Composers: https://acwc.ca/
Canadian Music Centre: https://cmccanada.org/
Girls Who Conduct: https://girlswhoconduct.org/
ColourFULL Music: https://www.colourfullmusic.com/
Jodie Blackshaw: https://www.jodieblackshaw.com/
The Horizon Leans Forward: https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/the-horizon-leans-forward-book-g10369
“Music Education and Social Emotional Learning” by Scott Edgar: https://education.musicforall.org/sel/
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Our first month of season 3 ends with our talk with Elisa Koehler. Trumpet, conductor, and author, Elisa is also the current music chair at Winthrop University. We get the honor to talk with her about her books, opinions on historical performance, and experiences in academia. Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Elisa and all resources and organizations she recommended, check out the links below!
Elisa Koehler
Fanfares and Finesse: A Performer’s Guide to Trumpet History and Literature
A Dictionary for the Modern Trumpet Player
Books that helped her write her books:
Rabiner, Susan and Alfred Fortunato. Thinking Like Your Editor: How to Write Great Serious Nonfiction and Get it Published
Silvia, Paul. How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
Bielstein, Susan. Permissions, A Survival Guide: Blunt Talk about Art as Intellectual Property
Newberry’s Victorian Cornet Band – Elisa Koehler, Conductor: The Gilded Age [CD]
Brass From the Past [Blog and YouTube Channel]
Historic Brass Society
International Trumpet Guild
North American Baroque Trumpet Competition and Conference
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
We welcome Egemen Kesikli to our podcast for episode 3! Turkish composer, performer, and educator, Egemen is currently on faculty at the CU Boulder and Colorado State University. He is incredibly honest and vulnerable about his experiences in Turkey, the United States, and his mental journey toward musical self-acceptance. He brings up many questions without clear answers that composers, educators, and performers alike should hear! Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Egemen, visit the links below!
Egemen Kesikli: https://www.egemenkesikli.com/ https://www.libarts.colostate.edu/people/ekesikli/
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Our first podcast crossover of the season! For episode 2, we are so excited to talk with Melissa Brown from Bold as Brass Podcast! Melissa not only shares about her experience as a performer and educator in the UK, but she gives us a ton of insight into being a musician diagnosed with OCD. And of course, we talk all things Bold as Brass Podcast! Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Melissa and the resources she recommended during our chat, check out the links below!
Bold as Brass Podcast: https://boldasbrasspodcast.com/
Bold as Brass’s fundraising page - help get her to the U.S. this May!: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bab-iwbc
British Trombone Society: https://www.britishtrombonesociety.org/
IWBC: https://myiwbc.org/
Things Musicians Don’t Talk About Podcast
Music HERstory Podcast: https://musicherstorypod.wixsite.com/herstory
Rising Stars Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rising-stars-podcast/id1554854411
Brass on the Mind: https://m.facebook.com/groups/brassonthemind
Female/Trans/Non-Binary Brass Players FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1575012705998504/
Bold as Brass podcast sounding board! Get yourself friends!
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Season 3 launches with composer Katahj Copley! Carrie and Ashley talk with Katahj about his musical and compositional journey, dig deep into the inspiration behind a handful of his composers, and learn about a few incredible upcoming projects. Transcripts are available for every episode thanks so our team of interns and can be found https://www.diversifythestand.org/transcripts!
To learn more about Katahj and all the resources he recommended, check out the links below!
Katahj Copley - https://katahjcopleymusic.com/
Faculty at University of West Georgia - https://www.westga.edu/academics/art-culture-science/english-film-lang-arts/music/faculty-staff.php
The University of Texas at Austin Music Faculty - https://music.utexas.edu/about/people/faculty
And We Were Heard - https://andwewereheard.org/
Kevin Day - https://www.kevindaymusic.com/
Omar Thomas - https://www.omarthomas.com
Storyteller - Jam group
Find your community!!
Intro & outro music is Eris DeJarnett’s “Bored Games” for two trumpets and fixed media. Visit eir website to learn more about them and pick up some great music!: https://erisdejarnett.com/
Episode 21 is the second of our two-part recap, where we say nice things about our guests and talk about what we learned this season!
Our third podcast season will drop every Wednesday beginning in February 2022, so catch up on all our episodes and keep your eyes out for new episodes in February!
In the meantime, if you'd like to support us, consider picking up some Diversify the Stand merch or getting yourself a copy of Winds of Change, and following us on Facebook and Instagram!
Huge thank you to Hollyn Slykhuis for doing all the transcripts this season, which are available on our website for every episode!
And a final thank you to Trevor Weston and Whitney George for letting us include their music in our intro and outro! Our recording of Weston’s “Fanfare for Changes” opens the podcast, and Ashley’s recording of George’s “Incantations” closes each episode. Visit their websites to learn more about them and their works below! Season 3 is going to feature a new work for trumpet duet - can't wait to share!
Trevor Weston - http://www.trevorweston.com/
Whitney George - https://www.whitneygeorge.com/
Episode 20 is the first of our two-part recap, where we say nice things about our guests and talk about what we learned this season!
These recaps will end our second season! Third season will drop every Wednesday beginning in February 2022, so catch up on all our episodes and keep your eyes out for new episodes in February!
In the meantime, if you'd like to support us, consider picking up some Diversify the Stand merch or getting yourself a copy of Winds of Change, and following us on Facebook and Instagram!
Huge thank you to Hollyn Slykhuis for doing all the transcripts this season, which are available on our website for every episode!
And a final thank you to Trevor Weston and Whitney George for letting us include their music in our intro and outro! Our recording of Weston’s “Fanfare for Changes” opens the podcast, and Ashley’s recording of George’s “Incantations” closes each episode. Visit their websites to learn more about them and their works below! Season 3 is going to feature a new work for trumpet duet - can't wait to share!
Trevor Weston - http://www.trevorweston.com/
Whitney George - https://www.whitneygeorge.com/
This week’s episode is the second part of our chat with Eris DeJarnett, an interdisciplinary narrative artist, composer, performer, and scholar. This week, we talk with Eris about the future of music, how performers and organizations can make lasting change, and learn about some incredible creators to add to our stands. Make sure to check out part one, which covers about eir upbringing in music, their experiences as an openly non-binary person, and the challenges ey have faced in and around the classroom. Transcripts are available on our website!
From Dec. 1-31, 2021, 50% off two scores with code BuryTheDeadname by visiting Eris’s website: https://erisdejarnett.com
To learn more about Eris and all eir recommended resources, check out the links below!
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/honestlyeris
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/honestlyeris/
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/erisdejarnett
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuIe8U1JiKG1glN-p6sdPw
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/honestlyeris
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/JYKnJkN7gy
Music orgs:
5th Wave Collective: https://www.5thwavecollective.com
...And We Were Heard: https://www.andwewereheard.org
Castle of our Skins: https://www.castleskins.org
Decolonizing the Music Room: https://decolonizingthemusicroom.com
WasteLAnd: https://www.wastelandmusic.org
Queer resources:
Gender Census: https://gendercensus.com
AUREA: https://www.aromanticism.org
Nonbinary Wiki: https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
Pronoun Dressing Room: http://www.pronouns.failedslacker.com
People whose work Eris really admires:
Nebal Maysaud: https://www.nebalmaysaud.com
The Honourable Elizabeth A. Baker: https://elizabethabaker.com
Mattie Barbier: http://mattiebarbier.com
Cait Nishimura: https://caitnishimura.com
brin solomon: http://www.brinsolomon.com
Daijana Wallace: https://www.daijanawallace.com
Tanner Pfeiffer: https://www.tannerpfeiffer.com
Drew Swatosh: https://drewswatosh.com
Lexi Temple: https://alextemplemusic.com
Imani Mosley: http://www.imanimosley.com/welcome
Matthew D. Morrison's essay: https://online.ucpress.edu/jams/article/72/3/781/107058/Race-Blacksound-and-the-Re-Making-of-Musicological
The next two weeks feature one incredible guest! In Episode 18, we talk with Eris DeJarnett, an interdisciplinary narrative artist, composer, performer, and scholar. This week, we talk with Eris about eir upbringing in music, their experiences as an openly non-binary person, and the challenges ey have faced in and around the classroom. Transcripts to both episodes are created by Hollyn Slykhuis and are on our website!
From Dec. 1-31, 2021, 50% off two scores with code BuryTheDeadname by visiting Eris’s website: https://erisdejarnett.com
To learn more about Eris and all eir recommended resources, check out the links below!
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/honestlyeris
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/honestlyeris/
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/erisdejarnett
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuIe8U1JiKG1glN-p6sdPw
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/honestlyeris
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/JYKnJkN7gy
Music orgs:
5th Wave Collective: https://www.5thwavecollective.com
...And We Were Heard: https://www.andwewereheard.org
Castle of our Skins: https://www.castleskins.org
Decolonizing the Music Room: https://decolonizingthemusicroom.com
WasteLAnd: https://www.wastelandmusic.org
Queer resources:
Gender Census: https://gendercensus.com
AUREA: https://www.aromanticism.org
Nonbinary Wiki: https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
Pronoun Dressing Room: http://www.pronouns.failedslacker.com
People whose work Eris really admires:
Nebal Maysaud: https://www.nebalmaysaud.com
The Honourable Elizabeth A. Baker: https://elizabethabaker.com
Mattie Barbier: http://mattiebarbier.com
Cait Nishimura: https://caitnishimura.com
brin solomon: http://www.brinsolomon.com
Daijana Wallace: https://www.daijanawallace.com
Tanner Pfeiffer: https://www.tannerpfeiffer.com
Drew Swatosh: https://drewswatosh.com
Lexi Temple: https://alextemplemusic.com
Imani Mosley: http://www.imanimosley.com/welcome
Matthew D. Morrison's essay: https://online.ucpress.edu/jams/article/72/3/781/107058/Race-Blacksound-and-the-Re-Making-of-Musicological
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