
  • On today's episode, we welcome Salvador Adatsi, a soul who has journeyed beyond the veil and returned with a profound tale to tell. His life, marked by both darkness and light, reveals the intricate dance of existence, where despair can transform into an awakening of the highest order. Salvador's near-death experience is not just a story of survival; it is a narrative of transcendence, of moving beyond the physical realm to discover the very essence of life itself.Salvador begins by recounting his early years, a time when he was a "spaced-out kid," drawn to the quiet mysteries of the natural world. Despite this peaceful beginning, his path soon diverged into the shadows of drug abuse and depression. It was during a particularly dark period that Salvador's journey into the unknown began—a journey that would forever alter his understanding of life and death. He describes the moment his body failed him, the excruciating pain that led to his soul detaching from the physical form. It was in this moment of separation that Salvador's true education began, as he witnessed the interconnectedness of all things, seeing the universe in its raw, energetic form.As Salvador moved further into the light, he experienced what many describe as a life review—a panoramic examination of one's existence. But for Salvador, this was more than a review; it was a moment of profound acceptance and surrender. "You see that the tree is alive, the floor is alive, and my body is still alive, even if I'm not in it," he recalls, revealing the deep realization that life persists beyond the physical, that consciousness is eternal and expansive. In this state, he understood that the boundaries we perceive in life are illusions, and that everything is interconnected through a vast, energetic web.The lessons Salvador learned in this space between worlds are as enlightening as they are challenging to comprehend. He speaks of the importance of focus, intention, and expectation, explaining how our thoughts and emotions shape our reality in ways that are both subtle and profound. "Whatever you think, whatever you believe and expect," he explains, "expectation is like a magnet to a belief that you have, being good or bad." This understanding of the power of thought became a cornerstone of Salvador's new life philosophy, guiding him as he returned to the physical world with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.Returning to his body was not without its challenges. Salvador describes the frustration of re-entering a world where the spiritual and physical seem at odds. He recounts a moment of irritation with the medical staff, who failed to understand his needs after he was revived. "I just came from up there, from the source. I'm telling you, I need this," he thought, highlighting the disconnect between his profound spiritual experiences and the mundane concerns of everyday life. Yet, despite these challenges, Salvador chose to return to Earth, driven by a love for the planet and the people he knew, and a desire to continue his soul's journey here.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSInterconnectedness of All Life: Salvador's experience underscores the idea that everything in the universe is connected through energy, and that our physical bodies are just one manifestation of this vast, living network.The Power of Thought and Intention: Salvador learned that our thoughts and intentions have the power to shape our reality, and that focusing on positive, loving intentions can lead to a more fulfilling life experience.Life as a Choice: Salvador's decision to return to Earth after his near-death experience emphasizes the concept of life as a choice, a journey we undertake with purpose, and one that we can navigate with greater awareness and understanding.In this profound conversation, Salvador Adatsi reminds us that life is a delicate balance of the physical and the spiritual, a dance of energy that transcends the boundaries of time and space. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the infinite possibilities that await us when we choose to see beyond the illusion of separation.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Salvador Adatsi.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome Ishtar Howell, a soul who has journeyed through the veil of life and death and returned with stories as profound as the silence between breaths. Ishtar Howell shares a tale that begins not with fanfare but with the humdrum of everyday life—a broken arm from a baseball game, an eerie premonition spoken out loud, and the mundane yet sacred rituals of living. Yet, beneath these ordinary events, a cosmic script was unfolding, preparing him for the extraordinary moment when the ordinary world would slip away, and he would find himself suspended between the realms of the living and the divine.The story unfolds with a sense of calm amidst chaos, a strange stillness that descended upon him as the car crash unfolded. It is in these moments that Ishtar Howell takes us through the spiral of time, where every second seemed to stretch into eternity, where a life review played out like a film reel. He speaks of a deep consciousness, an omnipresent light suffusing every memory, every regret, every moment of joy and pain. "I had this complete realization that everything was actually made up of love the whole time," he recounts, a realization that transcends understanding and becomes pure experience.As the crash occurred, his body may have been trapped in the wreckage, but his spirit floated freely, observing the scene with a detachment that was both eerie and comforting. This duality of consciousness—being both in the body and beyond it—offered him a unique perspective on life, death, and the spaces in between. Ishtar Howell describes the light not just as an illumination but as a manifestation of love, a cosmic substance that bound every part of his existence together in a harmonious whole.The moment of his mother’s passing, experienced from this dual perspective, becomes a defining point in his journey. Her final breaths, her last act of love, and the peaceful transition that followed were not just events but spiritual teachings. These moments, he explains, offered him the strength to face future challenges, to find solace in the unity of all things, even in the face of loss. The boundary between him and his mother dissolved in those final moments, revealing a deeper connection that went beyond the physical world.But what resonates most deeply is how Ishtar Howell found peace not in the answers but in the questions themselves. His experience taught him that living is not about clinging to the past or projecting into the future, but about embracing the present moment with all its imperfections and beauty. "Living in that timeless space," he says, "allows you to become who you truly are, to sing the song that’s uniquely yours." It is a lesson in authenticity, in aligning with the cosmic rhythm that guides us all.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSEmbrace the present moment: Ishtar Howell reminds us that living fully means being present, experiencing life as it is, without the filters of past regrets or future anxieties.The unity of consciousness: His near-death experience highlights the interconnectedness of all things, where individual experiences are part of a larger, cosmic whole.Love as the fundamental essence: The realization that everything is made of love transforms how we see the world, encouraging us to act from a place of compassion and understanding.In this profound conversation, we are invited to look beyond the surface of our lives, to explore the depths of our own consciousness, and to find the divine in the everyday. Ishtar Howell's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless nature of love.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Ishtar Howell.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome Branden Densmore, a man whose journey through the darkest realms of existence has led him to a place of profound peace and spiritual awakening. His story is one of deep pain, redemption, and an encounter with the infinite that would change his life forever. Raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and plagued by trauma from an early age, Branden’s path was riddled with anger, resentment, and a longing for something more than the life he was leading.Branden's life before his near-death experience was tumultuous, marked by a series of hardships that would leave anyone questioning the very fabric of their existence. From being sexually molested as a child to battling severe illnesses and addiction, Branden was no stranger to suffering. "I was just kind of had a lot of angry feelings," he recalls, a reflection of the deep inner turmoil that governed his life. His quest for peace and understanding led him to explore various philosophies and spiritual teachings, yet nothing seemed to quell the storm within.The turning point came when Branden overdosed on heroin, a moment that brought him face to face with death. "Next thing I know, I realized I was dying, and all of a sudden, I'm outside of my body," Branden recounts. In this state, he experienced a presence, an awareness that transcended the physical, and was shown a vision of his lifeless body. The realization that he had wasted his life was a blow that shook him to his core, igniting a desperate plea for another chance at life.In a moment of divine mercy, Branden was brought back to his body, gasping for breath, but the ordeal was far from over. The road to recovery was steep, involving not only the physical rehabilitation of his body but also the spiritual and emotional healing that would allow him to rebuild his life from the ground up. Through the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and a profound spiritual experience in the shower, where a light penetrated his being, Branden found the strength to start anew.The journey was not easy, but it was transformative. Branden's story is a testament to the power of grace and the resilience of the human spirit. "I was in my shower, and all of a sudden felt a light like descending through the ceiling, and it came down, and it just, I was like, What is going on?" This light, this presence, was the catalyst that confirmed Branden was on the right path, guiding him toward a life of peace, love, and fulfillment.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYS:Facing the Darkness: Branden's journey teaches us that confronting our deepest fears and traumas is essential for true spiritual growth. It's in the face of these shadows that we find the light.Divine Intervention: The presence Branden encountered during his near-death experience serves as a reminder that we are never truly alone, and that there is always a higher power guiding us, even in our darkest moments.Rebuilding from the Ashes: Branden's story is a powerful example of how we can rebuild our lives, no matter how broken we may feel. It's about finding that inner peace, that calm amidst the storm, and living a life of purpose and fulfillment.In this profound conversation, we have Branden Densmore sharing not only his story but the wisdom he has gained along the way. His life is a living example of how one can transcend suffering, embrace the light, and find true peace within. It's a journey from darkness to light, from despair to hope, and from death to rebirth.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Branden Densmore.

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  • In today's episode, we welcome David Maginley, a man whose journey through life has been anything but ordinary. Imagine living with the shadow of mortality hovering over your every move—a reality where your own body becomes the ticking clock of a time bomb. David's story begins with a rare, life-threatening cancer that struck him at the tender age of 17, a diagnosis that would change the course of his life in unimaginable ways. "I was just this young, cocky guy who didn’t know who he was in the world," he recalls, setting the stage for a profound transformation that would take him far beyond the ordinary bounds of existence.David’s life, as he describes, was initially shaped by insecurity and the typical struggles of youth. But when cancer made its uninvited entrance, it was as if life itself grabbed him by the shoulders and demanded that he pay attention. The tumor, nestled dangerously close to his adrenal gland, was not just a threat—it was a catalyst for awakening. The tumor's presence forced David to confront the ultimate questions: What is life all about? What am I here to do? These are the kinds of questions that lead a person not only to the edge of death but to the threshold of spiritual discovery.It was during an internship as a student minister, when another tumor reappeared, that David Maginley had a near-death experience that would forever alter his understanding of reality. "I was on a grassy hill," he shares, "and I felt one with everything." What unfolded in that moment was a profound sense of connection—something far beyond the reach of ordinary human experience. He felt the presence of a being, not easily defined by words, but one who exuded love, wisdom, and authority. This encounter was more than just a vision; it was a direct experience of the underlying mystery from which reality emanates.David's return to life was not a joyful one. The weight of gravity, the density of flesh, and the pull of earthly concerns felt like chains compared to the freedom he experienced on that grassy hill. The pain of being back in this world was intense, yet it was coupled with a renewed sense of purpose. He understood that the work he had to do here was important—vital, even—and that his journey was far from over. "The hardest thing was coming back," he confesses, "because after touching that reality, you are forever homesick."

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYS:The Ultimate Question: David's journey teaches us that the true purpose of life is not just to exist, but to question, explore, and seek deeper meaning. His near-death experience reminds us that life’s challenges are often the catalyst for spiritual awakening.Oneness with the Divine: David’s experience on the grassy hill reveals the profound connection we all share with the universe. It’s a reminder that beyond the illusion of separation lies an infinite, loving consciousness that we can tap into.The Courage to Return: Coming back to life after such an experience is not easy, yet David shows us that this return is filled with purpose. The work of living, loving, and growing is not just important—it’s sacred.David’s story is one of deep transformation—a journey from the brink of death to the realization of life’s most profound truths. His experience serves as a beacon for those who find themselves lost in the mundane, urging us all to dig deeper, to seek connection, and to live with the understanding that we are more than just these physical bodies.

    Please enjoy my conversation with David Maginley.

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  • In the midst of our everyday lives, there are moments that catapult us into a realm beyond our comprehension, moments where time halts, and we find ourselves standing on the precipice of existence. On today's episode, we welcome Wendy Rose Williams, a remarkable soul whose journey through such an experience is nothing short of transformative.Wendy begins her story in August 1997, a time when her life seemed to be on a relatively ordinary path. She was working from home, 10 weeks pregnant, and doing her best to manage the routine tasks of life. But on this day, something felt terribly off. An inexplicable, searing pain took over her body, so intense that she instinctively called out to God for help. In what she describes as a moment between worlds, a powerful male voice urged her to act quickly, insisting she call for help or risk "going home." The bathroom she found herself in became illuminated with a light brighter than anything she had ever seen, and it was filled with angels whose presence would guide her through the most harrowing moments of her life.As Wendy recounts, these beings of light provided her with the strength to reach for the phone and contact her husband, setting off a chain of events that would eventually bring her to the hospital. Despite the medical team's best efforts, the situation became increasingly dire. By the third day, Wendy was "officially bleeding out," as the doctors put it. She recalls how her body grew weaker, her focus diminishing with each passing moment. But it was during these darkest hours that she experienced a profound shift—one that took her far beyond the confines of her physical body.In a surreal twist, Wendy describes leaving her body and looking back at herself with a detached sense of curiosity. "Wow, she is whiter than a ghost. She’s really in bad shape," she thought, only to realize that the 'she' she was referring to was, in fact, her own physical form. As her soul soared above the hospital, seeing the Earth receding below her, Wendy was enveloped by an overwhelming sense of peace and light. At the pinnacle of this otherworldly journey, she encountered a welcoming committee of angels, led by none other than Archangel Michael, who offered her a choice: to stay in this serene, ethereal home or to return to her earthly life, knowing it would be fraught with challenges.The message Wendy Rose Williams received from Archangel Michael was both comforting and daunting. She was assured that if she chose to return, she would survive the impending surgery, her baby would be born healthy, but her life would be "very difficult, likely for many years" because she was not on her life path. This revelation left her bewildered and introspective, yet determined. The image of her young daughter, Tara, appeared vividly in her mind, and with that vision, Wendy made her choice: "Put me back in, coach. I’m ready to play," she declared, resolved to face whatever hardships awaited her.

    The Light of Angels: Wendy's experience reminds us that in our most challenging moments, we are never truly alone. There is always guidance and support from higher realms, even if we are not consciously aware of it.Life Path Awareness: The importance of aligning with our true life path cannot be overstated. Wendy's experience is a powerful reminder that while the road may be tough, staying true to our spiritual purpose brings ultimate fulfillment.Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Wendy's journey back to life underscores the strength of the human spirit. Her resolve to return to her family, despite the promise of future difficulties, is a testament to the courage that lies within us all.In this profound conversation, we are gifted with the wisdom that life, in all its complexity and difficulty, is a journey worth embracing. Wendy Rose Williams emerged from her near-death experience not only with a renewed sense of purpose but also with a deeper understanding of the divine connection that binds us all. Her story is a beacon of hope and resilience, reminding us to stay the course, no matter how daunting it may seem.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Wendy Rose Williams.

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  • In the tapestry of today's episode, we embark on a journey with Larrick Ebanks, whose near-death experience reshaped his understanding of existence. Larrick’s story begins with an unexpected and severe illness, leading him into a coma that became a portal to otherworldly dimensions.Larrick recounts, "I was in a coma for three months, experiencing a reality that was both surreal and profoundly transformative." His initial encounter was with a telepathic message informing him that he was undergoing an endurance test, setting the stage for a series of spiritual challenges. Each awakening in the hospital was like a rehearsal for the next phase of his soul's evolution.One particularly gripping aspect of Larrick's journey was the mental and physical tests he endured. He describes a realm where he was the strongest man in the world in another life, a memory that surfaced as he grappled with his physical limitations in this one. These trials were not just about physical strength but also about remembering the inherent magic within and the divine love that binds all experiences.Throughout his ordeal, Larrick faced lower-frequency beings who tried to lure him away from his higher purpose. Yet, he was constantly guided by telepathic messages, often from familiar and loving presences like his mother. "Even through the darkest states, there is still a form of love, a divine love we are all part of," Larrick reflects, illustrating the profound support he received from higher realms.A pivotal moment in Larrick's experience involved what he calls "the God test." He had to answer questions and immediately follow with the phrase "123 God," a practice to maintain his connection with the divine amid lower-frequency influences. This test highlighted the importance of divine focus and the power of words in navigating spiritual realms.

    Endurance and Growth: Larrick's experience underscores the concept that life's challenges are tests designed for our spiritual growth, encouraging us to remember and reclaim our inner strength and divine connection.Divine Love and Guidance: Even in the face of darkness, divine love is ever-present, guiding us through telepathic messages and familiar, loving presences.Power of Words: The "God test" highlights the profound impact of words and intentions in maintaining a connection with the divine and navigating through lower-frequency influences.In his journey back to the physical realm, Larrick was shown glimpses of his higher self and the interconnectedness of all actions and energies. These insights were instrumental in his healing process and his understanding of his purpose in this life. The profound wisdom and love he encountered continue to influence his path, now dedicated to charity work and spreading the light he discovered within.In conclusion, Larrick Ebanks's near-death experience is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of divine love and guidance. His story invites us all to recognize the magic within and to trust in the higher purposes behind our trials.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Larrick Ebanks.

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  • In the sacred theater of life, moments of profound transformation often arise from the most unexpected experiences. On today's episode, we welcome Dannion Brinkley, a man whose journey from life to death and back has reshaped his understanding of existence. His narrative, colored by near-death encounters and profound spiritual revelations, beckons us to reconsider our perspectives on life, death, and what lies beyond.Dannion Brinkley recounts his first near-death experience with an almost poetic clarity. In 1975, at the age of 25, he was struck by lightning while on a landline telephone. The lightning's fury surged through him, welding his shoes to the floor and leaving his body scorched and in agonizing pain. As he floated above his body, detached from his suffering, he observed a vibrantly resonant world where solidity was an illusion, and everything hummed with a frequency of its own. In this state, he realized a profound truth: "You will be so happy when your time comes that you won't know what to do with yourself."This near-death experience not only altered Dannion's understanding of life but also set him on a path of service as a hospice volunteer. Over the past 42 years, he has spent more than 34,000 hours at the bedsides of the dying, helping over 2,000 individuals transition from this world to the next. His experiences underscore a vital truth: we are, at our core, spiritual beings with inherent dignity, direction, and purpose.In another vivid recounting, Dannion describes moving through a spiraling tunnel toward a place of brilliant, beautiful light, where fear was nonexistent, and a sense of familiarity enveloped him. Here, he encountered radiant beings who imparted profound wisdom and prophecies, shaping his understanding of the universe and his place within it. "You are responsible," he learned, "you chose to come here, and you will be every person you have ever encountered, feeling the direct results of your interactions.

    Embrace Your Spiritual Nature: Recognize that you are a great, powerful, and mighty spiritual being with dignity, direction, and purpose.Life's Continuity: Understand that death is not the end but a transition to another form of existence, as vividly experienced by Dannion in his near-death encounters.Interconnectedness: Your actions and intentions matter profoundly, as you will experience the ripple effects of your interactions with others from their perspectives.In this profound conversation, we explore the depths of existence through Dannion Brinkley's eyes, who, having faced death multiple times, assures us of life's continuity beyond the physical realm. His insights challenge us to live with greater awareness of our spiritual essence and the impact of our actions. He speaks of the "panoramic life review," a phenomenon during near-death experiences where one sees their life in a 360-degree panorama, understanding the significance of every interaction and decision.Dannion's tales of radiant beings and crystal cities offer a glimpse into a reality beyond our material understanding. These experiences have not only transformed his life but have also equipped him with the knowledge and compassion to guide others through their final moments. His work as a hospice volunteer is a testament to the power of embracing one's spiritual mission and the profound impact of living a life aligned with higher purpose.As we reflect on Dannion's extraordinary journey, we are reminded of the importance of compassion, responsibility, and the eternal nature of our souls. His message is clear: life is a sacred journey, and death is but a doorway to another realm of existence. Let us embrace our spiritual nature, live with intention, and celebrate the continuity of life beyond the physical.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dannion Brinkley.

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  • In the boundless dance of existence, we often find ourselves touched by moments that transcend the ordinary. On today's episode, we welcome Margot McKinnon, a scholar and educator whose profound near-death experiences (NDEs) have shaped a unique perspective on life, love, and the spiritual journey. Her story is one of transformation and deep insight, offering us a glimpse into the mysteries that lie beyond our physical realm.Margot's encounters with the other side began early in her life. As a child, she was no stranger to the ethereal, hearing voices and seeing spirits that guided her through both mundane and extraordinary challenges. She recalls a moment of near-drowning at Cocoa Beach, where a deep, comforting voice instructed her on how to survive the treacherous waves. This voice, a guardian of sorts, has been a constant presence, guiding her through life's tumultuous seas.Her first NDE occurred at the tender age of eighteen, a time when most of us are just beginning to explore the world. Margot was stricken with a severe illness, leading to an out-of-body experience that would forever change her understanding of reality. Floating above her dormitory, she witnessed her fellow students in ballgowns, waiting for taxis. "I did a little somersault in the air and said, 'You've seen your first ghost,'" she recounts with a hint of mirth, capturing the surreal beauty of the moment.The second brush with death came during an indigenous ceremony, a fasting ritual that pushed her to the brink. This time, Margot encountered a radiant white light and her mother, who had passed away two years prior. The unconditional love and joy she felt in this encounter were indescribable, grounding her purpose in life with renewed clarity. Her mother's smile, she says, "was like this," drawing an arc that embodies both the depth and simplicity of divine love.


    Margot's experiences have imparted several key spiritual lessons, which she now shares with the world through her teaching and writing:
    Embrace Unconditional Love: Margot's NDEs taught her that unconditional love is the cornerstone of existence. This love is not bound by physical or temporal constraints but is a universal force that guides and sustains us.Trust in the Invisible: The guiding voice Margot heard as a child has been a steadfast companion throughout her life. This inner guidance, she believes, is available to all of us if we learn to listen and trust our intuition.Life's Value in the Present: Margot emphasizes the importance of valuing our present lives. "Stay, stay, stay with us," she urges, advocating for finding meaning and joy in our earthly experiences rather than yearning to return to the other side prematurely.Margot's work as an educator is deeply influenced by her spiritual insights. She strives to create a safe space for adolescents to explore their spiritual experiences, integrating these discussions into her high school English classes. Her goal is to help young people find their voices and understand their unique spiritual journeys, leading to profound personal and academic growth.In the vast expanse of the cosmos, Margot's message is clear: We are eternal beings having a human experience. Her near-death encounters have illuminated the path, showing us that our lives here are precious opportunities to grow, learn, and love unconditionally. Margot's wisdom reminds us that our time on Earth is not merely to be endured but cherished as a beautiful part of our soul's journey.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Margot McKinnon

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  • The wind whispers through the trees, a melody of mysteries untold and truths hidden in plain sight. On today's episode, we welcome Ellyn Dye, a soul whose journey through the veil of death brought forth a cascade of wisdom and wonder. Her story begins in the tender years of childhood, marked by a profound experience with the other side, a moment that set the stage for her extraordinary near-death experience (NDE).Ellyn's life before her NDE was already interwoven with spiritual encounters. Adopted as an infant and having faced the loss of her adoptive mother at a young age, Ellyn recounts a pivotal night when her deceased mother appeared to her, a spectral visit that reassured her of love and protection from beyond the grave. These early brushes with the ethereal world planted the seeds of her later understanding, preparing her for the monumental event that would transform her existence.One fateful day, Ellyn found herself in a car accident that catapulted her into the realm of the divine. She recalls the surreal moment of looking down at her own body from above, an out-of-body experience that was both exhilarating and enlightening. "Cool, I'm out of my body, I always wanted to do this," she thought, embracing the newfound freedom with a childlike wonder. As she was drawn into a tunnel filled with sublime light and love, Ellyn experienced a peace and joy that surpassed earthly understanding.Emerging from the tunnel, she was greeted by a congregation of loved ones, including her biological and adoptive families, and even her beloved pets. This reunion in the afterlife was a revelation, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all souls and the intricate tapestry of our earthly and spiritual families. Ellyn Dye felt an overwhelming sense of belonging, a homecoming to a place of unconditional love and acceptance.The journey continued as Ellyn encountered towering beings of light, entities that embodied pure love and wisdom. These beings revealed the tapestry of her past lives, showing her the lessons learned and the soul's evolution through the ages. Despite the allure of staying in this blissful realm, Ellyn was shown a vision of humanity's potential—a world of peace, collaboration, and harmony. Though initially resistant, this vision ultimately inspired her return to the physical world, with a renewed purpose and understanding.

    The Power of Self-Love: Ellyn's experiences underscored the importance of mastering self-love, a journey that requires overcoming abandonment and rejection to find validation within oneself.Interconnectedness of Souls: The presence of both her biological and adoptive families in the afterlife highlighted the deep connections that transcend physical life and death.Vision of Humanity's Potential: The glimpse of a harmonious future for humanity serves as a reminder of the collective potential for growth and transformation when love and collaboration are embraced.Ellyn's return to the earthly realm was not without its challenges. Integrating the profound spiritual insights she gained took decades, a testament to the complexity of merging divine wisdom with everyday life. She learned that true self-love and authenticity are essential for personal and collective transformation. Her laughter, a gift she was told to cherish, became a beacon of light, demonstrating that even the simplest joys hold profound spiritual significance.In this profound conversation, we have Ellyn Dye, whose narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless nature of the soul. Her story invites us to ponder our own journeys, the unseen connections that shape our lives, and the ultimate destination that awaits us all.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Ellyn Dye.

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  • In the delicate dance of life and death, we find moments of profound clarity and transcendence. On today's episode, we welcome Natalie Sudman, an extraordinary soul who takes us on an intimate journey through her near-death experience. Natalie’s narrative is more than just a story; it’s a profound exploration of consciousness and the boundless realms that lie beyond our physical existence.Natalie Sudman begins by sharing the path that led her to the fateful day in Iraq. Her life before the explosion was a tapestry woven with threads of curiosity and exploration. Growing up in suburban Minneapolis, she was drawn to the mysteries of the mind and the world, a fascination that stayed with her through college and into her work as an archaeologist. Her journey took a pivotal turn when she became a civilian employee for the US Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with overseeing construction projects in the tumultuous landscapes of Iraq.On a routine day, while traveling in a convoy, Natalie’s vehicle hit an improvised explosive device. In an instant, she was catapulted from her body and found herself in a realm beyond our ordinary perceptions. “The instant that it exploded, I left my body,” she recounts with a calmness that belies the chaos of that moment. Suddenly, she was on a stage surrounded by thousands of beings, communicating not with words, but through a profound, instantaneous exchange of concepts and energy.Natalie’s descriptions of the afterlife are both vivid and deeply moving. She talks about standing in a velvety blackness, an organization of energy without form, interacting with other beings who seemed to be tuning her energy. This otherworldly council, as she describes, is not limited by the confines of physical reality. These beings were interested in humanity and other forms of consciousness, offering guidance and support as she navigated her journey between life and death.Her account of the life review process is particularly compelling. Natalie experienced a review not just of her life but of potential futures based on different injuries she might choose to sustain. “I would wave my hand and make the hole in my head bigger, give myself some brain damage, and then see a flash of how the rest of my life would go,” she explains. This conscious decision-making in the afterlife underscores the fluidity and interconnectedness of our experiences and our choices.Throughout her narrative, Natalie Sudman emphasizes the pervasive nature of love. She describes it not as an emotion but as a state of being, the very essence of existence. This realization has profoundly impacted her perspective on life and death, making her acutely aware of the love that permeates every moment, even in the direst of circumstances. “Love is so natural and pervasive that it’s only noticeable when you don’t have it,” she reflects, offering a profound insight into the human condition.

    The Boundless Nature of Consciousness: Natalie’s journey highlights the limitless realms of consciousness beyond our physical existence, suggesting that our souls continue to explore, learn, and grow even after death.The Power of Choice and Intent: Her experience with choosing her injuries and future paths illustrates the profound impact of our choices and intentions, both in this life and beyond.Love as the Essence of Being: Natalie’s insights into love as a fundamental state of being offer a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected by this universal force, shaping our experiences and reality.In this profound conversation, Natalie Sudman opens our eyes to the extraordinary possibilities that lie beyond the veil of death. Her experiences challenge our conventional understanding of reality and invite us to embrace a more expansive view of existence. By sharing her journey, Natalie offers us a glimpse into the boundless nature of the soul and the enduring power of love.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Natalie Sudman.

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  • In the mystical tapestry of today's episode, we welcome the incredible Ginette Biro. As a gifted medium and near-death experiencer, Ginette shares her profound journey from the physical realm to the ethereal, offering us a glimpse into the vast unknown. Her story is one of courage, spiritual awakening, and a deep understanding of the unseen forces that shape our existence.Ginette Biro recalls her early years grappling with her mediumship abilities, a journey that began around the age of five. "I would go to bed at night and know there were people standing around me," she says, reflecting on the invisible presences that filled her childhood nights with both wonder and fear. This gift, however, was not something she inherited or was prepared for by her family, making her path all the more challenging and remarkable.As she grew older, Ginette's connection with the spirit world deepened. At the age of 20, a pivotal moment occurred when she encountered her lifetime guide, a presence that validated her experiences and urged her to embrace her mediumship fully. This encounter, she explains, was the turning point that led her to pursue her gift despite the fear and uncertainty it initially brought. Her cat's reaction to the guide's presence provided her with the reassurance she needed to move forward.In her twenties, Ginette's mediumship flourished through word of mouth, as she offered readings that resonated deeply with those seeking connection with their loved ones. However, it wasn't until her near-death experience (NDE) that she truly stepped into her role as a spiritual guide. During surgery, she describes an extraordinary journey to the other side, where she met her grandmother and a council of guides who presented her life's blueprint. This experience not only affirmed her purpose but also granted her the resilience and wisdom to navigate her spiritual path.

    Embrace the unknown: Ginette's journey teaches us that the unknown, though frightening, holds the key to our true purpose and potential. By embracing her mediumship, she found clarity and direction in her life.Trust in guidance: The presence of her lifetime guide and the validation from her cat served as powerful reminders that we are never alone on our journey. Trusting in the guidance we receive can lead us to profound discoveries.Transformation through adversity: Ginette's NDE was a transformative experience that reshaped her understanding of life and death. It highlights the importance of facing our fears and embracing the lessons that come from our challenges.Ginette's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the beauty of the spiritual journey. Her experiences with mediumship and her profound NDE have shaped her into a beacon of light for those seeking to understand the mysteries of the afterlife. As she continues to share her gift, she inspires us to look beyond the physical realm and connect with the deeper aspects of our existence.In one of the most striking moments of our conversation, Ginette states, "The driving force behind it for me was that I have always had this strong undercurrent, if I could call it, or like purpose within that when it's pushing me in a direction, I have to go in that direction because if I try to go against it, it's just a non-starter." This profound insight captures the essence of her journey and the unwavering determination that has guided her.In conclusion, Ginette's story is a reminder that we all have a unique path to follow, one that is often revealed through the trials and tribulations we face. Her journey from fear to acceptance, and ultimately to spiritual mastery, encourages us to trust in our own inner guidance and embrace the unknown with an open heart.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Ginette Biro.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome the extraordinary Sharon Kumara, whose journey transcends the ordinary and ventures into the profound mysteries of life and beyond. Sharon's story is one of transformation, beginning with a fateful day in 2001 when her life took an unimaginable turn. A simple, joyous outing with friends ended in a life-altering bus accident, leading Sharon to a near-death experience (NDE) that would change her understanding of existence forever.Sharon's life before the accident was unremarkably typical, marked by her career as a bookkeeper and her love for social gatherings and country music in Texas. Her childhood, a tapestry of fragmented memories due to her parents' divorce, set the stage for a life that seemed destined for the mundane. Raised Catholic, Sharon admits she was far from devout, often resisting her grandmother's attempts to guide her to church. This rebellious spirit, however, did not shield her from the deeper spiritual currents that would soon surface.The day of the accident began with laughter and camaraderie as Sharon and her friends floated down the Guadalupe River. But as the bus transporting them home shifted gears, Sharon found herself hurled from the vehicle. The physical trauma was severe—her back struck the trailer hitch, and she was run over by the trailer itself. Yet, in this moment of extreme physical peril, Sharon experienced a profound detachment from her body, observing the scene from above with an almost serene detachment.Her journey took a pivotal turn when she felt the presence of her deceased stepfather, assuring her it was not her time to depart. This encounter was followed by a vision of Jesus, whose radiant presence and comforting words reinforced her spiritual mission on Earth. "Your work's not done," he communicated, guiding her on a cosmic journey that revealed the interconnectedness of all life and the boundless love that permeates the universe.In this profound conversation, Sharon Kumara recounts her journey through the cosmos, where she felt both movement and stillness, traversing realms of light and love. She describes an encounter with an aquatic family on another planet, a vivid experience that emphasized the multi-dimensional nature of existence. This journey was not just a revelation but a homecoming, a reunion with a deeper sense of self and purpose.Sharon's return to her earthly body was jarring, marked by physical injuries and the challenge of integrating her profound experiences into everyday life. Despite the initial shock and confusion, she emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and an unwavering belief in the continuity of life beyond physical death. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love and faith.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSThe Continuity of Existence: Sharon's experience underscores the belief that life does not end with physical death. Instead, it transitions into different forms and dimensions, offering a broader perspective on our journey.The Power of Love and Guidance: Her encounters with her stepfather and Jesus highlight the ongoing presence of love and guidance from higher spiritual beings, assuring us that we are never truly alone.Interconnectedness of All Life: Sharon's journey through the cosmos and her connection with an aquatic family on another planet emphasize the interconnectedness of all life forms, suggesting a universal bond that transcends earthly boundaries.In the gentle embrace of Sharon's narrative, we are invited to reflect on our own lives, to see beyond the veil of everyday existence, and to recognize the profound spiritual truths that lie within us. Her story is a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the face of death, there is a greater purpose and a love that endures.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Sharon Kumara.

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  • In the rich tapestry of human experience, few threads are as vibrant and transformative as those woven by encounters with the divine. On today's episode, we welcome Amber Cavanagh, a gifted psychic medium whose near-death experience offers profound insights into the nature of life, death, and the boundless realms beyond our earthly existence.Amber's journey began in the ordinary trappings of daily life, where she, like many of us, navigated the complexities of family, career, and personal challenges. She describes herself as always having been different, a psychic medium from her earliest memories, struggling with isolation and the difficulty of fitting in. Yet, it was a harrowing experience one December night that catapulted her into an extraordinary realm. "I woke up in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen in my entire life," Amber recounts, setting the stage for her otherworldly voyage.The onset of her transformative event was marked by a sudden, excruciating headache. Despite her familiarity with chronic tension headaches, this pain was unparalleled, signaling the onset of a carotid dissection that led to a massive stroke. Amber's description of her initial confusion and paralysis, coupled with the frustration of not being immediately believed by the paramedics, paints a vivid picture of the fragility and unpredictability of life.Her experience in the hospital was a blur of medical interventions and dire prognoses. Yet, as Amber was being prepared for a life-saving flight, she transcended her physical body, finding herself in a realm of indescribable beauty and peace. "Everything radiated God's love and energy," she explains, illustrating a place where every molecule was interconnected in a symphony of divine harmony. This garden, with its vibrant colors and serene ambiance, was a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding in the hospital.In this ethereal garden, Amber encountered her spiritual guides and loved ones, who offered her the choice to return to her earthly life or remain in this blissful state. The decision was hers alone, free from judgment or coercion. "God did not give me an opinion of what I should or shouldn’t do," she reflects. Instead, she was shown the potential futures that awaited her, both in staying and in returning. The prospect of an arduous recovery was daunting, yet the promise of a purposeful life dedicated to teaching and healing ultimately guided her decision to return.Amber's return to her body was marked by a grand mal seizure, a painful ordeal that she was mercifully spared from experiencing in full consciousness. Her subsequent recovery was as challenging as her guides had foretold, filled with moments of despair and questioning. Yet, it was this very struggle that forged a deeper understanding of patience and resilience, shaping her into a beacon of hope and wisdom for others.

    The Interconnectedness of All Life: Amber's experience highlights the profound connection between all living things, where every molecule is in harmonious communion with the divine.The Power of Choice and Free Will: In her near-death experience, Amber was given the freedom to choose her path without judgment, emphasizing the importance of free will in our spiritual journeys.Resilience Through Adversity: Amber's journey back to health illustrates that profound spiritual growth often arises from enduring and overcoming life's most challenging trials.In the luminous garden where Amber Cavanagh found herself, the essence of love and unity permeated every blade of grass and every drop of water. Her story reminds us that we are never truly alone, even in our darkest moments. The divine presence that cradled her in that otherworldly realm is always with us, guiding us gently towards our higher purpose.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Amber Cavanagh.

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  • In the gentle unfolding of today's episode, we welcome Dennis Bullock, a man whose journey has traversed the thin veil between life and death. His story is not just a recounting of events but a profound exploration of existence, a testament to the transformative power of near-death experiences.Dennis begins by painting a vivid picture of his life before his near-death experience. Raised in a Christian home but not particularly religious, his early years were marked by the close bond he shared with his mother. Her death, however, plunged him into a spiral of grief and substance abuse. Seeking solace in the transient highs of drugs, Dennis's life seemed a testament to the fleeting nature of earthly pleasures and the deep void left by a loved one's departure.The turning point came with a near-fatal experience involving a marijuana-laced cake. Dennis and his girlfriend, in their quest for a high, consumed a cake so potent it led to their bodies shutting down. This critical moment brought them face-to-face with death, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of our earthly existence. In the chaos of their failing bodies, Dennis dialed 911, setting the stage for his extraordinary encounter with the beyond.At the hospital, Dennis experienced what he describes as an out-of-body journey. He vividly recalls the sensation of popping out of his body, observing his physical form from a detached perspective. His description of this state is almost poetic, likening his ethereal hand to static on a television screen, filled with vibrant colors and a sense of boundless curiosity. It was in this state that he began to explore the world around him with an intensity and clarity that transcended ordinary perception.One of the most remarkable aspects of Dennis's experience was his ability to manipulate time and space. He describes stopping a drop of water in mid-air and observing it from multiple perspectives simultaneously. This newfound ability to alter reality and perceive it from different angles was both astonishing and enlightening, offering a glimpse into the limitless potential of the soul. "A drop of water was amazing," he marvels, capturing the childlike wonder and profound insight of his journey.In this state, Dennis also encountered a voice, gentle yet authoritative, reminding him of the choice he faced: to return to his body or remain in this ethereal plane. This voice, which he felt might have been God, emphasized the importance of free will and the gentle guidance offered to souls in transition. The decision to return to his body was his own, underscoring the autonomy and power inherent in every soul's journey.Upon returning to his body, Dennis was imbued with a wealth of knowledge about the nature of existence. He learned that souls come to Earth not to grow or learn but to experience. This profound insight challenges conventional beliefs about life and death, suggesting that our earthly experiences are meant to enrich our souls rather than serve as a school for growth. He also discovered that concepts like karma and eternal hell are human constructs, born out of belief rather than divine truth. Instead, he emphasizes that God is pure love, and our experiences, both in life and after death, are shaped by our perceptions and beliefs.

    Life is about experiences, not lessons. Our souls come to Earth to experience the richness of life, not necessarily to learn or grow in the traditional sense.We create our realities. Our beliefs shape our experiences, both in life and beyond. Hell, for instance, is a construct of the mind rather than a divine punishment.Love is the ultimate truth. The essence of all religions and spiritual teachings boils down to love, which is the true nature of God and the universe.In this profound conversation, Dennis Bullock offers a transformative perspective on life, death, and the journey of the soul. His near-death experience serves as a powerful reminder of the boundless potential within each of us and the divine love that underpins our existence.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dennis Bullock.

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  • In the timeless dance of existence, we find ourselves caught between the tangible and the ethereal. On today's episode, we welcome Jeffery Olsen, a man whose journey through unimaginable loss and celestial encounters beckons us to ponder the nature of life and beyond. Jeffery Olsen is a survivor of a devastating car accident that claimed the lives of his wife and youngest son, an event that forever altered his perception of reality.The story begins with a heart-wrenching recount of the accident. Jeffery's physical injuries were severe, including the loss of his leg, a broken back, and other critical damages. However, the most profound pain came from the immediate loss of his family members. As he lay pinned and helpless, the cries of his surviving son filled the air, driving home the brutal reality of his situation. "I couldn't believe half the family was gone," he recalls, highlighting the overwhelming guilt and regret that consumed him.In the depths of his despair, a remarkable transformation began. Jeffery describes a near-death experience where he felt enveloped by a tangible light, a bubble of serenity amidst the chaos. Within this light, he encountered his deceased wife, who urged him to return to their surviving son. This encounter, filled with love and urgency, marked the beginning of his journey back to life. "Our thoughts are more powerful than we realize," he muses, reflecting on the profound decision to return for his son.As Jeffery's consciousness moved about the hospital, he experienced a deep connection with everyone he encountered, feeling their emotions and histories as if they were his own. This sense of oneness, devoid of judgment and brimming with unconditional love, shifted his understanding of human existence. "I was aware specifically of every individual I encountered," he shares, emphasizing the profound unity he felt with all beings.His journey didn't end there. During his recovery, Jeffery had another profound experience where he felt the presence of a divine being, offering him forgiveness and love beyond measure. This encounter provided him with a life review, showing him the interconnectedness of his experiences and the lessons they held. "Your life is not a test; it's a gift," he was told, a revelation that reshaped his perspective on life's challenges and the concept of divine will.In the closing moments of his spiritual journey, Jeffery was given the choice to let go of his son, a moment filled with both heartbreak and peace. "I handed him over and woke up back in the hospital bed," he recounts, emphasizing the profound impact this experience had on his ability to cope with his grief and continue living.

    The Power of Intentions: Jeffery's experience underscores the significance of our thoughts and intentions, highlighting how they can shape our reality and guide our decisions even in the face of overwhelming adversity.Oneness and Unconditional Love: His journey emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the profound impact of unconditional love, encouraging us to view others without judgment and with a sense of deep empathy.Life as a Gift: The divine message that life is not a test but a gift invites us to embrace our experiences, learn from them, and approach life with gratitude and acceptance.In this profound conversation, we explore the depths of human resilience, the mysteries of the afterlife, and the boundless capacity of the human spirit to heal and transform. Jeffery's story is a testament to the enduring power of love and the extraordinary potential within each of us to rise above our darkest moments.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Jeffery Olsen.

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  • In the tapestry of life, some threads glimmer with experiences so profound they alter the entire fabric. On today's episode, we welcome Vincent Tolman, a man whose journey took him beyond the veil of death and back, bringing with him a message of immense love and understanding.Before his near-death experience, Vincent lived what many would consider an ideal life. He traveled extensively, worked in construction across the globe, and even dabbled in the film industry. Despite these adventures, he felt a persistent emptiness, a sense of chasing happiness that always seemed just out of reach. This restless pursuit led him to a pivotal moment on a seemingly ordinary day.On January 18, 2003, Vincent and a friend took a supplement that would unexpectedly change his life. Almost immediately, they began feeling unwell, and Vincent found himself collapsing in a Dairy Queen bathroom, his body succumbing to a toxic overdose. Unbeknownst to those around him, Vincent Tolman lay lifeless for nearly an hour, his soul embarking on an extraordinary journey.As Vincent describes, the transition from life to the other side was marked by an overwhelming sense of peace and vitality. He felt a cool, electrifying energy wash over him, alleviating all pain. His awareness expanded, allowing him to perceive the thoughts and emotions of everyone in the restaurant. He watched from above as paramedics arrived, initially treating his body as a lost cause. But one rookie medic, driven by an inexplicable determination, defied protocol and continued to administer life-saving measures.“Take the best love that you can have as a human being, the most unconditional, perfect love, and times that by eons by trillions, and it’s still just an eyelash to God's love,” Vincent reflects, sharing the most profound insight from his near-death experience. This boundless love, he explains, is not contingent on who we aspire to be but embraces us exactly as we are.

    Unconditional Divine Love: The love of the Creator surpasses any human understanding, embracing each of us as we are, in our most authentic form.Life Beyond Death: Vincent’s experience illustrates that consciousness continues beyond physical death, offering a different perspective on life and existence.Purpose in Life: Through his journey, Vincent realized the importance of living a life filled with purpose and authentic happiness, rather than chasing superficial success.In this profound conversation, Vincent Tolman shares his insights, urging us to embrace the divine love that surrounds us and to live each moment with authenticity and purpose. His story is a reminder that life’s true meaning often lies beyond the material and the visible, in the unseen threads of love and connection that bind us all.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Vincent Tolman.

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  • In the vast tapestry of human experiences, few threads are as illuminating as those woven by the hands of death and rebirth. Today, we are graced by the profound presence of Jane Thompson, a real estate agent whose near-death experience (NDE) has left an indelible mark on her understanding of life, love, and the interconnectedness of all souls.Jane Thompson was once deeply engrossed in the bustling world of real estate, a career that consumed her days and nights. Life was a whirlwind of responsibilities and aspirations, grounded by the love of a significant other. But on August 22, 2008, everything changed. Jane found herself in the emergency room, battling a severe illness that escalated into an extraordinary journey beyond the physical realm. As she recounts, “I could feel myself trying to leave my body, and it was a sensation unlike any other.”The morning of her NDE began with an ominous sense of malaise. Jane was feverish and in excruciating pain, her body refusing to respond to her commands. Despite the agony, she managed to call for help, which led her to a series of medical tests that ultimately culminated in a profound out-of-body experience. As she lay on the hospital bed, her consciousness began to detach from the corporeal shell that had housed her essence for 34 years.Floating above her body, Jane Thompson observed the scene below with a detached serenity. The harsh hospital lights, the concerned faces of loved ones, and the frenetic energy of the medical staff all seemed distant, like echoes from another world. She saw not just the physical forms, but the souls of those around her, connected by ethereal threads that shimmered like a spider’s web in the sunlight. It was a vision of unity and profound interconnectedness.Her journey then took her through a tunnel, a swift and exhilarating passage that ended in a realm of brilliant white light. In this space, Jane experienced an overwhelming sense of peace and unconditional love, feelings so deep and encompassing that they defy earthly description. “I felt almost as if I was blending with the white light,” she recalls, “but I was still my own unique vibration, my own unique self.” It was here, amidst this divine brilliance, that Jane understood her oneness with the universe.Yet, as is often the case with near-death experiences, this blissful state was not her final destination. An inaudible voice, carrying an undeniable authority, informed her that she had to return to her earthly existence. Despite her protests, Jane was drawn back through the tunnel and re-entered her body, a momentary flash of pain marking her reawakening in the physical world. Her journey was far from over, but the insights she gained would forever alter her perception of life and its purpose.

    The Interconnectedness of Souls: Jane’s experience highlights the profound truth that we are all connected by invisible threads of energy, each of us a unique vibration within the grand tapestry of existence.The Illusion of Separation: Her journey into the white light revealed that what we perceive as separateness is merely an illusion. We are all part of the same divine essence, interconnected and interdependent.The Power of Unconditional Love: The overwhelming sense of peace and love that Jane felt in the light serves as a reminder that unconditional love is the ultimate truth and the highest state of being.In conclusion, Jane Thompson’s near-death experience serves as a beacon of light in the often shadowy realm of human existence. It reminds us that beyond the physical and the mundane, there lies a reality of profound peace, unity, and unconditional love. Her story encourages us to embrace our spiritual journeys with open hearts and minds, knowing that we are all part of something infinitely greater than ourselves.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Jane Thompson.

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  • In the vast expanse of our existence, there are stories that transcend the ordinary, opening windows into the mysteries of life, death, and the realms beyond. On today's episode, we welcome Robin Landsong, an extraordinary individual whose journey through near-death experiences has gifted her with profound insights and a deep connection to the universal spirit.Robin Landsong's story begins in 1977, a time when the echoes of the Vietnam War still resonated and danger lurked in unexpected places. As a young girl, Robin was abducted by a soldier intending to fight in the Rhodesian war. "People asked, 'Did you know he was mentally not well?' and of course, he was threatening my life right away," she recalls. Her abduction led her to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where she faced unimaginable challenges and traumas, including being beaten and left in the bush by those who found her.In a moment of profound transformation, Robin was found by local villagers who, through their singing and nurturing care, provided her with a sense of belonging she had never known. "Their singing is different than my singing, but I'm just going to share just a little bit of that calling that drew me in to connect with them," she says. The villagers, with their warmth and music, healed her broken ribs and welcomed her into their community, giving her a glimpse of love and connection.However, this newfound sense of safety was shattered when she ventured back to the river and was shot by a soldier. As the bullet grazed her head, Robin's consciousness transcended her body, and she found herself in a tunnel of light. "I was looking down and watching my lifeforce ebb in and out of my body," she describes. This experience marked the beginning of her journey into the spirit world, where she encountered beings of light and wisdom.

    The Healing Power of Community and Music: Robin's connection with the villagers who sang to her highlights the profound healing that comes from community and the universal language of music. "One of the women sang to me, and in that moment, I collapsed into her arms. It was the first mothering, the first being held, that I'd ever experienced," she reflects.The Continuity of the Soul: Her near-death experience revealed the eternal nature of the soul and the interconnectedness of all life. In the spirit world, she was greeted by beings who had always known her, reinforcing the idea that we are never truly alone. "The women were at their skin was black, and they had yellow dresses, and I knew them. I remember them as my deepest sisters that they had always been there to greet me and I'd known them for lifetimes," she shares.The Power of Compassion and Connection: Robin's encounters with spiritual guides and beings emphasized the importance of compassion and connection in our lives. One of her guides, a man embodying peace, showed her a vast universe of connections, teaching her that "when we send compassion and generosity through those living lines of connection from our heart to another's, we live in the matrix of life."As Robin's journey continued, she was guided by a series of spiritual beings who helped her confront and release the traumas of her past. Each encounter brought her closer to understanding her true essence and the divine interconnectedness of all beings. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love and compassion.In the end, Robin's near-death experience was not just a personal journey but a universal lesson in the power of healing, connection, and the eternal nature of our souls. Her narrative encourages us to embrace our spiritual nature, to find solace in the connections we share with others, and to live with an open heart.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Robin Landsong.

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  • In the grand tapestry of existence, there are moments when the veil between the known and the unknown parts, revealing the mysteries that lie beyond. On today's episode, we welcome Dr. Lotte Valentin, a scientist whose journey through a near-death experience transformed her understanding of life, death, and the interconnectedness of all things.Dr. Lotte Valentin recounts her profound near-death experience with the precision of a scientist and the wonder of a seeker. It all began in the dead of night, when she was jolted awake by a pounding headache. "My soul is inside my body. But the next second, it's outside," she recalls, describing the sensation of tumbling through darkness, akin to a spacecraft hurtling through the void of space. This journey led her to what she calls the "bouncing station," a mid-point in her celestial travels where she was neither given a choice to stay nor leave but was sent back to the earthly realm.At this mid-station, Dr. Lotte found herself in a spirit form, surrounded by a light so pure and bright that it defied earthly description. "In the light, there is an outline of angels...that light is source," she explains, conveying a sense of profound love and interconnectedness. This light, she realized, is the source from which we all come and to which we return, a realization that brought her immense peace and clarity.As she continued to explore this otherworldly realm, Dr. Lotte encountered two spirit guides who communicated the urgent message that her time had not yet come. "How can I be outside my body and still be me?" she questioned, grappling with the reality of her experience. The spirit guides, embodying a wisdom beyond her comprehension, indicated that certain memories and understandings are controlled, allowing her to remember only what she needed for her earthly journey.

    Interconnectedness of All Life: Dr. Lotte’s vision of Earth surrounded by a shimmering, diamond-like fishnet illustrates the intricate web that connects every living being. "Everything on Earth is connected to each other, and everything on Earth is connected up to this grid," she explains, emphasizing the profound interconnectedness that binds us all.The Reality of Spirit Guides and the Spirit World: Her encounters with spirit guides and her subsequent experiences of clairvoyance and clairaudience highlight the reality of the spirit world. Dr. Lotte’s journey underscores that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, guided and protected by forces beyond our immediate perception.The Power of Unconditional Love and Light: The pure, unconditional love emanating from the light she encountered serves as a reminder of our divine origin and essence. "We come from that light, we are that light, we carry that light within us," she reflects, urging us to remember and embody this love in our daily lives.Dr. Lotte’s experience not only transformed her understanding but also activated latent abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. She began to receive messages, foresee events, and connect with the spirit world, gradually embracing these gifts despite her initial scientific skepticism. "After 12 years of this, I could not say, 'Okay, this is how it is. We are obviously spiritual creatures, we have a connection with the spirit world.'"Her journey from skepticism to acceptance illustrates the transformative power of direct experience. As she documented her visions and premonitions, their accuracy and consistency became undeniable, affirming her belief in a greater, interconnected spiritual reality. Her story is a testament to the fusion of scientific inquiry and spiritual awakening, showing that the two can coexist and enrich one another.In conclusion, Dr. Lotte Valentin's near-death experience offers profound spiritual insights, reminding us of our interconnectedness, the reality of the spirit world, and the power of unconditional love. Her story encourages us to embrace our spiritual nature and remain open to the mysteries that lie beyond our immediate perception.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Lotte Valentin.

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  • In the grand tapestry of existence, moments arise that stretch beyond the ordinary, guiding us towards an understanding of realms unseen and energies profound. On today's episode, we welcome Ken Leth, whose extraordinary journey to the edge of life and back unravels the mysteries that lie beyond our earthly experience.From the tender age of eight, Ken Leth found himself at the threshold of death, ensnared in a fierce battle with a relentless appendicitis. His tale begins with the agony of a misdiagnosed illness, where his body rebelled against itself, leading to days of harrowing pain and relentless vomiting. Ken's vivid recollection of his childhood ordeal paints a picture of vulnerability and tenacity, a prelude to the transcendental adventure that awaited him.As his body succumbed to the ravages of his illness, Ken's consciousness embarked on a journey that defies the confines of the physical world. "I remember laying there on the floor looking straight up, and all the color in my vision just faded to white," he recalls. This transition marks the beginning of an otherworldly experience where Ken's awareness floated free from his corporeal form, tethered by a tenuous cord, an ethereal connection to his earthly existence.In the void, Ken encountered entities that reflected the duality of the universe—spirits soaring upwards in joy and those mired in darkness. He describes seeing spirits ascend, liberated and jubilant, while he remained ensnared by malevolent forces. These dark entities, sensing his fear, intensified their assaults, embodying the shadows of our own fears and uncertainties. Ken's desperate plea, "Please, God, make them stop," echoed in the void, summoning a beacon of hope and light.An angelic presence emerged, radiating a brilliance that dispelled the darkness. This celestial being, emanating compassion and strength, rescued Ken from his tormentors. The angel's light was not just a beacon but a shield, protecting Ken and guiding him towards understanding and peace. This moment underscores a profound truth: in our darkest hours, the light of love and divine intervention can illuminate the path to salvation.

    Embrace Vulnerability: Ken's experience teaches us that acknowledging our vulnerability can be the first step towards profound transformation. In moments of utter helplessness, we open ourselves to divine intervention and the healing power of love.The Power of Faith: Ken's plea to God in his moment of desperation is a testament to the strength of faith. Believing in a higher power can summon forces of light and protection, guiding us through our darkest trials.Universal Love and Equality: The angel's message of universal love and equality reminds us that every soul, regardless of earthly distinctions, is cherished and valued in the eyes of the divine. We are all interconnected, part of a grander cosmic family.In the presence of the angel, Ken experienced an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance. The angel's light not only shielded him but nourished his spirit, a radiant reminder of the sustenance that divine love provides. This nourishment transcends physical needs, feeding the soul and affirming our inherent worth.Ken's journey did not end with the angel's protection. He was enveloped in a protective bubble, ascending towards a celestial realm where further revelations awaited. The angel's parting words and actions were imbued with a gentle wisdom, guiding Ken towards an understanding of his place in the cosmos and the unconditional love that binds us all.As Ken's experience illustrates, near-death encounters can offer profound insights into the nature of existence and the boundless love that awaits beyond the veil. These glimpses into the afterlife challenge us to reevaluate our lives, to seek deeper connections, and to embrace the divine light within ourselves and others.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Ken Leth.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/divine-encounters-near-death-experiences-nde-beyond--6215380/support.